The Ghost Scorpion temporarily lost the ability to resist under Dugu Lun's fierce attack, but it was not willing to be defeated. Under Dugu Lun's restraint, Chen Xuan quickly switched tactics, holding the Suzaku Sword, and his body flashed as fast as heavenly fire.

The Suzaku sword technique, derived from the ancient mythical beast Suzaku, is an extremely powerful sword technique. Chen Xuan brought the sword technique to its extreme. The sword light was as hot as the red sun, cutting through the dark night of the desert. He was like a fiercely burning sword. The sky fire is full of the momentum to destroy everything.

Chen Xuan's sword moves were continuous, each sword embodying his anger and determination. He transformed into the God of Heavenly Fire, and the sword blade, with its scorching breath, instantly penetrated the ghost scorpion's shell and pierced its body. Deep in the body. Ghost Scorpion let out a scream, its body twisted violently, but it still gritted its teeth and persisted.

Chen Xuan continued to use the Suzaku sword technique, and each sword hit the ghost scorpion's vitals accurately. His eyes flashed with determination, and he faced this powerful monster without fear. The sword light pierced the night sky and raised the sand and dust, forming a spectacular picture.

Ghost Scorpion struggled, trying to get rid of Chen Xuan's restraints, but Chen Xuan's attacks followed closely, surrounding Ghost Scorpion and not giving it any chance to escape. Dugu Lun was not to be outdone, and continued to launch powerful attacks, forming a formation with Chen Xuan. strong suppression.

In the end, with the combined efforts of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, Ghost Scorpion could no longer hold on, let out a final roar, turned into ashes, and disappeared into the night. They won, but they knew that these were just countless monsters in the desert. One of them, and a more powerful enemy was waiting for them. They took a deep breath, gathered their mood, and prepared to face the next challenge.

With the roar of Ghost Scorpion, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun relaxed a little. They took a deep breath and felt the exhaustion after the battle. However, in this desert, there was no time to rest. They knew that, There are more monsters awakened from their slumber and may appear at any time.

Chen Xuan put away the Vermilion Bird Sword and scanned the surrounding desert. The desert at night seemed like a boundless black hole, swallowing all the light. He decided to move on, looking for the next safe place to rest. Dugu Lun also followed behind him, looking around vigilantly.

The two got back on the road with a tacit understanding.

The night in the desert was extremely quiet, with only the sound of their footsteps and the whistling of the desert wind. They continued to move forward along the footprints in the desert, trudging step by step into the boundless yellow sand.

During the long march, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun exchanged their feelings and observations from time to time.

However, in this boundless desert, monsters are everywhere. Suddenly there was a low roar from the front, and a huge desert monster slowly emerged from the dunes. Its body was huge, and its skin covered with yellow sand shone with golden light. It was obviously an apex predator that had adapted to the desert environment.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stopped and stared nervously at the monster in front of them. The desert monster's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and its mouth showed sharp teeth and made a hissing sound. The desert wind blew its fur like a layer of golden down, making it look even more majestic.

Chen Xuan clenched the weapon in his hand, ready to respond to possible attacks at any time, while Dugu Lun stood steadily on the side with blazing eyes, waiting for Chen Xuan's instructions. They knew that in such an environment, any slightest laxness could lead to serious consequences. come mortal danger.

The desert monster roared deafeningly, and its figure expanded rapidly and attacked them. Chen Xuan gave an order, and the two quickly separated to avoid the monster's impact. Chen Xuan waved the weapon in his hand and fought with the desert monster. The beast launched a fierce battle. He nimbly dodged the monster's attack. When the time came, he swung the weapon hard and stabbed the monster's body.

Dugu Lun transformed into a bolt of lightning, quickly shuttled around the desert monster, and launched rapid attacks. His figure flickered and was elusive, making it impossible for the desert monster to accurately locate its target. The tacit cooperation between the two made them appear to be in this battle with ease, sometimes attacking and sometimes dodging, forcing the desert monster to retreat.

However, the desert monster was no ordinary creature. It opened its huge mouth and released a hot sandstorm, attacking Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. The two quickly retreated to avoid the sandstorm, but the desert monster did not stop attacking. It waved its huge claws in an attempt to sweep them down.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun cooperated again tacitly. They separated to attack both sides of the desert monster. Chen Xuan used the Suzaku sword technique. The sword light was like a fire, piercing the night sky, while Dugu Lun released a bright light. Enveloping the desert monster, their attacks were methodical and coordinated, forcing the desert monster into a desperate situation.

The desert monster roared in pain, its body trembled, and its eyes were full of anger and despair. However, under the siege of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, it was unable to resist, and finally collapsed and fell to the ground, turning into a pool of golden sand.

The desert shrouded in night seemed silent under the bright moonlight. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were walking side by side with serious expressions on their faces. Although they had won the battle just now, they knew that danger could come at any time in this desert.

"Dugu Lun, we cannot take it lightly. The monsters ahead may be more powerful than what we have encountered." Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and there was determination in his eyes.

Dugu Lun nodded, and the expression on his face became solemn: "Yes, Brother Chen Xuan, we must deal with it carefully and stay vigilant. This desert is full of unknown dangers, and we cannot be careless."

The two were silent for a moment, deep in thought. Suddenly, Chen Xuan said: "The tacit cooperation between us is our greatest advantage, but we cannot rely too much. We should try to avoid falling into a head-on situation and be good at it. Use the terrain to our flexibility and tactical advantage."

Dugu Lun smiled slightly and agreed. "Brother Chen Xuan is right. We can try to lure the monsters into traps, or find their weaknesses to attack. In addition, we can also act separately to distract the monsters, and then attack together."

Chen Xuan nodded in approval: "Good idea. We need to use tactics flexibly and give full play to our advantages. Moreover, we also need to stay alert at all times and pay attention to the surrounding environment, especially possible traps and hidden enemies in the desert."

Dugu Lun took a deep breath and looked firmly: "Our goal is the artifact. Only by finding it can we leave this desert smoothly. We cannot give up because of difficulties, let alone be paralyzed by victory. We must persist until the end. moment."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and tightened the weapon in his hand: "Exactly."

The Ghost Scorpion temporarily lost the ability to resist under Dugu Lun's fierce attack, but it was not willing to be defeated. Under Dugu Lun's restraint, Chen Xuan quickly switched tactics, holding the Suzaku Sword, and his body flashed as fast as heavenly fire.

The Suzaku sword technique, derived from the ancient mythical beast Suzaku, is an extremely powerful sword technique. Chen Xuan brought the sword technique to its extreme. The sword light was as hot as the red sun, cutting through the dark night of the desert. He was like a fiercely burning sword. The sky fire is full of the momentum to destroy everything.

Chen Xuan's sword moves were continuous, each sword embodying his anger and determination. He transformed into the God of Heavenly Fire, and the sword blade, with its scorching breath, instantly penetrated the ghost scorpion's shell and pierced its body. Deep in the body. Ghost Scorpion let out a scream, its body twisted violently, but it still gritted its teeth and persisted.

Chen Xuan continued to use the Suzaku sword technique, and each sword hit the ghost scorpion's vitals accurately. His eyes flashed with determination, and he faced this powerful monster without fear. The sword light cut through the night sky and raised the sand and dust, forming a spectacular picture.

Ghost Scorpion struggled, trying to get rid of Chen Xuan's restraints, but Chen Xuan's attacks followed closely, surrounding Ghost Scorpion and not giving it any chance to escape. Dugu Lun was not to be outdone, and continued to launch powerful attacks, forming a formation with Chen Xuan. strong suppression.

In the end, with the combined efforts of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, Ghost Scorpion could no longer hold on, let out a final roar, turned into ashes, and disappeared into the night. They won, but they knew that these were just countless monsters in the desert. One of them, and a more powerful enemy was waiting for them. They took a deep breath, gathered their mood, and prepared to face the next challenge.

With the roar of Ghost Scorpion, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun relaxed a little. They took a deep breath and felt the exhaustion after the battle. However, in this desert, there was no time to rest. They knew that, There are more monsters awakened from their slumber and may appear at any time.

Chen Xuan put away the Vermilion Bird Sword and scanned the surrounding desert. The desert at night seemed like a boundless black hole, swallowing all the light. He decided to move on, looking for the next safe place to rest. Dugu Lun also followed behind him, looking around vigilantly.

The two got back on the road with a tacit understanding.

The night in the desert was extremely quiet, with only the sound of their footsteps and the whistling of the desert wind. They continued to move forward along the footprints in the desert, trudging step by step into the boundless yellow sand.

During the long march, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun exchanged their feelings and observations from time to time.

However, in this boundless desert, monsters are everywhere. Suddenly there was a low roar from the front, and a huge desert monster slowly emerged from the dunes. Its body was huge, and its skin covered with yellow sand shone with golden light. It was obviously an apex predator that had adapted to the desert environment.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stopped and stared nervously at the monster in front of them. The desert monster's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and its mouth showed sharp teeth and made a hissing sound. The desert wind blew its fur like a layer of golden down, making it look even more majestic.

Chen Xuan clenched the weapon in his hand, ready to respond to possible attacks at any time, while Dugu Lun stood steadily on the side with blazing eyes, waiting for Chen Xuan's instructions. They knew that in such an environment, any slightest laxness could lead to serious consequences. come mortal danger.

The desert monster roared deafeningly, and its figure expanded rapidly and attacked them. Chen Xuan gave an order, and the two quickly separated to avoid the monster's impact. Chen Xuan waved the weapon in his hand and fought with the desert monster. The beast launched a fierce battle. He nimbly dodged the monster's attacks. When the time came, he swung his weapon hard and stabbed the monster's body.

Dugu Lun transformed into a bolt of lightning, quickly shuttled around the desert monster, and launched rapid attacks. His figure flickered and was elusive, making it impossible for the desert monster to accurately locate its target. The tacit cooperation between the two made them appear to be in this battle with ease, sometimes attacking and sometimes dodging, forcing the desert monster to retreat.

However, the desert monster was no ordinary creature. It opened its huge mouth and released a blazing sandstorm, attacking Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. The two quickly retreated to avoid the sandstorm, but the desert monster did not stop attacking. It waved its huge claws in an attempt to sweep them down.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun cooperated again tacitly. They separated to attack both sides of the desert monster. Chen Xuan used the Suzaku sword technique. The sword light was like a fire, piercing the night sky, while Dugu Lun released a bright light. Enveloping the desert monster, their attacks were methodical and coordinated, forcing the desert monster into a desperate situation.

The desert monster roared in pain, its body trembled, and its eyes were full of anger and despair. However, under the siege of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, it was unable to resist, and finally collapsed and fell to the ground, turning into a pool of golden sand.

The desert shrouded in night seemed silent under the bright moonlight. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were walking side by side with serious expressions on their faces. Although they had won the battle just now, they knew that danger could come at any time in this desert.

"Dugu Lun, we cannot take it lightly. The monsters ahead may be more powerful than what we have encountered." Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and there was determination in his eyes.

Dugu Lun nodded, and the expression on his face became solemn: "Yes, Brother Chen Xuan, we must deal with it carefully and stay vigilant. This desert is full of unknown dangers, and we cannot be careless."

The two were silent for a moment, deep in thought. Suddenly, Chen Xuan said: "The tacit cooperation between us is our greatest advantage, but we cannot rely too much. We should try to avoid falling into a head-on situation and be good at it. Use the terrain to our flexibility and tactical advantage."

Dugu Lun smiled slightly and agreed. "Brother Chen Xuan is right. We can try to lure the monsters into traps, or find their weaknesses to attack. In addition, we can also act separately to distract the monsters, and then attack together."

Chen Xuan nodded in approval: "Good idea. We need to use tactics flexibly and give full play to our advantages. Moreover, we also need to stay alert at all times and pay attention to the surrounding environment, especially possible traps and hidden enemies in the desert."

Dugu Lun took a deep breath and looked firmly: "Our goal is the artifact. Only by finding it can we leave this desert smoothly. We cannot give up because of difficulties, let alone be paralyzed by victory. We must persist until the end. moment."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly and tightened the weapon in his hand: "Exactly."

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