
\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt; Lei Ling nodded and continued: "Your choice is wise, Chen Xuan, the Dragon God Sect will not restrict your freedom, but we We will provide you with more resources and guidance to help you better master Dragon Scale Palm.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt;After the conversation between Chen Xuan and Elder Lei Ling ended, they returned to the headquarters of the Dragon God Sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;The Dragon God Sect is located in a vast mountain range, with magnificent buildings standing proudly, exuding a solemn and mysterious atmosphere. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;This is a paradise for cultivators, with many strong ones. The inheritance of Dragon Scale Palm is passed down from generation to generation here, and every disciple is constantly exploring and practicing, hoping to go further. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;However, there are also many hidden disputes within this sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt;Although everyone is pursuing power, the distribution of power and resources often leads to intrigues. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt;Under the surface unity, the secret battles and struggles have never stopped. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan felt this subtle atmosphere. Although this is a powerful training sect, he also understands that not everyone is like-minded... \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt; He was walking on the main road of the Dragon God Sect and saw many disciples passing by in a hurry. Some of their eyes were full of heat, and some of them had... A hint of vague hostility. This made him more determined. He came here to grow and not be affected by external disputes. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt;Although there is intrigue within the Dragon God Sect, this does not affect its power. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt;There are abundant cultivation resources here, and there are many strong people. Everyone is pursuing a higher realm and stronger power. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan saw many training venues, book collections, attics, medicine gardens, etc., all of which told the power of the Dragon God Sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan knows his goal well. He hopes to obtain more resources and guidance to improve his strength so that he can be more capable in future challenges. Take it in stride. The Dragon God Sect also needs disciples with potential like him to strive for more glory and strength for the sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;This kind of mutual utilization relationship is not uncommon. In the world of cultivation, strong men look for suitable sects to improve their cultivation, and sects also need to recruit potential disciples to enhance their own strength. Although it is a cooperation on the surface between Chen Xuan and the Dragon God Sect, it is actually a mutually beneficial relationship. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan walked on the avenue of the Dragon God Sect, and he saw many training sites and disciples practicing diligently. He knew in his heart that he came here to obtain more opportunities and resources, but at the same time he also needed to contribute his strength and efforts to the Dragon God Sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt;Although he knows the nature of this relationship, he does not reject it. He knows that the path of cultivation is full of opportunities and challenges, and in this process, mutual cooperation and support are very important. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt;A trace of determination flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, and he had a clear goal in his heart, which is to continue to grow and become stronger\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt;After Chen Xuan came to the Dragon God Sect, according to the arrangement of Elder Lei Ling, he was assigned to the inner disciple area. This is a relatively independent area, which is different from the outer disciples. Inner disciples have more cultivation resources and guidance, and have more opportunities to be exposed to more advanced cultivation techniques. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;The buildings in the inner disciple area are magnificent, with a dazzling array of training venues, dense pavilions, and training scenes hidden among the green mountains and green waters. Chen Xuan was dazzled. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt;His residence in the inner disciple area is a quiet courtyard with an elegant environment. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan looked at this place, with expectations for the future welling up in his heart. He knew that only by continuously improving his cultivation level could he stand out in this training sect where strong men gathered. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;Every day, Chen Xuan would practice hard in the training ground. He worked hard to digest the training method of Dragon Scale Palm and tried to integrate the power into his own palm technique. among. He understands that if he wants to make a difference in the Dragon God Sect, he must constantly break through his limits and make continuous progress. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;In the inner disciple area, although each other is pursuing power, here they can also learn from each other. Chen Xuan gradually integrates into this environment. He not only needs to make progress in cultivation, but also learns to seek his own opportunities in competition. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt;Although the inner disciple area is rich in resources, strong people emerge in large numbers, and competition for resources and status is inevitable. Chen Xuan saw the competition and conflicts among some inner disciples, and he knew that if he wanted to gain a foothold here, he must remain vigilant and work hard. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan looked at the inner disciple area, his eyes flashing with determination. He knew that he came here not only to obtain cultivation resources, but also to pursue stronger power. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan stepped into the inner disciple area of ​​the Dragon God Sect and began his new life in this environment where powerful people gathered. However, not all inner disciples welcomed his joining. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt;In the corner of the training ground, Chen Xuan met a group of inner disciples, several of whom were obviously dissatisfied with his presence. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt; "Are you the newcomer who suddenly joined the inner sect?" A tall disciple looked at Chen Xuan with raised eyebrows, with a hint of Disdainful. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled lightly, nodded and admitted: "Yes, I am Chen Xuan."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="29" e_idx="0" e_order="30"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan, this is not the outer sect. You can join the inner sect casually." Another disciple said coldly: "You Why did you become an inner disciple as soon as you joined?”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="30" e_idx="0" e_order="31"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan was not surprised by their doubts. He responded calmly: "My purpose in joining the Dragon God Sect is to continuously improve. As for whether I can become an inner disciple through my cultivation, I will prove it based on my strength.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="31" e_idx="0" e_order="32"\u0026gt;"Strength? Just you?" The tall disciple sneered disdainfully: "You just joined and you dare to talk nonsense here? Can we? You are not an idle person. If you want to gain a foothold here, you have to pay a price.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="32" e_idx="0" e_order="33"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan, you are just an outsider, why do you enjoy the treatment of our inner disciples?" Another disciple said provocatively. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="33" e_idx="0" e_order="34"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He was not swayed by these words. He knew that in this highly competitive cultivation environment, some people would be persistent towards him. Skeptical attitude. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="34" e_idx="0" e_order="35"\u0026gt; He responded calmly: "I joined the Dragon God Sect not to enjoy the benefits, but to grow. If you think that I am not strong enough If you want to become an inner disciple, I will use my efforts to prove it.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;


\u0026lt;blk p_idx="0" e_idx="0" e_order="1"\u0026gt; Lei Ling nodded and continued: "Your choice is wise, Chen Xuan, the Dragon God Sect will not restrict your freedom, but we We will provide you with more resources and guidance to help you better master Dragon Scale Palm.”\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="1" e_idx="0" e_order="2"\u0026gt;After the conversation between Chen Xuan and Elder Lei Ling ended, they returned to the headquarters of the Dragon God Sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="2" e_idx="0" e_order="3"\u0026gt;The Dragon God Sect is located in a vast mountain range, with magnificent buildings standing proudly, exuding a solemn and mysterious atmosphere. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="3" e_idx="0" e_order="4"\u0026gt;This is a paradise for cultivators, with many strong ones. The inheritance of Dragon Scale Palm is passed down from generation to generation here, and every disciple is constantly exploring and practicing, hoping to go further. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="4" e_idx="0" e_order="5"\u0026gt;However, there are also many hidden disputes within this sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="5" e_idx="0" e_order="6"\u0026gt;Although everyone is pursuing power, the distribution of power and resources often leads to intrigues. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="6" e_idx="0" e_order="7"\u0026gt;Under the surface unity, the secret battles and struggles have never stopped. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="7" e_idx="0" e_order="8"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan felt this subtle atmosphere. Although this is a powerful training sect, he also understands that not everyone is like-minded... \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="8" e_idx="0" e_order="9"\u0026gt; He was walking on the main road of the Dragon God Sect and saw many disciples passing by in a hurry. Some of their eyes were full of heat, and some of them had... A hint of vague hostility. This made him more determined. He came here to grow and not be affected by external disputes. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="9" e_idx="0" e_order="10"\u0026gt;Although there is intrigue within the Dragon God Sect, this does not affect its power. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="10" e_idx="0" e_order="11"\u0026gt;There are abundant cultivation resources here, and there are many strong people. Everyone is pursuing a higher realm and stronger power. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="11" e_idx="0" e_order="12"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan saw many training venues, book collections, attics, medicine gardens, etc., all of which told the power of the Dragon God Sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="12" e_idx="0" e_order="13"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan knows his goal well. He hopes to obtain more resources and guidance to improve his strength so that he can be more capable in future challenges. Take it in stride. The Dragon God Sect also needs disciples with potential like him to strive for more glory and strength for the sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="13" e_idx="0" e_order="14"\u0026gt;This kind of mutual utilization relationship is not uncommon. In the world of cultivation, strong people look for suitable sects to improve their cultivation, and sects also need to recruit potential disciples to enhance their own strength. Although it is a cooperation on the surface between Chen Xuan and the Dragon God Sect, it is actually a mutually beneficial relationship. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="14" e_idx="0" e_order="15"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan walked on the avenue of the Dragon God Sect, and he saw many training sites and disciples practicing diligently. He knew in his heart that he came here to obtain more opportunities and resources, but at the same time he also needed to contribute his strength and efforts to the Dragon God Sect. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="15" e_idx="0" e_order="16"\u0026gt;Although he knows the nature of this relationship, he does not reject it. He knows that the path of cultivation is full of opportunities and challenges, and in this process, mutual cooperation and support are very important. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="16" e_idx="0" e_order="17"\u0026gt;A trace of determination flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, and he had a clear goal in his heart, which is to continue to grow and become stronger\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="17" e_idx="0" e_order="18"\u0026gt;After Chen Xuan came to the Dragon God Sect, according to the arrangement of Elder Lei Ling, he was assigned to the inner disciple area. This is a relatively independent area, which is different from the outer disciples. Inner disciples have more cultivation resources and guidance, and have more opportunities to be exposed to more advanced cultivation techniques. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="18" e_idx="0" e_order="19"\u0026gt;The buildings in the inner disciple area are magnificent, with a dazzling array of training venues, dense pavilions, and training scenes hidden among the green mountains and green waters. Chen Xuan was dazzled. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="19" e_idx="0" e_order="20"\u0026gt;His residence in the inner disciple area is a quiet courtyard with an elegant environment. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="20" e_idx="0" e_order="21"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan looked at this place, with expectations for the future welling up in his heart. He knew that only by continuously improving his cultivation level could he stand out in this training sect where strong men gathered. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="21" e_idx="0" e_order="22"\u0026gt;Every day, Chen Xuan would practice hard in the training ground. He worked hard to digest the training method of Dragon Scale Palm and tried to integrate the power into his own palm technique. among. He understands that if he wants to make a difference in the Dragon God Sect, he must constantly break through his limits and make continuous progress. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="22" e_idx="0" e_order="23"\u0026gt;In the inner disciple area, although each other is pursuing power, here they can also learn from each other. Chen Xuan gradually integrates into this environment. He not only needs to make progress in cultivation, but also learns to seek his own opportunities in competition. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="23" e_idx="0" e_order="24"\u0026gt;Although the inner disciple area is rich in resources, strong people emerge in large numbers, and competition for resources and status is inevitable. Chen Xuan saw the competition and conflicts among some inner disciples, and he knew that if he wanted to gain a foothold here, he must remain vigilant and work hard. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="24" e_idx="0" e_order="25"\u0026gt; Chen Xuan looked at the inner disciple area, his eyes flashing with determination. He knew that he came here not only to obtain cultivation resources, but also to pursue stronger power. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="25" e_idx="0" e_order="26"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan stepped into the inner disciple area of ​​the Dragon God Sect and began his new life in this environment where powerful people gathered. However, not all inner disciples welcomed his joining. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="26" e_idx="0" e_order="27"\u0026gt;In the corner of the training ground, Chen Xuan met a group of inner disciples, some of whom were obviously dissatisfied with his presence. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="27" e_idx="0" e_order="28"\u0026gt;"You are the newcomer who suddenly joined the inner sect, right?" A tall disciple raised his eyebrows and looked at Chen Xuan, with a hint of disdain in his tone. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="28" e_idx="0" e_order="29"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled calmly and nodded: "Yes, I am Chen Xuan."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="29" e_idx="0" e_order="30"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan, this is not an outer sect, you can join the inner sect casually." Another disciple said coldly: "Why did you become an inner sect disciple as soon as you joined?"\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="30" e_idx="0" e_order="31"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan was not surprised by their doubts. He responded calmly: "My purpose of joining the Dragon God Sect is to continuously improve my cultivation and gain more powerful strength. As for whether I can become an inner sect disciple, I will prove it with my strength."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="31" e_idx="0" e_order="32"\u0026gt;"Strength? Just you?" The tall disciple sneered disdainfully: "You just joined, and you dare to brag here? We are not ordinary people. If you want to gain a foothold here, you have to pay a price."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="32" e_idx="0" e_order="33"\u0026gt;"Chen Xuan, you are just an outsider, why do you enjoy the treatment of our inner disciples?" Another disciple said provocatively. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="33" e_idx="0" e_order="34"\u0026gt;Chen Xuan smiled slightly. He was not shaken by these words. He knew that in this fiercely competitive training environment, some people would be skeptical of him. \u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

\u0026lt;blk p_idx="34" e_idx="0" e_order="35"\u0026gt;He responded frankly: "I joined the Dragon God Sect not to enjoy the treatment, but to grow. If you think that I am not strong enough to become an inner disciple, then I will use my efforts to prove it."\u0026lt;/blk\u0026gt;

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