However, just when the battle was getting heated, Chen Xuan suddenly took back the prairie fire sword in his hand. He looked calm and said to Ling Ran: "Since you insist on fighting, I will accompany you to the end."

When Ling Ran saw Chen Xuan put away the prairie fire sword, he couldn't help but feel happy, thinking that Chen Xuan finally realized how powerful he was and wanted to admit defeat. He smiled proudly and said provocatively: "It seems that you finally understand that your strength is limited and you don't dare to fight with me anymore."

Chen Xuan smiled faintly and asked, "Are you sure?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan formed seals with his hands again. Strong power surged in his heart, preparing to launch a stronger attack.

"Hmph! You are overestimating your own capabilities!" Ling Ran snorted coldly, exuding stronger aura, intending to defeat Chen Xuan.

However, just when he was about to take action, a breeze suddenly blew by, and a young man wearing a white robe suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at the young man in shock. They didn't know when he arrived, but it was obvious that his appearance attracted everyone's attention.

"Qingyun Sect!" Someone exclaimed, recognizing the young man's identity.

Qingyun Sect is one of the famous sects in the Central Continent. It has a profound foundation and powerful practitioners, so it has a high reputation in the Central Continent.

"The people from the Qingyun Sect are here, and there is something good to watch now."

Ling Ran's expression also changed slightly. He knew that the Qingyun Sect's power should not be underestimated. Now that Chen Xuan was in conflict with him, he might have provoked them.

The young cultivator glanced at Chen Xuan and Ling Ran. His eyes were indifferent and he said nothing, but there was a sense of oppression in his eyes.

Chen Xuan felt this pressure and couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He knew that the young cultivator in front of him was extraordinary.

Yang Wen also looked at the other person warily. He didn't know the young man, but he felt a strong aura from the other person's aura.

"This is my senior brother, a disciple of the Qingyun Sect." Ling Ran introduced him coldly.

The young man nodded lightly, and his eyes fell on Chen Xuan, seeming to be examining him.

Chen Xuan's heart moved, and he felt that the young cultivator's gaze was a little unusual, as if he could see through his true identity.

"You are lucky this time." The young cultivator said indifferently, then turned and left.

Ling Ran didn't stay any longer. He snorted coldly and left with his men.

Everyone looked at their departing figures with amazement in their hearts. Although the conflict just now did not break out, they all felt the tension between Chen Xuan and the Qingyun Sect disciples.

"Chen Xuan, do you really dare to provoke Qingyun Sect?" Yang Wen asked worriedly.

Chen Xuan smiled calmly and said: "Don't worry, we have no ill intentions, we are just passing by. As long as we don't take the initiative to cause trouble, they should not attack us."

Yang Wen nodded. Although he was a little worried, he also believed in Chen Xuan's judgment.

In the center of the Zhongyu Continent, Chen Xuan encountered more powerful enemies. They not only had advanced cultivation levels, but also possessed various mysterious magic weapons and techniques. In his fights with them, Chen Xuan constantly felt the long and arduous road of cultivation, but he firmly believed that as long as he kept working hard, he would one day reach the pinnacle of transcending heaven.

"Yang Wen, do you think my current strength is enough to deal with these enemies?" Chen Xuan stopped and asked Yang Wen beside him.

Yang Wen looked at Chen Xuan seriously, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Chen Xuan, your strength is indeed very strong, and you can defeat the enemy across realms. However, the world of the Central Realm is vast, and there are many powerful practitioners everywhere. We still have We must work harder to practice and continuously improve our strength.”

Chen Xuan nodded. He understood that Yang Wen's words did not belittle his strength, but hoped that he could maintain a humble and enterprising attitude.

"Yes, we must keep working hard and never stop moving forward." Chen Xuan said, embarking on the journey forward again.

In every corner of the Central Continent, they will encounter new challenges and opportunities. Every battle is an experience, and every growth is a breakthrough. He believes that as long as they persevere, one day they will surpass the way of heaven. , to become a truly strong person. This is their path of cultivation.

In a lush forest, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen were walking on a narrow path. Suddenly, a ferocious roar echoed through the sky, and a huge fairy beast stepped out of the woods and rushed towards them like a strong wind.

This fairy beast is ferocious in shape, huge in size, and exudes a majestic aura of fairy power. It is a flaming lion, the hair all over its body burns like flames, and its eyes flash with a ferocious light, which is heart-stopping.

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed, and he held the prairie fire sword tightly. There was no trace of fear on his face, replaced by a look of determination and determination.

Yang Wen also had a serious look on his face, and the aura on his body was constantly surging, showing his strong cultivation.

The flame lion let out a deafening roar and swung its huge claws violently towards Chen Xuan and Yang Wen. The air instantly surged with scorching flames.

Chen Xuan's body flashed, and he used the formation to cleverly avoid the attack of the flaming lion, and then used the prairie fire sword to slash at the flaming lion's body.

The Flame Lion dodged cleverly, but the sword light of the prairie fire sword still drew a bloody mark on its body. It roared and turned back to attack, a burst of flames killing Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan quickly used the innate power of Suzaku, and his body moved like a flame, avoiding the flames.

Yang Wen used the formation to control the power of the wind, forming a powerful wind blade and slashing towards the flaming lion.

The flame lion waved its huge claws, tore the wind blade apart, and then pounced on Yang Wen.

Yang Wen's face changed slightly, and he quickly retreated, trying to avoid the attack of the flame lion.

However, the Flame Lion was extremely fast. It pursued Yang Wen step by step.

When Chen Xuan saw this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

However, just when the battle was getting heated, Chen Xuan suddenly took back the prairie fire sword in his hand. He looked calm and said to Ling Ran: "Since you insist on fighting, I will accompany you to the end."

When Ling Ran saw Chen Xuan put away the prairie fire sword, he couldn't help but feel happy, thinking that Chen Xuan finally realized how powerful he was and wanted to admit defeat. He smiled proudly and said provocatively: "It seems that you finally understand that your strength is limited and you don't dare to fight with me anymore."

Chen Xuan smiled faintly and asked, "Are you sure?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan formed seals with his hands again. Strong power surged in his heart, preparing to launch a stronger attack.

"Hmph! You are overestimating your own capabilities!" Ling Ran snorted coldly, exuding stronger aura, intending to defeat Chen Xuan.

However, just when he was about to take action, a breeze suddenly blew by, and a young man wearing a white robe suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at the young man in shock. They didn't know when he arrived, but it was obvious that his appearance attracted everyone's attention.

"Qingyun Sect!" Someone exclaimed, recognizing the young man's identity.

Qingyun Sect is one of the famous sects in the Central Continent. It has a profound foundation and powerful practitioners, so it has a high reputation in the Central Continent.

"The people from the Qingyun Sect are here, and there is something good to watch now."

Ling Ran's expression also changed slightly. He knew that the Qingyun Sect's power should not be underestimated. Now that Chen Xuan was in conflict with him, he might have provoked them.

The young cultivator glanced at Chen Xuan and Ling Ran. His eyes were indifferent and he said nothing, but there was a sense of oppression in his eyes.

Chen Xuan felt this pressure and couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He knew that the young cultivator in front of him was extraordinary.

Yang Wen also looked at the other person warily. He didn't know the young man, but he felt a strong aura from the other person's aura.

"This is my senior brother, a disciple of the Qingyun Sect." Ling Ran introduced him coldly.

The young man nodded lightly, and his eyes fell on Chen Xuan, seeming to be examining him.

Chen Xuan's heart moved, and he felt that the young cultivator's gaze was a little unusual, as if he could see through his true identity.

"You are lucky this time." The young cultivator said indifferently, then turned and left.

Ling Ran didn't stay any longer. He snorted coldly and left with his men.

Everyone looked at their departing figures with amazement in their hearts. Although the conflict just now did not break out, they all felt the tension between Chen Xuan and the Qingyun Sect disciples.

"Chen Xuan, do you really dare to provoke Qingyun Sect?" Yang Wen asked worriedly.

Chen Xuan smiled calmly and said: "Don't worry, we have no ill intentions, we are just passing by. As long as we don't take the initiative to cause trouble, they should not attack us."

Yang Wen nodded. Although he was a little worried, he also believed in Chen Xuan's judgment.

In the center of the Zhongyu Continent, Chen Xuan encountered more powerful enemies. They not only had advanced cultivation levels, but also possessed various mysterious magic weapons and techniques. In his fights with them, Chen Xuan constantly felt the long and arduous road of cultivation, but he firmly believed that as long as he kept working hard, he would one day reach the pinnacle of transcending heaven.

"Yang Wen, do you think my current strength is enough to deal with these enemies?" Chen Xuan stopped and asked Yang Wen beside him.

Yang Wen looked at Chen Xuan seriously, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Chen Xuan, your strength is indeed very strong, and you can defeat the enemy across realms. However, the world of the Central Realm is vast, and there are many powerful practitioners everywhere. We still have We must work harder to practice and continuously improve our strength.”

Chen Xuan nodded. He understood that Yang Wen's words did not belittle his strength, but hoped that he could maintain a humble and enterprising attitude.

"Yes, we must keep working hard and never stop moving forward." Chen Xuan said, embarking on the journey forward again.

In every corner of the Central Continent, they will encounter new challenges and opportunities. Every battle is an experience, and every growth is a breakthrough. He believes that as long as they persevere, one day they will surpass the way of heaven. , to become a truly strong person. This is their path of cultivation.

In a lush forest, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen were walking on a narrow path. Suddenly, a ferocious roar echoed through the sky, and a huge fairy beast stepped out of the woods and rushed towards them like a strong wind.

This fairy beast is ferocious in shape, huge in size, and exudes a majestic aura of fairy power. It is a flaming lion, the hair all over its body burns like flames, and its eyes flash with a ferocious light, which is heart-stopping.

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed, and he held the prairie fire sword tightly. There was no trace of fear on his face, replaced by a look of determination and determination.

Yang Wen also had a serious look on his face, and the aura on his body was constantly surging, showing his strong cultivation.

The flame lion let out a deafening roar and swung its huge claws violently towards Chen Xuan and Yang Wen. The air instantly surged with scorching flames.

Chen Xuan's body flashed, and he used the formation to cleverly avoid the attack of the flaming lion, and then used the prairie fire sword to slash at the flaming lion's body.

The Flame Lion dodged cleverly, but the sword light of the prairie fire sword still drew a bloody mark on its body. It roared and turned back to attack, a burst of flames killing Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan quickly used the innate power of Suzaku, and his body moved like a flame, avoiding the flames.

Yang Wen used the formation to control the power of the wind, forming a powerful wind blade and slashing towards the flaming lion.

The flame lion waved its huge claws, tore the wind blade apart, and then pounced on Yang Wen.

Yang Wen's face changed slightly, and he quickly retreated, trying to avoid the attack of the flame lion.

However, the Flame Lion was extremely fast. It pursued Yang Wen step by step.

When Chen Xuan saw this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

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