The formation moved quietly, and a powerful force began to surge. Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with determination, and he activated the formation faster and faster.

"Yang Wen, hold on!" Chen Xuan shouted, and the formation instantly reached its peak under his control.

Yang Wen's eyes widened and he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration in his heart as he looked at Chen Xuan's full-strength formation. He knew that Chen Xuan had tried his best at this moment, and he was determined to do his best to get out of the predicament.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly turned the formation and led it towards the flaming lion. For a moment, the world seemed to fall into silence, and the power of the formation was concentrated to the extreme.

"Kill!" Chen Xuan shouted, and the formation burst out with dazzling light, like a sharp blade, slashing towards the flame lion.

The flame lion felt threatened, and a fierce light flashed in its eyes, but it was in the formation and its movement was restricted, so it could only try to avoid it. However, the power of the formation seemed to have eyes, tightly locking its position.

There was a loud bang, and the formation hit the flame lion, sparking blazing flames. The flame lion roared in pain, but before it could react, Chen Xuan had already seized the opportunity and rushed to its side.

With one punch, it was like a mountain breaking into pieces, instantly hitting the vital part of the flame lion. The flame lion was blown away, roaring wildly, and the flames on its body seemed to be more intense.

"Don't let it escape!" Chen Xuan snorted coldly and pursued him again.

Upon seeing this, Yang Wen was not to be outdone and immediately joined the battle. The two cooperated tacitly and displayed wonderful fighting skills. Chen Xuan used formations to contain the Flame Lion, while Yang Wen took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack.

As time passed, the Flame Lion gradually fell into a hard fight. However, it is powerful and unwilling to admit defeat easily, and fights back with all its strength.

Chen Xuan felt that his physical strength was gradually declining, but he gritted his teeth and did not flinch. He knew that this battle would determine life and death, and he could not slack off at all.

Yang Wen saw Chen Xuan's determined eyes, and his fighting spirit ignited in his heart. He took a deep breath, mana surged throughout his body, and launched another powerful attack.

"Chen Xuan, hold on!" Yang Wen shouted loudly. He knew that only by working together with Chen Xuan could he have a chance to defeat this fairy beast.

After killing the Flame Lion, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen quickly fled the scene, looking for a safe refuge. After some running, they came to a city. Although this city is small in size, it is bustling with people. The streets are full of people, and the dazzling array of goods on the stalls attracts the attention of many people.

"It's finally safe." Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the bustling scene around him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"This city is an important transportation hub on the Central Continent. Many practitioners will pass through here." Yang Wen explained, "Although it is not large, it is a lively place."

After the two entered the city, they felt the familiar hustle and bustle atmosphere. The streets are crowded with practitioners, businessmen, adventurers and tourists of all kinds.

"Chen Xuan, your performance just now was so amazing! You were able to cross the realm and kill the Flame Lion with your strength!" Yang Wen was full of praise for Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan smiled and shook his head: "Thanks to your help, Yang Wen. Your cooperation is quite tacit."

"Haha, don't take it seriously." Yang Wen smiled modestly, "But in this Central Continent, there are not many practitioners who can fight across realms. Your strength is really admirable."

"This Central Territory Continent is indeed full of dangers. Immortal beasts are rioting and powerful enemies are appearing. We still have to be careful." Chen Xuan said thoughtfully.

"Yes, there are many powerful people in the Central Continent. We must always be vigilant." Yang Wen nodded in agreement.

The two wandered around the city for a while, bought some supplies needed for cultivation, and sat down to rest in a tavern.

"Chen Xuan, your journey of cultivation is really thrilling." Yang Wen took out the wine glass, poured two glasses of wine, and handed it to Chen Xuan, "Cheers to your courage and strength!"

Chen Xuan also picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Yang Wen, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your company, Yang Wen. With you by my side, I feel that this spiritual journey is full of hope."

Yang Wen smiled and shook his head: "Don't be so polite, we are friends. Since we have all arrived in the Central Continent, we must support each other and face this strange land together."

The two raised their glasses and drank, full of expectations for the future. Although the Central Continent is surrounded by crises, it also means that opportunities and challenges coexist.

While the two were chatting, a middle-aged cultivator in gorgeous clothes walked over. He glanced around, seeming to be looking for something. When he saw Chen Xuan and Yang Wen, he frowned slightly.

"How dare these two little guys come to make trouble in Fengyun City?" the middle-aged cultivator said sarcastically.

Chen Xuan looked at him indifferently and said nothing.

Yang Wen retorted dissatisfiedly: "We didn't come to cause trouble, we were just passing by."

"Passing by?" The middle-aged cultivator sneered, "How dare you say you are passing by with your appearance? It looks like you are preparing to cause trouble in Fengyun City."

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed slightly, and he noticed the aura of this cultivator. The opponent was in the early stage of the fifth level of Shenlong Breaking God. Although his strength was good, in Chen Xuan's view, he was no longer something to be afraid of.

"Since there is a misunderstanding, let's leave." Chen Xuan said calmly.

However, the middle-aged cultivator stood in front of them and blocked their way: "Leave? That's not possible. Your attitude just now has offended me, Fengyun City, and you must pay the price."

The words of the middle-aged cultivator made the atmosphere tense, and the pedestrians around stopped and watched the sudden conflict.

Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, not wanting to conflict with such a person. He said calmly: "We really have no ill intentions, just passing by. If we offend your Fengyun City, we can also apologize."

However, the middle-aged cultivator obviously did not intend to give up. He sneered and responded: "Apologize? Do you think that an apology can solve the problem? You are so young, even if you are a cultivator, you can't have any profound means. Since you are here, don't think about leaving easily!"

Yang Wen saw that the atmosphere was not good, and he couldn't help frowning. He didn't want to conflict with others, but the other party was unwilling to give up.

Chen Xuan looked at Yang Wen and shook his head slightly, indicating that he should be patient for the time being.

"Since you don't know what's good for you, don't blame me for being rude!" Before the middle-aged cultivator finished speaking, he moved his body and instantly appeared in front of Chen Xuan and Yang Wen, his hands turned into palm shadows, and slapped Chen Xuan fiercely.

The formation was quietly running, and a powerful force began to surge. A hint of determination flashed across Chen Xuan's eyes, and the speed of urging the formation became faster and faster.

"Yang Wen, hold on!" Chen Xuan shouted in a low voice, and the formation instantly reached its peak under his control.

Yang Wen widened his eyes and looked at the formation that Chen Xuan was exerting with all his strength, and a trace of admiration surged in his heart. He knew that Chen Xuan had already tried his best at this moment, and he was determined to do his best to get out of the predicament.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly turned the formation and led it to the flame lion. In an instant, the world seemed to fall into silence, and the power of the formation was condensed to the extreme.

"Cut!" Chen Xuan shouted in a low voice, and the formation burst out with a dazzling light, like a sharp blade, slashing at the flame lion.

The flame lion felt the threat, and a trace of fierce light flashed in its eyes, but it was in the formation, and its movements were restricted, so it could only try its best to dodge. However, the power of the formation seemed to have eyes, tightly locking its position.

With a loud bang, the formation slashed the flame lion, sparking a raging flame. The flame lion roared in pain, but before it could react, Chen Xuan had seized the opportunity and rushed to its side.

A punch was thrown out, like a broken mountain, instantly hitting the vital point of the flame lion. The flame lion was shaken away, roaring wildly, and the flames on its body seemed to be more fierce.

"Don't let it escape!" Chen Xuan snorted coldly and chased it again.

Seeing this, Yang Wen was not to be outdone and immediately joined the battle. The two cooperated tacitly and displayed wonderful fighting skills. Chen Xuan used the formation to contain the flame lion, while Yang Wen took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack.

As time passed, the flame lion gradually fell into a bitter battle. However, it was strong and unwilling to admit defeat easily, and fought back with all its strength.

Chen Xuan felt his physical strength gradually decline, but he gritted his teeth and did not flinch. He knew that this battle would determine life and death, and there could be no slackness.

Yang Wen saw Chen Xuan's resolute eyes, and his fighting spirit was also ignited in his heart. He took a deep breath, and his whole body of magic power surged, and he launched a powerful attack again.

"Chen Xuan, hold on!" Yang Wen shouted loudly. He knew that only by working together with Chen Xuan could they have a chance to defeat this fairy beast.

After killing the flame lion, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen quickly fled the scene, looking for a safe place to take refuge. After running for a while, they came to a city. Although the city is not large, it is very lively. The streets are crowded with people, and the dazzling goods on the stalls attract many people's attention.

"Finally safe." Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the prosperous scene around him, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"This city is an important transportation hub on the Central Continent. Many practitioners will pass through here." Yang Wen explained, "Although it is not large in scale, it is a lively place."

After the two entered the city, they felt the familiar hustle and bustle and prosperous atmosphere. The streets were crowded with people, and all kinds of practitioners, businessmen, adventurers and tourists came in an endless stream.

"Chen Xuan, your performance just now was really amazing! You can actually cross the realm with your strength and kill the flame lion!" Yang Wen praised Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan smiled and shook his head: "It's also thanks to your help, Yang Wen. You have a tacit understanding."

"Haha, I don't deserve it." Yang Wen smiled modestly, "But in this Central Continent, there are not many cultivators who can cross realms to fight. Your strength is really admirable."

"This Central Continent is indeed full of dangers. Immortal beasts are rioting and powerful enemies are everywhere. We still have to be careful." Chen Xuan pondered.

"That's right, there are many powerful people in the Central Continent. We must always be vigilant." Yang Wen nodded in agreement.

The two wandered around the city for a while, bought some supplies needed for cultivation, and sat down in a tavern to rest.

"Chen Xuan, your cultivation journey is really thrilling." Yang Wen took out the wine glass, poured two glasses of wine, and handed them to Chen Xuan, "Cheers to your courage and strength!" Chen Xuan also picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Yang Wen, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your company, Yang Wen. With you by my side, I feel that this cultivation journey is full of hope." Yang Wen smiled and shook his head: "Don't be so polite, we are friends. Since we have all come to the Central Continent, we must support each other and face this strange land together." The two raised their glasses and drank, and their hearts were full of expectations for the future. Although the Central Continent is full of crises, it also means that opportunities and challenges coexist.

While the two were chatting, a middle-aged cultivator in gorgeous clothes walked over. He glanced around, seeming to be looking for something. When he saw Chen Xuan and Yang Wen, he frowned slightly.

"How dare these two little guys come to make trouble in Fengyun City?" the middle-aged cultivator said sarcastically.

Chen Xuan looked at him indifferently and said nothing.

Yang Wen retorted dissatisfiedly: "We didn't come to cause trouble, we were just passing by."

"Passing by?" The middle-aged cultivator sneered, "How dare you say you are passing by with your appearance? It looks like you are preparing to cause trouble in Fengyun City."

Chen Xuan's eyes flashed slightly, and he noticed the aura of this cultivator. The opponent was in the early stage of the fifth level of Shenlong Breaking God. Although his strength was good, in Chen Xuan's view, he was no longer something to be afraid of.

"Since there is a misunderstanding, let's leave." Chen Xuan said calmly.

However, the middle-aged cultivator stood in front of them and blocked their way: "Leave? That's not possible. Your attitude just now has offended me, Fengyun City, and you must pay the price."

The middle-aged cultivator's words made the atmosphere tense, and the surrounding pedestrians stopped and watched the sudden conflict.

Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, not wanting to conflict with such a person. He said calmly: "We really have no malice, we are just passing by. If we offend you, Fengyun City, we can also apologize."

However, the middle-aged cultivator obviously did not intend to give up. He responded with a sneer: "Apologise? Do you think an apology can solve the problem? You are so young, even if you are a cultivator, you cannot have any sophisticated methods. Now that you are here, Don’t think about leaving easily!”

Seeing that the atmosphere was not good, Yang Wen couldn't help but frown. He didn't want to conflict with others, but the other party refused to give up.

Chen Xuan looked at Yang Wen and shook his head slightly, indicating that he would be patient for the time being.

"Since you don't know what is good and what is good, don't blame me for being rude!" Before the middle-aged practitioner finished speaking, he moved and appeared in front of Chen Xuan and Yang Wen in an instant. His hands turned into palm shadows and slapped Chen Xuan fiercely. Come.

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