Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6427 Cultivators from Outer Domain

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen accepted the praises from everyone with a modest smile. They did not show off their strength, but continued to remain humble and low-key.

"What is the purpose of you two coming to the Central Realm?" A cultivator asked curiously.

"We are looking for a friend. Her name is Yu Wenqiu, whom we met in another world a long time ago." Chen Xuan answered frankly.

"Yu Wenqiu? I seem to have heard of this name, but I can't remember exactly where." Another practitioner frowned and thought for a moment.

"However, you can ask the head of the Wanyan family. He should know more about this land." An old cultivator pointed to a mansion in the distance.

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen thanked everyone for the reminder, turned around and walked towards the mansion. On the way, they still received a lot of curious looks and comments.

"Look at those two young men, they seem to be from the outside world."

"How come the cultivators in the outer realm are so strong?"

"They said they were here to see friends, but I don't know if that's true."

"I heard that they defeated the middle-aged cultivator. He must not be an ordinary person."

"Perhaps they came for the opportunities and treasures in the Central Territory."

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen ignored these comments. They both knew in their hearts that they would face various challenges and tests when they came to the Central Continent. They must practice hard, continuously improve their strength, find Yu Wenqiu, and achieve their goals.

Entering the Wanyan family's mansion, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen met the cultivator known as the head of the Wanyan family. He sat in a high position with deep eyes, as if he could see through everything.

"Are you the two cultivators who defeated the Red Flame Palace?" the head of the Wanyan family asked with a smile.

"Yes, our names are Chen Xuan and Yang Wen." Chen Xuan replied respectfully.

"Not bad." The head of the Wanyan family nodded, "Why did you come to the Central Region?"

"We are looking for a friend. Her name is Yu Wenqiu, whom we met in another world a long time ago." Yang Wen said calmly.

"Yu Wenqiu?" The head of the Wanyan family thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head, "I don't think I have heard of this name."

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen were a little disappointed, but they did not give up. "Then what do you know about the Central Continent? We just came here and know nothing about this place."

The head of the Wanyan family smiled slightly, "The Central Continent is very vast, full of opportunities and treasures, and also full of dangers. Although you two are very strong, you still need to work hard to survive in the Central Continent."

"We will work hard." Chen Xuan said solemnly, "Thank you for the reminder."

The head of the Wanyan family nodded and smiled appreciatively at Chen Xuan and Yang Wen.

In the Wanyan family mansion, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen were warmly entertained and invited to stay for a few more days. During this period, they were able to gain a deeper understanding of the situation in Zhongyu Continent and the Wanyan family.

The head of the Wanyan family was full of praise for Chen Xuan and was very satisfied with the strength and potential he had shown. He had a desire to recruit, hoping to keep Chen Xuan to join the Wanyan family and become a member of their family.

"Chen Xuan, I have taken a fancy to your strength. If you join my Wanyan family, you will definitely receive extremely generous resources and treatment." The head of the Wanyan family said sincerely, "In our family, you will have endless opportunities. and room for development.”

Chen Xuan knew the other party's sincerity, and he replied with a smile: "Master, I am grateful for your invitation, but I still have some personal goals to complete, so I can't make a decision yet."

The head of the Wanyan family did not force it. He knew that every cultivator had his own path. He smiled and showed understanding.

During their stay in the mansion, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen also met some young practitioners from the Wanyan family. Among them, a young man named Wan Yanfeng had some friction with Chen Xuan.

Wanyanfeng is the son of the head of the Wanyan family. He has always received special care in the family, so he is a little arrogant. When he saw Chen Xuan showing great strength, he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied.

One day, at the training ground in the mansion, Wan Yanfeng walked up to Chen Xuan and said coldly: "Chen Xuan, although you have some abilities, you are nothing more than that. Don't think that you can do whatever you want in our Wanyan family."

Chen Xuan did not get angry. He smiled calmly and said, "I have never had such an idea. The Wanyan family is a powerful family. I came here hoping to find a friend, not to do whatever I want."

Wanyanfeng felt a little dissatisfied when he saw that Chen Xuan was not irritated, but was so calm. He sneered and said: "You should stop pretending. Your strength is certainly good, but in front of me, you are not qualified enough."

After saying this, he gathered his true energy and challenged Chen Xuan.

Seeing this, Yang Wen also stood up and said coldly: "Wan Yanfeng, you don't have to find trouble, we are not here to be your enemy."

Wan Yanfeng was unmoved. He stared at Chen Xuan sharply with a firm attitude.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, knowing that if he didn't fight Wan Yanfeng, the other party might not give up. In this case, let him see his strength.

As a result, Chen Xuan gathered his true energy and faced Wan Yanfeng's challenge.

The figures of the two were flying around, and they were fighting fiercely. Although Wan Yanfeng was not weak in strength, he was gradually at a disadvantage facing Chen Xuan's powerful fighting skills and determination.

"This Chen Xuan actually has such strength!" The young practitioners of the Wanyan family were amazed. They relied on Wanyanfeng's strength. At this moment, seeing him being suppressed by Chen Xuan, they felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen accepted the praises from everyone with a modest smile. They did not show off their strength, but continued to remain humble and low-key.

"What is the purpose of you two coming to the Central Realm?" a cultivator asked curiously.

"We are looking for a friend. Her name is Yu Wenqiu, whom we met in another world a long time ago." Chen Xuan answered frankly.

"Yu Wenqiu? I seem to have heard of this name, but I can't remember exactly where." Another practitioner frowned and thought for a moment.

"However, you can ask the head of the Wanyan family. He should know more about this land." An old cultivator pointed to a mansion in the distance.

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen thanked everyone for the reminder, turned around and walked towards the mansion. On the way, they still received a lot of curious looks and comments.

"Look at those two young men, they seem to be from the outside world."

"How come the cultivators in the outer realm are so strong?"

"They said they were here to see friends, but I don't know if that's true."

"I heard that they defeated the middle-aged cultivator. He must not be an ordinary person."

"Perhaps they came for the opportunities and treasures in the Central Territory."

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen ignored these comments. They both knew in their hearts that they would face various challenges and tests when they came to the Central Continent. They must practice hard, continuously improve their strength, find Yu Wenqiu, and achieve their goals.

Entering the Wanyan family's mansion, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen met the cultivator known as the head of the Wanyan family. He sat in a high position with deep eyes, as if he could see through everything.

"Are you the two cultivators who defeated the Red Flame Palace?" the head of the Wanyan family asked with a smile.

"Yes, our names are Chen Xuan and Yang Wen." Chen Xuan replied respectfully.

"Not bad." The head of the Wanyan family nodded, "Why did you come to the Central Region?"

"We are looking for a friend. Her name is Yu Wenqiu, whom we met in another world a long time ago." Yang Wen said calmly.

"Yu Wenqiu?" The head of the Wanyan family thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head, "I don't think I have heard of this name."

Chen Xuan and Yang Wen were a little disappointed, but they did not give up. "Then what do you know about the Central Continent? We just came here and know nothing about this place."

The head of the Wanyan family smiled slightly, "The Central Continent is very vast, full of opportunities and treasures, and also full of dangers. Although you two are very strong, you still need to work hard to survive in the Central Continent."

"We will work hard." Chen Xuan said solemnly, "Thank you for the reminder."

The head of the Wanyan family nodded and smiled appreciatively at Chen Xuan and Yang Wen.

In the Wanyan family mansion, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen were warmly entertained and invited to stay for a few more days. During this period, they were able to gain a deeper understanding of the situation in Zhongyu Continent and the Wanyan family.

The head of the Wanyan family was full of praise for Chen Xuan and was very satisfied with the strength and potential he had shown. He had a desire to recruit, hoping to keep Chen Xuan and join the Wanyan family and become a member of their family.

"Chen Xuan, I have taken a fancy to your strength. If you join my Wanyan family, you will definitely receive extremely generous resources and treatment." The head of the Wanyan family said sincerely, "In our family, you will have endless opportunities. and room for development.”

Chen Xuan knew the other party's sincerity, and he replied with a smile: "Master, I am grateful for your invitation, but I still have some personal goals to complete, so I can't make a decision yet."

The head of the Wanyan family did not force it. He knew that every cultivator had his own path. He smiled and showed understanding.

During their stay in the mansion, Chen Xuan and Yang Wen also met some young practitioners from the Wanyan family. Among them, a young man named Wan Yanfeng had some friction with Chen Xuan.

Wanyanfeng is the son of the head of the Wanyan family. He has always received special care in the family, so he is a little arrogant. When he saw Chen Xuan showing great strength, he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied.

One day, at the training ground in the mansion, Wan Yanfeng walked up to Chen Xuan and said coldly: "Chen Xuan, although you have some abilities, you are nothing more than that. Don't think that you can do whatever you want in our Wanyan family."

Chen Xuan did not get angry. He smiled calmly and said, "I have never had such an idea. The Wanyan family is a powerful family. I came here hoping to find a friend, not to do whatever I want."

Wanyanfeng felt a little dissatisfied when she saw that Chen Xuan was not irritated, but was so calm. He sneered and said: "You should stop pretending. Your strength is certainly good, but in front of me, you are not qualified enough."

After saying this, he gathered his true energy and challenged Chen Xuan.

Seeing this, Yang Wen also stood up and said coldly: "Wan Yanfeng, you don't have to find trouble, we are not here to be your enemy."

Wan Yanfeng was unmoved. He stared at Chen Xuan sharply with a firm attitude.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, knowing that if he didn't fight Wan Yanfeng, the other party might not give up. In this case, let him see his own strength.

As a result, Chen Xuan also gathered his true energy and faced Wan Yanfeng's challenge.

The figures of the two were flying around, and they were fighting fiercely. Although Wan Yanfeng was not weak in strength, he was gradually at a disadvantage facing Chen Xuan's powerful fighting skills and determination.

"This Chen Xuan actually has such strength!" The young practitioners of the Wanyan family were amazed. They relied on Wanyanfeng's strength. At this moment, seeing him being suppressed by Chen Xuan, they felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

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