"Is this an artifact?" Dugu Lun whispered to himself, his eyes filled with shock.

Chen Xuan nodded: "That should be it. This spiritual energy is really powerful."

They carefully removed the crystal stone and prepared to take it back for further study. However, at this moment, suddenly, there was a loud noise in the cave. They suddenly became vigilant. When they looked up, they found that there was a sign on the wall of the cave. Cracks appeared.

As the crack expanded, a huge suction force came out, sucking Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun tightly. They struggled hard, but to no avail. As the suction force continued to increase, their vision gradually blurred and their consciousness gradually disappeared.

Next, when they woke up again, they found themselves in a completely unfamiliar environment. Surrounded by a vast world, the sky was blue, and the ground was full of life. They couldn't help but look at each other, full of doubts in their hearts.

"Where are we?" Chen Xuan frowned.

"It should have been brought to another dimension by the artifact." Dugu Lun guessed.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that the crystal stone in their hands was emitting a faint light, guiding the direction. They suddenly understood that this mysterious crystal stone seemed to have some kind of guiding function.

Therefore, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun decided to follow the guidance of the crystal stone and explore this strange land.

The huge eyes in the sky shone with mysterious light, as if they were the gaze of some ancient god. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun couldn't help but feel awe. They felt the powerful power contained in these eyes, which made people seem to be able to see through the depths of the soul. at.

"What on earth is this?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice, staring closely at those huge eyes.

Dugu Lun pondered for a moment and then slowly spoke: "Maybe this is the guardian of this land, or some kind of ancient god. No matter what it is, we seem to have entered a mysterious realm."

Just as they were guessing, a voice came from those huge eyes, like the voice of ancient times, spreading throughout the world.

"Your arrival is not by chance, you were chosen."

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were shocked, and they couldn't help exchanging glances, as if they gained each other's firmness from looking at each other.

"What is your mission?" Chen Xuan asked. They knew that this adventure was full of unknowns and challenges, but they were also willing to risk their lives for a greater mission.

The huge eyes slowly closed, and as the voice sounded again: "You need to find the lost magic weapon. It is the guardian of this land and the key to restoring balance. Only by finding it can we save this land. "

"Where is the magic weapon?" Dugu Lun asked urgently. They knew that only by finding the magic weapon could they fulfill their mission and protect this land.

However, those huge eyes closed again without answering. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were determined. They knew that they had to move forward and could not back down no matter what challenges they faced.

As night fell, stars and lights flickered in the darkness. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked through the dense woods, their figures looming under the moonlight. Suddenly, a harsh bat cry resounded through the night sky, and a group of red-blooded bats flew past the sky. , their wings drew a blood-red arc in the air.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's expressions were solemn. They knew that red-blooded bats were notorious monsters, extremely ferocious. These flying creatures had sharp claws and extremely flexible bodies. Chen Xuan clenched the hilt of the sword in his hand, and Dugu Lunze mobilizes the spiritual power in his body to prepare for possible battles at any time.

A group of red-blooded bats hovered in the air, making a sharp buzzing sound. Their eyes were as scarlet as blood beads. Suddenly, a red-blooded bat swooped down towards Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun at a jaw-dropping speed.

Chen Xuan quickly waved the sword in his hand, and the sword light flashed, repelling the incoming red-blooded bats. Dugu Lun opened his hands and released a powerful force of wind, blowing away all the red-blooded bats around him.

However, the group of red-blooded bats did not give up. They hovered in the air and turned into bloody whirlwinds, attacking Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. Chen Xuan quickly cast a defensive spell, and a protective light shield condensed around him. With an impenetrable defense line, Dugu Lun waved his hands and released flames, turning the attack of the red blood bat into ashes.

The battle raged fiercely in the night sky. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun had a perfect tacit understanding and coordinated seamlessly. They sometimes attacked and sometimes defended, firmly blocking the attack of the red-blooded bats.

In the ongoing battle, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun continued to adjust their tactics to find the best way to deal with the red-blooded bats.

The sky was covered by hundreds of red-blooded bats, their wings vibrating and making a buzzing sound. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun knew that their own strength was limited. Faced with such a huge group of bats, they chose to be selective without hesitation. of retreat.

They walked through the trees and nimbly avoided the attacks of the red-blooded bats. Chen Xuan quickly used his ethereal footwork and turned into a shadow, shuttling between the trees and cleverly avoiding the attacks of the red-blooded bats. Dugu Lun used his agility to jump in the woods and avoid the bat's claws.

The group of red-blooded bats made sharp screams and flew in the air, trying to surround the two of them. Chen Xuan clenched the sword in his hand, always preparing for possible attacks. Dugu Lun used the power of wind to move the surrounding airflow. It was controlled as if it were real, forming a solid shield that resisted the bat's attack.

"Is this an artifact?" Dugu Lun whispered to himself, his eyes filled with shock.

Chen Xuan nodded: "That's it, that's it. This spiritual energy is really powerful."

They carefully removed the crystal stone and prepared to take it back for further study. However, at this moment, suddenly, there was a loud noise in the cave. They suddenly became vigilant. When they looked up, they found that there was a sign on the wall of the cave. Cracks appeared.

As the crack expanded, a huge suction force came out, sucking Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun tightly. They struggled hard, but to no avail. As the suction force continued to increase, their vision gradually blurred and their consciousness gradually disappeared.

Next, when they woke up again, they found themselves in a completely unfamiliar environment. Surrounded by a vast world, the sky was blue, and the ground was full of life. They couldn't help but look at each other, full of doubts in their hearts.

"Where are we?" Chen Xuan frowned.

"It should have been brought to another dimension by the artifact." Dugu Lun guessed.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that the crystal stone in their hands was emitting a faint light, guiding the direction. They suddenly understood that this mysterious crystal stone seemed to have some kind of guiding function.

Therefore, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun decided to follow the guidance of the crystal stone and explore this strange land.

The huge eyes in the sky shone with mysterious light, as if they were the gaze of some ancient god. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun couldn't help but feel awe. They felt the powerful power contained in these eyes, which made people seem to be able to see through the depths of the soul. at.

"What on earth is this?" Chen Xuan asked in a low voice, staring closely at those huge eyes.

Dugu Lun pondered for a moment and then slowly spoke: "Maybe this is the guardian of this land, or some kind of ancient god. No matter what it is, we seem to have entered a mysterious realm."

Just as they were guessing, a voice came from those huge eyes, and it was like the voice of ancient times, spreading throughout the whole world.

"Your arrival is not by chance, you were chosen."

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were shocked, and they couldn't help exchanging glances, as if they gained each other's firmness from looking at each other.

"What is your mission?" Chen Xuan asked. They knew that this adventure was full of unknowns and challenges, but they were also willing to risk their lives for a greater mission.

The huge eyes slowly closed, and as the voice sounded again: "You need to find the lost magic weapon. It is the guardian of this land and the key to restoring balance. Only by finding it can we save this land. "

"Where is the magic weapon?" Dugu Lun asked urgently. They knew that only by finding the magic weapon could they fulfill their mission and protect this land.

However, those huge eyes closed again without answering. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were determined. They knew that they had to move forward and could not back down no matter what challenges they faced.

As night fell, stars and lights flickered in the darkness. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun walked through the dense woods, their figures looming under the moonlight. Suddenly, a harsh bat cry resounded through the night sky, and a group of red-blooded bats flew past the sky. , their wings drew a blood-red arc in the air.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun's expressions were solemn. They knew that red-blooded bats were notorious monsters, extremely ferocious. These flying creatures had sharp claws and extremely flexible bodies. Chen Xuan clenched the hilt of the sword in his hand, and Dugu Lunze mobilizes the spiritual power in his body to prepare for possible battles at any time.

A group of red-blooded bats hovered in the air, making a sharp buzzing sound. Their eyes were as scarlet as blood beads. Suddenly, a red-blooded bat swooped down towards Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun at a jaw-dropping speed.

Chen Xuan quickly waved the sword in his hand, and the sword light flashed, repelling the incoming red-blooded bats. Dugu Lun opened his hands and released a powerful force of wind, blowing away all the red-blooded bats around him.

However, the group of red-blooded bats did not give up. They hovered in the air and turned into bloody whirlwinds, attacking Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. Chen Xuan quickly cast a defensive spell, and a protective light shield condensed around him. With an impenetrable defense line, Dugu Lun waved his hands and released flames, turning the attack of the red blood bat into ashes.

The battle raged in the night sky. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun had a perfect tacit understanding and coordinated seamlessly. They sometimes attacked and sometimes defended, firmly blocking the attack of the red-blooded bats.

In the ongoing battle, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun continued to adjust their tactics to find the best way to deal with the red-blooded bats.

The sky was covered by hundreds of red-blooded bats, their wings vibrating and making a buzzing sound. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun knew that their own strength was limited. Faced with such a huge group of bats, they chose to be selective without hesitation. of retreat.

They walked through the trees and nimbly avoided the attacks of the red-blooded bats. Chen Xuan quickly used his ethereal footwork and turned into a shadow, shuttling between the trees and cleverly avoiding the attacks of the red-blooded bats. Dugu Lun used his agility to jump in the woods and avoid the bat's claws.

The group of red-blooded bats made sharp screams and flew in the air, trying to surround the two of them. Chen Xuan clenched the sword in his hand, always preparing for possible attacks. Dugu Lun used the power of wind to move the surrounding airflow. It was controlled as if it were real, forming a solid shield that resisted the bat's attack.

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