Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6406 Standing side by side in the competition field

The next morning, Chen Xuan and the others decided to go to Fengyun City's trade market to buy some magic weapons to enhance their strength. In this world, there are various types of magic weapons, such as weapons, martial arts secrets, jade pendants, as well as elixirs to enhance strength and rare fairy grass.

The trade market in Fengyun City is very prosperous, with a dazzling array of magic weapons, and Chen Xuan and the other three are a little dazzled. They communicated with the stall owners carefully and carefully selected magic weapons suitable for their own practice.

When Chen Xuan was walking around the trade market in Fengyun City, he was suddenly attracted by a sword that looked very ordinary. This sword does not have a gorgeous appearance. Compared with other magic weapons, it seems a bit inconspicuous. However, the moment Chen Xuan touched the sword, he felt a mysterious energy coming from the sword body, as if there was an invisible tie connecting him to the sword.

Driven by curiosity, Chen Xuan asked the stall owner to remove the scabbard of the sword. He held the hilt of the sword tightly and suddenly felt a power surging deep in his heart. There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, as if the sword had some strange resonance with him.

"This sword is something special. It seems to have an unusual fate with you." The stall owner said with a smile.

"Special?" Chen Xuan asked doubtfully.

"Yes, although this sword looks ordinary, it contains a mysterious power. Maybe only you can sense its true power." The stall owner explained.

Chen Xuan was filled with excitement. He knew that in the world of cultivation, sometimes powerful magic weapons may not be suitable for him. Every cultivator has a unique path of cultivation, and this sword seems to be born just for him.

Without hesitation, Chen Xuan decided to buy the sword. He took the sword back to the inn. In the inn room, he held the sword again, trying to sense the mystery within it.

A faint light emitted from the sword, Chen Xuan closed his eyes and concentrated on it. Gradually, he seemed to enter a peaceful state, and he felt that there seemed to be an invisible bond intertwined between himself and the sword. His heart is full of strength, as if there is an infinite road of progress waiting for him.

Chen Xuan was full of curiosity and awe of the sword in his hand. He could feel a mysterious power contained in the sword, which seemed to have a special connection with him. He knew that this sword was of great significance to him, and it might be the key to improving his strength.

Chen Xuan sat in the inn room, put the sword in front of him, and felt the power in the sword. He closed his eyes and immersed himself in the breath of the sword, trying to have spiritual communication with the sword.

Under Chen Xuan's perception, the power in the sword gradually emerged. This is an ancient and powerful sword intent that seems to contain the natural laws of the earth. Chen Xuan felt a strange resonance between himself and the sword, as if the power in the sword was communicating with him, guiding his former schoolmate

He decided to start trying to control the sword. Chen Xuan put his palm close to the hilt of the sword, trying his best to immerse himself in the sword's intention. As he sensed it, the sword began to tremble slightly, and the sword body emitted a faint light.

Chen Xuan's heart moved, and he tried to gather his spiritual power and transfer it to the sword. With the injection of his spiritual power, the sword's light became brighter and brighter, and the sword's intention seemed to become clearer.

As he manipulated it, the power in the sword was gradually inspired. Chen Xuan felt a powerful sword energy surging in the sword body, as if there were thousands of troops galloping in the sword.

He waved his sword and tried to attack the void with his sword intent. Following his sword moves, sharp sword energy emerged out of thin air, cutting through the void and forming a diffuse sword light.

Chen Xuan gradually entered a strange state. He seemed to be integrated into the sword's intention and became one with the sword. His sword moves became more and more agile, and the sword intention contained an infinite power.

After Chen Xuan got the sword, he suddenly heard a message from the guardian of the Green Mountain Stone: "Son, this is a good thing!"

Chen Xuan was shocked. He didn't know why the Green Mountain Stone was like this, and he didn't expect that this sword actually attracted the attention of the guardian.

"Yes, it is indeed a good thing."

"Weapon spirit??" Chen Xuan responded carefully, becoming very interested in this mysterious existence.

"Haha, son, I am right about this sword. This sword is made from the aura of the earth. It is an extraordinary magic weapon. You are not lucky to be able to resonate with it, but I am not "Item Spirit." The guardian said proudly.

After hearing the guardian's words, Chen Xuan became more curious. He put his hand on the hilt of the sword, trying to sense the power contained in the sword. Sure enough, he could feel a powerful and mysterious energy surging in the sword, as if waiting for him to control it.

"What is this sword? Why is it so powerful?" Chen Xuan asked full of doubts.

"This sword is an ancient treasure. It has been baptized by the years and contains the power of the laws of the earth. It was once the portable magic weapon of a great sword immortal, and accumulated endless energy and wisdom. When the sword immortal died, I I will guard this sword in the hope that the destined person can carry it on forever," the guardian said slowly.

Chen Xuan was shocked when he heard this. It turns out that this sword has such a legendary origin and is the magic weapon of a sword immortal. The wisdom and power it contains make Chen Xuan excited.

"Haha, since you can resonate with this sword, of course you are the one destined for it." Guardian Dugu Longyun said with a proud smile, "I feel your sincerity and determination, and I am willing to pass this sword on to you. But Remember, this is an unusual sword, and owning it comes with added responsibilities and challenges. "

Chen Xuan's heart was agitated. He had never thought that he would get such a precious magic weapon. He nodded without hesitation and said firmly: "I am willing to accept this challenge. I will cherish this sword and use it to its fullest power."

"Very good. You have courage and determination. I believe you will become an outstanding swordsman." Dugu Longyun nodded approvingly, "From now on, you are the new owner of this sword. Remember, with it The deeper the connection, the more powerful you can be.”

Chen Xuan held the hilt of the sword tightly, feeling the mysterious power coming from the sword. He knew that this sword would become his right-hand man on the path of cultivation.

"Thank you, Senior Dugu Longyun." Chen Xuan bowed respectfully to Dugu Longyun, "I will continue to practice hard and live up to your expectations."

Dugu Longyun smiled and waved his hand, indicating that Chen Xuan didn't need to be too polite. Then, his voice rang in Chen Xuan's heart: "This sword has a long history and endless wisdom. I believe you can become an outstanding sword cultivator with this sword."

Chen Xuan felt Dugu Longyun's entrustment, and his heart was filled with determination. He is determined to use the sword to its fullest potential, not only for himself, but also to protect the friendships and dreams he cherishes.

In the next two miles, Chen Xuan and the others made full use of their time and purchased many magic weapons and cultivation resources in Fengyun City's trade market. In addition to some powerful elixirs and rare immortal grass, Chen Xuan also found a precious martial arts secret book called "Nine Thunder Techniques".

This martial arts secret book was inherited from the ancient Thunder Clan. It records the mystery of the power of thunder and lightning. It is a priceless treasure for Chen Xuan, a practitioner of the thunder attribute.

And Li Qingyun got a jade pendant embedded with sapphire, which can enhance the power of his water-based skills. Zhang Fengyun chose a defensive magic weapon, a jade pendant that could enhance his wind attribute skills.

Before the competition, the three made full use of these two days to practice and hone their skills. Chen Xuan tried to find more breakthrough points in his tacit understanding with the mysterious sword Dugu Longyun. As time passed, the three passed quickly, and the moment of the finals finally came. The competition will be held in the most solemn martial arts tower in Fengyun City, and all practitioners will compete for the final victory.

Chen Xuan and the others stepped into the martial arts tower, filled with confidence and determination. They know that this final will be a tough battle, but they are ready and willing to face all challenges for their dreams and friendship. They believe that as long as they work together and exert their strongest strength, they will be able to achieve final victory.

The game progressed to the team battle. Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun were facing three practitioners from another powerful sect. The strength of these three practitioners cannot be underestimated, and their tacit cooperation with each other is also excellent.

The game started and the two sides quickly started a fierce confrontation. The three of Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan have a perfect tacit understanding. They have proven Peter's ability to cooperate in previous games, and they also performed well this time.

Chen Xuan held the prairie fire sword in his hand. The sword's light was like lightning, cutting through the air like a stream of light, and quickly struck the opponent. Li Qingyun leaped into the air, condensing the power of thunder and lightning in his palms, and slammed into the enemy. Zhang Fengyun is agile and turns into a wind shadow, quickly shuttles between the battlefields and uses the power of wind to contain his opponents.

However, the opponents were not to be outdone. They transformed into three streams of light, quickly dodged Chen Xuan's three attacks, and then joined forces to deal with Chen Xuan.

The battle was extremely fierce, with both sides going back and forth, our enemies and our friends, showing the strength and fighting skills of top practitioners. The audience was excited, and the atmosphere in the martial arts tower reached a climax.

"Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun, we have to work harder!" Zhang Fengyun gritted his teeth.

"Yes, we can't lose!" Li Qingyun also boosted his morale.

Chen Xuan nodded, and the three of them looked at each other, their hearts filled with determination. They know that only by going all out can they win in this fierce team battle.

They launched the offensive again, and cooperated even more tacitly, forcing their opponents to retreat steadily. Chen Xuan transformed into a sword shadow, and his sword moves were unpredictable, as if thousands of troops were coming, forcing his opponent to retreat. Li Qingyun's power of thunder and lightning is even more powerful, just like the arrival of the God of Thunder, trapping the opponent in the thunder and light. Zheng Zhang Fengyun uses the power of wind to gallop like the wind and destroy the opponent's defense line unexpectedly.

At the critical moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt the power fluctuation from the sword containing mysterious energy. His heart moved, and the prairie prairie sword in his hand trembled slightly, and a white light shone on the sword.

"What is this?" Chen Xuan was confused, but he had no time to think about it, as the battle was still going on.

Suddenly, a scorching sword energy erupted from the prairie fire sword, burning like a flame and instantly cutting through the battlefield. This sword energy condenses Chen Xuan's will and the power of the prairie fire sword, and goes straight to the opponent's vital points.

The opponent was caught off guard and was hit by the sudden sword energy, and was immediately hit by the sun.

Chen Xuan was shocked. He didn't expect that this ordinary sword contained such powerful energy. He took a deep breath and became more familiar with the prairie fire sword.

With the blessing of the prairie fire sword, Chen Xuan Sanrao's offensive became even more fierce. They cooperated tacitly and forced their opponents to retreat. In the end, Chen Xuan and the others successfully suppressed their opponents with their excellent cooperation and strong strength.

After Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun won, the city lord of Fengyun City went to the competition field in person and awarded them victory rewards. The city lord looked deeply at the three young practitioners and nodded approvingly to them.

"Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun, Zhang Fengyun, your strength and cooperation have shown extraordinary talent and potential. As the city lord of Fengyun City, I am proud." The city lord said solemnly.

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