At this moment, a golden light flashed, and Dugu Lun appeared beside Chen Xuan, holding a sword flashing with blue light in his hand. Dugu Lun said coldly: "This blood demon has an illusion ability that can invade people's consciousness. We must concentrate and not be confused by it." Chen Xuan nodded. He knew that Dugu Lun was right. The two cooperated tacitly and resisted the blood demon's illusion attack together. In the red mist, they were like two firm stars, shining and inviolable. The illusion of the blood demon gradually disappeared, and it showed its original form. It was huge, and its ferocious face had a cunning smile. It attacked again, and the blood-red claw shadow with a biting chill suddenly attacked Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. Chen Xuan waved the Suzaku Sword, and the sword light burned like a sky fire. Dugu Lun danced the seal of time and space, turning into lightning, and greeted the claw shadow of the blood demon. The battle fell into a fierce battle again, and roars came from the red mist. In the fierce battle, the attack of the blood demon became more and more fierce. Its blood-red claws were like sharp blades, and each strike was destructive. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun fought hard, but it was difficult to avoid some injuries.

Suddenly, a fierce claw hit Dugu Lun and scratched him. Dugu Lun groaned and stepped back a few steps. His face was pale. Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with worry. He knew that the situation was very critical.

"Dugu Lun, are you okay?" Chen Xuan asked anxiously.

Dugu Lun shook his head and endured the pain: "It's okay, keep fighting."

The two worked together to continuously resist the attack of the blood demon. Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword turned into a dragon of sky fire, swimming around his body and constantly hitting the blood demon. Dugu Lun used the laws of time and space to turn into time and space lightning, and the light of lightning illuminated the entire battlefield.

However, the blood demon was not an easy enemy to mess with. Its body gradually exuded a majestic demonic aura, and it recovered some strength. It let out a low roar, and the wounds on its body began to heal rapidly.

"It seems that we must think of a way, otherwise it will recover too quickly." Dugu Lun frowned, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Chen Xuan thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of a way: "Dugu Lun, I will lead it away, and you take the opportunity to attack its weakness."

Dugu Lun nodded, and the two separated tacitly. Chen Xuan led the attention of the blood demon. He flexibly dodged the blood demon's attack, causing it to glare at him.

At the same time, Dugu Lun condensed a bright space-time magic ball, which contained a powerful space-time power. He threw the magic ball fiercely and hit the heart of the blood demon accurately.

The blood demon let out a shrill roar, and its body trembled violently, as if it had suffered a great blow. Chen Xuan saw the opportunity and immediately increased the intensity of the attack. The Suzaku Sword turned into a giant dragon of sky fire and rushed straight to the head of the blood demon.

Under the joint attack of the two, the blood demon finally couldn't hold on any longer. It let out a roar, and its body exploded, turning into a blood mist. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun both took a breath. The battle was very fierce, but they finally won.

"Dugu Lun, how are your injuries?" Chen Xuan asked with concern.

Dugu Lun shook his head and smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, just some flesh wounds, I will recover soon."

Dugu Lun's injuries did not improve after the battle. On the contrary, the tissues near the wound began to inflame, and the situation became very dangerous. His face was pale, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead. It was obvious that he was in great pain.

Chen Xuan anxiously checked Dugu Lun's wounds, and his heart was full of helplessness. He knew that if effective treatment measures were not taken, Dugu Lun's injuries would become more serious and might even threaten his life.

"Dugu Lun, you must hold on, I will find a way." Chen Xuan's voice was full of determination. He decided to do everything possible to help Dugu Lun recover.

He began to search for herbs around, hoping to find some herbs with therapeutic effects.

Deep in the forest, Chen Xuan knew that they needed more herbs to help Dugu Lun recover. He stepped into the dense forest alone. The air was filled with the smell of moist soil and moss.

Suddenly, a low roar sounded, and a huge monster appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

A huge black bear with thick hair and two sharp fangs. This is a black bear monster with extremely strong demon power, guarding this area.

Chen Xuan's heart sank, knowing that this would be a big battle. He clenched the Suzaku sword in his hand, concentrated his mind, and welcomed the impact of the black bear monster.

The battle began. The black bear monster opened its mouth and let out a deafening roar, rushing towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan dodged flexibly and stayed alert at all times. He used the instant shadow sword in the Suzaku sword technique, and the sword light flashed, cutting through the air and slashing at the body of the black bear monster.

The monster roared, waved its giant palm, and tried to knock Chen Xuan down. Chen Xuan dodged quickly, rushed to the monster in an instant, and stabbed it in the back of the head with a sword. However, the black bear monster reacted very quickly, twisted its body, and avoided the attack.

The battle lasted for a while, and Chen Xuan gradually figured out the attack pattern of the black bear monster. He used the burning sword in the Suzaku sword technique. The sword body was surging with blazing sky fire. The sword tip cut through the skin of the black bear monster, causing a series of roars.

The monster's body began to show obvious scars, but its combat effectiveness was not weakened. Chen Xuan knew that he had to be doubly careful to defeat this monster.

At this moment, a golden light flashed, and Dugu Lun appeared next to Chen Xuan. He was holding a sword with blue light in his hand. Dugu Lun said coldly: "This vampire demon has an illusion ability that can invade people's consciousness. , we must concentrate on it and not be confused by it.”

Chen Xuan nodded. He knew that Dugu Lun was right. The two of them cooperated tacitly and jointly resisted the vampire demon's illusion attack. In the red mist, they were like two firm stars, shining brightly and inviolable.

The illusion of the vampire demon gradually disappeared, and it showed its original shape, with a huge body and a ferocious face with a cunning smile. It attacked again, with its blood-red claw shadows carrying a biting chill, and it suddenly attacked Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. Come.

Chen Xuan waved the Vermilion Bird Sword, and the sword light burned like heavenly fire, while Dugu Lun danced the seal of time and space, turning into streaks of lightning, facing the claws of the vampire demon. The battle became fierce again, and roars came from the red mist.

In the fierce battle, the vampire demon's offensive became more and more fierce. Its blood-red claws were like sharp blades, and every blow carried destructive power. Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun struggled to resist, but it was difficult to avoid suffering some damage. .

Suddenly, a sharp claw hit Dugu Lun and scratched him. Dugu Lun grunted and took a few steps back, his face pale. Worry flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. He knew that the situation was very critical now.

"Dugu Lun, are you okay?" Chen Xuan asked anxiously.

Dugu Lun shook his head and endured the pain: "It's okay, keep fighting."

The two worked together to constantly resist the attacks of the vampire demon. Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword turned into a dragon of sky fire, swimming around his body and constantly hitting the vampire demon. Dugu Lun used the laws of time and space to turn into space-time lightning, lightning. The light illuminates the entire battlefield.

However, the vampire demon is not an enemy to be trifled with. Its body gradually exudes the majestic aura of the demon gate and regains some strength. It lets out a low roar and the wounds on its body begin to heal quickly.

"It seems we must find a way, otherwise its recovery speed will be too fast." Dugu Lun frowned, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and suddenly thought of a way: "Dugu Lun, I'll lure it away, and you can take the opportunity to attack its weakness."

Dugu Lun nodded, and the two separated in a tacit understanding. Chen Xuan drew the vampire demon's attention. He nimbly dodged the vampire demon's attack, causing it to glare angrily.

At the same time, Dugu Lun condensed a bright space-time ball, which contained powerful space-time power. He threw the ball violently and accurately hit the vampire demon's heart.

The vampire demon let out a shrill roar, and its body trembled violently, as if it had received a huge blow. Seeing the opportunity, Chen Xuan immediately increased the intensity of his attack. The Suzaku Sword turned into a giant dragon of sky fire and struck directly at the vampire demon's body. head.

Under the combined attack of the two men, the vampire demon finally could no longer hold on. He let out a roar, and his body exploded into a blood mist. Both Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun took a breath. The battle was very fierce, but they finally Victory was achieved.

"Dugu Lun, how is your injury?" Chen Xuan asked with concern.

Dugu Lun shook his head and forced a smile: "It's okay, it's just a few flesh wounds, it will recover soon."

Dugu Lun's injury did not improve after the battle. On the contrary, the tissue near the wound began to become inflamed, and the situation became very dangerous. His face was pale, and fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead. He was obviously suffering from great pain.

Chen Xuan looked at Dugu Lun's wounds anxiously, feeling helpless in his heart. He knew that if effective treatment measures were not taken, Dugu Lun's injuries would become more serious and may even threaten his life.

"Dugu Lun, you must hold on, I will find a way." Chen Xuan's voice was full of determination, and he decided to do everything possible to help Dugu Lun recover.

He began to search for herbs around him, hoping to find some herbs with healing properties.

Going deep into the forest, Chen Xuan knew that they needed more herbs to help Dugu Lun recover. He stepped into this dense forest alone, and the air was filled with the smell of moist earth and moss.

Suddenly, a low roar sounded, and a huge monster appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

A huge black bear with thick body hair and two extremely sharp fangs. This is a very powerful black bear monster, guarding this area.

Chen Xuan's heart sank, knowing that this would be a big battle. He clenched the Suzaku Sword in his hand and concentrated on facing the impact of the black bear monster.

The battle began. The black bear monster opened its big mouth and let out a deafening roar. It rushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan dodged flexibly and remained alert at all times. He used the Instant Shadow Sword in the Suzaku Sword Technique, and the sword light flashed. , cut through the air, and struck at the body of the black bear monster.

The monster roared angrily and waved its giant palm, trying to knock Chen Xuan down. Chen Xuan quickly dodged and rushed to the monster in an instant, stabbing it in the back of the head with a sword. However, the black bear monster reacted very quickly and twisted its body. Avoided the blow.

The battle lasted for a while, and Chen Xuan gradually figured out the attack pattern of the black bear monster. He used the scorching flame sword in the Suzaku swordsmanship. The sword was surging with blazing sky fire. The blade cut through the black bear monster's skin, triggering There were bursts of roars.

The monster's body began to show obvious scars, but its combat effectiveness was not weakened. Chen Xuan knew that he had to be more careful to defeat this monster.

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