Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6422 Wanlong Golden Palace and Tianhua Fairy Mountain

At this moment, Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

He has now reached the critical point, and if he continues to maintain it, there is no way to defend himself.


The old master of the Ghost Formation was very determined. If he left, Chen Xuan would definitely be killed, there was no doubt about it.

At this moment,

Near the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Immortal Stone, which was mainly defended by Suzaku's innate power, a terrifying scream suddenly came from its vicinity.

The ancestor of the Ghost Formation looked very gloomy and was very surprised in his heart.

"The power of the eternal dragon demon soul has been restored, and it is too late to leave."

The ancestor of the ghost formation said eagerly, feeling very shocked in his heart.

Moreover, the battle in the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountains is coming to an end.

Wang Longyi, the chief deacon of the western region, was killed, and then the entire Dragon God Demon Sect warriors were thrown into chaos.

Under the powerful seals of the Wanlong Golden Palace and Tianhua Fairy Mountain, disciples of the Dragon God Demon Sect were continuously killed.


The terrifying aura came from the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountains.

at this time!

Bitter yellow sand filled the sky, and a sudden breath filled the entire Fairy Ghost Rock Mountain Range.

In an instant, the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountain Range turned into a place where time and space flowed turbulently.

They were completely suppressed, with many broken swords.

But this is just the beginning.

It's a big deal to fight him!

Zhao Yunlei and the sect leader of Tianhua Fairy Mountain flew directly to the front and attacked frantically.

Wherever their aura covered, all the warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect fell directly to the ground.

As soon as the battle began, there was no doubt.

After only a long time, the fighting ended completely.

"Chen Xuan."

After the last enemy was eliminated, Zhao Yunlei and the sect master of Tianhua Fairy Mountain looked at each other and said loudly.

"When I was fighting before, I discovered that Chen Xuan was chasing the leader of the Dragon God Demon Sect to the mysterious space over there." The leader of the Wanlong Golden Palace said solemnly: "I also chased him in."

"Come in and have a look."

Now that the fighting outside has completely ended, Zhao Yunlei is a little worried about Chen Xuan.

"All you monks, stay outside and deal with the fighting area."

Not long after, several masters including Zhao Yunlei, the sect master of Tianhua Fairy Mountain and the sect master of Wanlong Golden Palace quickly came to the mysterious space.

"What a terrifying attack aura."

Before coming to the mysterious space, Zhao Yunlei felt the terrifying attack aura. There was a trace of darkness on his face, and he looked directly at the scene of the mysterious space.

When they came to the center of the mysterious space, they saw the situation of Chen Xuan and the ancestor of the ghost formation, and then shouted loudly.

"Sir, are you okay?"

The head of the Wanlong Golden Palace asked eagerly.

"After the soul of the eternal dragon demon recovers, this place will become a hell. Leave this place quickly."

The ancestor of the Ghost Formation had a very dark expression and said with difficulty.

At this moment, Chen Xuan closed his eyes tightly, and his body was enveloped in the aura of killing intent.

Near him, it was almost broken, and his body seemed to be in danger for this reason.

At this moment.

A terrifying sound came from the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Immortal Stone again.

Then the entire mysterious space kept shaking, as if the end of the world was coming.

"Get out of this place quickly."

Although Zhao Yunlei and others were seriously injured by the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul, they were indeed experienced masters and immediately realized that the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul's movements had become sluggish. Although Chen Xuan's power was sealed, his determination on the brink of despair inspired mysterious innate power.

Before the long sword of the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul came into contact with Chen Xuan, he suddenly felt a powerful force bursting out from Chen Xuan's body. This power is not a defensive spiritual energy, but an invisible oppression that tightly binds the body of the eternal dragon demon soul.

Chen Xuan's face was cold, with a mysterious light shining in his eyes. He no longer needed to use defensive aura to resist the attack of the eternal dragon demon soul, but directly controlled the opponent's body. This mysterious power came from his previous collision with the heart of the immortal and demon, and seemed to be recognized by the heart of the immortal and demon.

"You monster, how dare you invade my western area!" Chen Xuan said coldly.

The eternal dragon demon soul wanted to break free from Chen Xuan's shackles, but it was to no avail no matter how hard it tried. He felt an unprecedented fear. This weak and upright monk actually took control of him and made him lose his freedom.

Zhao Yunlei and others were shocked when they saw this scene. Although Chen Xuan was injured, the strength he showed at this moment made them feel extremely in awe.

"Chen Xuan, how did you do it?" Zhao Yunlei asked.

"I don't know either. This seems to be the power given to me by the heart of immortals and demons." Chen Xuan replied.

At this time, the mysterious innate power completely controlled the body of the eternal dragon demon soul, leaving him helpless.

"What do you want?" Chen Xuan asked indifferently.

"Let me go, you weak and upright warrior from a famous family!" The eternal dragon demon soul roared angrily.

Chen Xuan sneered, realizing that he now controlled the fate of the eternal dragon demon soul. He began to think about how to completely eliminate the threat of this monster.

"Let you go? I'm not so kind." Chen Xuan said coldly.

He began to mobilize his innate power, compressing it into a bright white beam, and injected it directly into the body of the eternal dragon demon soul.

"What is this?" The eternal dragon demon soul shouted in horror.

Chen Xuan's innate power raged in the body of the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul, began to melt his soul, and devoured all his power and memory.

"You monsters, you should not exist!" Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with a firm light.

Zhao Yunlei and others watched this scene and couldn't help but admire Chen Xuan's courage and determination. They knew that at this moment Chen Xuan might have to bear great pressure and danger, but he still chose to completely eliminate the existence of the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul.

As time passed, the howling of the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul gradually disappeared, his body quickly weakened, and finally turned into a wisp of ash, completely disappearing from this world.

Chen Xuan's innate power was also exhausted, he fell to the ground, gasping for breath. But a firm smile appeared on his face.

"The Eternal Dragon Demon Soul was finally destroyed." Zhao Yunlei said with emotion.

"Chen Xuan, you are really amazing!" The leader of Tianhua Fairy Mountain exclaimed.

Zhao Yunlei was very surprised and retreated quickly.

At this time!

At this moment, Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

He has reached the critical point now. If he continues to maintain, there is no way to defend.


The Ghost Array Patriarch was very determined. If he left, Chen Xuan would definitely be killed, without any doubt.

At this moment,

Near the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Spirit Immortal Stone, which was mainly defended by the innate power of the Vermillion Bird, a terrifying scream suddenly came from its vicinity.

The Ghost Array Patriarch looked very gloomy and was very surprised.

"The power of the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Spirit has been restored before. It's not too late to leave now."

The Ghost Array Patriarch said anxiously, and was very shocked.

Moreover, the battle in the Immortal Ghost Rock Mountains was also coming to an end.

Wang Longyi, the chief deacon of the western area, was killed, and then the entire Dragon God Demon Sect warriors were directly confused.

Under the powerful seal of the Wanlong Golden Palace and Tianhua Immortal Mountain, the disciples of the Dragon God Demon Sect were constantly killed.


A terrifying breath came from the Immortal Ghost Rock Mountains.

At this time!

The cold yellow sand filled the sky, and the sudden breath filled the entire Fairy Ghost Rock Mountain Range.

In an instant, the Fairy Ghost Rock Mountain Range became a place of time and space turbulence.

It was completely suppressed, and many swords were broken.

But this was just the beginning.

It was a big deal to fight him!

Zhao Yunlei and the leader of Tianhua Fairy Mountain flew directly to the front and attacked frantically.

Where their breath covered, all the warriors of the Dragon God Demon Sect fell directly to the ground.

The battle entered a situation without any doubt at the beginning.

After only a long time, the battle was completely over.

"Chen Xuan."

After eliminating the last enemy, Zhao Yunlei and the leader of Tianhua Fairy Mountain looked at each other and said loudly.

"When I was fighting before, I found that Chen Xuan chased the leader of the Dragon God Demon Sect to the mysterious space over there." The leader of Wanlong Golden Palace said in a deep voice: "My lord also chased in."

"Go in and take a look."

Now that the battle outside has completely ended, Zhao Yunlei is a little worried about Chen Xuan.

"All of you cultivators, stay outside and deal with the battle area."

Not long after, Zhao Yunlei, the leader of Tianhua Immortal Mountain, and the leader of Wanlong Golden Palace and several masters quickly came to the mysterious space.

"What a terrifying attack aura."

Before coming to the mysterious space, Zhao Yunlei felt the terrifying attack aura, and a hint of darkness appeared on his face, looking directly at the scene of the mysterious space.

When they came to the center of the mysterious space, they saw the situation of Chen Xuan and the Ghost Array Patriarch, and then shouted loudly.

"My lord, are you okay?"

The leader of Wanlong Golden Palace asked anxiously.

"Before the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Spirit was restored, this place will become hell, leave this place quickly."

The Ghost Array Patriarch said with difficulty with a very gloomy expression.

At this moment, Chen Xuan closed his eyes tightly, and his body was shrouded in the murderous aura.

The vicinity of him was almost broken, and his body seemed to be in danger for this reason.

At this moment.

A terrifying voice came from the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul Spirit Immortal Stone again.

Then the entire mysterious space kept shaking, as if the end of the world was coming.

"Leave this place quickly."

Although Zhao Yunlei and others were seriously injured by the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul, they were experienced masters and immediately realized that the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul's movements had become slow. Although Chen Xuan's power was sealed, his determination on the verge of despair inspired the mysterious innate power.

Before the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul's long sword touched Chen Xuan, he suddenly felt a powerful force bursting out of Chen Xuan's body. This force was not defensive aura, but an invisible oppression that tightly bound the body of the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul.

Chen Xuan's face was indifferent, and a mysterious light flashed in his eyes. He no longer needed to use defensive aura to resist the attack of the Eternal Dragon Demon Soul, but directly controlled the opponent's body. This mysterious power came from his previous collision with the Immortal Demon Heart, and it seemed to be recognized by the Immortal Demon Heart.

"You, a monster, dare to invade my western area!" Chen Xuan said coldly.

The Eternal Dragon Demon Soul wanted to break free from Chen Xuan's restraints, but no matter how hard he tried, it was useless. He felt an unprecedented fear. This weak monk from a decent sect actually controlled him and deprived him of his freedom.

Zhao Yunlei and others were shocked when they saw this scene. Although Chen Xuan was injured, the strength he showed at this moment made them feel extremely in awe.

"Chen Xuan, how did you do it?" Zhao Yunlei asked.

"I don't know either. This seems to be the power given to me by the heart of immortals and demons." Chen Xuan replied.

At this time, the mysterious innate power completely controlled the body of the eternal dragon demon soul, leaving him helpless.

"What do you want?" Chen Xuan asked indifferently.

"Let me go, you weak and upright warrior from a famous family!" The eternal dragon demon soul roared angrily.

Chen Xuan sneered, realizing that he now controlled the fate of the eternal dragon demon soul. He began to think about how to completely eliminate the threat of this monster.

"Let you go? I'm not so kind." Chen Xuan said coldly.

He began to mobilize his innate power, compressing it into a bright white beam, and injected it directly into the body of the eternal dragon demon soul.

"What is this?" The eternal dragon demon soul shouted in horror.

Chen Xuan's innate power raged in the body of the eternal dragon demon soul, beginning to melt his soul and swallow up all his strength and memory.

"You monsters are existences that should not exist!" Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with determination.

Zhao Yunlei and others watched this scene and couldn't help but admire Chen Xuan's courage and determination. They knew that Chen Xuan might be under tremendous pressure and danger at this moment, but he still chose to completely eliminate the existence of the eternal dragon demon soul.

As time passed, the howl of the eternal dragon demon soul gradually disappeared, and his body quickly weakened, eventually turning into a wisp of ashes and completely disappearing from this world.

Chen Xuan's innate power was also exhausted, and he fell to the ground, gasping for air. But there was a firm smile on his face.

"The eternal dragon demon soul has finally been eliminated." Zhao Yunlei said with emotion.

"Chen Xuan, you are really amazing!" The sect master of Tianhua Immortal Mountain praised.

Zhao Yunlei was very surprised and quickly backed away.

Just at this time!

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