Chen Xuan nodded: "Yes, I was a disciple of the Dragon God Sect before. However, although the Dragon God Sect is powerful, it has also encountered some problems in recent years, and there have been many changes within the sect."

Lin Chen was slightly startled: "Really? It seems that the situation in the Central Territory is also changing. In fact, the Jianluo Sect and the Shenluo Sect are also facing a lot of challenges. Now the entire sects in the Central Territory are fighting for resources. The competition is constant.”

Chen Xuan nodded thoughtfully: "Competition for resources is indeed a big challenge among the major sects in the Central Region, but I think that as long as we practice hard and improve our strength, we can be invincible in this competition. ”

Lin Chen smiled: "Chen Xuan, you are right. Strength is always the most fundamental thing. Only by constantly improving one's cultivation can we gain a foothold in this world. However, in addition to strength, we also need more friends. and allies. The situation in the Central Region is complicated, and sometimes cooperation is even more important than competition.”

Chen Xuan nodded with deep feeling: "You are right. In this world, no one can go far alone. You need to support each other."

A hint of joy flashed in Lin Chen's eyes: "Of course. I admire your swordsmanship and hope to discuss the mysteries of swordsmanship with you. Perhaps we can work together to face greater challenges in the future."

Before Lin Chen left, he told Chen Xuan about the rules and classification system of the Jianluo Sect.

The Jianluo Sect is divided into three levels: outer sect, inner sect and cabinet. The outer disciples are the foundation of the Jianluo Sect. They are responsible for some of the daily affairs of the sect and are also the source for the sect to select the inner disciples. The inner disciples are the backbone of the sect. They receive higher-level swordsmanship inheritance and practice resources, and have more opportunities to participate in tasks inside and outside the sect. The cabinet disciples are the elites of the sect, and they are responsible for the teaching of the inner sect. , inherits the core swordsmanship of Jianluo Sect, and is also the assistant to the highest level of the sect.

Now, Chen Xuan is an inner disciple. This status means that he has more opportunities to be exposed to advanced swordsmanship, and can also participate in more sect tasks and accumulate practical experience. As time goes by, Chen Xuan actively integrates into In the life of the Jianluo Sect, he made many like-minded partners among the inner disciples. Everyone learned from each other, competed with each other, and made progress together. His life in the Jianluo Sect was very fulfilling, and he continued to practice and improve himself every day. level of swordsmanship.

At the same time, he also conscientiously abides by the rules of the Jianluo Sect and constantly tempers himself.

In the inner sect of the Jianluo Sect, Chen Xuan began to come into contact with a deeper inheritance of swordsmanship, learned the unique swordsmanship of the Jianluo Sect, and realized a more profound sword intention. Every time he practices, he devotes himself wholeheartedly to it, feeling the mystery of swordsmanship and realizing the essence of swordsmanship.

Sunlight shines through the morning mist of the Jianluo Sect and shines on the peak of Shenjian Mountain. Chen Xuan stands on the top of the mountain, his mind is peaceful and his sword intention is deep. He is staring at the sword light in the distance and thinking about his sword skills. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in his sight.

This is a young man, dressed in the uniform of an inner disciple of the Jianluo Sect. His eyes are cold and cunning. This man is called Roy, and he is a disciple of the inner sect. He has always been jealous and coveted. Because of Chen Xuan's reputation within the Jianluo Sect.

Roy walked up to Chen Xuan and sneered: "Oh, Chen Xuan, I heard that your cultivation in the inner sect has made good progress recently, but I don't think you are that strong. Today, I'm here to test you."

Chen Xuan was slightly startled. He didn't like to argue with others, but he was not easy to bully either. He said calmly: "Roy, we are both inner disciples of the Jianluo Sect. We should cooperate with each other to improve our swordsmanship." . Why cause disputes at every turn?”

Roy sneered: "Cooperation? Chen Xuan, you are just a weakling and will never become a real strong man. I want you to know that the status of the inner sect is not something that you, a newcomer, can easily obtain."

After that, he waved the sword in his hand and launched a sword technique. The sword energy was sharp and pointed directly at Chen Xuan's body.

The corners of Chen Xuan's mouth raised slightly, but he did not flinch. He waved the sword in his hand lightly, intersecting with Roy's offensive. The two swords intertwined and their sword intentions collided with each other.

"Chen Xuan, it seems that you were really spoiled when you were in the outer sect, and you can't even stop my swordsmanship." Roy mocked, and his offensive became more fierce.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and his eyes became sharp. He was not afraid, but began to gradually suppress Roy's offensive. His swordsmanship became sharp and precise, and every sword was pointed at Roy's flaw.

"Roy, although your swordsmanship is sharp, it lacks the foundation of internal strength. Swordsmanship requires both internal and external training. Your internal strength is not deep enough." Chen Xuan said calmly. His sword moves were more flexible and seemed to turn into a line. The dragon dances in the air.

Roy showed an anxious look. He began to feel the pressure. He did not expect that Chen Xuan's swordsmanship was so superb and his combat effectiveness was so powerful. He kept waving his sword, trying to resist Chen Xuan's offensive, but it became increasingly difficult.

At the moment when the sword lights intertwined, Chen Xuan's sword light penetrated Roy's defense line, and the sword tip lightly touched his body. At this moment, Roy's body stiffened, and the sword fell to the ground. He covered it in pain. The body has an expression of pain.

"Chen Xuan, can you be so powerful?" Roy looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief, his heart full of shock and jealousy.

Chen Xuan smiled lightly: "In swordsmanship, strength is the most important. If you want to make progress, practice hard and don't waste time on jealousy and disputes."

After saying that, he put away his sword, turned and left.

Late at night, the moonlight in the Jianluo Sect was like water, shining in front of the Kendo Hall. Roy stood in the shadow of the trees, a look of coldness flashed across his gloomy face. The anger and resentment in his heart almost swallowed him whole, and this emotion made him decide to seek help.

He knew that there were people in the Jianluo Sect who were dissatisfied with him, but the only one among them who could rely on was his senior brother and his earliest swordsman friend Ling Yan.

Ling Yan is a senior disciple of the inner sect. He has strong swordsmanship and is good at stealth and assassination. He and Roy have known each other for many years. The two have fought side by side and are brothers. At this moment, Roy decided to discuss with Ling Yan, hoping that he could take action and take revenge together. Chen Xuan.

Quietly, Roy arrived at Ling Yan's residence and gently opened the door. Ling Yan was closing his eyes to rest, but his sword intention had already sensed Roy's arrival.

"It's you, Roy." Ling Yan opened his eyes and swept over him with cold eyes like a sword. "what's the matter?"

Roy gritted his teeth and said: "Brother, I was bullied by Chen Xuan, and he actually hurt me. I can't just let it go, I want revenge!"

Chen Xuan nodded: "Yes, I was a disciple of the Dragon God Sect before. However, although the Dragon God Sect is powerful, it has also encountered some problems in recent years, and there have been many changes within the sect."

Lin Chen was slightly startled: "Really? It seems that the situation in the Central Territory is also changing. In fact, the Jianluo Sect and the Shenluo Sect are also facing a lot of challenges. Now the entire sects in the Central Territory are fighting for resources. The competition is constant.”

Chen Xuan nodded thoughtfully: "Competition for resources is indeed a big challenge among the major sects in the Central Region, but I think that as long as we practice hard and improve our strength, we can be invincible in this competition. ”

Lin Chen smiled: "Chen Xuan, you are right. Strength is always the most fundamental thing. Only by constantly improving one's cultivation can we gain a foothold in this world. However, in addition to strength, we also need more friends. and allies. The situation in the Central Region is complicated, and sometimes cooperation is even more important than competition.”

Chen Xuan nodded with deep feeling: "You are right. In this world, no one can go far alone. You need to support each other."

A hint of joy flashed in Lin Chen's eyes: "Of course. I admire your swordsmanship and hope to discuss the mysteries of swordsmanship with you. Perhaps we can work together to face greater challenges in the future."

Before Lin Chen left, he told Chen Xuan about the rules and classification system of the Jianluo Sect.

The Jianluo Sect is divided into three levels: outer sect, inner sect and cabinet. The outer disciples are the foundation of the Jianluo Sect. They are responsible for some of the daily affairs of the sect and are also the source for the sect to select the inner disciples. The inner disciples are the backbone of the sect. They receive higher-level swordsmanship inheritance and practice resources, and have more opportunities to participate in tasks inside and outside the sect. The cabinet disciples are the elites of the sect, and they are responsible for the teaching of the inner sect. , inherits the core swordsmanship of Jianluo Sect, and is also the assistant to the highest level of the sect.

Now, Chen Xuan is an inner disciple. This status means that he has more opportunities to be exposed to advanced swordsmanship, and can also participate in more sect tasks and accumulate practical experience. As time goes by, Chen Xuan actively integrates into In the life of the Jianluo Sect, he made many like-minded partners among the inner disciples. Everyone learned from each other, competed with each other, and made progress together. He lived a very fulfilling life in the Jianluo Sect, and he continued to practice and improve himself every day. level of swordsmanship.

At the same time, he also conscientiously abides by the rules of the Jianluo Sect and constantly tempers himself.

In the inner sect of the Jianluo Sect, Chen Xuan began to come into contact with the inheritance of swordsmanship at a deeper level, learned the unique swordsmanship of the Jianluo Sect, and realized a more profound sword intention. Every time he practices, he devotes himself wholeheartedly to it, feeling the mystery of swordsmanship and realizing the essence of swordsmanship.

Sunlight shines through the morning mist of the Jianluo Sect and shines on the peak of Shenjian Mountain. Chen Xuan stands on the top of the mountain, his mind is peaceful and his sword intention is deep. He is staring at the sword light in the distance and thinking about his sword skills. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in his sight.

This is a young man, dressed in the uniform of an inner disciple of the Jianluo Sect. His eyes are cold and cunning. This man is called Roy, and he is a disciple of the inner sect. He has always been jealous and coveted. Because of Chen Xuan's reputation within the Jianluo Sect.

Roy walked up to Chen Xuan and sneered: "Oh, Chen Xuan, I heard that your cultivation in the inner sect has made good progress recently, but I don't think you are that strong. Today, I'm here to test you."

Chen Xuan was slightly startled. He didn't like to argue with others, but he was not someone to be bullied either. He said calmly: "Roy, we are both inner disciples of the Jianluo Sect. We should cooperate with each other to improve our swordsmanship." . Why cause disputes at every turn?”

Roy sneered: "Cooperation? Chen Xuan, you are just a weakling and will never become a real strong man. I want you to know that the status of the inner sect is not something that you, a newcomer, can easily obtain."

After that, he waved the sword in his hand and launched a sword technique. The sword energy was sharp and pointed directly at Chen Xuan's body.

The corners of Chen Xuan's mouth raised slightly, but he did not flinch. He waved the sword in his hand lightly, intersecting with Roy's offensive. The two swords intertwined and their sword intentions collided with each other.

"Chen Xuan, it seems that you were really spoiled when you were in the outer sect, and you can't even stop my swordsmanship." Roy mocked, and his offensive became more fierce.

Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and his eyes became sharp. He was not afraid, but began to gradually suppress Roy's offensive. His swordsmanship became sharp and precise, and every sword was pointed at Roy's flaw.

"Roy, although your swordsmanship is sharp, it lacks the foundation of internal strength. Swordsmanship requires both internal and external training. Your internal strength is not deep enough." Chen Xuan said calmly. His sword moves were more flexible and seemed to turn into a line. The dragon dances in the air.

Roy showed an anxious look. He began to feel the pressure. He did not expect that Chen Xuan's swordsmanship was so superb and his combat effectiveness was so powerful. He kept waving his sword, trying to resist Chen Xuan's offensive, but it became increasingly difficult.

At the moment when the sword lights intertwined, Chen Xuan's sword light penetrated Roy's defense line, and the sword tip lightly touched his body. At this moment, Roy's body stiffened, and the sword fell to the ground. He covered it in pain. The body has an expression of pain.

"Chen Xuan, can you be so powerful?" Roy looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief, his heart full of shock and jealousy.

Chen Xuan smiled lightly: "In swordsmanship, strength is the most important. If you want to make progress, practice hard and don't waste time on jealousy and disputes."

After saying that, he put away his sword, turned and left.

Late at night, the moonlight in the Jianluo Sect was like water, shining in front of the Kendo Hall. Roy stood in the shadow of the trees, a look of coldness flashed across his gloomy face. The anger and resentment in his heart almost swallowed him whole, and this emotion made him decide to seek help.

He knew that there were people in the Jianluo Sect who were dissatisfied with him, but the only one among them who could rely on was his senior brother and his earliest swordsman friend Ling Yan.

Ling Yan is a senior disciple of the inner sect. He has strong swordsmanship and is good at stealth and assassination. He and Roy have known each other for many years. The two have fought side by side and are brothers. At this moment, Roy decided to discuss with Ling Yan, hoping that he could take action and take revenge together. Chen Xuan.

Quietly, Roy arrived at Ling Yan's residence and gently opened the door. Ling Yan was closing his eyes to rest, but his sword intention had already sensed Roy's arrival.

"It's you, Roy." Ling Yan opened his eyes and swept over him with cold eyes like a sword. "what's the matter?"

Roy gritted his teeth and said: "Brother, I was bullied by Chen Xuan, and he actually hurt me. I can't just let it go, I want revenge!"

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