Dugu Lun forced a smile: "I'm fine, I was just poisoned. Hurry, let's get rid of this giant scorpion and find a way to detoxify it."

Chen Xuan frowned. He knew that Dugu Lun's situation was very urgent and he had to find a way to detoxify it as soon as possible. So, he quickly searched for herbs and minerals around him and prepared to refine the detoxification elixir on the spot.

The environment inside the Rift Valley is extremely complex, but Chen Xuan is an experienced monk who is familiar with the properties of various herbs and minerals. He carefully collected some herbs and minerals with detoxification effects and found a relatively safe place. The place where he started to make alchemy.

Chen Xuan took out the alchemy furnace, lit the heavenly fire, and began to put the herbs and minerals into the alchemy furnace. He adjusted the heat, mastered the elixir refining process, and devoted himself to the work of alchemy.

The process of refining alchemy is extremely complex and requires exquisite skills and superb control. Chen Xuan concentrated his mind and used his own cultivation to master the temperature and blend the properties of herbs and minerals. He adjusted the heavenly fire in the alchemy furnace to be extremely stable, and the medicinal materials slowly melted in the heavenly fire, releasing the slightest fragrance.

Time passed by, and beads of sweat oozed from Chen Xuan's forehead, but he did not relax and continued to go all out. After a period of refining, a crystal clear crystal finally appeared in the alchemy furnace. Pill.

Chen Xuan took out the elixir and inspected it carefully to make sure there were no flaws. Then he handed the elixir to Dugu Lun: "Eat it quickly. This is the detoxification elixir I just refined. It should be able to help you detoxify."

Dugu Lun took the elixir with a glimmer of hope on his face. He put the elixir into his mouth without hesitation and swallowed it. As the elixir entered, he felt a coolness pass from his throat into his stomach. Then spread quickly throughout the body.

His face gradually returned to normal, and the severe pain was also lessening. He closed his eyes and quietly felt the changes in his body. After a moment, he opened his eyes and showed a look of surprise: "Detoxified! This elixir is really magical, Chen Xuan, thank you."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "You're welcome, we are partners. The most important thing now is to find an exit and leave this dangerous rift valley."

Dugu Lun nodded. His physical strength gradually recovered, but he was still a little weak. The two set off again and continued to move deeper into the rift valley. Their hearts were full of determination. They knew that only by finding an exit could they truly escape from this dangerous place.

The depths of the rift valley are full of unknown dangers, but Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun have no possibility of retreating. They move forward cautiously, taking every step with extreme caution.

As time passed, the environment in the Rift Valley became increasingly harsh, but their confidence remained firm.

Finally, in the darkness, they saw a faint light. That's the exit from the end of the rift! The two of them worked together, quickened their pace, and ran towards the direction of the light. Behind them, the danger of the rift slowly faded away, leaving behind an unforgettable experience.

When they finally broke out of the rift and stepped onto solid ground, both of them let out a sigh of relief.

"We are finally out." Dugu Lun murmured to himself, his eyes flashing.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun successfully left the Netherworld and returned to the underground secret passage, but what they faced was still unknown and dangerous. They began to look for an exit in the secret passage, but soon, they smelled a strong smell of blood. taste.

This smell was chilling and filled the entire secret passage. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun looked at each other. They knew that this meant that there might be bloodthirsty creatures near them, or they might be monsters they had encountered before. They moved forward cautiously. , observe the surrounding environment vigilantly.

As they advanced, they often heard low roars and screams in the distance, which made them even more alert. They tried to avoid possible dangerous areas and not be easily exposed to the enemy's sight.

However, as time passed, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and the atmosphere in the secret passage became more and more oppressive. They finally realized that the place they were in might be the territory of some kind of terrifying creature.

Suddenly, there was a roar in front of them, and the two saw a huge and ugly monster. It had a huge body, its skin was covered with thick scales, its eyes were as red as blood, its teeth were sharp, and its breath made the surrounding air... All became solemn.

"Underground evil beast!" Chen Xuan's voice was full of panic. This is a legendary underground evil beast. They are good at hiding and attack quickly and viciously. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun immediately prepared for the battle. They knew , only by defeating this monster can they leave here safely.

The battle began, and fierce fighting sounds echoed in the secret passage. The underground evil beast showed extremely strong fighting power. It slapped the ground with its huge claws, causing splashes of earth and rocks. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun flexibly avoided the attack. From time to time, raids were launched in an attempt to break through its defences.

Chen Xuan discovered that the eyes of the underground evil beast were its weakness. Whenever it opened its mouth to spit out heavenly fire, its eyes would be exposed. He decided to attack the eyes of the underground beast in an attempt to blind it and weaken its combat effectiveness.

He quickly approached the underground evil beast and stabbed it in the eye with his sword. However, the underground evil beast reacted very quickly. It blocked Chen Xuan's attack with its claws and then launched a counterattack. Chen Xuan barely dodged the attack, but his body was He scratched out a deep wound and was bleeding profusely.

Upon seeing this, Dugu Lun immediately launched an attack, trying to attract the attention of the underground evil beast. He concentrated his inner strength in his hands, launched a powerful palm, and struck hard on the underground evil beast's body. The underground evil beast roared, He twisted his body in pain, trying to get rid of Dugu Lun's attack.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan decided to attack again. He used his teleportation technique to quickly approach the underground evil beast's eyes. This time, the underground evil beast had no time to react, and Chen Xuan's sword tip pierced its eyeball.

As the tip of Chen Xuan's sword pierced the eyeball of the underground evil beast, the beast let out a huge roar, and the entire secret passage seemed to be shaking. Chen Xuan stood firmly on the head of the underground evil beast, and his heart was filled with the joy of victory. , but he also knew that he could not take it lightly at this time.

Dugu Lun forced a smile: "I'm fine, I was just poisoned. Quick, let's get rid of this giant scorpion and find a way to detoxify it."

Chen Xuan frowned. He knew that Dugu Lun's situation was very urgent and he had to find a way to detoxify it as soon as possible. So, he quickly searched for herbs and minerals around him and prepared to refine the detoxification elixir on the spot.

The environment inside the Rift Valley is extremely complex, but Chen Xuan is an experienced monk who is familiar with the properties of various herbs and minerals. He carefully collected some herbs and minerals with detoxification effects and found a relatively safe place. The place where he started to make alchemy.

Chen Xuan took out the alchemy furnace, lit the sky fire, and began to put the herbs and minerals into the alchemy furnace. He adjusted the heat, mastered the elixir refining process, and devoted himself to the work of alchemy.

The process of refining alchemy is extremely complex and requires exquisite skills and superb control. Chen Xuan concentrated his mind and used his own cultivation to master the temperature and blend the properties of herbs and minerals. He adjusted the heavenly fire in the alchemy furnace to be extremely stable, and the medicinal materials slowly melted in the heavenly fire, releasing the slightest fragrance.

Time passed by, and beads of sweat oozed from Chen Xuan's forehead, but he did not relax and continued to go all out. After a period of refining, a crystal clear crystal finally appeared in the alchemy furnace. Pill.

Chen Xuan took out the elixir and inspected it carefully to make sure there were no flaws. Then he handed the elixir to Dugu Lun: "Eat it quickly. This is the detoxification elixir I just refined. It should be able to help you detoxify."

Dugu Lun took the elixir with a glimmer of hope on his face. He put the elixir into his mouth without hesitation and swallowed it. As the elixir entered, he felt a coolness pass from his throat into his stomach. Then spread quickly throughout the body.

His face gradually returned to normal, and the severe pain was also lessening. He closed his eyes and quietly felt the changes in his body. After a moment, he opened his eyes and showed a look of surprise: "Detoxified! This elixir is really magical, Chen Xuan, thank you."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "You're welcome, we are partners. The most important thing now is to find an exit and leave this dangerous rift valley."

Dugu Lun nodded. His physical strength gradually recovered, but he was still a little weak. The two set off again and continued to move deeper into the rift valley. Their hearts were full of determination. They knew that only by finding an exit could they truly escape from this dangerous place.

The depths of the rift valley are full of unknown dangers, but Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun have no possibility of retreating. They move forward cautiously, taking every step with extreme caution.

As time passed, the environment in the Rift Valley became increasingly harsh, but their confidence remained firm.

Finally, in the darkness, they saw a faint light. That's the exit from the end of the rift! The two of them worked together, quickened their pace, and ran towards the direction of the light. Behind them, the danger of the rift slowly faded away, leaving behind an unforgettable experience.

When they finally broke out of the rift and stepped onto solid ground, both of them let out a sigh of relief.

"We are finally out." Dugu Lun murmured to himself, his eyes flashing.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun successfully left the Netherworld and returned to the underground secret passage, but what they faced was still unknown and dangerous. They began to look for an exit in the secret passage, but soon, they smelled a strong smell of blood. taste.

This smell was chilling and filled the entire secret passage. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun looked at each other. They knew that this meant that there might be bloodthirsty creatures near them, or they might be monsters they had encountered before. They moved forward cautiously. , observe the surrounding environment vigilantly.

As they advanced, they often heard low roars and screams in the distance, which made them even more alert. They tried to avoid possible dangerous areas and not be easily exposed to the enemy's sight.

However, as time passed, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and the atmosphere in the secret passage became more and more oppressive. They finally realized that the place they were in might be the territory of some kind of terrifying creature.

Suddenly, there was a roar in front of them, and the two saw a huge and ugly monster. It had a huge body, its skin was covered with thick scales, its eyes were as red as blood, its teeth were sharp, and its breath made the surrounding air... All became solemn.

"Underground evil beast!" Chen Xuan's voice was full of panic. This is a legendary underground evil beast. They are good at hiding and attack quickly and viciously. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun immediately prepared for the battle. They knew , only by defeating this monster can they leave here safely.

The battle began, and fierce fighting sounds echoed in the secret passage. The underground evil beast showed extremely strong fighting power. It slapped the ground with its huge claws, causing splashes of earth and rocks. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun flexibly avoided the attack. From time to time, raids were launched in an attempt to break through its defences.

Chen Xuan discovered that the eyes of the underground evil beast were its weakness. Whenever it opened its mouth to spit out heavenly fire, its eyes would be exposed. He decided to attack the eyes of the underground beast in an attempt to blind it and weaken its combat effectiveness.

He quickly approached the underground evil beast and stabbed it in the eye with his sword. However, the underground evil beast reacted very quickly. It blocked Chen Xuan's attack with its claws and then launched a counterattack. Chen Xuan barely dodged the attack, but his body was He scratched out a deep wound and was bleeding profusely.

Upon seeing this, Dugu Lun immediately launched an attack, trying to attract the attention of the underground evil beast. He concentrated his inner strength in his hands, launched a powerful palm, and struck hard on the underground evil beast's body. The underground evil beast roared, He twisted his body in pain, trying to get rid of Dugu Lun's attack.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan decided to attack again. He used his teleportation technique to quickly approach the underground evil beast's eyes. This time, the underground evil beast had no time to react, and Chen Xuan's sword tip pierced its eyeball.

As the tip of Chen Xuan's sword pierced the eyeball of the underground evil beast, the beast let out a huge roar, and the entire secret passage seemed to be shaking. Chen Xuan stood firmly on the head of the underground evil beast, and his heart was filled with the joy of victory. , but he also knew that he could not take it lightly at this time.

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