"Don't take it lightly, its counterattack will be even more fierce!" Chen Xuan reminded.

Chen Xuan and the others gathered their strength again, preparing to give the ancient dragon and fairy wolf the final blow. They knew that only by defeating the Ancient Dragon Fairy Wolf could they obtain the Soul Bone Dragon Pill reward.

With the final blow, Ancient Dragon Immortal Wolf finally couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed to the ground. A strong spiritual energy surged out of its body and turned into a crystal clear Soul Bone Dragon Pill, floating in the sky.

Chen Xuan and the others were happy. They successfully defeated the Ancient Dragon Immortal Wolf and obtained the precious Soul Bone Dragon Pill. This elixir will be of great help to their cultivation.

After returning to Fengyun City, Chen Xuan and the others were shocked to find that the city lord Yun Feng had been killed. The city lord's palace fell into chaos. Angry guards looked for the murderer everywhere, but the clues were not obvious.

Chen Xuan and the others decided to launch an investigation in person. They knew that the death of the city lord Yun Feng would be a huge blow to Fengyun City and may also cause civil strife and chaos. They hope to find the murderer and avenge the city lord.

First, Chen Xuan and the others visited the various guards and followers in the city lord's palace. They patiently questioned everyone, trying to find some useful clues. It was learned from a guard that the city lord Yun Feng had been to a hidden valley before his death, and he seemed to have been attacked on his way back.

Chen Xuan and the others immediately came to the valley and after careful search, they discovered some suspicious points. On a stone wall in the valley, there were deep sword marks left, which looked like traces of battle. This indicates that the city lord Yun Feng may have fought the murderer here.

Immediately afterwards, they discovered some residual spiritual energy fluctuations nearby. Through induction, Chen Xuan confirmed that these spiritual energy fluctuations did not come from the city lord Yunfeng. This means that City Lord Yunfeng may have communicated with other practitioners before encountering the murderer, and these practitioners may be his murderer.

Chen Xuan and the others decided to return to Fengyun City to investigate the cultivators in the city. One by one, they found those practitioners who had had contact with the city lord Yun Feng, and made detailed inquiries, trying to find out any clues about the murderer.

After some investigation, they learned that the day before the death of City Lord Yun Feng, he had a private meeting with a practitioner named Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan is a talented man who practices swordsmanship. He has extraordinary strength and once stood out in Fengyun City.

Chen Xuan and the others had a doubt in their hearts, and they decided to go find Ye Xuan to see if he was related to the death of the city lord.

After finding Ye Xuan, Chen Xuan and the others noticed that he looked a little embarrassed, and there were still some spiritual energy fluctuations left on his body. Ye Xuan obviously noticed Chen Xuan's gaze, and his expression became nervous.

"Ye Xuan, we are here to investigate the cause of the death of City Lord Darao. You have had a meeting with the City Lord. Can you tell us what happened at that time?" Chen Xuan asked gently.

Ye Xuan's face changed slightly, he hesitated, and finally answered calmly: "Yes, I once had a meeting with the Lord of the City. At that time, he came to me and asked about practicing swordsmanship, and we had a discussion. But then , I left the City Lord's Mansion and never saw him again. "

Chen Xuan and the others scrutinized Ye Xuan's answer and found that his performance was a bit too nervous.

"Ye Xuan, was the city lord injured when you were sparring?" Li Qingyun keenly noticed the scars on Ye Xuan's body.

Ye Xuan's face became even more nervous, but he still denied it forcefully: "No, I didn't hurt him during our sparring session."

"Where did these scars come from?" Zhang Fengyun suddenly pointed to the scars on Ye Xuan's arm.

Ye Xuan could no longer hide it, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

When Chen Xuan and the others heard Ye Xuan's explanation, they felt shocked and angry. It turns out that this Ye Xuan is actually from the Demon Sect, and his previous hesitation and nervousness were all disguised.

"You are actually from the Demon Sect! The Lord of the City trusted you so much, but you betrayed him!" Li Qingyun asked angrily.

Ye Xuan's face turned ferocious in the darkness, and he smiled sarcastically: "Trust? How can the Lord of the City trust a cultivator like me? The existence of the Demon Sect itself is what they are afraid of. I just took the opportunity to get close to the Lord of the City, for The magic gate is just doing something."

Chen Xuan and the others felt angry and saddened by Ye Xuan's betrayal. The city lord Yunfeng has always been their role model and mentor, but Ye Xuan ruthlessly betrayed this trust.

"Ye Xuan, your betrayal will not succeed. We will avenge the city lord and will never let you continue to act recklessly!" Zhang Fengyun waved the sword in his hand, emitting a cold light.

"Hahaha, revenge? Do you think you have this ability?" Ye Xuan smiled mockingly, and his body flashed, turning into a black shadow to escape.

But how could Chen Xuan and the others let him escape? The three men followed closely and launched an intense pursuit. Although Ye Xuan is powerful, he cannot escape the pursuit of Chen Xuan Sanrao.

On the streets of Fengyun City, Chen Xuan and the others started a fierce battle with Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan transformed into a black shadow and was very fast. From time to time he would flash beside the three of them and launch fierce attacks. The three of them, Chen Xuan, stuck to their formation and worked together to resist Ye Xuan's offensive.

The battle was in full swing, attracting the attention of many road warriors. The cultivators from Fengyun City came to watch the battle one after another, marveling at this fierce confrontation.

Ye Xuan became more and more crazier as he fought. He attacked Chen Xuan and the others mercilessly, trying to defeat them. Chen Xuan and the others responded calmly, constantly wearing down Ye Xuan's strength and forcing him into a difficult situation.

Just when the battle was heating up, suddenly, a powerful aura came from a distance. Chen Xuan and the three of them all felt the power and ferocity of this aura.

"No, it's other masters!" Li Qingyun's face changed drastically.

"This is getting more and more interesting. There are actually other experts coming to intervene. It seems I have to leave first." Ye Xuan sneered and swayed, trying to escape.

But how could Chen Xuan and the others let him get his wish? They understood that these masters who suddenly appeared were probably Ye Xuan's accomplices, and they were coming menacingly.

So the three of them chased Ye Xuan without hesitation and never let him escape. But during the battle, a deafening roar was suddenly heard, followed by a powerful force attacking the three of them.

Chen Xuan and the others had to give up chasing Ye Xuan and instead deal with this unexpected new burden. Just as they recovered, they saw a huge flame flying towards them, like a ferocious fire dragon, rushing towards them.

The three people hurriedly raised their defenses, but the power contained in this flame was extraordinary. The flames hit Chen Xuan Sanrao's defense, immediately causing them to feel tremendous pressure.

"What's going on? Is there a higher-level existence coming in?" Zhang Fengyun's face was a little solemn.

Chen Xuan also felt a little thorny. Although they were strong, they were still unable to cope with such a powerful enemy.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the flames. He was wearing a red robe, with a handsome face and noble temperament, like a god in flames.

"A master from the Fire God Sect!" Li Qingyun recognized his identity.

The Fire God Sect is a major force near Fengyun City. It specializes in fire-attribute skills. Its disciples are powerful and famous.

"It seems that you are Ye Xuan's accomplices, let's die together!" The disciples of the Fire God Sect looked at Chen Xuan and the others indifferently, flames surged in their hands, and they were ready to attack again.

Chen Xuan and the others were in danger. They were facing the double pressure of Ye Xuan and the disciples of the Vulcan Sect. They know that the situation at hand is very unfavorable and they must find a way to reverse the situation.

"We must work together to deal with the disciples of the Fire God Sect and deal with him first!" Chen Xuan whispered to everyone.

San Rutou followed Chen Xuan's footsteps and tried to join forces to deal with the Fire God Sect disciples. However, the disciple of the Vulcan Sect was extremely powerful, and the flame offensive in his hands was extremely sharp, making it difficult for the three of them to achieve an effective breakthrough.

Just when Chen Xuan and the others were in a bitter fight, Ye Xuan took advantage of the situation to escape. With his agile body skills and magic skills, he quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Damn it! He escaped!" Zhang Fengyun roared.

At this time, the three of them no longer cared about chasing Ye Xuan, and had to deal with the Vulcan Sect disciples in front of them with all their strength. The battle progressed more and more intensely, and Chen Xuan and the other three were already covered in scars.

However, at the critical moment, a more powerful aura suddenly came from the direction of the City Lord's Mansion. In the sky above the City Lord's Mansion, a huge figure was slowly flying towards him.

Everyone looked up and were stunned to see a huge white phoenix cloud bird with a tall body and gorgeous wings. Its eyes revealed endless majesty.

"That's the Phoenix Divine Bird!" Li Qingyun exclaimed.

Chen Xuan and the others also felt the amazing power contained in Fengyun Divine Bird. It was a breath that was connected to the earth, and seemed to have infinite power.

Fengyun Divine Bird flew in front of everyone, and an old man with immortal demeanor appeared beside it. He is wearing a white robe, has an immortal spirit, and his eyes are like lightning. He is one of the elders of Fengyun City.

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