
\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt; His hand gently stroked the prairie prairie sword, feeling the texture of the hilt. He already had a deep tacit understanding with this sword, and he knew that the sword was also feeling his feelings. He closed his eyes and began to recall every move of the Liaoyuan Sword Technique in his mind. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt;As he recalled, his fingers moved slightly, as if drawing sword lights in the air. His movements became more and more smooth, and every move seemed to be integrated into his body and became a part of him. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;Time passed in silence, and Chen Xuan's practice continued. His state of mind gradually entered an otherworldly state, and he seemed to have entered a realm isolated from the real world. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;In this state, his cultivation seems to be constantly improving. He felt that the true energy in his body became stronger and stronger, and he could feel the surge of power with every breath. His sword moves seemed to have become more skillful, and every swing was accurate. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;As time passed, Chen Xuan finally slowly opened his eyes. He felt that the energy in his body had reached a new level, and his swordsmanship seemed to have reached a new level. He knew that he had made an important breakthrough during this period of practice. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt;Suddenly, he felt a strong energy bursting out of his body. His body trembled slightly, as if struck by a shock wave. As soon as his heart moved, he immediately guided the true energy into the meridians in his body. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt;Under his guidance, the energy began to move in his meridians. He felt that every meridian in his body seemed to be activated, and waves of majestic power continued to pour into his body. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan gradually became excited, and he knew that this was an opportunity for a breakthrough. He worked hard to stabilize his emotions and allow the power in his body to flow smoothly. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt;Time passed in this excitement, and Chen Xuan felt that his body seemed to contain more powerful power. His breathing gradually became calmer, and his mind became more focused. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt;Finally, under a strong impact, he felt that his true energy seemed to have broken through some limitations and entered a new level. His body shook slightly, and there seemed to be a golden light flashing in front of his eyes. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan opened his eyes, and he knew that he had broken through to the early stage of the fourth level of Shenlong Breaking God. He felt that the true energy in his body had become more powerful and purer. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt; He stood up and stretched, feeling the power in his body. His heart was filled with joy, and he knew that he had made important progress in his practice. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;Although he has successfully broken through to the early stage of the fourth level of Shenlong Breaking God, he knows in his heart that the relationship between him and the leader of Yunxia Fairy Kingdom The gap is still huge, as difficult to cross as a natural chasm. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;He took a deep breath and stared at the white clouds drifting by in the sky. On the road of cultivation, he experienced countless challenges and breakthroughs, but he always knew that this was just the beginning. His strength is far from enough. He needs to continue to become stronger before he can fight the king. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan closed his eyes and recalled the scene of the fight with the king. The king's strength was so powerful that he felt a deep sense of oppression. He understands that he must continue to work hard to survive in this world filled with strong people. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt; He was deep in thought when suddenly, a breeze blew by. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt;Suddenly, a breeze blew by, and Chen Xuan turned to the direction of the wind alertly. His eyes were fixed on the front. Suddenly, a figure jumped out of the woods so fast that he couldn't react in time. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;The figure instantly turned into a huge monster, with a ferocious posture and a body like a mountain. Its hair was pitch black and as hard as steel, and its eyes flashed with a fierce light. Chen Xuan recognized it at a glance. It was a powerful monster among monsters, a giant black iron bear. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt; The giant black iron bear roared angrily, and its huge body rushed towards Chen Xuan. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan moved quickly to avoid the giant bear's bite, but he also felt the terrifying pressure brought by the giant bear. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan did not dare to neglect. He stabilized his body and quickly swung the prairie fire sword in his hand. His sword moves were sharp and fast, and the blade cut through the air, making a sharp whistling sound. His goal is to find the giant bear's weakness and defeat it as quickly as possible. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;However, the black iron giant bear's body is extremely tough. Even if it was hit by Chen Xuan's sword, it would only leave some shallow scars. . It roared angrily, waved its huge claws, and suddenly struck at Chen Xuan. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan moved quickly, but he was still swept by the airflow from his claws, and his body suffered a sharp pain. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt; He took a few steps back, stabilized his body, and felt the flow of true energy in his body. He knew that the battle with this monster would not be easy. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt;He calmed down and began to adjust his fighting rhythm. His sword moves gradually became more stable, and each swing was full of power and precision. In the battle with the black iron giant bear, he kept exploring ways to deal with the monster beast. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt;The giant black iron bear became more and more violent, with a fierce light flashing in its eyes as it pounced on Chen Xuan again and again. Although Chen Xuan suffered some minor injuries, he gradually found a breakthrough to overcome. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt;As the battle progressed, Chen Xuan began to inject more Qi into his sword moves to make the sword edge sharper. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt; He seized an opportunity and stabbed the black iron bear in the eye with a sharp sword move. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="29" e_idx="0" e_order="30"\u0026gt; The black iron giant bear felt the fatal threat and quickly dodged, but it was already too late. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="30" e_idx="0" e_order="31"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan's sword pierced through the eyes of the black iron giant bear, and blood splattered. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="31" e_idx="0" e_order="32"\u0026gt;The black iron giant bear roared in pain, and its body began to shake. Finally, it fell heavily to the ground, and its breath gradually weakened. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="32" e_idx="0" e_order="33"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan stood in place, still holding the sword tightly in his hand. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="33" e_idx="0" e_order="34"\u0026gt;However, just when Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, a strange breath suddenly came. His expression condensed, and he felt an extremely powerful momentum approaching. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="34" e_idx="0" e_order="35"\u0026gt;He immediately became alert and looked around, but found no suspicious movement in the air. However, his intuition told him that danger was approaching quietly. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="35" e_idx="0" e_order="36"\u0026gt;Suddenly, a figure flashed out from behind him, as fast as lightning. Chen Xuan turned around instantly, but only had time to see a vague back, and the man had disappeared into the forest. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="36" e_idx="0" e_order="37"\u0026gt;He immediately started chasing and moved quickly in the direction of the man. However, he soon felt an invisible pressure, and a strong momentum seemed to press on him from all directions, making it difficult for him to breathe. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="37" e_idx="0" e_order="38"\u0026gt;His brows were furrowed, and he was extremely alert. He had felt this momentum once before. It was the oppressive feeling emanating from the ruler of Yunxia Fairyland. He knew that the person in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="38" e_idx="0" e_order="39"\u0026gt;As Chen Xuan was chasing him, the man suddenly stopped and turned to face him. Chen Xuan's eyes were fixed on the man. He saw a man in a black robe with a cold face and deep eyes. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;


\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt;His hand gently stroked the Liaoyuan Sword, feeling the texture of the hilt. He and the sword already had a deep tacit understanding, and he knew that the sword was also sensing his intentions. He closed his eyes and began to recall every move of the Liaoyuan Sword Technique in his mind. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt;As he recalled, his fingers moved slightly, as if drawing sword lights in the air. His movements became more and more fluent, and every move seemed to be integrated into his body and became a part of him. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;Time passed in silence, and Chen Xuan's cultivation continued. His state of mind gradually entered a state of transcendence, and he seemed to have entered a realm isolated from the real world. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;In this state, his cultivation seemed to be constantly improving. He felt the Qi in his body becoming stronger and stronger, and he could feel the surge of power with every breath. His sword moves seemed to become more skillful, and every swing was accurate. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;As time passed, Chen Xuan finally opened his eyes slowly. He felt that the Qi in his body had reached a new height, and his swordsmanship seemed to have reached a new level. He knew that he had made an important breakthrough in this period of practice. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt;Suddenly, he felt a strong energy bursting out in his body. His body trembled slightly, as if hit by a shock wave. With a thought in his mind, he immediately guided the Qi into the meridians in his body. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt;Under his guidance, the energy began to move in his meridians. He felt that every meridian in his body seemed to be activated, and waves of majestic power continued to pour into his body. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan gradually became excited, and he knew that this was an opportunity for a breakthrough. He worked hard to stabilize his emotions and allow the power in his body to flow smoothly. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt;Time passed in this excitement, and Chen Xuan felt that his body seemed to contain more powerful power. His breathing gradually became calmer, and his mind became more focused. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt;Finally, under a strong impact, he felt that his true energy seemed to have broken through some limitations and entered a new level. His body shook slightly, and there seemed to be a golden light flashing in front of his eyes. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan opened his eyes, and he knew that he had broken through to the early stage of the fourth level of Shenlong Breaking God. He felt that the true energy in his body had become more powerful and purer. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt; He stood up and stretched, feeling the power in his body. His heart was filled with joy, and he knew that he had made important progress in his practice. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;Although he has successfully broken through to the early stage of the fourth level of Shenlong Breaking God, he knows in his heart that the relationship between him and the leader of Yunxia Fairy Kingdom The gap is still huge, as difficult to cross as a natural chasm. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;He took a deep breath and stared at the white clouds drifting by in the sky. On the road of cultivation, he experienced countless challenges and breakthroughs, but he always knew that this was just the beginning. His strength is far from enough. He needs to continue to become stronger before he can fight the king. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan closed his eyes and recalled the scene of the fight with the king. The king's strength was so powerful that he felt a deep sense of oppression. He understands that he must continue to work hard to survive in this world filled with strong people. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt; He was deep in thought when suddenly, a breeze blew by. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt;Suddenly, a breeze blew by, and Chen Xuan turned to the direction of the wind alertly. His eyes were fixed on the front. Suddenly, a figure jumped out of the woods at such a fast speed that he couldn't react in time. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;The figure instantly transformed into a huge monster, with a ferocious posture and a body as big as a mountain. Its hair was pitch black and as hard as steel, and its eyes flashed with a fierce light. Chen Xuan recognized it at a glance. It was a powerful monster among monsters, a giant black iron bear. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt; The giant black iron bear roared angrily, and its huge body rushed towards Chen Xuan. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan moved quickly to avoid the giant bear's bite, but he also felt the terrifying pressure brought by the giant bear. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan did not dare to neglect. He stabilized his body and quickly swung the prairie fire sword in his hand. His sword moves were sharp and fast, and the blade cut through the air, making a sharp whistling sound. His goal is to find the giant bear's weakness and defeat it as quickly as possible. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;However, the black iron giant bear's body is extremely tough. Even if it was hit by Chen Xuan's sword, it would only leave some shallow scars. . It roared angrily, waved its huge claws, and suddenly struck at Chen Xuan. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan moved quickly, but he was still swept by the airflow from his claws, and his body suffered a sharp pain. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt; He took a few steps back, stabilized his body, and felt the flow of true energy in his body. He knew that the battle with this monster would not be easy. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt;He calmed down and began to adjust his fighting rhythm. His sword moves gradually became more stable, and each swing was full of power and precision. In the battle with the black iron giant bear, he kept exploring ways to deal with the monster beast. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt;The giant black iron bear became more and more violent, with a fierce light flashing in its eyes as it pounced on Chen Xuan again and again. Although Chen Xuan suffered some minor injuries, he gradually found a breakthrough to overcome. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt;As the battle progressed, Chen Xuan began to inject more Qi into his sword moves to make the sword edge sharper. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt; He seized an opportunity and stabbed the black iron bear in the eye with a sharp sword move. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="29" e_idx="0" e_order="30"\u0026gt; The black iron giant bear felt the fatal threat and quickly dodged, but it was already too late. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="30" e_idx="0" e_order="31"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan's sword edge passed by and hit the black iron bear's eye, causing blood to splash. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="31" e_idx="0" e_order="32"\u0026gt; The giant black iron bear roared in pain, its body began to shake, and finally fell heavily to the ground, its breath gradually weakening. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="32" e_idx="0" e_order="33"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan stood where he was, still holding the sword tightly in his hand. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="33" e_idx="0" e_order="34"\u0026gt;However, just when Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, a strange breath suddenly came. His expression condensed, and he felt an unusually powerful aura approaching. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="34" e_idx="0" e_order="35"\u0026gt;He immediately became alert and looked around, but found no suspicious movement in the air. However, his instinct told him that danger was quietly approaching. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="35" e_idx="0" e_order="36"\u0026gt;Suddenly, a figure flashed out from behind him, as fast as lightning. Chen Xuan turned around instantly, but he only had time to see a blurry figure from behind, who had disappeared into the forest. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="36" e_idx="0" e_order="37"\u0026gt;He immediately launched a pursuit and moved quickly in the direction of the man. However, he soon felt an invisible pressure, and a powerful momentum seemed to press on him from all directions, making it difficult for him to breathe. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="37" e_idx="0" e_order="38"\u0026gt;His brows were furrowed and he was extremely vigilant. He had felt this momentum once before, it was the oppressive feeling exuded by the leader of Yunxia Fairy Kingdom. He knew that the person in front of him was definitely not an ordinary existence. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="38" e_idx="0" e_order="39"\u0026gt;Under Chen Xuan's pursuit, the man suddenly stopped and turned to face him. Chen Xuan's eyes were fixed on that person solemnly. He saw a man wearing a black robe with a cold face and deep eyes. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

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