Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked into a tavern in Fenglun City. It was an ancient and spacious building with elegant interior decoration and a faint aroma flowing around. They found a table in the corner to sit down and ordered a pot of wine. A conversation began between them.

The lights in the tavern were dim, making the whole space seem more peaceful, as if isolated from the noisy world outside. Chen Xuan picked up the wine glass, looked at the amber liquid in the glass, smiled slightly and said: "This exploration is really thrilling, but , we also gained a lot.”

Dugu Lun nodded, feeling the same: "Yes, the experience in the Netherworld has given me a deeper understanding of monsters, and it has also significantly improved my strength. However, the dangers there cannot be underestimated."

Chen Xuan sighed softly: "Yes, although the Netherworld is full of dangers, the opportunities it contains are unimaginable. However, I still think we should be more careful, otherwise we will encounter more powerful monsters next time. It may be difficult for us to escape.”

Dugu Lun nodded in agreement: "You are right, we need to be more cautious. However, this experience has also made me more convinced that only by constantly facing danger can our strength continue to improve."

The two were silent for a while. Chen Xuan suddenly looked up and looked out the window and said: "In this world, we are really lucky to be able to experience all this personally."

Dugu Lun smiled and nodded: "Yes, every experience is a growth and improvement. However, we cannot stand still. We should keep moving forward and explore a wider world."

The two then planned to rest here for a few days.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked into a small courtyard. The courtyard was lined with green trees, singing birds and fragrant flowers. It looked peaceful and comfortable. They asked the shopkeeper in the courtyard for the price.

"Shopkeeper, we want to rent this yard, but we don't know the price?" Chen Xuan asked politely.

The shopkeeper is a middle-aged man, wearing a simple and elegant robe, with a kind face. He smiled and said: "Sir, this courtyard is worth 30,000 immortal stones a year, including all facilities and furniture in the courtyard."

Dugu Lun frowned, obviously feeling that the price was a bit high: "Thirty thousand Immortal Stones? Isn't it too expensive? We only live temporarily and don't need such a luxurious yard."

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Sir, our yard is indeed the best, but the price is of course negotiable. If you like it, I can lower the rent appropriately."

Chen Xuan thought for a while and then asked: "Can it be reduced to 20,000 immortal stones? We only need a simple place to live."

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, twenty thousand immortal stones a year, but please rest assured that our service will not be compromised at all."

Dugu Lun looked at Chen Xuan. He knew that Chen Xuan was very good at bargaining. Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said, "Then twenty thousand immortal stones, we decided to rent this yard."

The shopkeeper was very happy. He quickly went through the formalities and handed the key to the courtyard to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked into the courtyard. The courtyard was surrounded by fruit trees and overgrown with flowers and plants, making it peaceful and beautiful.

Dugu Lun smiled and said to Chen Xuan: "It seems that your bargaining is really good. You can rent such a good yard with 20,000 immortal stones."

Chen Xuan also smiled: "We have to save some money. After all, immortal stones are not easy to earn. However, this yard is really good. We can practice here with peace of mind."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling comfortable.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked into the courtyard and found that the environment here was more peaceful.

The courtyard is surrounded by green bamboos, whose leaves sway in the wind and make a rustling sound. Sunlight shines through the gaps in the bamboo leaves, forming mottled light and shadow on the ground.

There is a small pavilion in the middle of the yard. The pavilion is surrounded by various flowers, and the bright flowers exude a faint fragrance.

There is a round table in the corner of the pavilion, which is filled with all kinds of food and wine.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked to the pavilion and sat down to rest. Fresh fruits and various delicacies are placed on the table.

Dugu Lun picked up an orange and said with a smile: "Yes, it seems that we have rented a good place. This yard is so comfortable."

Various fine wines were placed in a corner of the pavilion. Chen Xuan poured a glass of sake and took a sip.

"Come, let's have a drink together to celebrate." Chen Xuan raised his glass and clinked it with Dugu Lun.

The two looked at each other, smiled, and drank. The wine flowed into their throats, seeming to carry a force that made them feel physically and mentally happy.

As night fell, the lanterns in the yard were lit, casting a soft light as they continued to sip wine and talk about the challenges they were about to face.

The yard is filled with the fragrance of wine and bamboo leaves, as if you are in a fairyland.

Chen Xuan entered a spacious and bright room filled with various utensils and herbs needed for alchemy.

Chen Xuan carefully cleaned the room to ensure that no impurities and dust would affect the alchemy process. Then, he began to sort out the herbs, select the purest and high-quality materials, and put them into the alchemy furnace.

He lit the fire and controlled the heat just right. Under the blazing fire, the room was filled with the rich aroma of medicine. Chen Xuan took out an ancient book, which was the secret book of alchemy he got from his master. He read it carefully. , looking for the recipe and steps you need.

As time went by, Chen Xuan began to add various herbs into the alchemy furnace. Every step must be very careful. The slightest mistake may lead to failure. His technique is skillful, like a dancer jumping on the stage. Every movement All accurate and smooth.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked into a tavern in Fenglun City. It was an ancient and spacious building with elegant interior decoration and a faint aroma flowing around. They found a table in the corner to sit down and ordered a pot of wine. A conversation began between them.

The lights in the tavern were dim, making the whole space seem more peaceful, as if isolated from the noisy world outside. Chen Xuan picked up the wine glass, looked at the amber liquid in the glass, smiled slightly and said: "This exploration is really thrilling, but , we also gained a lot.”

Dugu Lun nodded, feeling the same: "Yes, the experience in the Netherworld has given me a deeper understanding of monsters, and it has also significantly improved my strength. However, the dangers there cannot be underestimated."

Chen Xuan sighed softly: "Yes, although the Netherworld is full of dangers, the opportunities it contains are unimaginable. However, I still think we should be more careful, otherwise we will encounter more powerful monsters next time. It may be difficult for us to escape.”

Dugu Lun nodded in agreement: "You are right, we need to be more cautious. However, this experience has also made me more convinced that only by constantly facing danger can our strength continue to improve."

The two were silent for a while. Chen Xuan suddenly looked up and looked out the window and said: "In this world, we are really lucky to be able to experience all this personally."

Dugu Lun smiled and nodded: "Yes, every experience is a growth and improvement. However, we cannot stand still. We should keep moving forward and explore a wider world."

The two then planned to rest here for a few days.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked into a small courtyard. The courtyard was lined with green trees, singing birds and fragrant flowers. It looked peaceful and comfortable. They asked the shopkeeper in the courtyard for the price.

"Sir, shopkeeper, we want to rent this yard, but we don't know the price?" Chen Xuan asked politely.

The shopkeeper is a middle-aged man, wearing a simple and elegant robe, with a kind face. He smiled and said: "Sir, this courtyard is worth 30,000 immortal stones a year, including all facilities and furniture in the courtyard."

Dugu Lun frowned, obviously feeling that the price was a bit high: "Thirty thousand Immortal Stones? Isn't it too expensive? We only live temporarily and don't need such a luxurious yard."

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Sir, our yard is indeed the best, but the price is of course negotiable. If you like it, I can lower the rent appropriately."

Chen Xuan thought for a while, and then asked: "Can it be reduced to 20,000 immortal stones? We only need a simple place to live."

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, twenty thousand immortal stones a year, but please rest assured that our service will not be compromised at all."

Dugu Lun looked at Chen Xuan. He knew that Chen Xuan was very good at bargaining. Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said, "Then twenty thousand immortal stones, we decided to rent this yard."

The shopkeeper was very happy. He quickly went through the formalities and handed the key to the courtyard to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked into the courtyard. The courtyard was surrounded by fruit trees and overgrown with flowers and plants, making it peaceful and beautiful.

Dugu Lun smiled and said to Chen Xuan: "It seems that your bargaining is really good. You can rent such a good yard with 20,000 immortal stones."

Chen Xuan also smiled: "We have to save some money. After all, immortal stones are not easy to earn. However, this yard is really good. We can practice here with peace of mind."

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling comfortable.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked into the courtyard and found that the environment here was more peaceful.

The courtyard is surrounded by green bamboos, whose leaves sway in the wind and make a rustling sound. Sunlight shines through the gaps in the bamboo leaves, forming mottled light and shadow on the ground.

There is a small pavilion in the middle of the yard. The pavilion is surrounded by various flowers, and the bright flowers exude a faint fragrance.

There is a round table in the corner of the pavilion, which is filled with all kinds of food and wine.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked to the pavilion and sat down to rest. There are fresh fruits and various delicacies on the table.

Dugu Lun picked up an orange and said with a smile: "Yes, it seems that we have rented a good place. This yard is so comfortable."

Various fine wines were placed in a corner of the pavilion. Chen Xuan poured a glass of sake and took a sip.

"Come, let's have a drink together to celebrate." Chen Xuan raised his glass and clinked it with Dugu Lun.

The two looked at each other, smiled, and drank. The wine flowed into their throats, seeming to carry a force that made them feel physically and mentally happy.

As night fell, the lanterns in the yard were lit, casting a soft light as they continued to sip wine and talk about the challenges they were about to face.

The yard is filled with the fragrance of wine and bamboo leaves, as if you are in a fairyland.

Chen Xuan entered a spacious and bright room filled with various utensils and herbs needed for alchemy.

Chen Xuan carefully cleaned the room to ensure that no impurities and dust would affect the alchemy process. Then, he began to sort out the herbs, select the purest and high-quality materials, and put them into the alchemy furnace.

He lit the fire and controlled the heat just right. Under the blazing fire, the room was filled with the rich aroma of medicine. Chen Xuan took out an ancient book, which was the secret book of alchemy he got from his master. He read it carefully. , looking for the recipe and steps you need.

As time went by, Chen Xuan began to add various herbs into the alchemy furnace. Every step must be very careful. The slightest mistake may lead to failure. His technique is skillful, like a dancer jumping on the stage. Every movement All accurate and smooth.

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