Chen Xuan looked at the warrior indifferently, without any fear. His body was full of power, his sword energy was burning, and he looked like a god of war.

"You guys come first!" Chen Xuan's voice was low and he stopped talking. He had already entered an extreme fighting state. He and the warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect fought again, and an even fiercer battle broke out on the battlefield. Sword light and sword shadow intertwined, energy fluctuations raged, forming a chaotic battlefield.

Chen Xuan was very skillful, his swordsmanship was as smooth as clouds and flowing water, and his attacks were continuous with almost no flaws. He sometimes dodged the enemy's attacks and sometimes counterattacked, forcing the warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect to retreat steadily.

"This guy is so powerful!" The warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect turned pale. They did not expect that a regional monk would have such terrifying combat power.


The terrifying aura continues to emit, and the terrifying aura fills the space.

"Damn the noble and upright warriors, how dare you kill my fellow Dragon God Demon Sect!"

Hundreds of Dragon God Demon Sect warriors shouted angrily.

They wanted to completely wipe out the incoming noble and upright warriors.

However, the well-known and upright warriors are very terrifying, and they have complete plans. The Dragon God Demon Sect is unable to exert any defensive power at all.

"Quickly take away the soul fairy stone of the eternal dragon demon soul!"

A monk shouted loudly, and one of the sect elders hurriedly hid in the mysterious space despite being injured.

"Even if you pay for your life, you must take away the Soul Immortal Stone!"

The elders of the sect quickly walked towards a place not far away, and soon arrived at the center of the mysterious space. The golden light kept flashing, and a huge soul fairy stone appeared in it.

The whole mysterious space is filled with a strange atmosphere.

"The warriors from the famous and decent sect have already attacked. Put the Soul Immortal Stone back quickly." The warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect were once a demon sect that could compete with the famous and decent sect.

The Tianjin Demon Dragon is very strange. They can obtain power from any demon sect, and then transfer the power of the Dragon God Demon Sect to the disciples of other sects, helping them transform into disciples of their sect.

The Dragon God Demon Sect once reached its peak.

A being who is almost equivalent to a top master appears in their sect, threatening the central world of Pangu and challenging the famous and upright warriors.

But things are not simple.

A battle broke out between the Demon Sect warriors and the demon clan, and the Dragon God Demon Sect was completely involved in the war.

In the end, the Dragon God Demon Sect suffered heavy losses and gradually declined in strength.

At this time, a large number of martial arts masters led by famous and upright warriors madly attacked the Dragon God and Demon Sect.

After thousands of years of continuous fighting, the Dragon God Demon Sect was finally completely defeated, hundreds of them were killed, and almost all the others disappeared.

For the next time, the Dragon God Demon Sect hid in the darkness and almost did not dare to reappear in the human world.

As long as a monk discovers a warrior from the Dragon God Demon Sect, he will seal it.

As a result, the disciples of the Dragon God Demon Sect are even rarer than before.

As of now, the Dragon God Demon Sect is even on the verge of extinction.

In the Dragon God Demon Sect branch in the western region, the top masters have just entered the fourth level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God stage.

The Dragon God Demon Sect is so powerful that even those who have just entered the fourth level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage can still compete with the power of the famous and upright Warrior Heaven Realm Domain Master.

But now, they have discovered a truly strong person like Chen Xuan.

He trained with the Divine Soul Phantom. Although the Divine Soul Phantom's defensive aura did not reach the level of a truly powerful person like the Sixth Level Divine Soul of the True Immortal Grade, he was able to use the time-stopping secret method and the Suzaku Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique.

Within a few seconds of using his spiritual power, Chen Xuan defeated Wang Long.

"hurry up!"

Wang Long, who was covered in fiery red robes, was in a hurry and anxiously picked up the Soul Immortal Stone.

In the center of the mysterious space, a very powerful soul fairy stone stood still.

There is a murderous aura near the Soul Immortal Stone.

The inside of the Soul Immortal Stone is constantly exuding murderous aura, and the terrifying aura is constantly pouring into it.


In the aura of murderous intent, bubbles kept appearing, seeming to be nurturing the Soul Immortal Stone.

"Sir, the top master, we have worked hard for hundreds of years, and the eternal dragon demon soul is about to be resurrected. Should we just give up like this?"

Several Dragon God Demon Sect warriors standing in front of the Blood Dragon Stone said something they didn't understand.

They are unwilling to give up the fruits of tens of millions of hours of hard work.

The reason why they were hiding in the western area was to resurrect this eternal dragon demon soul.

For the Dragon God Demon Sect, the eternal dragon demon soul is of great significance.

These eternal dragon demon souls were all killed by previous demon sect warriors and demon clans.

If they are resurrected, the cultivation level of the Dragon God Demon Sect will be instantly improved.

"The situation has changed. The domain lord of the famous and upright heaven domain has arrived. If he does not leave, the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Immortal Stone will be destroyed."

Wang Long said loudly.

As the chief deacon of the Dragon God Demon Sect in the western region, he did not want to see such a thing happen.

But now I have no choice but to do this.

"at this time!"

The terrifying sword energy was suppressed.

Wang Longyi, who was picking up the Soul Immortal Stone, was trembling, and he knew who the identity of the person was without even thinking.

"You get the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Immortal Stone, and I will temporarily suppress him."

Wang Longyi quickly mobilized violent force and confronted Chen Xuan.

"What is your identity?" Wang Long asked in a deep voice, confused.

"When you meet the King of Hell, you will naturally understand."

Chen Xuan looked at the Soul Immortal Stone and the Blood Dragon Stone, looking extremely alert, and quickly used his skills.

Time is motionless at this moment.

However, when Wang Longyi was about to use the technique, Chen Xuan had already used the time-stopping secret technique.

In an instant, the entire mysterious space fell into silence.

The blood dragon aura in the prairie fire sword was also instantly sealed on the surface of the murderous aura.

The powerful aura near the Soul Immortal Stone dissipated directly.

"The Sword of Ten Thousand Times Cloud."

The prairie fire sword was swung quickly, and the Wanqianshi Yunjian burst out.


Chen Xuan looked at the warrior indifferently, without any fear. His body was full of power, his sword energy was burning, and he looked like a god of war.

"You guys come first!" Chen Xuan's voice was low and he stopped talking. He had already entered an extreme fighting state. He and the warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect fought again, and an even fiercer battle broke out on the battlefield. Sword light and sword shadow intertwined, energy fluctuations raged, forming a chaotic battlefield.

Chen Xuan was very skillful, his swordsmanship was as smooth as clouds and flowing water, and his attacks were continuous with almost no flaws. He sometimes dodged the enemy's attacks and sometimes counterattacked, forcing the warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect to retreat steadily.

"This guy is so powerful!" The warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect turned pale. They did not expect that a regional monk would have such terrifying combat power.


The terrifying aura continues to emit, and the terrifying aura fills the space.

"Damn the noble and upright warriors, how dare you kill my fellow Dragon God Demon Sect!"

Hundreds of Dragon God Demon Sect warriors shouted angrily.

They wanted to completely wipe out the incoming noble and upright warriors.

However, the famous and upright warriors are very terrifying, and they have complete plans. The Dragon God Demon Sect is unable to exert any defensive power at all.

"Quickly take away the soul fairy stone of the eternal dragon demon soul!"

A monk shouted loudly, and one of the sect elders hurriedly hid in the mysterious space despite being injured.

"Even if you pay for your life, you must take away the Soul Immortal Stone!"

The elders of the sect quickly walked towards a place not far away, and soon arrived at the center of the mysterious space. The golden light kept flashing, and a huge soul fairy stone appeared in it.

The whole mysterious space is filled with a strange atmosphere.

"The warriors from the famous and decent sect have already attacked. Put the Soul Immortal Stone back quickly." The warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect were once a demon sect that could compete with the famous and decent sect.

The Tianjin Demon Dragon is very strange. They can obtain power from any demon sect, and then transfer the power of the Dragon God Demon Sect to the disciples of other sects, helping them transform into disciples of their sect.

The Dragon God Demon Sect once reached its peak.

A being who is almost equivalent to a top master appears in their sect, threatening the central world of Pangu and challenging the famous and upright warriors.

But things are not simple.

A battle broke out between the Demon Sect warriors and the demon clan, and the Dragon God Demon Sect was completely involved in the war.

In the end, the Dragon God Demon Sect suffered heavy losses and gradually declined in strength.

At this time, a large number of martial arts masters led by famous and upright warriors madly attacked the Dragon God and Demon Sect.

After thousands of years of continuous fighting, the Dragon God Demon Sect was finally completely defeated, hundreds of them were killed, and almost all the others disappeared.

For the next time, the Dragon God Demon Sect hid in the darkness and almost did not dare to reappear in the human world.

As long as a monk discovers a warrior from the Dragon God Demon Sect, he will seal it.

As a result, the disciples of the Dragon God Demon Sect are even rarer than before.

As of now, the Dragon God Demon Sect is even on the verge of extinction.

In the Dragon God Demon Sect branch in the western region, the top masters have just entered the fourth level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God stage.

The power of the Dragon God Demon Sect is very strong. Even those who have just entered the fourth level of the Divine Dragon Breaking God Stage can still compete with the power of the famous and upright Warrior Heaven Realm Domain Master.

But now, they have discovered a truly strong person like Chen Xuan.

He trained with the Phantom of the Divine Soul. Although the defensive aura of the Phantom of the Divine Soul did not reach the level of a truly powerful person like the Sixth-level Perfection of the True Immortal Divine Soul, he could use the time-stopping secret method, the Suzaku Ten Thousand Fire Immortal Sword Technique, and other killer skills.

Within a few seconds of using his spiritual power, Chen Xuan defeated Wang Long.

"hurry up!"

Wang Long, who was covered in fiery red robes, was in a hurry and anxiously picked up the Soul Immortal Stone.

In the center of the mysterious space, a very powerful soul fairy stone stood still.

There is a murderous aura near the Soul Immortal Stone.

The inside of the Soul Immortal Stone is constantly exuding murderous aura, and the terrifying aura is constantly pouring into it.


In the aura of murderous intent, bubbles kept appearing, seeming to be nurturing the Soul Immortal Stone.

"Sir, the top master, we have worked hard for hundreds of years, and the eternal dragon demon soul is about to be resurrected. Should we just give up like this?"

Several Dragon God Demon Sect warriors standing in front of the Blood Dragon Stone said something they didn't understand.

They are unwilling to give up the fruits of tens of millions of hours of hard work.

The reason why they were hiding in the western area was to resurrect this eternal dragon demon soul.

For the Dragon God Demon Sect, the eternal dragon demon soul is of great significance.

These eternal dragon demon souls were all killed by previous demon sect warriors and demon clans.

If they are resurrected, the cultivation level of the Dragon God Demon Sect will be instantly improved.

"The situation has changed. The domain lord of the famous and upright heaven domain has arrived. If he does not leave, the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Immortal Stone will be destroyed."

Wang Long said loudly.

As the chief deacon of the Dragon God Demon Sect in the western region, he did not want to see such a thing happen.

But now I have no choice but to do this.

"at this time!"

The terrifying sword energy was suppressed.

Wang Longyi, who was picking up the Soul Immortal Stone, was trembling, and he knew who the identity of the person was without even thinking.

"You get the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Immortal Stone, and I will temporarily suppress him."

Wang Longyi quickly mobilized violent force and confronted Chen Xuan.

"What is your identity?" Wang Long asked in a deep voice, confused.

"When you meet the King of Hell, you will naturally understand."

Chen Xuan looked at the Soul Immortal Stone and the Blood Dragon Stone, looking extremely alert, and quickly used his skills.

Time is motionless at this moment.

However, when Wang Longyi was about to use the technique, Chen Xuan had already used the time-stopping secret technique.

In an instant, the entire mysterious space fell into silence.

The blood dragon aura in the prairie fire sword was also instantly sealed on the surface of the murderous aura.

The powerful aura near the Soul Immortal Stone dissipated directly.

"The Sword of Ten Thousand Times Cloud."

The prairie fire sword was swung quickly, and the Wanqianshi Yunjian burst out.


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