Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6462 Not attracting too much attention

On a quiet night, Chen Xuan sneaked into a forbidden area in Longxiang Sect. His doubts became deeper and deeper, and he wanted to find some conclusive evidence to reveal whether there really was a hidden force inside Longxiang Sect.

This forbidden area was quiet, and the starlight sprinkled on the ground, which seemed extremely mysterious.

Chen Xuan carefully explored, looking for possible clues.

He came to a library, hoping to find some information about Longxiang Sect here.

He flipped through an ancient book that recorded the history and internal affairs of the sect.

In the process of reading, Chen Xuan gradually found some clues, and it seemed that some specific events and characters were deleted or hidden. This aroused his greater interest, and he decided to explore further.

He carefully searched with his spiritual sense, trying to find the deleted information. Finally, after a while, he found some hidden clues, which seemed to point to some key figures.

Chen Xuan realized that this problem might be more complicated than he thought.

These hidden information might be related to the forces inside Longxiang Sect, and they were the masterminds behind the assassination and frame-up.

The night passed quickly. Chen Xuan collected as many clues as possible and quietly left the library.

Returning to his rented residence, he shared his findings with his partners.

"These hidden clues may point to some internal forces, and these forces may be the masterminds behind the scenes." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

Yang Wen frowned and said, "It seems that we have to continue to investigate in depth and find more evidence to reveal this conspiracy."

The little firebird nodded and added, "Our strength is constantly increasing, but if there are such hostile forces inside, we must be careful."

After hard investigation and efforts, Chen Xuan and his partners finally uncovered the truth of the conspiracy and found that the mastermind behind it was the king of the fairy country.

They gathered all the clues and evidence and were sure that all this was arranged by the king. In a secret meeting, Chen Xuan revealed this amazing discovery to his partners.

The partners were shocked to hear the news. The little firebird asked puzzledly: "Why does the king want to deal with you? Is it because of your cultivation results that aroused jealousy?"

Chen Xuan shook his head thoughtfully: "I think there may be more complicated interests and conspiracies behind this. The king's purpose must not only be for me, but there are deeper reasons."

Yang Wen frowned and said: "It seems that we must act carefully, not only to protect ourselves, but also to guard against the king's pursuit."

Chen Xuan nodded and agreed: "Yes, we can't take it lightly. The power and influence of the king are huge. We must make a clear plan to fight him."

They all kept silent. They all understood that the struggle with the king would be a protracted battle full of tests and dangers.

But they also firmly believed that as long as they united and prepared fully, they would be able to deal with it all.

Chen Xuan and his companions gathered together, facing the third prince, the atmosphere seemed solemn and serious.

Yang Wen said in a deep voice: "The death of the Third Prince will definitely cause great anger from the King. After all, he is the King's son, and the King will definitely hold him accountable for this matter."

The little firebird asked worriedly: "Then how can we face the King's anger? His power is very strong."

Chen Xuan sighed softly, and then said: "We must stabilize the situation and prevent it from getting worse. The most important thing now is to collect enough evidence to prove that we have nothing to do with the death of the Third Prince."

Bai Yunpiao nodded in agreement: "Yes, we should try to avoid direct conflict with the King, at least before we have enough power."

Chen Xuan looked at his companions deeply, and said in a firm tone: "However, if the King's conspiracy conflicts with our interests, we will never stand idly by. We must protect ourselves and everything we cherish."

The companions looked at each other, their eyes firm and determined. They understood that even in the face of such a powerful force as the King, they must not retreat, let alone surrender.

Yang Wen smiled and eased the atmosphere: "Okay, don't worry too much now. After all, there is no conclusive evidence pointing to us. Let's take it step by step and make sure to protect ourselves."

The little firebird muttered: "The king wants to make trouble for us, which is really annoying."

Bai Yunpiao also smiled and said: "No matter what, we must remain vigilant and be ready to deal with any possible situation at any time."

Everyone sat in the cool shade of the trees, overlooking the Longxiang Sect in the distance. The towering buildings of the sect were shining with golden light under the sunlight, like a fairyland.

Bai Yunpiao sighed softly: "Longxiang Sect is indeed extraordinary and looks magnificent." Chen Xuan nodded, his eyes revealing his familiarity and respect for this land: "Yes, Longxiang Sect is located in the center of the fairyland, and almost controls the cultivation resources of the entire region. The cultivators can get more opportunities and resources by practicing here." The little firebird said excitedly: "If there is a chance, I also want to go in and take a look. Maybe I can find cultivation resources suitable for me." Yang Wen smiled and persuaded: "Little Firebird, you have to stabilize the foundation of cultivation, don't rush for success."

Bai Yunpiao suddenly raised his head and stared at Long Xiangzong: "Everyone, please pay attention, someone seems to be observing us there."

Everyone turned around and saw a middle-aged monk standing on a high place in the distance. His eyes were sharp and revealed an unusual aura.

Chen Xuan frowned. He noticed that the monk's cultivation level was not simple: "This monk's cultivation level is at least at the third level of the Divine Dragon Realm. He is a master of Longxiang Sect."

The little Firebird clenched his fists, and a flash of determination flashed on his face: "Since he dares to observe us, it means that he is interested in us. Should we go and ask clearly, or..."

Yang Wen shook his head: "Don't be impulsive. We don't have enough confidence and strength yet. It's best to observe first and not cause unnecessary trouble."

On a quiet night, Chen Xuan sneaked into a forbidden area within Longxiang Sect. The doubts in his mind are getting deeper and deeper. He wants to find some conclusive evidence to reveal whether there are really hidden forces within Longxiang Sect.

The environment of this forbidden area is quiet, and the starlight shines on the ground, making it look extremely mysterious.

Chen Xuan carefully explored, looking for possible clues.

He came to a library, hoping to find some internal information about Longxiang Sect.

He was flipping through an ancient book, which recorded the history and internal affairs of the sect.

While reading, Chen Xuan gradually discovered some clues. It seemed that some specific events and characters had been deleted or hidden. This piqued his interest even more, and he decided to investigate further.

He carefully searched with his consciousness, trying to find the deleted information. Finally, after some time, he discovered some hidden clues that seemed to point to some key figures.

Chen Xuan realized that this problem might be more complicated than he thought.

This hidden information is probably related to the forces within the Longxiang Sect, and they are the masterminds behind the assassination and frame-up.

The night passed quickly. Chen Xuan collected as many clues as possible and then quietly left the library.

Returning to his rented accommodation, he shared his findings with his companions.

"These hidden clues are likely to point to some internal forces, and these forces may be the masterminds behind the scenes." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

Yang Wen frowned and said: "It seems like we have to continue to investigate in depth and find more evidence to reveal this conspiracy."

Little Firebird nodded and added: "Our strength is constantly increasing, but if there are such hostile forces inside, we must proceed with caution."

After painstaking investigation and hard work, Chen Xuan and his partners finally uncovered the truth of the conspiracy and discovered that the mastermind behind it turned out to be the king of the fairy kingdom.

They gathered all the clues and evidence and were convinced that all this was arranged by the king. In a secret meeting, Chen Xuan revealed this amazing discovery to his partners.

The friends were shocked when they heard the news. The little fire bird asked in confusion: "Why does the king want to deal with you? Is it because your cultivation achievements have aroused jealousy?"

Chen Xuan shook his head thoughtfully: "I think there may be more complex interests and conspiracies behind this. The purpose of the king must not only be because of me, but there are deeper reasons."

Yang Wen frowned and said: "It seems that we must act carefully, not only to protect ourselves, but also to guard against the pursuit of the king."

Chen Xuan nodded and agreed: "Yes, we cannot take it lightly. The power and influence of the king are great, and we must formulate a clear plan to fight against him."

They all remained silent. They all understood that the fight against the king would be a protracted battle, full of tests and dangers.

But they also firmly believe that as long as they are united and fully prepared, they will be able to deal with it all.

Chen Xuan and his companions gathered together, facing the Third Prince, and the atmosphere seemed solemn and solemn.

Yang Wen said in a deep voice: "The death of the third prince will definitely arouse great anger from the king. After all, he is the son of the king, and the king will definitely hold him accountable for this matter."

Little Firebird asked worriedly: "So, how are we going to face the wrath of the king? His power is very powerful."

Chen Xuan sighed softly, and then said: "We must stabilize the situation and prevent it from deteriorating further. The most important thing now is to collect enough evidence to prove that we have nothing to do with the death of the third prince."

Bai Yunpiao nodded in agreement: "Yes, we should try our best to avoid a head-on conflict with the king, at least until we don't have enough strength."

Chen Xuan took a deep look at his companions and said firmly: "However, if the master's conspiracy conflicts with our interests, we will never stand idly by. We must protect ourselves and everything we cherish."

The partners looked at each other with firm and determined eyes. They understand that even in the face of such a powerful force as the king, they must not retreat, let alone surrender.

Yang Wen smiled and eased the atmosphere: "Okay, don't worry too much now. After all, there is no conclusive evidence pointing to us yet. Let's take it step by step and be sure to protect ourselves."

The little fire bird muttered: "The king just wants to cause trouble for us, but it's really annoying."

Bai Yunpiao also smiled and said: "No matter what, we must remain vigilant and be ready to deal with possible situations at any time."

Everyone was sitting under the cool shade of the trees, overlooking the Longxiang Sect in the distance. The towering buildings of the sect shone with golden light under the sunlight, like a fairyland.

Bai Yunpiao sighed softly: "Longxiang Sect is indeed extraordinary and looks magnificent."

Chen Xuan nodded, his eyes revealing his familiarity and respect for this land: "Yes, Longxiang Sect is located in the center of the Immortal Realm and almost controls the entire region's cultivation resources. The monks who practice here can obtain more information. Lots of opportunities and resources.”

Little Firebird said excitedly: "If I have the chance, I would also like to go in and take a look. Maybe I can find some training resources suitable for me."

Yang Wen smiled and persuaded: "Little Firebird, you have to stabilize the foundation of your cultivation. Don't rush for success."

Bai Yunpiao suddenly raised his head and stared at Long Xiangzong: "Everyone, please pay attention, someone seems to be observing us there."

Everyone turned around and saw a middle-aged monk standing on a high place in the distance. His eyes were sharp and revealed an unusual aura.

Chen Xuan frowned. He noticed that the monk's cultivation level was not simple: "This monk's cultivation level is at least at the third level of the Divine Dragon Realm. He is a master of Longxiang Sect."

The little Firebird clenched his fists, and a flash of determination flashed on his face: "Since he dares to observe us, it means that he is interested in us. Should we go and ask clearly, or..."

Yang Wen shook his head: "Don't be impulsive. We don't have enough confidence and strength yet. It's best to observe first and not cause unnecessary trouble."

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