Just a while later, the Jianluo Sect also sent an envoy. This envoy was wearing a white sword robe, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and awe-inspiring sword aura. Their invitation was also full of sincerity and expectation.

"Elder Chen Xuan, Elder Dugu Lun, I am the envoy of the Jianluo Sect. I have specially come to invite you two to join our Jianluo Sect. The Jianluo Sect is famous for its swordsmanship and has a high reputation in the cultivation world of the Central Region. Do you believe that, If the two of them join, they will be able to achieve higher achievements in the art of swordsmanship," the envoy of the Jianluo Sect said sincerely.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun fell into deep thought again. The swordsmanship of the Jianluo Sect has a long history, and generations of disciples are famous for their swordsmanship. It has been the top swordsmanship school in the Central Region for hundreds of years. Being able to practice in such a sect is undoubtedly a huge opportunity.

"Lord Messenger, we thank the Jianluo Sect for the invitation. The swordsmanship of the Jianluo Sect is very powerful and we have all admired it for a long time. However, we have some things that need to be completed in the Dragon God Sect and we cannot leave for the time being." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

Dugu Lun also added: "We will bring the Jianluo Sect's invitation back to the sect and discuss it with the sect leader. If a decision is made, we will notify the Jianluo Sect in time."

The envoy of the Jianluo Sect nodded, not disappointed: "Both of you, please consider carefully. If you join the Jianluo Sect, you will have the opportunity to learn more advanced swordsmanship. I look forward to your reply."

After the two envoys left, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun both fell into deep thought. They knew that the strength of the Dragon God Sect they belonged to was limited, but the friendship between the sects was particularly precious. Whether it is the Shenluo Sect or the Jianluo Sect, they are both first-class sects in the Central Region and can provide them with better cultivation resources and guidance.

"Chen Xuan, what do you think?" Dugu Lun looked at Chen Xuan, hoping to hear his opinion.

When Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun faced the invitations from the Shenluo Sect and the Jianluo Sect, they made different choices.

Chen Xuan let out a long sigh, took a deep look at the Dragon God Sect, and then turned around and walked towards the envoy of the Jianluo Sect. He knew that this meant farewell, but he also knew that this was a better opportunity and a broader opportunity. On the stage, he needs a higher realm and stronger swordsmanship to be able to better protect the Dragon God Sect.

The envoy of the Jianluo Sect showed a satisfied smile when he saw Chen Xuan's decision. He knew that with an outstanding new disciple like Chen Xuan, the Jianluo Sect would be even stronger.

At the same time, Dugu Lun chose the Shenluo Sect, with a firm light shining in his eyes. He knew that the Shenluo Sect had infinite mysterious power, and joining this sect would make his path of cultivation more profound. More vast.

The day of departure finally arrived. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun said goodbye to their brothers and sisters from the Dragon God Sect, and each embarked on a new journey. They knew that this was a process of growth and the only way for them to move towards a higher realm.

In the Jianluo Sect and the Shenluo Sect, Chen Xuan and Dugulun received higher-level cultivation resources and guidance, while in the Shenluo Sect, Dugulun explored the mysterious divine power and learned the mysteries of magical powers. Every realization brought him Infinite inspiration made his cultivation more and more advanced.

Chen Xuan followed the elders of the Jianluo Sect to Shenjian Mountain, which is the holy land of the Jianluo Sect and one of the holy places that practitioners dream of. Shenjian Mountain is located in the northeast of the Central Territory. It is a steep and towering mountain range, shrouded in vast clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, their eyes suddenly opened up. A vast flat land lay in front of them. The green grass was full of colorful flowers, fragrant and fragrant. The mountains in the distance are wrapped by white clouds, looming like a fairyland.

The air is filled with a strong fairy spirit, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. In the distant sky, the sun shines through the thin clouds and shines on the earth, forming streaks of golden light.

The mountains are filled with thick sword energy. This is the atmosphere left by generations of sword masters of the Jianluo Sect. It condenses the hard work and essence of countless sword cultivators. This sword energy contains powerful power, enough to tear through the void and shock the world. world.

The elders of the Jianluo Sect led Chen Xuan across the mountains and headed towards the peak of Shenjian Mountain. Along the way, they walked through dense woods, and various exotic flowers and plants bloomed on the roadside.

As the height increases, the sword energy in the mountains becomes more intense. From time to time, you can see the sword light flying in the air, flashing with cold light. These are the sword energy condensed by the sword cultivators during their practice.

In the process of climbing, Chen Xuan felt the baptism of sword energy. His mind was purified, and the sword intention surged in his heart. Every step is an experience, every breath is an understanding.

Finally, they reached the top of Shenjian Mountain. There is a magnificent sword tower on the top of the tower. A huge sword stone is inlaid on the top of the tower. The stone body exudes crystal light of the sword. The sword tower is surrounded by rich sword energy, as if it is the soul of the entire Jianluo Sect.

Chen Xuan followed the elder into the sword tower. When he stepped inside, he felt the boundless sword intention. The sword intention flowed in the space, like thousands of sword souls singing softly. In this space, Chen Xuan seemed to see When they reached the figures of the sword masters practicing, they heard the roar of sword energy.

The elder of the Jianluo Sect stopped. He bowed deeply to the sword tower, and then motioned for Chen Xuan to salute as well. Chen Xuan was sincerely convinced and bowed to the sword tower along with the elder.

"Chen Xuan, you came to Shenjian Mountain to accept the baptism of sword intention. In this sword intention space, you will feel the talent and power left by the sword masters. Only when you truly understand the sword intention, can you Only then can we take a further step in the art of swordsmanship," the elder of the Jianluo Sect said earnestly.

Chen Xuan nodded, took a deep breath, and then closed his eyes. He was immersed in the ocean of sword intent, feeling the mystery contained in it. The sword intent penetrated his heart, and he seemed to have turned into a sword. The invisible sword blended into this sword space.

At this moment, his consciousness gradually blurred, and he felt the integration of himself and the sword intention, as if he had returned to the years when sword masters practiced. The melodious sound of the sword came from the sword intention, which seemed to tell him the true meaning of the sword.

As time went by, Chen Xuan's cultivation improved rapidly under the baptism of sword intention. His sword realm continued to rise. Sword intention flowed in his body, forming an unparalleled sword energy. He felt as if he had integrated into it. When it comes to the sword intention, it forms a wonderful resonance with the way of the sword.

This resonance is not physical, but spiritual.

After understanding the mystery of sword intention and the true meaning of the sword, time seemed to have frozen in the space of sword intention, and Chen Xuan's consciousness gradually became clear.

Under the guidance of the sword, his mind traveled through time and space and returned to the ancient history of the Jianluo Sect. He saw legendary swordsmen wielding their swords, cutting through the void and cutting through the sky. It was a shocking scene. The picture of the human heart is the ultimate display of swordsmanship.

Just a while later, the Jianluo Sect also sent an envoy. This envoy was wearing a white sword robe, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and awe-inspiring sword aura. Their invitation was also full of sincerity and expectation.

"Elder Chen Xuan, Elder Dugu Lun, I am the envoy of the Jianluo Sect. I have specially come to invite you two to join our Jianluo Sect. The Jianluo Sect is famous for its swordsmanship and has a high reputation in the cultivation world of the Central Region. Do you believe that, If the two of them join, they will be able to achieve higher achievements in the art of swordsmanship," the envoy of the Jianluo Sect said sincerely.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun fell into deep thought again. The swordsmanship of the Jianluo Sect has a long history, and generations of disciples are famous for their swordsmanship. It has been the top swordsmanship school in the Central Region for hundreds of years. Being able to practice in such a sect is undoubtedly a huge opportunity.

"Lord Messenger, we thank the Jianluo Sect for the invitation. The swordsmanship of the Jianluo Sect is very powerful and we have all admired it for a long time. However, we have some things that need to be completed in the Dragon God Sect and we cannot leave for the time being." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

Dugu Lun also added: "We will bring the Jianluo Sect's invitation back to the sect and discuss it with the sect leader. If a decision is made, we will notify the Jianluo Sect in time."

The envoy of the Jianluo Sect nodded, not disappointed: "Both of you, please consider carefully. If you join the Jianluo Sect, you will have the opportunity to learn more advanced swordsmanship. I look forward to your reply."

After the two envoys left, Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun both fell into deep thought. They knew that the strength of the Dragon God Sect they belonged to was limited, but the friendship between the sects was particularly precious. Whether it is the Shenluo Sect or the Jianluo Sect, they are both first-class sects in the Central Region and can provide them with better cultivation resources and guidance.

"Chen Xuan, what do you think?" Dugu Lun looked at Chen Xuan, hoping to hear his opinion.

When Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun faced the invitations from the Shenluo Sect and the Jianluo Sect, they made different choices.

Chen Xuan let out a long sigh, took a deep look at the Dragon God Sect, and then turned around and walked towards the envoy of the Jianluo Sect. He knew that this meant farewell, but he also knew that this was a better opportunity and a broader opportunity. On the stage, he needs a higher realm and stronger swordsmanship to be able to better protect the Dragon God Sect.

The envoy of the Jianluo Sect showed a satisfied smile when he saw Chen Xuan's decision. He knew that with an outstanding new disciple like Chen Xuan, the Jianluo Sect would be even stronger.

At the same time, Dugu Lun chose the Shenluo Sect, with a firm light shining in his eyes. He knew that the Shenluo Sect had infinite mysterious power, and joining this sect would make his path of cultivation more profound. More vast.

The day of departure finally arrived. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun said goodbye to their brothers and sisters from the Dragon God Sect, and each embarked on a new journey. They knew that this was a process of growth and the only way for them to move towards a higher realm.

In the Jianluo Sect and the Shenluo Sect, Chen Xuan and Dugulun received higher-level cultivation resources and guidance, while in the Shenluo Sect, Dugulun explored the mysterious divine power and learned the mysteries of magical powers. Every realization brought him Infinite inspiration made his cultivation more and more advanced.

Chen Xuan followed the elders of the Jianluo Sect to Shenjian Mountain, which is the holy land of the Jianluo Sect and one of the holy places that practitioners dream of. Shenjian Mountain is located in the northeast of the Central Territory. It is a steep and towering mountain range, shrouded in vast clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, their eyes suddenly opened up. A vast flat land lay in front of them. The green grass was full of colorful flowers, fragrant and fragrant. The mountains in the distance are wrapped by white clouds, looming like a fairyland.

The air is filled with a strong fairy spirit, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. In the distant sky, the sun shines through the thin clouds and shines on the earth, forming streaks of golden light.

The mountains are filled with thick sword energy. This is the aura left by generations of sword masters of the Jianluo Sect. It condenses the hard work and essence of countless sword cultivators. This sword energy contains powerful power, enough to tear the void and shock. world.

The elders of the Jianluo Sect led Chen Xuan across the mountains and headed towards the peak of Shenjian Mountain. Along the way, they walked through dense woods, and various exotic flowers and plants bloomed on the roadside.

As the height increases, the sword energy in the mountains becomes more intense. From time to time, you can see the sword light flying in the air, flashing with cold light. These are the sword energy condensed by the sword cultivators during their practice.

In the process of climbing, Chen Xuan felt the baptism of sword energy, his mind was purified, and the sword intention surged in his heart. Every step is an experience, every breath is an understanding.

Finally, they reached the peak of Shenjian Mountain. There is a magnificent sword tower on the top of the tower. A huge sword stone is inlaid on the top of the tower. The stone body exudes crystal light of the sword. The sword tower is surrounded by rich sword energy, as if it is the soul of the entire Jianluo Sect.

Chen Xuan followed the elder into the sword tower. When he stepped inside, he felt the boundless sword intention. The sword intention flowed in the space, like thousands of sword souls singing softly. In this space, Chen Xuan seemed to see When they reached the figures of the sword masters practicing, they heard the roar of sword energy.

The elder of the Jianluo Sect stopped. He bowed deeply to the sword tower, and then motioned for Chen Xuan to salute as well. Chen Xuan was sincerely convinced and bowed to the sword tower along with the elder.

"Chen Xuan, you came to Shenjian Mountain to accept the baptism of sword intention. In this sword intention space, you will feel the talent and power left by the sword masters. Only when you truly understand the sword intention, can you Only then can we take a further step in the art of swordsmanship," the elder of the Jianluo Sect said earnestly.

Chen Xuan nodded, took a deep breath, and then closed his eyes. He was immersed in the ocean of sword intent, feeling the mystery contained in it. The sword intent penetrated his heart, and he seemed to have turned into a sword. The invisible sword blended into this sword space.

At this moment, his consciousness gradually blurred, and he felt the integration of himself and the sword intention, as if he had returned to the years when sword masters practiced. The melodious sound of the sword came from the sword intention, which seemed to tell him the true meaning of the sword.

As time went by, Chen Xuan's cultivation improved rapidly under the baptism of sword intention. His sword realm continued to rise. Sword intention flowed in his body, forming an unparalleled sword energy. He felt as if he had integrated into it. When it comes to the sword intention, it forms a wonderful resonance with the way of the sword.

This resonance is not physical, but spiritual.

After understanding the mystery of the sword intention and the true meaning of the sword, time seemed to have frozen in the space of the sword intention, and Chen Xuan's consciousness gradually became clear.

Under the guidance of the sword, his mind traveled through time and space and returned to the ancient history of the Jianluo Sect. He saw legendary swordsmen wielding their swords, cutting through the void and cutting through the sky. It was a shocking scene. The picture of the human heart is the ultimate display of swordsmanship.

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