Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6420 Heading to the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountains

The immortal beast roared and rushed towards Chen Xuan instantly. Chen Xuan's figure flashed, dodging the attack of the immortal beast like a ghost. At the same time, the long sword in his hand turned into a silver sword light and went straight towards the immortal beast.

The battle began. Chen Xuan fought with the immortal beast. The sword light was bright. The immortal beast counterattacked fiercely, and the surrounding rocks were scattered and scattered. They shuttled between the mountains, and the sound of fighting attracted the attention of the surrounding monsters. For a moment, the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountains began to boil.

Chen Xuan dealt with the attack of the fairy beast with ease. On the one hand, he avoided its sharp claws, and on the other hand, he looked for opportunities to attack. He accurately judged the attack of the fairy beast. When the time was right, he launched the special move of the prairie fire sword. The sword light burned like a flame and slashed at the fairy beast.

The fairy beast felt the threat from Chen Xuan and fought back even more fiercely. Its body was flexible and fast, and Chen Xuan had to concentrate on dealing with it, as every move determined the outcome of victory or defeat.

As time passed during the battle, Chen Xuan felt that he had entered a transcendent state, and his swordsmanship became more accurate and smooth, as easy as flowing clouds and flowing water. The fairy beast also gradually felt the pressure, and it began to increase its attack intensity, trying to defeat Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan's strength far exceeds that of ordinary monks. He can deal with the attacks of the immortal beasts with ease, dodge flexibly, and at the same time activate the power of the prairie fire sword to continuously weaken the defense of the immortal beasts.

After the battle lasted for a while, the immortal beast gradually felt tired, but Chen Xuan was still full of energy. He saw the right moment and used his special move again. A lightning-like sword light hit the vital part of the immortal beast.

The fairy beast let out a scream, and its body was shaking, and finally fell on Lin, turning into a spiritual light and dissipating. Chen Xuan stood there, his chest rising and falling slightly. He successfully defeated this powerful immortal beast.

The surrounding monsters felt the fall of the immortal beast, and dispersed one after another, no longer besieging Chen Xuan. He stood there quietly, feeling the aftermath of the battle, but his heart was filled with the blessings of achievement.

"This Fairy Ghost Rock Mountain Range is indeed not simple." Chen Xuan whispered to himself. He understood that this fairy beast was just a guardian of this mountain range, and there were more challenges waiting for him.

After Chen Xuan killed the fairy beast, he found that it had a crystal clear fairy beast inner elixir. This is an extremely precious treasure that contains rich spiritual energy and demonic power. He also discovered that the sharp claws of the fairy beast were very hard, a rare material, and very suitable for refining elixir ingredients.

Chen Xuan's heart moved and he decided to use the immortal beast's inner elixir and claws to refine the elixir. He found a hidden and safe place, took out the alchemy furnace, activated the flame, and began to refine the elixir.

He put the immortal beast's inner elixir into the alchemy furnace, and at the same time took out some rare herbs and ores to assist in the refining. The flame gradually rose and enveloped the alchemy furnace. Chen Xuan circulated his true energy to control the fire and keep the temperature of the furnace stable.

The process of alchemy is not simple and requires a rigorous mentality and superb alchemy skills. Chen Xuan concentrated on refining it, sometimes heating it, sometimes adjusting the proportion of medicinal materials, and was meticulous.

As time goes by, the alchemy furnace emits a strong medicinal fragrance, and the medicinal materials gradually merge together to form the prototype of Li Yao. Chen Xuan's eyes shone with excitement, and he knew he was only one step away from success.

Finally, the flames in the alchemy furnace gradually subsided, and a silver-white elixir appeared in the furnace, exuding an intoxicating aroma. Chen Xuan carefully took out the elixir and observed it carefully.

This elixir has an exquisite shape, exudes rays of light, and is filled with spiritual power. It is obviously a high-quality elixir. Chen Xuan showed a satisfied smile as he successfully refined a pill.

This elixir can improve cultivation and enhance spiritual power, and is a very valuable resource for monks. Chen Xuan decided to save the elixir temporarily and wait until the right time to take it.

He continued refining, grinding the immortal beast's claws into powder and adding it to the next batch of elixir. Zheng's refining process went smoother this time, because Chen Xuan had a deeper understanding of the heat and formula, and the elixir he refined was also smoother. More pure.

For several consecutive days, Chen Xuan continued to refine elixirs in the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountains. Every elixir was a fine product, and his alchemy skills continued to improve.

Chen Xuan kept looking for targets in the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountains. His divine consciousness covered a wide area, and he quickly locked onto a monster beast at the third level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God.

This monster is huge, its dragon scales shine with golden light, and it is powerful. It is the top monster beast in the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountains and is extremely powerful, but in Chen Xuan's eyes, it is a precious treasure.

Chen Xuan decided to hunt this monster to obtain more resources for refining elixirs and improving his cultivation. He took a deep breath, his body was like lightning, and he quickly approached the monster.

The monster sensed Chen Xuan's threat, and a fierce light flashed in its dragon eyes. It spread out its huge dragon wings and rushed towards Chen Xuan. For a time, the wind and clouds in the mountains were turbulent, and the air was filled with strong demonic power.

Chen Xuan looked calm, holding the prairie fire sword in his hand, and displayed his unique swordsmanship. The light of the sword was as bright as a star, piercing the sky. He launched a fierce battle with the monsters, with sword moves crisscrossing each other, and each strike contained infinite power.

The monster shows terrifying fighting power. Its dragon claws are like knives, its tail is like a whip, and its attack is extremely violent. Chen Xuan dodged like flying, and sometimes struck back, unleashing a torrent of sword energy that was unstoppable.

The battle lasted for a while, and the monster gradually felt that something was wrong. Chen Xuan's strength exceeded its expectations, making it passive. Chen Xuan, on the other hand, was very agile and agile, attacking the monster's weak points mercilessly.

Finally, Chen Xuan used his unique skills, and the Lioyuan Sword turned into a long flame, splitting the monster's defense line and piercing its heart with one sword.

The monster let out a shrill roar, and its body was shaky. It was defeated by Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was shocked. This monster was too powerful, but he successfully defeated it.

He plundered the monster's body and obtained rich resources, including the monster's inner elixir and dragon scales. These are excellent materials for refining pills, enough for him to refine many high-quality pills.

Chen Xuan looked for his next target again. He decided to constantly challenge more powerful monsters to improve his strength and alchemy skills. He appeared in the Xian Guiyan Mountains and fought fiercely with powerful monsters.

Every battle allowed Chen Xuan to constantly surpass himself and break through his limits. He comprehended the essence of swordsmanship in the battle and integrated the sword spirit into alchemy, making the pills he refined purer and more efficient. After leaving the Immortal Ghost Rock Mountains, Chen Xuan found a safe and secret place, ready to calm down and take the pills he got in the battle. He took out the inner pills and dragon scales of those monsters, carefully ground them into fine powder, and then mixed them together.

These pills are extremely precious materials, and the pills refined will bring great benefits to practitioners. Chen Xuan skillfully refined these materials into pills, and the flames in the pill furnace flickered with strange colors.

Soon after, a strong aroma of pills spread, and Chen Xuan knew that the pill had been successfully refined. He carefully took out a crystal clear pill, the surface of the pill had intricate patterns, and it exuded a beautiful light that was intoxicating.

Chen Xuan put the pill into his mouth and swallowed it. In an instant, a warm breath emanated from the pill and permeated his whole body. Chen Xuan felt that his internal aura suddenly increased, and his cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds.

He closed his eyes and felt the changes in his body. After this refining and taking, his internal essence surged like a tide, blending with the earth, and his cultivation level steadily improved.

Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed. At this time, he was refreshed, his aura was strong, and he reached a new height. He felt his own progress, and his heart was full of joy and satisfaction.

The practice and fighting in the Immortal Ghost Rock Mountains made his strength a qualitative leap. And these obtained pills are icing on the cake, making him more determined to move forward.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a strange breath.

Chen Xuan felt the breath of Lie Rao, his eyes were focused, and he immediately turned to face the Dragon God Demon Sect warriors who suddenly appeared. Those warriors were dressed in black robes, with cold faces, holding magic weapons, and their eyes were full of pride and bloodthirstiness.

"Chen Xuan, are you the guy who calls himself the Demon King?" A Dragon God Demon Sect warrior asked with a sneer.

Chen Xuan answered calmly: "Yes, I am the demon king Chen Xuan."

"Humph, the demon king is just like this. The strength of our Dragon God Demon Sect is not what you can imagine!" Another warrior said sternly.

The atmosphere on the battlefield was tense and hostile. Chen Xuan looked calm, his eyes swept across his opponent, and he had a plan in his mind. He was not afraid of the number of enemies, but instead stimulated his desire to fight.

"Since you Dragon God Demon Sect are not going to give up, then come!" Chen Xuan shouted, his body was like lightning, and he rushed towards the leader with the Lioyuan Sword.

The battle broke out instantly, the sword light flashed, and the magic weapon collided, causing a hot fire and shocking air waves. Chen Xuan flexibly dodged the enemy's attack, and at the same time displayed his unique swordsmanship. Every strike was extremely accurate, showing his superb swordsmanship.

The warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect did not dare to look at Chen Xuan. They were also experienced warriors, and they all used their unique skills to fight Chen Xuan. The scene was extremely fierce, with offense and defense intertwined, and murderous intentions everywhere.

Chen Xuan was not afraid. He guided the power of his inner elixir to the limit. His body appeared on the battlefield like a gust of wind. His sword light was like a rainbow, sometimes rushing, sometimes shuttling between enemies.

"What a terrible guy!" A Dragon God Demon Sect warrior exclaimed.

"But that's all." Another warrior sneered, and the magic weapon in his hand burst into a dazzling light, facing Chen Xuan.

The battle continued, and Chen Xuan and the Dragon God Demon Sect warriors kept fighting, and the two sides seemed to be in a stalemate. Although Chen Xuan's internal aura was enhanced, there were many opponents and it was difficult to defeat them immediately.

However, Chen Xuan's momentum became more and more courageous. He gradually figured out the opponent's fighting style and gradually suppressed their offensive. As the battle progressed, Chen Xuan gradually showed super combat power, which surprised the Dragon God Demon Sect warriors.

"How could this guy be so strong!" A Dragon God Demon Sect warrior said in horror.

"Don't be confused by him, let's go together!" Another warrior roared, leading others to re-besiege.

A resolute light flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. Facing the enemies, he was not afraid at all. Instead, he smiled and said, "Since you want to die so much, let me play with you!"

Chen Xuan's figure was agile, like a gust of wind. He wielded the Lioyuan Sword, and the sword light was as bright as a flame, slashing at a warrior from the Dragon God Demon Sect. The warrior was not to be outdone, and also displayed his unique magical power, holding a black long sword, to meet Chen Xuan's attack.

Dazzling light and energy fluctuations burst out between the two. Chen Xuan's sword energy was as bright as a flame, while the black sword of the Dragon God Demon Sect warrior exuded a cold breath.


The prairie fire sword collided with the black sword, sparking a burst of sparks and sword light. The sword energy and sword energy intertwined to form a blade storm. Chen Xuan attacked with all his strength, his sword skills were extremely fast, and his attacks were continuous, making it difficult for his opponent to defend.

Although the Dragon God Demon Sect warrior was fierce, he was unable to face Chen Xuan's powerful combat power. He felt that the sharpness of the sword energy and the power of the prairie fire sword made it difficult for him to resist.

"Damn you!" The Dragon God Demon Sect warrior roared angrily, activating the power of his magic weapon and trying to fight back.

However, Chen Xuan did not give him a chance to fight back. He suddenly increased the intensity of his attack, his sword energy surged like a fire dragon, and he slashed towards his opponent's vital part with one strike.

"No!" The Dragon God Demon Sect warrior was shocked. He felt that his life was in danger. But it was too late, the prairie fire sword had already pierced his chest.

The blood splashed, and the Dragon God Demon Sect warrior screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Blood continued to spurt out, and his life quickly disappeared.

"Chen Xuan, how dare you kill a disciple of my Dragon God Demon Sect, you will definitely die!" Another Dragon God Demon Sect warrior roared, a crazy light flashing in his eyes.

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