Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6413 Golden Horned Dragon Chicken

The golden-horned dragon rooster did not show weakness. It spread its wings and condensed its spiritual energy into a dragon-shaped aura, which collided with Chen Xuan's sword light. The two intertwined, and a burst of strong energy fluctuations erupted, shaking the surrounding trees to their core.

Chen Xuan concentrated on fighting. His swordsmanship was like a streamer movie, as fast as lightning. He flexibly bypassed the attacks of the Golden-horned Dragon Chicken and constantly tested its weaknesses.

Not to be outdone, the golden-horned dragon rooster waved its horns and released a sharp breath, trying to pierce Chen Xuan's defense. But Chen Xuan evaded flexibly and did not give it any chance.

The battle lasted for a while, and Chen Xuan gradually found the flaw in the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken. He suddenly increased his offensive, and the prairie fire fairy sword turned into sword shadows, like meteors piercing the night sky and going straight for the golden-horned dragon rooster's vitals.

The golden-horned dragon rooster was horrified to find that it was surrounded by Chen Xuan. It neighed, and its spiritual energy burst out, trying to break free.

However, Chen Xuan had already found a way to defeat it. His sword light became more and more fierce, and his spiritual energy surged, defeating the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken's defense line.

In the end, Chen Xuan's sword light hit the vital part of the golden-horned dragon rooster. The golden-horned dragon rooster neighed for the last time, and its body fell hard, and there was no more movement.

Chen Xuan won. He felt the joy of victory after the battle, but also felt a little tired. The battle was very fierce for him, but it also improved his strength even more. He checked the body of the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken again, looking for any other gains. In the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken, he found a crystal clear inner elixir, which is the essence of the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken's Dantian and contains rich immortal-level aura.

Chen Xuan was overjoyed to get this elixir. He felt the flow of spiritual energy in his body and knew that this pill would be of great help to his practice.

After a short rest, Chen Xuan continued to move towards the depths of Yunying Forest. He knew that the path of cultivation would never end, and he must continue to work hard to continuously improve his strength.

Chen Xuan had just successfully defeated the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken and felt the surge of spiritual energy in his body. He was about to take a rest when suddenly, there was a sound of silent footsteps. Several figures quickly approached, and their every move showed hostility.

Chen Xuan stood up alertly and glanced sharply at these strange warriors. All of them were agile and the weapons in their hands shone with cold light. They were obviously not good people.

"Son, you did a good job just now. You actually defeated the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken. It seems that you are not weak. However, we recognize this Yunying Forest as a family property. Now you have to hand over your harvest obediently. Otherwise, don't blame me. We are ruthless!" The leader of the warriors said with a sinister smile, his words revealing cunning.

Chen Xuan's face darkened. He knew that these people were definitely not kind, and they were obviously eyeing the trophies he had obtained from defeating the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken. However, he has never been afraid of any challenge, and he will not easily hand over his hard-earned fruits to these gangsters.

"Hmph, you think I will be scared by you? Not even in your dreams!" Chen Xuan sneered, holding the prairie fire sword in his hand, and stood there without flinching.

"Hehe, you are a bit brave, but you are still an ant after all. Let's join forces and crush you easily!" The leader of the warriors chuckled, and then surrounded Chen Xuan with several others.

The battle was about to break out. Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed and spiritual energy surged in his body. He no longer held back and used his unique swordsmanship without hesitation. The prairie fire sword flashed through the air with streaks of sword light, pointing directly at the enemy's vital points.

Several warriors are also very skilled. They work together and display different martial arts. One of them was agile and dodged Chen Xuan's sword light, and stabbed Chen Xuan's chest fiercely with the spear in his hand.

Chen Xuan's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly waved the prairie prairie sword to resist the spear attack. Violent crashes resounded through Yunying Forest, and the surrounding trees shook due to the battle.

Another warrior controlled the flying sword, condensed his spiritual energy, and the flying sword turned into a silver light and shot towards Chen Xuan quickly. Chen Xuan quickly moved around and nimbly dodged the attack of the flying sword.

The battle was extremely fierce, with sword light and aura flashing around Chen Xuan. He moved freely amidst the siege of the enemy, exerting the power of the prairie fire sword to its maximum.

He continued to perform lightning-fast sword moves, and each move was sharp and intimidating to the enemy. Although several warriors were not weak in strength, they seemed exhausted under Chen Xuan's sword.

"This guy is really tough, but he is just a loner, how can he be our opponent!" One of the warriors sneered, but he was also a little worried in his heart.

As the battle progressed, Chen Xuan gradually felt that his strength was growing. His sword skills became more powerful, each move became more proficient, and his body skills became more agile, making it effortless to avoid enemy attacks.

However, several warriors on the other side gradually fell into passivity. They found it increasingly difficult to resist Chen Xuan's attacks. Chen Xuan's strength obviously exceeded their expectations, causing them to fall into panic.

"Hurry up and join forces, don't be fooled by him!" The leading warrior shouted loudly. They realized that they must work together to defeat Chen Xuan.

As a result, several warriors began to cooperate closely. They displayed their unique martial arts skills and condensed their spiritual energy to form powerful offensives. They tried to trap Chen Xuan and not give him any chance to breathe.

Chen Xuan felt the pressure increasing, and he knew that the other party was getting serious. But he did not flinch. Facing the offensive that troubled him, spiritual energy surged throughout his body, and his sword skills became even more fierce.

The battle became fierce, and sword light and spiritual energy intertwined to form a gorgeous and colorful picture. Chen Xuan was entangled with several warriors, and every move was a fatal attack, which was shocking.

Time seemed to slow down, and in the atmosphere of battle, every moment seemed extremely precious. Chen Xuan's whole body was bathed in spiritual energy, his sword skills became more and more proficient, and his body movements became more agile.

Finally, after a complicated fight, Chen Xuan caught the opponent's flaw, and the prairie fire sword turned into a ray of light and accurately stabbed the enemy's vitals.

A scream rang out, and one of the warriors was hit by Chen Xuan and hit the ground hard. The expressions of the remaining people changed drastically. They did not expect that Chen Xuan would be so powerful.

"This is too scary, let's retreat quickly!" One of the warriors shouted in horror, and they realized that continuing to fight would only make it more miserable.

As a result, several warriors retreated and tried to escape from the battle. But how could Chen Xuan let them go? He pursued them, swung the prairie fire sword, and chased the enemy with sword light.

After a fierce battle, several warriors were all defeated by Chen Xuan. They were defeated and had no choice but to escape. Chen Xuan did not pursue him. He knew that these people would no longer pose a threat.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and relaxed his tense nerves. He originally only came here to practice, but he didn't expect to encounter so much trouble. But he also understands that this is part of training, and challenges will only make him stronger.

He continued to practice in Yunying Forest, absorbing the earth's spiritual energy and comprehending the mysteries of the world. In this mysterious forest, he spent many lonely days, but also gained more growth.

Time passed quietly, and Chen Xuan felt that his strength had been greatly improved. His sword skills are more proficient and his movements are more flexible. His whole body is like a whirlwind, moving freely through the Yunying Forest.

In the process of training, Chen Xuan also encountered many attacks from immortal beasts, but he easily resolved them all. He gradually became familiar with this forest and slowly regarded it as his own training ground.

However, at dusk on January 1, Chen Xuan felt a powerful aura coming from deep in the forest. This breath startled him, and he felt a faint sense of danger.

He immediately became alert, holding the prairie fire sword in his hand, and his body was ready to deal with possible threats at any time. Not long after, a huge fairy beast appeared in his sight. Zheng

This is a huge golden-horned dragon chicken, several times more powerful than the previous one. Its ferocious face exuded a fierce aura, and its eyes were like lightning, as if it wanted to devour Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, knowing that this was an extremely dangerous battle. But he did not flinch, but resolutely faced the impact of the Golden-horned Dragon Chicken.

The battle broke out again, and Chen Xuan and the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken fought fiercely. He displayed his unique swordsmanship, with sword light radiating horizontally and vertically, and neutralized the attack of the golden-horned dragon rooster. The Golden Horned Dragon Chicken was not to be outdone, and continuously released powerful immortal-level spiritual energy to attack Chen Xuan.

Time seemed to blur in this battle, Chen Xuan devoted himself wholeheartedly, feeling the changes in every fight. His strength continues to grow, and the duel with the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken becomes more intense.

Finally, after a fierce collision, Chen Xuan caught the golden-horned dragon rooster's flaw and stabbed it in the eye with the prairie fire sword. The golden-horned dragon rooster let out a scream, and its body was shaking.

Chen Xuan saw the opportunity and launched another attack, piercing the throat of the golden-horned dragon chicken. The last bit of the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken's strength was exhausted, and its body fell to the ground.

Feeling the spiritual energy rolling inside his body, he knew that he had grown even more in this battle. He stared at the body of the Golden Horned Pheasant and was filled with emotion.

"Yunying Forest is indeed not simple. The strength of the immortal beasts here is extraordinary. However, it is this kind of challenge that allows me to continue to improve. Next, I will face more tests and become stronger! "Chen Xuan knew firmly that this was just the starting point on the path of cultivation.

In Yunying Forest, Chen Xuan continued to practice and constantly challenged more powerful immortal beasts. His strength continues to improve, his swordsmanship is becoming more and more perfect, and his aura becomes purer.

After Chen Xuan defeated the Golden Horned Dragon Chicken, he walked to several warriors who were defeated by him. He searched carefully and found several Na rings on them. These Najies are storage containers commonly used by practitioners and can store a large number of items.

He opened the first ring and found that it was filled with various spiritual stones, herbs and elixirs. These treasures are very important to cultivators and can help them improve their cultivation and strength.

Chen Xuan smiled and put these treasures into his pocket, and then opened the second ring. The things inside are even more precious, including some inner elixirs of fairy beasts, fragments of spiritual weapons and rare fairy materials. These treasures are extremely valuable in the world of Xianxia, ​​enough to drive cultivators crazy.

"What an unexpected surprise. These guys actually have so many treasures. It seems that my harvest is not good!" Chen Xuan sighed secretly in his heart. He did not expect that these warriors would have so many treasures.

Then, he opened the third ring, which contained an ancient book. The book was densely filled with words. Chen Xuan glanced at it and found that it was a secret book of exercises.

"What kind of skill is this? It looks very old. However, I don't have time to study it yet, so I'll put it away first." Chen Xuan put the secret book of the skill into Najie, and he decided to study it in detail when he had time.

Inside the last ring is a red jade pendant. This jade pendant is crystal clear, with a flying phoenix engraved on it, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Chen Xuan held the jade pendant and felt the powerful spiritual power contained in it. His heart moved, and he seemed to hear a faint voice, as if it was a call.

"This jade pendant looks extraordinary. It seems that there is a mysterious power calling me. However, I can't fully understand it now. When I am stronger, I will explore the secrets." Chen Xuan put the jade pendant into the ring, and he decided to keep these treasures Take it back to Fengyun City and study it carefully.

After returning to Fengyun City, Chen Xuan showed these treasures to Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun. All three of them were full of curiosity and yearning for these treasures.

"Chen Xuan, you are so lucky to have obtained so many treasures in Yunying Forest." Li Qingyun said with envy.

"Yes, these treasures are of great help to our cultivation." Zhang Fengyun also said excitedly.

Chen Xuan smiled: "Although these treasures are precious, they cannot make us complacent. The road to cultivation is long and arduous, and we still need more efforts and persistence."

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