Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6405 Coordinated offense and defense

The referee announced the start of the game, and Chen Xuan and the other two immediately stepped forward. They cooperated tacitly, one on the left and one on the right, surrounding Qin in the middle.

Qin's face was calm, he held a blue long sword, and the sword exuded a sharp sword energy. He smiled slightly, and his figure suddenly became erratic, like a breeze, unpredictable.

Chen Xuan and the other two were not to be outdone. Li Qingyun used the wind and thunder body method, Zhang Fengyun used the ice attack of Bing Xinxue, and Chen Xuan condensed the sword energy of the Liaoyuan Immortal Sword. The three cooperated tacitly, both offensive and defensive, forming a powerful attack formation.

"Come on, let me see your strength." Qin said lightly, and the sword energy was sharp.

Chen Xuan and the other two were also excited when they heard the words. They knew that this battle would determine their reputation in the world of immortal heroes.

The game began, and Chen Xuan and the other two launched attacks one after another, and the sword energy, thunder and ice attacked Qin one after another. Qin's body movements were agile, and he dodged the attacks with ease. Occasionally, he swung his sword to counterattack with extraordinary power. The situation on the field was fierce, and there was a lot of discussion in the audience. Everyone was amazed at the game. The strength of Chen Xuan and the other three opened their eyes, and Qin's body movements and superb sword skills were also amazing.

Time passed by, and the game entered a white-hot stage. Chen Xuan and the other two played their own unique skills and continued to attack Qin, while Qin was constantly responding, and there were dangers everywhere.

"The three of them cooperated so well, no wonder they won the game." Someone exclaimed in the audience.

"But Qin should not be underestimated. His body movements and sword skills are very exciting. This duel is so intense!" Another person was also full of blood.

At the most intense moment of the game, Chen Xuan suddenly used the trick of the Wanqian Shiyun Sword. His swordsmanship combined with the time and space fairy method, and the sword energy shuttled through the space, forming a time and space vortex.

Qin's face changed slightly, and he felt the threat from Chen Xuan's trick. Without hesitation, he used his body skills to avoid Chen Xuan's attack.

At this time, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun also took the opportunity to use their Fenglei body skills and Bing Xinxue's unique skills to form a pincer attack.

Qin frowned slightly, he felt the pressure, the three of them cooperated, the power was extraordinary. He focused on responding, constantly dodging attacks, and looking for opportunities to counterattack.

The game was extremely intense.

The three of them fought back and forth. Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun cooperated tacitly, showing their tacit understanding of practicing together for a long time.

Qin was not to be outdone, his swordsmanship was like a storm, interweaving into a sword shadow, and easily resolved Chen Xuan's three attacks. Bing Xinxue and Lei Tingfeng used the power of ice and snow and lightning respectively to enhance Qin's offense and defense.

The whole game became more and more intense, and the audience held their breath and watched this wonderful three-on-three battle intently. Every attack and defense confrontation was full of sparks, and everyone was impressed by the strength of the three groups of players.

Chen Xuan and the other two gradually felt the pressure. Their opponents were not easy to defeat. Especially Qin, his strength was unpredictable. Every time Chen Xuan and the other two attacked, he was cleverly avoided, which put them in a passive position.

"We have to think of a way. It's hard to defeat them with just the three of us." Li Qingyun whispered to Chen Xuan and Zhang Fengyun.

Zhang Fengyun nodded, and a firm light flashed in his eyes: "Let's use the Ten Thousand Time Cloud Sword together to see if we can break through their defense!"

Chen Xuan and Li Qingyun both agreed to this plan. The three of them once again worked together to display the absolute sword energy of the Ten Thousand Time Cloud Sword, which intertwined in space, forming a space-time vortex with amazing momentum.

Facing this more powerful attack, Qin and his two teammates also felt the pressure. They cooperated closely to resist this attack.

But Chen Xuan and the other three cooperated better. They were like three huge waves, impacting Qin and his two teammates. Sword energy, ice and snow, and lightning intertwined to form a spectacular picture.

Qin's face changed slightly, and he and his two teammates tried their best to resist Chen Xuan's three attacks. Their figures kept flashing, as agile as the wind, but they still couldn't get out of Chen Xuan's three attacks.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan and his three teammates increased their attack strength. They were determined to consume their opponents' strength as much as possible in this move.

Sword shadows, ice and snow, and lightning flew on the field, and violent energy fluctuations raged on the competition field. The entire competition field was in chaos, and the audience did not dare to act rashly for fear of being affected.

The game entered the peak stage, and Chen Xuan and his three teammates and Qin and his team launched a fierce confrontation. Qin's body movements were agile and he responded efficiently to Chen Xuan's three attacks. His two teammates were not to be outdone. They cooperated tacitly and tried to resist Chen Xuan's three attacks.

Time passed by, and the situation on the field became more and more tense. Three-on-three battles are not common, and the audience is also very involved. They hold their breath and stare at every move on the competition field.

Suddenly, Qin's eyes flashed with a fierce look. He saw the right opportunity and suddenly took a step forward, his body was as fast as lightning, ready to launch a counterattack.

Chen Xuan and the other two felt something was wrong, and they quickly adjusted their defenses to prepare for Qin's counterattack.

However, at this moment, Bing Xinxue and Lei Tingfeng suddenly changed. Bing Xinxue's ice and snow power instantly condensed to form a huge ice mirror, and Lei Tingfeng's lightning power also gathered into a thundercloud, and the two merged together.

"Combination skill!" Someone exclaimed in the audience.

The expressions of Chen Xuan and the others changed. They did not expect Qin's two teammates to have such superb combination skills. At this point, they had no time to change their tactics and could only resist with all their strength.

The power of the combined technique was extraordinary. The huge ice mirror and thunder clouds were emitted at the same time, forming a powerful energy wave that swept towards Chen Xuan and the others.

Chen Xuan and the others resisted with all their strength, but they were still knocked back a few steps by this powerful energy wave, and their bodies shook unsteadily.

"This, what a combined skill!" There was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

Qin's two teammates did not dare to neglect. They took the opportunity to launch an attack, forming a three-person offensive and launching a fierce attack on Chen Xuan and the others.

The figures of Chen Xuan and the three people flashed continuously. They tried their best to resist, but it was still difficult to resist the combined attack of these three people.

The game entered the most critical moment, and Chen Xuan's three men and Qin's three men launched a final decisive battle. None of them were willing to admit defeat, and everyone fought with all their might.

The atmosphere in the audience was extremely tense. Countless people held their breaths and their hearts beat faster.

Chen Xuan felt the power hidden in his body, and a firm determination rose deep in his heart. He knew that this moment was their only chance to turn things around.

"Chen Xuan, we must join forces, otherwise we will not be able to survive their combined skills!" Li Qingyun shouted anxiously.

"I understand." Chen Xuan tightly held the prairie fire sword in his hand, his eyes firm.

The three of them stood together in tacit understanding, like three mountains, indestructible.

Qin and his two teammates couldn't help but feel shocked when they saw Chen Xuan Sanrao's determination. They felt the powerful aura erupting from Chen Xuan and the others, which made them feel insurmountable.

"Are you ready?" Chen Xuan smiled faintly, with confidence in his voice.

"Ready!" Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun responded in unison.

Chen Xuan silently meditated on the unique skill of the Liaoyuan Immortal Sword, the Ten Thousand Times Cloud Sword, which he had practiced for many years. He combines swordsmanship with time and space magic, and condenses the beautiful moves of sword light and sword shadow.

The three of them attacked at the same time, and their sword energies intertwined, forming a brilliant ray of light. Their attack was different from before. This time there was no hesitation or reservation. They went all out to show their strength.

Three powerful forces collided in the competition arena, bursting out with dazzling light. The audience was stunned. They could not imagine that such powerful power came from three young practitioners.

Qin and his two teammates resisted with all their strength, but they gradually felt the pressure. Chen Xuan Sanrao's attacks became more and more fierce, and their offensive was like a giant mountain, unstoppable.

However, Qin was not willing to admit defeat. He gritted his teeth and persisted, trying to find loopholes. He knew that as long as he found Chen Xuan Sanrao's flaw, he would have a chance to reverse the situation.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly condensed, and he felt the subtle changes in Qin's attack. He immediately sent a message to Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun, and the three of them adjusted their tactics tacitly.

At the critical moment, Chen Xuan escaped Qin's attack. Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun quickly rushed to Qin and launched a fierce attack.

Qin was surprised to find that Chen Xuan was faster than he imagined. He had no time to react and was attacked by Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun.

"Chen Xuan, what are you doing?" Qin tried his best to resist, his heart filled with confusion and anger.

"This is our strength." Chen Xuan smiled lightly, with determination in his eyes.

Chen Xuan and Sanrao cooperated seamlessly. They relied closely on each other and maximized their attacks. Qin and his two teammates gradually fell into passivity.

At this moment, Chen Xuan swung his long sword and knocked Qin away.

Without Qin, the remaining two people would no longer be a threat.

Next, Chen Xuan and the others finally reversed the situation and defeated Qin and his two teammates.

No one could imagine that the game ended like this. Chen Xuan and the other three successfully advanced to the next round with their excellent cooperation and strong strength.

In the competition field, the audience was excited, and countless people cheered for Chen Xuan Sanrao's wonderful performance. They were moved by Chen Xuansanrao's courage and determination, and also recognized them.

Chen Xuan and the three of them stood side by side on the martial arts field. They know that there is still a long road ahead, but they have already reached a higher peak. In this world full of challenges, they will continue to work hard, continuously improve their strength, protect themselves and their friends, and face the difficulties and challenges in the future.

This is their dream and their mission. In this world, you can only survive by becoming stronger.

After Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun returned to the inn, they felt tired but also extremely excited. After all, they had just experienced a fierce game and won, so they were naturally in a high mood.

They decided to relax in the next two miles and regain their strength to prepare for the next finals. In the inn, they enjoyed Fengyun City's special delicacies and exchanged their feelings and thoughts during the competition.

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