"How dare you break into Longshan!" The young man in black robe shouted angrily, the sword light surged, and he slashed towards the middle-aged man in white robe.

The middle-aged man in white robe sneered, his sword glow overflowing, and it collided with the attack of the young man in black robe, making a harsh sound of gold and iron. The battle between the two was extremely fierce, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, as if an explosion might break out at any time. An earth-shattering battle.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were stunned. They could feel that both of them were extremely powerful and were masters of the Shenlong Breaking God Realm. Moreover, their battle seemed ordinary, but in fact it was full of wisdom and skill. , every move and every style contains profound sword intent.

"It seems that we have encountered a fierce battle." Chen Xuan whispered, his eyes shining with challenge.

Dugu Lun nodded in agreement. His hand had already grasped the hilt of the sword, ready to join the battle at any time. The two of them walked in the direction of the battle in tacit agreement. They decided to observe the battle, and maybe they could understand a higher level during the battle. realm.

The battle became more and more fierce before their eyes. The two men's swordsmanship cooperated perfectly. Sometimes they attacked like the wind, and sometimes they defended like a mountain. Every move they made contained profound sword intent, leaving Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stunned.

"It seems that they have understood the essence of swordsmanship." Dugu Lun whispered, his eyes full of admiration.

Chen Xuan nodded. They saw a higher level of swordsmanship from this battle and were greatly inspired. They decided to study quietly here and strive to break through to a higher realm.

As the battle progressed, the young man in black robe suddenly performed an earth-shattering stunt. The sword in his hand danced like a dragon and snake, and the sword energy condensed into a monstrous sword dragon, attacking the middle-aged man in white robe.

The middle-aged man in white robes was not to be outdone. His sword danced like lightning, and the sword energy turned into an electric dragon, which violently collided with the stegosaurus. The stegosaur and the electric dragon intertwined in the air, making a huge explosion sound that shook the entire mountain. The top was shaking violently.

The atmosphere of the battle became extremely tense. The collision between the sword dragon and the electric dragon caused violent fluctuations in spiritual energy. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun felt the power of this spiritual energy. They couldn't help but take a few steps back, carefully avoiding the center of the battle.

The battle continued, and the two men's attacks became more and more fierce. The sword energy and the electric light intertwined into a dazzling light curtain. Their figures flickered in the air, like two sword gods, which was intimidating.

"Brother Chen, should we join the fight?" Dugu Lun asked in a low voice, his eyes flashing with fighting intent.

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment and finally shook his head: "No, let's not intervene for the time being. Their strength far exceeds ours. We have to observe carefully.

The battle became more intense on the top of Longshan Mountain. The young man in black robe and the middle-aged man in white robe come from Shenluo Sect and Jianluo Sect respectively. The two sects have always had conflicts. However, in this battle, their sword skills intertwined and their sword intentions were connected, as if there was an exchange of sword skills. and dialogue.

When the black long sword held by the young man in black robe dances, the sword energy is like a dragon, sharp and cruel, and his sword technique is like a sharp blade in the dark night, extremely fast and fierce. At the same time, the sword in the hands of the middle-aged man in white robes was radiant and sharp. Each sword contained extremely high lethality. His sword technique was like lightning in the daytime, so fast that it was difficult to catch.

The battle between the two was in full swing, and their swordsmanship complemented and promoted each other. In such a confrontation, their strength continued to improve, and their swordsmanship continued to improve.

"Your swordsmanship is extraordinary, and you can actually understand the realm of sword intention." The young man in black robe admired.

The middle-aged man in white robe smiled slightly: "Your swordsmanship is also outstanding. I am lucky to be able to compete with a master like you."

Although they were from different sects, their sword intentions coincided with each other during the battle. It was like the encounter of two swordsmen, and a feast of swordsmanship was staged in the sky. They did not suffer from the conflicts between the sects. What makes the battle more intense is that they learn from each other, respect each other, and even have a tacit understanding during the battle.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were fascinated by what they saw. They realized a higher level of sword intent from this battle. This was not only an improvement in technique, but also an improvement in their state of mind. The two swordsmen inspired each other during the battle and learned from each other. The fusion of sword energy filled the entire battlefield with strong sword energy.

During the battle, the two became more skillful with their swordsmanship and their sword intentions became more profound. Their figures danced in the air, like two dancing birds, light and swift. Their sword energy turned into a whirlpool, stirring up the surrounding air. Gotta roll and tumble.

"It seems that we are going to join the battle." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

Dugu Lun nodded, his eyes flashing with fighting spirit. They decided to compete with these two swordsmen, learn each other's sword skills, and improve together.

The two drew their swords in tacit agreement, and joined the young man in black robes and the middle-aged man in white robes on the battlefield. The sword moves of the four people intertwined with each other, the sword light flashed, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, covering the entire mountain top in a spectacular rain of swords. middle.

With the addition of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, the atmosphere of the battle became more tense. The sword skills of the four collided with each other, making a crisp sound of gold and iron. Their figures were like lightning and flint, and every time they used their swords, they carried an unrivaled energy. momentum.

The battle is in full swing, and every move is a fatal killing move, which is breathtaking. Their swordsmanship continues to evolve during the intersection, and their sword intent is also deepening. This battle is not only a contest of strength, but also a battle of swordsmanship. The duel is a competition of state of mind.

As time went by, the battle gradually entered a fierce stage. The sword moves of the four people became sharper and their sword energy became violent. On the battlefield, sometimes sword rays pierced the air, and sometimes sword lights flashed. A visual and auditory feast was staged in the air.

"Good swordsmanship!" The young man in black robe praised.

"Same!" The middle-aged man in white robe was not to be outdone.

The battle between the four became more and more intense, with sword lights interlacing and sword shadows overlapping. Their swordsmanship had already surpassed the ordinary and reached a high level. Every move was exquisite and powerful.

"How dare you break into Longshan!" The young man in black robe shouted angrily, the sword light surged, and he slashed towards the middle-aged man in white robe.

The middle-aged man in white robe sneered, and his sword glow overflowed, colliding with the attack of the young man in black robe, making a harsh sound of gold and iron. The battle between the two was extremely fierce, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, as if an explosion might break out at any time. An earth-shattering battle.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were stunned. They could feel that both of them were extremely powerful and were masters of the Shenlong Breaking God Realm. Moreover, their battle seemed ordinary, but in fact it was full of wisdom and skill. , every move and every style contains profound sword intent.

"It seems that we have encountered a fierce battle." Chen Xuan whispered, his eyes shining with challenge.

Dugu Lun nodded in agreement. His hand had already grasped the hilt of the sword, ready to join the battle at any time. The two of them walked in the direction of the battle in tacit understanding. They decided to observe the battle, and maybe they could understand a higher level during the battle. realm.

The battle became more and more fierce before their eyes. The two men's swordsmanship cooperated perfectly. Sometimes they attacked like the wind, and sometimes they defended like a mountain. Every move they made contained profound sword intent, leaving Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun stunned.

"It seems that they have understood the essence of swordsmanship." Dugu Lun whispered, his eyes full of admiration.

Chen Xuan nodded. They saw a higher level of swordsmanship from this battle and were greatly inspired. They decided to study quietly here and strive to break through to a higher realm.

As the battle progressed, the young man in black robe suddenly performed an earth-shattering stunt. The sword in his hand danced like a dragon and snake, and the sword energy condensed into a monstrous sword dragon, attacking the middle-aged man in white robe.

The middle-aged man in white robes was not to be outdone. His sword danced like lightning, and the sword energy turned into an electric dragon, which violently collided with the stegosaurus. The stegosaur and the electric dragon intertwined in the air, making a huge explosion sound that shook the entire mountain. The top was shaking violently.

The atmosphere of the battle became extremely tense. The collision between the sword dragon and the electric dragon caused violent fluctuations in spiritual energy. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun felt the power of this spiritual energy. They couldn't help but take a few steps back, carefully avoiding the center of the battle.

The battle continued, and the two men's attacks became more and more fierce. The sword energy and the electric light intertwined into a dazzling light curtain. Their figures flickered in the air, like two sword gods, which was intimidating.

"Brother Chen, should we join the fight?" Dugu Lun asked in a low voice, his eyes flashing with fighting intent.

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment and finally shook his head: "No, let's not intervene for the time being. Their strength far exceeds ours. We have to observe carefully.

The battle became more intense on the top of Longshan Mountain. The young man in black robe and the middle-aged man in white robe come from Shenluo Sect and Jianluo Sect respectively. The two sects have always had conflicts. However, in this battle, their sword skills intertwined and their sword intentions were connected, as if there was an exchange of sword skills. and dialogue.

When the black long sword held by the young man in black robe dances, the sword energy is like a dragon, sharp and cruel, and his sword technique is like a sharp blade in the dark night, extremely fast and fierce. At the same time, the sword in the hands of the middle-aged man in white robes was radiant and sharp. Each sword contained extremely high lethality. His sword technique was like lightning in the daytime, so fast that it was difficult to catch.

The battle between the two was in full swing, and their swordsmanship complemented and promoted each other. In such a confrontation, their strength continued to improve, and their swordsmanship continued to improve.

"Your swordsmanship is extraordinary, and you can actually understand the realm of sword intention." The young man in black robe admired.

The middle-aged man in white robe smiled slightly: "Your swordsmanship is also outstanding. I am lucky to be able to compete with a master like you."

Although they were from different sects, their sword intentions coincided with each other during the battle. It was like the encounter of two swordsmen, and a feast of swordsmanship was staged in the sky. They did not suffer from the conflicts between the sects. What makes the battle more intense is that they learn from each other, respect each other, and even have a tacit understanding during the battle.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun were fascinated by what they saw. They realized a higher level of sword intent from this battle. This was not only an improvement in technique, but also an improvement in their state of mind. The two swordsmen inspired each other during the battle and learned from each other. The fusion of sword energy filled the entire battlefield with strong sword energy.

During the battle, the two became more skillful with their swordsmanship and their sword intentions became more profound. Their figures danced in the air, like two dancing birds, light and swift. Their sword energy turned into a whirlpool, stirring up the surrounding air. Gotta roll and tumble.

"It seems that we are going to join the battle." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

Dugu Lun nodded, his eyes flashing with fighting spirit. They decided to compete with these two swordsmen, learn each other's sword skills, and improve together.

The two drew their swords in tacit agreement, and joined the young man in black robes and the middle-aged man in white robes on the battlefield. The sword moves of the four people intertwined with each other, the sword light flashed, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, covering the entire mountain top in a spectacular rain of swords. middle.

With the addition of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, the atmosphere of the battle became more tense. The sword skills of the four collided with each other, making a crisp sound of gold and iron. Their figures were like lightning and flint, and every time they used their swords, they carried an unrivaled energy. momentum.

The battle is in full swing, and every move is a fatal killing move, which is breathtaking. Their swordsmanship continues to evolve during the intersection, and their sword intent is also deepening. This battle is not only a contest of strength, but also a battle of swordsmanship. The duel is a competition of state of mind.

As time went by, the battle gradually entered a fierce stage. The sword moves of the four people became sharper and their sword energy became violent. On the battlefield, sword light sometimes pierced the air, and sometimes sword light flashed. A visual and auditory feast was staged in the air.

"Good swordsmanship!" The young man in black robe praised.

"Same!" The middle-aged man in white robe was not to be outdone.

The battle between the four became more and more intense, with sword lights interlacing and sword shadows overlapping. Their swordsmanship had already surpassed the ordinary and reached a high level. Every move was exquisite and powerful.

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