At the same time, they heard a roar, like an ancient curse. As the roar came, the power of the thunderstorm seemed to be strengthened, and each lightning bolt became more powerful and violent.

"This is an unusual thunderstorm, which contains powerful spiritual energy." Dugu Lun's eyes flashed with excitement, and he seemed to sense some kind of opportunity.

Chen Xuan frowned. He could feel the power of this spiritual energy, but at the same time he also felt the danger in it. This spiritual energy was not well-intentioned. It had a strange aura that made people wary.

The thunderstorm lasted for a long time, until the sky gradually brightened and the thunder gradually faded away. They finally breathed a sigh of relief, but their vigilance did not lessen. They decided to wait for a while to confirm whether the situation outside was safe before continuing. OK.

In the tranquility after the thunderstorm, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun remained alert, waiting for the next move.

During the raging thunderstorm, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were surprised to find a huge eye appearing in the sky.

Those pupils were like abyss, emitting a faint blue light, as if they could see through everything.

Chen Xuan's heart was shocked. He felt the powerful power contained in that eye. This power made him both excited and alert, because this was not an ordinary existence, but some kind of ancient god or legendary existence.

"This is... the Eye of God?" Dugu Lun's voice was filled with shock, and he also felt the power conveyed by that eye.

Just when they were surprised, the eye suddenly emitted a blue light, illuminating the entire thunderstorm. Then, a low and ancient voice sounded in their minds: "I know your mission. The treasure you are looking for is deep in Tianxing Mountain, but the road is full of dangers. You need strength to overcome many difficulties. ”

Chen Xuan's heart was shocked. He heard the extraordinary voice, as if it was the supreme existence between heaven and earth. He asked in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why do you know our mission?"

The voice responded slowly: "I am the guardian of this land and the guardian of this mountain range. The treasure you are looking for is the treasure left by the adults. It can help you overcome the coming crisis, but in the treasure Before, you have to go through a test, and only by passing the test can you get the blessing of the gods."

The two walked into the swamp, and their feet were muddy, making each step slippery. Thick humidity filled the air, making breathing difficult. Strange noises could be heard from time to time among the dense vegetation all around, and there seemed to be countless dangers hidden there.

"This swamp seems peaceful, but it is full of unknown dangers." Chen Xuan said vigilantly. They moved forward cautiously, trying to avoid the deepest part of the swamp.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble, and a group of huge pythons emerged from the swamp, with a fierce light in their eyes. These pythons were completely black, had sharp claws, and hissed. They were obviously very ferocious beasts.

"Be careful, it's a swamp python!" Dugu Lun warned in a low voice, and they reacted quickly. Chen Xuan held the Suzaku Sword, and Dugu Lun released a powerful aura, preparing to deal with this sudden threat.

The battle began. The two turned into two streams of light and quickly responded to the swamp python's attack. Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword danced with sword energy, cutting a swamp python into two pieces, while Dugu Lun used his powerful strength to Fight off the other python.

However, there were a large number of swamp pythons, and they kept coming, forming a sea of ​​pythons. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun fought hard to resist, but still fell into a hard fight. They sometimes retreated and sometimes charged. For a while, the battle situation was stalemate and fell into a stalemate.

"We can't fight here for a long time, we must find a breakthrough!" Chen Xuan calmly analyzed the situation and looked for opportunities to escape.

At this moment, an island suddenly appeared in their sight. There were tall trees growing on the island and it looked relatively safe. The two decisively decided to rush to the island, hoping to find shelter there and escape from the predicament at hand.

After trying their best, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun finally succeeded in breaking through the swamp pythons and landed on the island. They breathed a sigh of relief, but still looked around vigilantly for fear of other dangers.

At the edge of the island, a huge swamp python slowly climbed up the shore. Its body was like a mountain, and its skin was slippery and glowing with an eerie sheen. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun immediately became vigilant. They knew that this was going to be a battle. A life and death struggle.

"Be careful, this kind of python is strong, extremely fast, and extremely poisonous." Chen Xuan reminded Dugu Lun in a low voice.

Dugu Lun nodded, and their eyes met, as if conveying information in a tacit understanding. Chen Xuan quickly took a step forward, holding the Suzaku Sword, preparing to deal with the swamp python's attack, while Dugu Lun stood aside, gathering a powerful aura, preparing to Take action at any time.

The swamp python let out a low hiss, opened its huge mouth, and rushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan quickly dodged. The Suzaku sword scratched the scales of the python, splashing a burst of fire, but the python was not injured. Its body suddenly Shocked, it struck Chen Xuan like lightning.

Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and quickly activated the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique. The sword light flashed and turned into balls of sky fire, surrounding the python. The sky was blazing with fire, trapping the python in it, but the python's body was not harmed at all.

At the same time, Dugu Lun exerted great strength and slammed his fists on the python's head. However, the python's head was as hard as iron. Dugu Lun's fist made a dull sound when it hit, and he felt that the bones in his hand were about to break.

The python roared, forcing Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun to retreat. Chen Xuan gritted his teeth. He knew that this battle was far from over, and he decided to use more powerful force.

"Dugu Lun, let's work together!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

At the same time, they heard a roar, like an ancient curse. As the roar came, the power of the thunderstorm seemed to be strengthened, and each lightning became more powerful and violent.

"This is an unusual thunderstorm, which contains powerful spiritual energy." Dugu Lun's eyes flashed with excitement, and he seemed to sense some kind of opportunity.

Chen Xuan frowned. He could feel the power of this spiritual energy, but at the same time he also felt the danger in it. This spiritual energy was not well-intentioned. It had a strange aura that made people wary.

The thunderstorm lasted for a long time, until the sky gradually brightened and the thunder gradually faded away. They finally breathed a sigh of relief, but their vigilance did not lessen. They decided to wait for a while to confirm whether the situation outside was safe before continuing. OK.

In the tranquility after the thunderstorm, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun remained alert, waiting for the next move.

During the raging thunderstorm, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were surprised to find a huge eye appearing in the sky.

Those pupils were like abyss, emitting a faint blue light, as if they could see through everything.

Chen Xuan's heart was shocked. He felt the powerful power contained in that eye. This power made him both excited and alert, because this was not an ordinary existence, but some kind of ancient god or legendary existence.

"This is... the Eye of God?" Dugu Lun's voice was filled with shock, and he also felt the power conveyed by that eye.

Just when they were surprised, the eye suddenly emitted a blue light, illuminating the entire thunderstorm. Then, a low and ancient voice sounded in their minds: "I know your mission. The treasure you are looking for is deep in Tianxing Mountain, but the road is full of dangers. You need strength to overcome many difficulties. ”

Chen Xuan's heart was shocked. He heard the extraordinary voice, as if it was the supreme existence between heaven and earth. He asked in a deep voice: "Who are you? Why do you know our mission?"

The voice responded slowly: "I am the guardian of this land and the guardian of this mountain range. The treasure you are looking for is the treasure left by the adults. It can help you overcome the coming crisis, but in the treasure Before, you have to go through a test, and only by passing the test can you get the blessing of the gods."

The two walked into the swamp, and their feet were muddy, making each step slippery. Thick humidity filled the air, making breathing difficult. Strange noises could be heard from time to time among the dense vegetation all around, and there seemed to be countless dangers hidden there.

"This swamp seems peaceful, but it is full of unknown dangers." Chen Xuan said vigilantly. They moved forward cautiously, trying to avoid the deepest part of the swamp.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble, and a group of huge pythons emerged from the swamp, with a fierce light in their eyes. These pythons were completely black, had sharp claws, and hissed. They were obviously very ferocious beasts.

"Be careful, it's a swamp python!" Dugu Lun warned in a low voice, and they reacted quickly. Chen Xuan held the Suzaku Sword, and Dugu Lun released a powerful aura, preparing to deal with this sudden threat.

The battle began. The two turned into two streams of light and quickly responded to the swamp python's attack. Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword danced with sword energy, cutting a swamp python into two pieces, while Dugu Lun used his powerful strength to Fight off the other python.

However, there were a large number of swamp pythons, and they kept coming, forming a sea of ​​pythons. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun fought hard to resist, but still fell into a hard fight. They sometimes retreated and sometimes charged. For a while, the battle situation was stalemate and fell into a stalemate.

"We can't fight here for a long time, we must find a breakthrough!" Chen Xuan calmly analyzed the situation and looked for opportunities to escape.

At this moment, an island suddenly appeared in their sight. There were tall trees growing on the island and it looked relatively safe. The two decisively decided to rush to the island, hoping to find shelter there and escape from the predicament at hand.

After trying their best, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun finally succeeded in breaking through the swamp pythons and landed on the island. They breathed a sigh of relief, but still looked around vigilantly for fear of other dangers.

At the edge of the island, a huge swamp python slowly climbed up the shore. Its body was like a mountain, and its skin was slippery and glowing with an eerie sheen. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun immediately became vigilant. They knew that this was going to be a battle. A life and death struggle.

"Be careful, this kind of python is strong, extremely fast, and extremely poisonous." Chen Xuan reminded Dugu Lun in a low voice.

Dugu Lun nodded, and their eyes met, as if conveying information in a tacit understanding. Chen Xuan quickly took a step forward, holding the Suzaku Sword, preparing to deal with the swamp python's attack, while Dugu Lun stood aside, gathering a powerful aura, preparing to Take action at any time.

The swamp python let out a low hiss, opened its huge mouth, and rushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan quickly dodged. The Suzaku sword scratched the scales of the python, splashing a burst of fire, but the python was not injured. Its body suddenly Shocked, it struck Chen Xuan like lightning.

Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and quickly activated the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique. The sword light flashed and turned into balls of sky fire, surrounding the python. The sky was blazing with fire, trapping the python in it, but the python's body was not harmed at all.

At the same time, Dugu Lun exerted great strength and slammed his fists on the python's head. However, the python's head was as hard as iron. Dugu Lun's fist made a dull sound when it hit it, and he felt that the bones in his hand were about to break.

The python roared, forcing Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun to retreat. Chen Xuan gritted his teeth. He knew that this battle was far from over, and he decided to use more powerful force.

"Dugu Lun, let's work together!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

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