Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6407 Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun

Chen Xuan and the other three showed joyful smiles on their faces, and they were full of respect for the Lord of Fengyun City.

The city lord continued: "In order to commend you for your outstanding performance, Fengyun City specially grants you Fengyun City's treasure. This is a precious treasure passed down by Fengyun City through the generations. I hope you can continue to work hard and become stronger cultivators!"

Following the city lord's words, three dazzling tokens appeared in their hands. This is Fengyun City's highest honor, representing the city lord's recognition and trust.

Chen Xuan and the others were filled with emotion and excitement. They wore the tokens around their waists, and at this moment, they became the most dazzling presence in Fengyun City.

In the competition arena, Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun stood in the center of the stage, and the audience cheered for their victory. Amid the cheers, someone shouted: "Chen Xuan, you are so awesome!"

"I didn't expect those three young people to be so powerful. It's so exciting!"

"Their cooperation is so tacit and seamless!"

"The hope of Fengyun City, the power of the younger generation cannot be seen!"

Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun felt extremely excited and proud when they heard the audience's praise. They looked at each other with determination in their eyes.

"We succeeded!" Li Qingyun said excitedly.

"Yes, we overcame many difficulties, defeated powerful opponents, and finally won!" Zhang Fengyun clenched his fists excitedly.

Chen Xuan smiled: "All this is due to our efforts. Without your help, I wouldn't be able to do it alone."

Li Qingyun smiled and patted Chen Xuan on the shoulder: "Brother Chen Xuan, you are our leader. We can all see the efforts you make for your dreams. Your determination and perseverance inspire us to strive forward."

Zhang Fengyun also echoed: "Yes, brother Chen Xuan is our role model. We will always follow you and become stronger together!"

Chen Xuan felt the warmth of his friends, and felt an inexplicable touch in his heart. He knows that with their support and encouragement, they will be able to move toward a more glorious future together.

The three hugged each other on the competition field, celebrating their moment of victory. At this moment, they felt the deep friendship between them, a tacit understanding and trust that did not require words.

Amid the cheers of the audience, Chen Xuan and the others raised the treasure tokens in their hands toward Kong. This token represents their glory.

The city lord in Fengyun City looked at them and smiled, his heart full of expectations and hopes for these young people. He knew that Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun would be the mainstays of Fengyun City in the future, and they would bring infinite glory to Fengyun City.

The martial arts tournament is over, but Chen Xuan Sanrao's journey has just begun.

The city lord Yun Feng personally invited Chen Xuan to Sanran's mansion as a guest, which made Chen Xuan quite excited. The three of them followed the city lord's guards through the bustling streets of Fengyun City and arrived in front of a magnificent mansion.

The door of the mansion was open, and Chen Xuan and the others walked in. They saw that the courtyard was filled with all kinds of strange fairy grass, exuding rich spiritual energy. City Lord Yun Feng personally greeted them, smiling and looking at Chen Xuan and the others kindly.

"Chen Xuan, you three, welcome to my mansion. You performed well in the competition and were extraordinary in strength, which impressed me with admiration. This is a little thought from my city lord's mansion, please accept it." Yunfeng stretched out his hand and handed Chen Xuan and the others a box of exquisite boxes. .

Chen Xuan and the others took the box and opened it. There were three crystal clear elixirs inside. They immediately knew that this was a precious elixir refined by the city lord himself, which could enhance the strength of cultivators.

"Thank you City Lord for the reward!" Chen Xuan and the other three thanked them in unison, their hearts filled with gratitude. It is a great honor for them to be rewarded by the city lord.

"You're welcome, this is just my heart. You are young and promising, and you have a promising future. I admire your strength and courage very much. I hope you can achieve better results in the competition." Yunfeng said with a smile.

Chen Xuan and the other three were very happy with the city lord's praise, and they couldn't help showing bright smiles. City Lord Yun Feng is the ruler of Fengyun City, and being recognized and encouraged by him is a great encouragement to them.

"Lord City Lord, we can't thank you enough for taking such good care of us." Li Qingyun sincerely thanked you.

"Yes, Lord City Lord, your reward has benefited us a lot." Zhang Fengyun also expressed his gratitude.

Chen Xuan looked at City Lord Yunfeng with a smile, his heart filled with gratitude and respect. The city lord Yun Feng is the backbone of Fengyun City, possessing strong cultivation and wisdom. Chen Xuan felt honored to be recognized by him.

"You three are young and promising, and you are the pride of Fengyun City. The future development depends on you. But don't be too proud, there will always be endless challenges on the road of cultivation." Yunfeng said sincerely.

"Yes, Lord City Lord, we will keep your teachings in mind." Chen Xuan and the other three responded in unison.

City Lord Yun Feng looked at Chen Xuan and the others with relief in his eyes. He knew that these young practitioners had firm beliefs and unyielding will.

In the city lord's mansion, Chen Xuan and the others exchanged their cultivation experiences and understandings with the city lord Yun Feng. City Lord Yunfeng shared his many years of cultivation experience and gave Chen Xuan and the others some pointers. They talked and laughed happily, and communicated very happily with each other. In the mansion, City Lord Yunfeng also prepared a sumptuous banquet for Chen Xuan and the others. Chen Xuan and the others tasted the delicacies. They were in a happy mood and felt the warm hospitality of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Lord City Lord, your banquet is really sumptuous and delicious. We really enjoyed it." Chen Xuan praised with a smile.

The banquet went on very happily with laughter and laughter. City Lord Yun Feng and Chen Xuan talked about their respective cultivation experiences and combat experiences. They learned from each other and benefited a lot.

After a while, the banquet was over. Chen Xuan and the others bid farewell to City Lord Yunfeng, their hearts filled with gratitude and joy. The city lord personally invited them to the mansion as guests and gave them the elixir, which was a great encouragement and affirmation for them to come.

Back in the inn room, Chen Xuan and the other three exchanged their conversations with the city lord Yun Feng.

"We are so lucky to be rewarded by the city lord this time. The city lord is really kind to us." Zhang Fengyun said excitedly.

"Yes, his panacea will be of great help to our cultivation. We must make good use of this opportunity to improve our strength." Li Qingyun said excitedly.

Chen Xuan nodded in agreement. They all understood that it was a rare opportunity to be rewarded by the city lord. They decided to make good use of this opportunity, live up to the expectations of the city lord, and work hard to improve their strength.

In the next two miles, Chen Xuan and the others bought some magic weapons and elixirs at Fengyun City's trade market. After careful selection, they selected treasures suitable for their own cultivation, laying a solid foundation for their improvement in strength.

And one day, the city lord suddenly summoned Chen Xuan and the others.

After talking, Chen Xuan and the others learned that the city lord asked them to help kill an ancient dragon fairy wolf in Yunying Forest. If they killed it, they would receive the "Soul Bone Dragon Pill" as a reward.

When Chen Xuan and the others heard the city lord's request, a look of solemnity appeared on their faces. Yunying Forest is a dangerous forbidden land near Fengyun City, where many ferocious monsters and powerful fairy beasts live. The ancient dragon fairy wolf is the top existence among them, possessing terrifying power and ferocious attacks.

Li Qingyun frowned and asked with some worry: "Sir City Lord, the ancient dragon fairy wolf in Yunying Forest is a very fierce existence. Although the three of us are not weak, it may be difficult to deal with it."

City Lord Yun Feng smiled and waved his hand: "The three of you should be able to deal with the Ancient Dragon Immortal Wolf together. Moreover, with the help of the Extreme Dragon Immortal Pill, your strength will be greatly improved. If you can defeat the Ancient Dragon Immortal Wolf, I will reward you with one." Soul Bone Dragon Pill, this will be of great benefit to your cultivation."

When the city lord mentioned the Soul Bone Dragon Pill, Chen Xuan Sanrao's eyes lit up. Soul Bone Dragon Pill is an extremely precious pill that can help cultivators improve their bones and physique, thus greatly increasing their strength. For the three of them, this is a rare and valuable resource.

Zhang Fengyun said excitedly: "Lord City Lord, you can rest assured that we will do our best to complete your mission and defeat the ancient dragon fairy wolf."

Li Qingyun and Chen Xuan also agreed. The three of them have a great tacit understanding and match up perfectly. They are each other's most trusted comrades.

The city lord nodded with satisfaction and said with a gentle smile: "Very good, I believe you can do it. The ancient dragon fairy wolf haunts the depths of Yunying Forest. You must act with your heart and don't act rashly. Go now, I wish you good luck!"

Chen Xuan and the others saluted the city lord Yun Feng, then resolutely stepped out of the mansion and prepared to go to Yunying Forest.

At the entrance of Yunying Forest, Chen Xuan and the other three reconfirmed each other's tactics. They made full use of the effect of the Extreme Dragon Elixir, their spiritual power burst out, and their whole bodies were filled with fighting spirit.

After entering Yunying Forest, Chen Xuan and the others moved forward cautiously. There are dense trees growing in Yunying Forest, and the atmosphere is extremely depressing. From time to time, the roars of ferocious beasts can be heard, which makes people shudder.

The three of them are always vigilant and carefully looking for traces of the ancient dragon and fairy wolf. After a period of searching, they finally felt a powerful aura, as if a ferocious beast was waiting for them.

"It's right in front, are you ready?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice.

Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun nodded. The three of them stood in a tacit understanding and maintained the best cooperation with each other.

Gradually, a huge figure appeared in their sight, Zheng Gulong Fairy Wolf. It was tall and mighty, its fur shone with golden light, and its eyes revealed ferocity and majesty.

The ancient dragon fairy wolf discovered the existence of Chen Xuan Sanrao and let out a low roar, which seemed to shake the entire Yunying Forest. It showed no sign of weakness, opened its mouth wide, exposed its sharp teeth, and was ready to attack.

"Heart, its speed is extremely fast and its attack power is also very strong!" Zhang Fengyun warned.

Chen Xuan and the other three instantly entered a fighting state, giving full play to their respective strengths and skills. Li Qingyun's movements were agile and he was surrounding the Ancient Dragon Fairy Wolf like a ghost, looking for opportunities to attack. Zhang Fengyun waved the sword in his hand, turning into a sword light and striking the vitals of the ancient dragon and fairy wolf.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, condensed the peerless sword moves of the Liaoyuan Immortal Sword and launched a fierce duel with the Ancient Dragon Immortal Wolf. The attacks of the three of them were airtight, and they did not give the ancient dragon and fairy wolf the slightest chance to breathe.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the ancient dragon fairy wolf showed terrifying strength, and every attack carried devastating power. However, Chen Xuan and the other three cooperated tacitly and remained vigilant at all times to neutralize the attacks of the ancient dragon and fairy wolf.

After a fierce battle, Chen Xuan and the others finally found the flaw in the Ancient Dragon Immortal Wolf. In an attack, the three of them worked together and successfully severely injured the ancient dragon fairy wolf.

The Ancient Dragon Immortal Wolf let out a shrill roar, its body crumbling. It stared fiercely at Chen Xuan and the others, as if determined to perish with them.

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