Bai Yunpiao breathed a sigh of relief and seemed satisfied with Leng Piao's explanation: "In this case, we have no malicious intentions. We are just passing by and have no interest in Longxiang Sect's affairs."

Chen Xuan added: "We just want to understand some things. After understanding the situation, we will leave as soon as possible."

Leng Piao nodded: "I understand your thoughts, but the current situation is indeed more complicated. I suggest that you stay here temporarily and wait for the results of our investigation. If it is confirmed that there is no problem, you can leave safely."

Yang Wen and others looked at each other. They knew that although the Leng Piao in front of them had a gentle attitude, after all, he represented the Longxiang Sect and they still needed to be careful.

Eventually, they agreed to stay here and wait for the situation to develop.

"Then please excuse me, Elder Leng." Chen Xuan expressed his thanks.

"We will naturally protect your safety. During this period, you can rest and practice within Longxiang Sect, and you can also learn about the progress of our investigation at any time."

Everyone expressed their gratitude. Although they were temporarily trapped in Longxiang Sect, at least it was a relatively safe place. They also understand that it is not the time to leave yet and must wait for things to develop.

Leng Piao stood up: "In that case, I will arrange a temporary place for you to live and practice. If you need anything, you can come to me at any time."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and then followed Leng Piao away from the coffee table, preparing to go to the arranged residence.

In the following days, Chen Xuan and others temporarily stayed within Longxiang Sect. They were not idle, but took the opportunity to practice and prepare. Within a large force like Longxiang Sect, the cultivation resources and opportunities available are very abundant.

Bai Yunpiao and Xiao Huoniao searched for suitable training resources within the sect and worked hard to improve their strength.

Yang Wenze consulted a large amount of information in the sect's library, hoping to find some clues about interfering with Longxiang Sect.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, chose to go to the mountains to practice in seclusion alone. He found a quiet place, set up a simple alchemy furnace, and began to refine the elixir. Alchemy is his specialty and a way for him to obtain cultivation resources.

During the cultivation process, Chen Xuan's mind was not entirely focused on alchemy. From time to time, he would think of the difficulties suffered by Longxiang Sect and the existence of those mysterious forces. He understood that although Leng Piao said it gently, the internal and external situation of Longxiang Sect was not simple.

"Brother Chen, what are you thinking about?" A voice suddenly came into Chen Xuan's ears.

Chen Xuan looked up and saw a young monk standing in front of him.

This young monk has an extraordinary temperament and is a member of the Longxiang Sect.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "I'm thinking about something, any advice?"

The young monk smiled and said: "I am Yang Yunfei from Longxiang Sect. I heard that Brother Chen is a monk from outside, so I came here to say hello."

Chen Xuan nodded gratefully: "It turns out to be Brother Yang, thank you for coming to visit. I am Chen Xuan, and these are my friends, Bai Yunpiao, Yang Wen, and Little Firebird."

Yang Yunfei smiled slightly, and then his eyes glanced at the alchemy furnace in Chen Xuan's hand: "Brother Chen's alchemy skills are quite extraordinary. The aroma in this alchemy furnace speaks for itself."

Chen Xuan smiled modestly: "Alchemy is just my hobby, it's nothing."

Yang Yunfei disagreed: "Brother Chen, there are very few people who can reach your level. I heard that you passed by Longxiang Sect, but..."

Chen Xuan took a deep look at Yang Yunfei and felt the deep meaning in the other person's words: "Yes, we are indeed interested in the situation of Longxiang Sect. We don't want to interfere in your affairs, we just want to understand some situations, maybe We can provide some help."

Yang Yunfei nodded: "I can feel your sincerity. The current situation of Longxiang Sect is indeed complicated, but it is not without hope. If you are really willing to help, you may be able to solve some problems for the sect."

Bai Yunpiao, Yang Wen and Little Firebird also came over. When they saw Yang Yunfei, they expressed their identities and greetings.

Yang Yunfei smiled and said: "Since you are willing to stay, of course we welcome you. We just hope that we can maintain cooperation and friendship during our time here."

Everyone nodded in agreement. They knew that in a strange place, it was wise to maintain friendly cooperation with the local monks.

Although this encounter was a bit sudden, they hope to find more opportunities and resources for themselves through their own efforts.

Chen Xuan and his party were not trying to devote themselves wholeheartedly to Longxiang Sect, but were seeking opportunities for their own cultivation. However, what they didn't expect was that the great elder would send someone to secretly assassinate Chen Xuan, with deep hatred hidden behind him.

The reason why the Great Elder was hostile to Chen Xuan stemmed from some previous frictions and conflicts between them.

Chen Xuan and his entourage did not establish a great reputation within the sect, but instead practiced silently. In the eyes of some people, this seemed to be a lack of attention to the sect.

The great elder played an instigating role, arousing dissatisfaction among some fellow apprentices.

The great elder learned that Chen Xuan and his party had not left, but were practicing. He angrily decided to take tougher measures and sent masters from the sect to assassinate Chen Xuan and his party to completely solve this problem.

He found a confidant master named Yang Lingfeng and explained the importance of the mission.

"Yang Lingfeng, listen carefully, I want you to do something. Chen Xuan and his group dare to despise me, and I will never tolerate it!" the great elder said angrily.

Yang Lingfeng nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, Great Elder, I will definitely complete the task. It's just that Chen Xuan is not weak, so we have to be careful to avoid causing instability within the sect."

The Great Elder smiled coldly and said: "Don't worry, I have already explored their cultivation. Although they are not weak, they may not be our opponents. Go ahead and do it. After success, I will reward you heavily. But if If you fail, you know the consequences."

Yang Lingfeng's face changed slightly, but he still nodded firmly in agreement, and then left the great elder's room.

A few days later, while Chen Xuan and his group were meditating on their cultivation, they suddenly felt an aura of crisis. Chen Xuan opened his eyes, glanced around sharply, and then said to his companions: "Someone is here, someone from the sect!"

Everyone else also stood up alertly, feeling something was wrong in their hearts.

Bai Yunpiao breathed a sigh of relief and seemed satisfied with Leng Piao's explanation: "In this case, we have no malicious intentions. We are just passing by and have no interest in Longxiang Sect's affairs."

Chen Xuan added: "We just want to understand some things. After understanding the situation, we will leave as soon as possible."

Leng Piao nodded: "I understand your thoughts, but the current situation is indeed more complicated. I suggest that you stay here temporarily and wait for the results of our investigation. If it is confirmed that there is no problem, you can leave safely."

Yang Wen and others looked at each other. They knew that although the Leng Piao in front of them had a gentle attitude, after all, he represented the Long Xiang Sect and they still needed to be careful.

Eventually, they agreed to stay here and wait for the situation to develop.

"Then please excuse me, Elder Leng." Chen Xuan expressed his thanks.

"We will naturally protect your safety. During this period, you can rest and practice within Longxiang Sect, and you can also learn about the progress of our investigation at any time."

Everyone expressed their gratitude. Although they were temporarily trapped in Longxiang Sect, at least it was a relatively safe place. They also understand that it is not the time to leave yet and they must wait for things to develop.

Leng Piao stood up: "In that case, I will arrange a temporary place for you to live and practice. If you need anything, you can come to me at any time."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and then followed Leng Piao away from the coffee table, preparing to go to the arranged residence.

In the following days, Chen Xuan and others temporarily stayed within Longxiang Sect. They were not idle, but took the opportunity to practice and prepare. Within a large force like Longxiang Sect, the cultivation resources and opportunities available are very abundant.

Bai Yunpiao and Xiao Huoniao searched for suitable training resources within the sect and worked hard to improve their strength.

Yang Wenze consulted a large amount of information in the sect's library, hoping to find some clues about interfering with Longxiang Sect.

Chen Xuan, on the other hand, chose to go to the mountains to practice in seclusion alone. He found a quiet place, set up a simple alchemy furnace, and began to refine the elixir. Alchemy is his specialty and a way for him to obtain cultivation resources.

During the cultivation process, Chen Xuan's mind was not entirely focused on alchemy. From time to time, he would think of the difficulties suffered by Longxiang Sect and the existence of those mysterious forces. He understood that although Leng Piao said it gently, the internal and external situation of Longxiang Sect was not simple.

"Brother Chen, what are you thinking about?" A voice suddenly came into Chen Xuan's ears.

Chen Xuan looked up and saw a young monk standing in front of him.

This young monk has an extraordinary temperament and is a member of the Longxiang Sect.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "I'm thinking about some things, and I don't know if you have any advice?"

The young monk smiled and said: "I am Yang Yunfei from Longxiang Sect. I heard that Brother Chen is a monk from outside, so I came here to say hello."

Chen Xuan nodded gratefully: "It turns out to be Brother Yang, thank you for coming to visit. I am Chen Xuan, and these are my friends, Bai Yunpiao, Yang Wen, and Little Firebird."

Yang Yunfei smiled slightly, and then his eyes swept over the alchemy furnace in Chen Xuan's hand: "Brother Chen's alchemy skills are quite extraordinary. The aroma in this alchemy furnace speaks for itself."

Chen Xuan smiled modestly: "Alchemy is just my hobby, it's nothing."

Yang Yunfei disagreed: "Brother Chen, there are very few people who can reach your level. I heard that you passed by Longxiang Sect, but..."

Chen Xuan took a deep look at Yang Yunfei and felt the deep meaning in the other person's words: "Yes, we are indeed interested in the situation of Longxiang Sect. We don't want to interfere in your affairs, we just want to understand some situations, maybe We can provide some help."

Yang Yunfei nodded: "I can feel your sincerity. The current situation of Longxiang Sect is indeed complicated, but it is not without hope. If you are really willing to help, you may be able to solve some problems for the sect."

Bai Yunpiao, Yang Wen and Little Firebird also came over. When they saw Yang Yunfei, they expressed their identities and greetings.

Yang Yunfei smiled and said: "Since you are willing to stay, of course we welcome you. We just hope that we can maintain cooperation and friendship during our time here."

Everyone nodded in agreement. They knew that in a strange place, it was wise to maintain friendly cooperation with the local monks.

Although this encounter was a bit sudden, they hope to find more opportunities and resources for themselves through their own efforts.

Chen Xuan and his party were not trying to devote themselves wholeheartedly to Longxiang Sect, but were seeking opportunities for their own cultivation. However, what they didn't expect was that the great elder would send someone to secretly assassinate Chen Xuan, with deep hatred hidden behind him.

The reason why the Great Elder was hostile to Chen Xuan stemmed from some previous frictions and conflicts between them.

Chen Xuan and his entourage did not establish a great reputation within the sect, but instead practiced silently. In the eyes of some people, this seemed to be a lack of attention to the sect.

The great elder played an instigating role, arousing dissatisfaction among some fellow apprentices.

The great elder learned that Chen Xuan and his party had not left, but were practicing. He angrily decided to take tougher measures and sent masters from the sect to assassinate Chen Xuan and his party to completely solve this problem.

He found a confidant master named Yang Lingfeng and explained the importance of the mission.

"Yang Lingfeng, listen carefully, I want you to do something. Chen Xuan and his group dare to despise me, and I will never tolerate it!" the great elder said angrily.

Yang Lingfeng nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, Great Elder, I will definitely complete the task. It's just that Chen Xuan is not weak, so we have to be careful to avoid causing instability within the sect."

The Great Elder smiled coldly and said: "Don't worry, I have already explored their cultivation. Although they are not weak, they may not be our opponents. Go ahead and do it. After success, I will reward you heavily. But if If you fail, you know the consequences."

Yang Lingfeng's face changed slightly, but he still nodded firmly in agreement, and then left the great elder's room.

A few days later, while Chen Xuan and his group were meditating on their cultivation, they suddenly felt an aura of crisis. Chen Xuan opened his eyes, glanced around sharply, and then said to his companions: "Someone is here, someone from the sect!"

Everyone else also stood up alertly, feeling something was wrong in their hearts.

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