Li Qingyun and Zhang Fengyun nodded, they understood what Chen Xuan meant. Although they have these treasures, they also know better that only by continuously improving their strength can they gain a foothold in the world.

Soon after, Chen Xuan was finally ready to leave.

His goal this time was the Midland Desert.

After arriving in the desert, the scene in front of him made him slightly stunned. At the edge of the oasis, a small team was fighting a group of ferocious fairy beasts.

Among the team, there is a young woman who stands out. She holds a long sword, her movements are agile, and every sword strike is extremely accurate, showing the style of a master in the world of immortals.

"That's a hunting team. It seems they came for the fairy beasts." Chen Xuan guessed in his mind. This team obviously came to the Central Continent Desert to hunt for the soul stones and immortal beast pills of immortal beasts for training.

But he soon discovered that the team was in trouble. There were more and more fairy beasts around, far beyond their expectations. Faced with such a predicament, they are obviously somewhat powerless.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He didn't want to enmity with this team, but seeing them in crisis, he couldn't bear to sit idly by.

At this moment, the young woman suddenly felt Chen Xuan's presence. She stopped what she was doing and looked at Chen Xuan warily.

"Who are you? Are you here to pick up the prey? You don't belong to our prey!" The woman said firmly, obviously not intending to let Chen Xuan interfere.

Chen Xuan smiled and shook his head, explaining: "I'm not here to pick up the beasts, I just see that you guys seem to be in some trouble. If you don't mind, I can help deal with these fairy beasts."

The woman hesitated for a moment, but then nodded in agreement. The current situation is critical, and it is undoubtedly a good thing to have more helping hands.

So, Chen Xuan and the woman fought side by side, fighting against the surrounding fairy beasts. He held the prairie fire sword in his hand, and when he swung it, the sword shone brightly, and the spiritual energy surged, making the surrounding fairy beasts dare not act rashly.

The woman's long sword is also decisive in killing, and every sword can hit the vital point. The two of them cooperated in a tacit understanding and quickly repeled the surrounding fairy beasts.

"Thank you for your help." The woman put down her sword and smiled slightly, expressing her gratitude.

Chen Xuan cupped his fists and saluted, and responded: "You're welcome, I just can't stand the immortal beasts acting so wantonly."

"It seems that you are not an ordinary person, and your cultivation level should not be low. I wonder what your purpose is in coming to the Zhonglu Desert?" The woman's eyes were sharp and she became interested in Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment, but then answered calmly: "I came here to practice and look for opportunities to improve my strength. I heard that there are many treasures and secrets hidden in the Zhonglu Desert, and I want to explore it here."

The woman nodded, seemingly satisfied with Chen Xuan's answer. She introduced herself: "My name is Zi Ning, and I am a cultivator. Our team came to the Central Continent Desert to find the Immortal Beast Soul Stone and Immortal Beast Pill. These things are of great benefit to our cultivation."

Chen Xuan nodded and smiled, and said: "I see. Since we have the same goal, why not work together? Fighting these immortal beasts together can also share more gains."

A trace of hesitation flashed in Zi Ning's eyes, but then she nodded in agreement. She knew that with Chen Xuan's help, it would be of great help to improve their strength.

Deep in the Zhonglu Desert, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning felt a dangerous aura. In the blink of an eye, a group of golden-armored scorpions emerged from behind the sand dunes. Their bodies were covered with solid golden carapace, exuding a heart-stopping and sinister aura.

"The strength of these golden-armored scorpions is not weak, and we can deal with them with ease." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

Zi Ning nodded, also looking serious. She knew that these golden armored scorpions were extremely aggressive, and once they were surrounded, the situation would become very difficult.

Chen Xuan tightly grasped the prairie fire sword in his hand and quickly retreated to separate himself from Zi Ning to prevent them from being surrounded together. Zi Ning took out her Qingxue Sword and stood guard, ready to support at any time.

The golden-armored fairy scorpions roared, and they rushed towards them like a golden storm. The stingers on their tails shone with cold light. It was obvious that they did not intend to give Chen Xuan and Zi Ning any chance to breathe.

Chen Xuan responded calmly. His agile movement allowed him to shuttle among the golden armored scorpions while avoiding their attacks. The prairie fire sword in his hand danced, and the sword light bloomed, killing several golden-armored fairy scorpions one by one.

Seeing this, Zi Ning was not to be outdone. Her green snow sword danced like flying, and each sword hit the golden armored scorpions' vital points accurately, making them unable to fight back.

However, there were too many golden armored scorpions, one after another, making it difficult for Chen Xuan and Zi Ning to escape.

Chen Xuan was anxious. He knew that if stronger measures were not taken, the battle would reach a stalemate.

Just when Chen Xuan and Zi Ning felt a little powerless, a huge roar suddenly came from the depths of the desert.

"What's that sound?" Zi Ning glanced around vigilantly, but still didn't see anything strange.

Chen Xuan's expression changed, as if he noticed something. Immediately afterwards, a huge golden camel rushed out from the depths of the desert, exuding a powerful aura.

"This is a fairy beast!" Chen Xuan said in surprise.

This golden camel is covered in golden light and is huge, much taller than ordinary fairy beasts. Its ferocious gaze swept across the golden armored scorpions around it, and it let out a majestic roar that almost made the desert tremble.

The golden armored scorpion seemed to be afraid of the golden camel, and some of the weaker ones had already retreated, not daring to attack Chen Xuan and Zi Ning again.

When Chen Xuan saw this scene, he immediately realized that the opportunity had come. He faced those golden-armored scorpions without hesitation and used the intimidation of the golden camel to defeat them one by one.

Zi Ning also acted according to the opportunity. With the cover of the golden camel, she easily killed several golden-armored fairy scorpions.

Not long after, the originally ferocious golden-armored scorpion no longer posed a threat. They fled one after another, away from the sight of Chen Xuan and Zi Ning.

"Thank you, golden camel." Chen Xuan gave a slight salute to the fairy beast. He was grateful for this sudden help.

The golden camel seemed to understand Chen Xuan's words and let out a low neigh, then slowly turned around and walked towards the depths of the desert.

"We should leave here quickly. If we encounter any accidents, we will be in trouble." Zi Ning reminded.

Chen Xuan nodded, and they no longer stayed, following the direction of the golden camel and leaving this dangerous area.

During the journey of exploring the Zhonglu Desert, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning encountered many challenges.

"Zi Ning, the spiritual energy here is really rich. Every bite feels a little different. Do we really want to enter the fairyland?" Chen Xuan stood in front of the mist and asked with a little hesitation.

Zi Ning's eyes flashed and she nodded firmly: "Yes, this is the purpose of our practice. According to the fairyland, there are endless treasures and inheritances, and entering it will be of great benefit to our practice. We must have the courage, Go forward!"

In the process of entering the fairyland, they met a group of practitioners on the journey. Everyone felt something, smiled at each other, and greeted each other.

"Do you also want to enter the fairyland?" A young cultivator asked curiously.

"Yes, we want to try our luck and see if we can get the inheritance and treasures in the fairyland. What about you?" Chen Xuan replied politely.

"Yes, this is our purpose too. I hope we can gain something this time. I wish you good luck!" the young cultivator wished.

In the fairyland, they met many cultivators, each looking for their own opportunities. Some are practicing hard in seclusion, some are searching for treasures, and some are comprehending the mysteries of the earth. Chen Xuan and Zi Ning are no exception. They act separately and are immersed in the wonders of fairyland.

"Zi Ning, do you feel that the spiritual energy here is different? It seems to contain a mysterious power, making people seem to be able to understand the mysteries of the world. This is really a treasure place for cultivation." Chen Xuan said to Zi Ning excitedly .

"Yes, I feel the same way. The spiritual energy here will be of great help to our cultivation. We must seize this opportunity." Zi Ning nodded in agreement.

Deep in the fairyland, they met an old man who was practicing in seclusion. The old man's waist was straight and his body exuded a clear aura, as if he was integrated with the ground.

"Senior, I wonder what exercises you are practicing in seclusion? Can you give us some advice?" Chen Xuan asked respectfully.

The old man opened his eyes, looked at Chen Xuan and Zi Ning with a smile, and said slowly: "Young man, although your cultivation is not bad, you still need to be cautious in your cultivation. What I cultivate is the Earth Promise Sword, which incorporates the power of Lin. , is a peerless swordsmanship. If you are interested, you can learn some basic swordsmanship from me. "

Chen Xuan and Zi Ning were slightly shocked and full of curiosity about this mysterious old man. Although they were in the Midland Desert, they were not wary of this old man at all.

"Two friends, have you gained anything from practicing in the desert?" the old man asked with a kind smile.

Chen Xuan's heart moved. He felt the advanced cultivation of the old man and also sensed the other's good intentions towards him. He bowed and saluted, and said respectfully: "Junior Chen Xuan, this is my companion Zi Ning. This is our first time in the Zhonglu Desert, and we are planning to explore it. I don't know your senior's surname?"

The old man smiled and waved his hands and said: "No need to be polite. I am Dongfang Xun. I heard that you are practicing in the desert, so I came here to observe. It seems that you have a lot of experience in swordsmanship, especially Chen Xuan, who has extraordinary abilities. Fu. I think highly of you and am willing to give you some advice. "

Chen Xuan and Zi Ning were pleasantly surprised. They did not expect to meet such an expert in this desolate desert. They were full of respect for Dongfang Xun and knew that he was a master of swordsmanship.

"Senior Dongfang, it's great that you can give us some advice. We are willing to ask for advice with an open mind." Zi Ning said respectfully.

Dongfang Xun smiled and nodded. He looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Chen Xuan, your swordsmanship is somewhat sharp, but you still need more practice to make your swordsmanship more proficient. I will teach you some tips on how to practice swordsmanship. I hope you can learn more about it." You guys help."

Chen Xuan nodded excitedly. He was eager to learn more kendo knowledge. So, Chen Xuan, Zi Ning and Dongfang Xun began to repair the school in the desert of Zhonglu.

In the following days, Chen Xuan and Zi Ning continued to ask Dongfang Xun for advice, and they humbly accepted Dongfang Xun's guidance. Dongfang Xun answered many questions about their cultivation and taught them the deeper essence of swordsmanship.

Time passed quietly, and Chen Xuan and Zi Ning's swordsmanship improved rapidly. With the help of Dongfang Xun, they cultivated more and more powerful sword intent. The sword light swept across and they were invincible.

"Very good, I'm satisfied with your progress." Dongfang Xun commented happily.

Chen Xuan and Zi Ning looked at each other and smiled, their hearts filled with gratitude. They knew that it was a rare opportunity to receive guidance from Dongfang Xun.

The golden camel held its head high and its posture proud, stepping on the flying yellow sand under its feet, leading Chen Xuan and Zi Ning towards the depths of the desert. Sitting on the back of the golden camel, Chen Xuan felt the powerful flow of spiritual energy, and his heart was filled with excitement and expectation.

"This golden camel is really powerful!" Zi Ning said excitedly. She had never ridden such a powerful fairy beast mount and felt an unprecedented flying pleasure.

Chen Xuan smiled and nodded. He was also amazed by the strength of the golden camel. Such fairy beast mounts are rare in the world of fairy heroes, and they possess considerable combat effectiveness.

The golden camel hummed softly, as if responding to Chen Xuan and Zi Ning's praise. It stepped on the flying yellow sand under its feet and quickly crossed the vast desert. The strong concentration of spiritual energy in the desert made both Chen Xuan and Zi Ning feel the opportunity to practice.

"Senior Dongfang Xun, you are so polite. I feel very honored to receive your guidance." Chen Xuan cupped his fists and thanked Dongfang Xun. He knew very well that Dongfang Xun was a powerful swordsman, and getting his guidance was of great significance to his cultivation path.

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