Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6412 The remnants of the Demon Sect were killed

After the remnants of the Demon Sect were killed, Fengyun City regained its tranquility. Chen Xuan and the other two celebrated their victory together with the city lord and the warriors of Fengyun City, and were filled with emotion. The city lord personally commended Chen Xuan Sanrao for their heroic performance and praised their courage and wisdom.

Later, Chen Xuan and the others decided to practice in Fengyun City for a period of time to understand the changes in the world. They came to the most secluded place in Fengyun City to practice in seclusion, absorbing the earth's spiritual energy and improving their strength.

Chen Xuan was calm and immersed in the realm of cultivation. He reviewed the scenes in the battle in his mind and reflected on the fighting skills and the use of spiritual energy. He is well aware of his shortcomings in combat. Only by constantly practicing can he reach a higher level and better protect Fengyun City and the people around him.

Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun also devoted themselves to cultivation. They closed their eyes and concentrated, comprehending the way of cultivation. Li Qingyun is looking for a breakthrough in the time and space magic, hoping to be able to use the power of time and space more flexibly. Zhang Fengyun is honing his body and combat skills to increase his strength.

Day after day, Chen Xuan and the others spent their time practicing, and time seemed to stand still. During the days of seclusion, they realized a lot, broke through many bottlenecks, and their strength was significantly improved.

The city lord and the elders of Fengyun City did not dare to neglect. They have been working hard to restore order in Fengyun City. The city lord showed extraordinary leadership skills and worked closely with the elders to strengthen the city's defenses and restore order in the city. Fengyun City once again glows with its former glory.

Finally, after practicing for a period of time, Chen Xuan and the others felt that they had reached a new realm. They exchanged their cultivation experiences with each other, made progress together, and the tacit understanding between them became deeper.

The city lord learned that Chen Xuan and the others were preparing to leave Fengyun City, so he specially summoned them.

"Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun, Zhang Fengyun, you have made great achievements for Fengyun City. On behalf of the entire Fengyun City, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you!" the city lord said solemnly.

Chen Xuan and the other three people saluted quickly, saying that they did not dare to do so.

The city lord continued: "Your strength has improved greatly during this period. I can see your persistence and love for cultivation. You are the pride of Fengyun City and our hope. I hope you can continue to work hard and continue to work hard." Grow and become a stronger pillar of Fengyun City in the future!

Chen Xuan and the other three solemnly said: "City Lord, we will live up to your expectations. We will always remember Fengyun City's kindness to us. No matter where we are, we will be proud of Fengyun City and win glory for Fengyun City." ! "

The city lord nodded and smiled with satisfaction, then handed Chen Xuan a storage bag.

"These are some miraculous elixirs and secret techniques. I hope they will be helpful to your practice. It can also be regarded as a little bit of our Fengyun City's affection for you. I wish you a smooth journey and a bright future!"

Chen Xuan took the storage bag and was extremely grateful. He knew that these miraculous elixirs and secret techniques would be of great benefit to their practice.

The city lord added: "I heard your plan to go to Yunying Forest. There are many dangers there, so be careful. But because of this, there are many treasures and cultivation resources there, which will be of great benefit to your growth. However, I advise you. It is best for the three of them to go together and look after each other. Although the remnants of the Mo Feng Yun Sect are eliminated, their power cannot be underestimated, and there may be remnants that can escape. "You must act with caution."

Chen Xuan and the other three nodded quickly, saying that they would remember the city lord's teachings.

At the moment of parting, the city lord shook hands with Chen Xuan and the others tightly. The elders of Fengyun City also came to say goodbye. They were full of praise and expectations for Chen Xuan and the others.

In Fengyun City's city lord's palace, Chen Xuan, Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun had slightly reluctant emotions intertwined with each other. This period of training and fighting together made their friendship deeper.

"Chen Xuan, you have been with me all the way!" Li Qingyun patted Chen Xuan on the shoulder and blessed him.

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded, thanking him: "You must also pay attention to safety. We practice separately, and I don't know when we will meet again. But I believe that we will eventually get together again to meet greater challenges together!"

Zhang Fengyun clenched his fists and said firmly: "Yes, we will continue to work hard and strive to meet again as soon as possible. Chen Xuan, please take care of yourself and don't let us worry!"

Chen Xuan smiled, feeling the deep friendship between them, and his heart was filled with emotion and emotion.

"I will, and you should take good care of yourselves. Take care!" Chen Xuan bowed to them again, then turned and left the City Lord's Mansion.

As he set foot on the road to Yunying Forest alone, Chen Xuan was filled with both expectation and apprehension. He knew that this was a journey of cultivation and a test of his own strength.

Yunying Forest is located on the edge of Fengyun City. It is a vast mysterious forest. It is said that there are countless cultivation resources and treasures hidden here, attracting countless cultivators to come and explore. But at the same time, there are also many dangers here, and there are all kinds of dangerous fairy beasts hidden here.

After entering Yunying Forest, Chen Xuan immediately felt the rich spiritual energy in the air. He continued to absorb the earth's spiritual energy and felt the changes in his body. The circulation of spiritual energy in his body became smoother, and his cultivation level steadily improved.

In the forest, there are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and animals, and the scene is magnificent. However, Chen Xuan was not attracted by these beautiful scenery. He was always vigilant and ready to deal with possible dangers.

And when Chen Xuan went deep into the forest, a huge fairy beast suddenly appeared in front of him. This fairy beast has jet black hair all over its body, and its ferocious face reveals its powerful power.

Chen Xuan immediately felt the hostility of the immortal beast, and his heart sank, knowing that this was an extraordinary battle. But he did not back down, but instead aroused stronger fighting spirit.

"Come on!" Chen Xuan concentrated his energy, holding the prairie fire sword in his hand, and his body was like lightning, preparing to face the attack of this fairy beast.

The immortal beast let out a shocking roar, opened its huge mouth, and rushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan nimbly avoided the attacks of the immortal beasts and launched violent counterattacks from time to time. Every sword strike was as hot as a flame, causing the immortal beast to feel searing pain.

However, this immortal beast was extremely powerful, and its body's hardness prevented Chen Xuan's sword strikes from causing substantial damage. Chen Xuan was secretly worried. He knew that it would not be easy to defeat this immortal beast.

The battle continued for some time, the fairy beast became more and more angry and its attacks became more violent. Chen Xuan felt that the pressure on him was increasing, but he did not back down. On the contrary, there was a feeling of enlightenment in his heart.

"I can't be passively beaten, I have to find its flaws!" Chen Xuan's thoughts turned quickly, and he began to look for the fairy beast's weaknesses.

Immortal beasts have huge bodies and relatively slow speeds. Chen Xuan had a flash of inspiration and decided to take advantage of his body skills to quickly bypass the attack of the fairy beast and look for the opportunity to attack.

Chen Xuan's body was strong and his spiritual energy flowed like a breeze, quickly bypassing the side of the immortal beast. He seized the opportunity and swung the prairie fire sword. The sword light flashed and hit the fairy beast's neck.

The fairy beast felt the danger and wanted to dodge, but Chen Xuan's sword light was too fast and there was no chance. The prairie fire sword cut through the space and struck directly on the neck of the immortal beast.

A bright sword mark appeared on the immortal beast's neck, and blood splattered. The fairy beast let out a shrill roar and its body shook unsteadily.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Xuan quickly avoided it and temporarily stopped attacking. He knew that the immortal beast was not completely dead yet, and if it was angered again, it would probably be even more dangerous.

Sure enough, the fairy beast stared at Chen Xuan angrily, with murderous intent in its eyes. It prepares for a final assault.

Chen Xuan knew that he could no longer delay. He concentrated his attention and mobilized his spiritual energy to prepare for the final attack of the immortal beast. This will be a life and death battle!

Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan Fairy Sword tightly, and spiritual energy surged throughout his body. His eyes were firm and he showed no intention of flinching. Facing this powerful fairy beast, he knew that only by going all out could he have a chance of survival.

The fairy beast attacked again, as fast as lightning and with astonishing power. Chen Xuan stared closely at the movements of the immortal beast, sensing its every move with all his concentration.

Chen Xuan was as agile as a civet cat, nimbly dodging the attacks of the fairy beasts. Under his command, the prairie fire fairy sword turned into sword lights, flashing in staggered directions, constantly testing the weaknesses of the fairy beasts.

However, the fairy beast is very cunning. It sometimes evades and sometimes fights back, never giving Chen Xuan any chance. The two came and went and started a fierce battle.

As time passed by, Chen Xuan gradually felt tired. The strength of the immortal beast was beyond his imagination, and such a duel made him feel unprecedented pressure.

However, Chen Xuan did not give up, he knew victory was coming. He constantly adjusted his tactics and looked for flaws in the immortal beasts.

In a fierce confrontation, Chen Xuan caught a flaw in the fairy beast. A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the prairie fire sword slashed down in the air.

The fairy beast wanted to escape, but it was too late. The prairie fire sword pierced the air and took the immortal beast's body straight away.

There was a loud noise, and the immortal beast was severely injured. Its body trembled, but it did not fall completely. Chen Xuan knew that this blow had seriously injured him, and he had another chance.

He didn't hesitate and attacked again. The sword light bloomed like a flame, and the prairie fire sword danced in his hand, sweeping over like a dragon of light and shadow.

The fairy beast roared and tried to fight back, but it was already at a disadvantage. Chen Xuan's attacks became more and more fierce, and his spiritual energy surged, making his strength reach its peak.

In the end, Chen Xuan's sword light hit the immortal beast's vitals directly. The immortal beast let out its final roar, and its body fell hard, and there was no more movement.

Chen Xuan won! He held the prairie fire sword tightly, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and his whole body was filled with the joy of victory.

"This fairy beast is really powerful. Fortunately, I defeated it in the end." Chen Xuan was filled with emotion, and at the same time he was grateful for his persistence and determination in the previous battle.

During the battle, Chen Xuan gained a deeper understanding of his own strength. He knows that he still has a lot to improve, and the journey of cultivation is still long.

After a brief breather, Chen Xuan began to search for the corpse of the immortal beast. On the body of the immortal beast, he found a crystal clear elixir, which was the essence of the immortal beast's Dantian and contained rich immortal-level aura.

Chen Xuan was ecstatic to get this pill. This is a very valuable cultivation resource that will be of great help to his cultivation.

However, Chen Xuan knew that he could not stay here for long, he had to move on and look for more opportunities to practice. So, he headed deeper into the forest.

During his training journey in Yunying Forest, Chen Xuan encountered more fairy beasts and faced more challenges. However, every battle made him stronger and stronger.

Deep in the forest, Chen Xuan bathed under the waterfall, and then absorbed the inner elixir of the immortal beast, improving his strength a little.

Chen Xuan felt the wash of the waterfall, and the cool water droplets penetrated his skin, making him feel refreshed. He stood under the waterfall, closed his eyes and concentrated, and began to absorb the inner elixir of the immortal beast he had defeated before.

The inner elixir contains rich immortal-level spiritual energy, and Chen Xuan's whole body is filled with spiritual energy, swallowing up the energy in the inner elixir. He felt that his strength was improving little by little, the spiritual energy in his body became stronger and stronger, and his physical body became stronger.

While Chen Xuan was practicing, a slight dragon roar came to his ears. He opened his eyes and looked towards the source of the sound, only to see a golden dragon rooster circling and flying in the distance.

This golden-horned dragon chicken is a rare fairy beast. Although it is not as powerful as the previous fairy beasts, it cannot be underestimated. It has golden scales and sharp dragon horns, and contains powerful spiritual energy.

Chen Xuan knew that this was a new challenge. He faced the Golden-horned Dragon Rooster without hesitation, swung the prairie fire sword, and his aura turned into sword light, slashing towards the Golden-horned Dragon Rooster.

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