However, the huge Black Blood Crow did not participate in the battle. It hovered high in the sky, staring coldly at Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. It seemed to be waiting for the opportunity, observing the two people's fighting methods and habits.

Suddenly, a hint of cunning flashed in the eyes of the Black Blood Crow, and it let out a scream. The other crows in the Black Blood Crow flock changed their directions and attacked Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. This sudden change put the two people in a dilemma. Dilemma.

Chen Xuan frowned tightly. He knew that this was the plan of the leader of the Black Blood Crows. He waved his sword and tried to disperse these Black Blood Crows, but there were too many of them and it was difficult to resist them.

Dugu Lun was also constantly launching attacks, trying to protect Chen Xuan. His marksmanship was accurate and he could shoot down a black blood crow with every blow. However, they faced an endless swarm of black blood crows, which seemed to last forever. Nor can it be eliminated.

"We can't go on like this forever." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

Countless black blood crows were flying in the night sky, and they suddenly gathered together to form a huge black vortex. The black blood crows in the vortex began to merge and turned into a huge black blood crow. Its body was several times larger than the ordinary black blood crow, and its aura was even more terrifying.

This huge black blood crow spreads its wings and flies high. Its eyes are shining with the light of talent, and it seems to have a talent that is different from ordinary people. Its feathers are as black as ink, exuding a strange light, as if it is swallowing up all the demonic aura. They all converge on it.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun faced this huge black blood crow, and their hearts were full of pressure. The aura of this black blood crow was extremely powerful, making them feel a strong threat. However, they had no intention of retreating. On the contrary, They were more determined to face the battle.

"It seems that this is their leader." Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and he could feel the demonic aura emanating from this black blood crow. "We must go all out and not be careless in the slightest."

Dugu Lun nodded, his eyes showing determination. "Brother Chen, we will definitely defeat it."

The two stood together in tacit understanding, with fierce momentum. The huge black blood crow let out a sharp cry and rushed toward them. Its wings flapped, carrying the sound of violent wind, mixed with sharp black thorns, and attacked Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun.

Chen Xuan waved the sword in his hand, turning into a ray of light and shadow, passing by the huge black blood crow. His swordsmanship was sharp and swift, and each sword concentrated all his strength. Dugu Lun waved the spear in his hand, and used Stab the Black Blood Crow's vital parts at an extremely fast speed.

However, this huge black blood crow is extremely smart. It dodges the attacks of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, and at the same time releases powerful dark spiritual energy. Streams of black air flow out of its body, dyeing the surrounding space. black.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun felt the threat from the darkness. Their bodies were instantly restrained by the dark aura and could not move. At this time, the huge black blood crow pounced on Chen Xuan, its mouth opened, revealing its sharp beak, as if to Devour Chen Xuan.

At the critical moment, Dugu Lun let out a roar, his body emitted a dazzling light, and a golden spear suddenly appeared in his hand, exuding powerful sword intent. With his strong willpower, he broke through the darkness. Bound, stood up and blocked the Black Blood Crow's attack with his spear.

"Brother Chen, leave quickly!" Dugu Lun shouted loudly, putting all his strength into the spear.

Chen Xuan broke away from the shackles of darkness and saw Dugu Lun's actions. His heart moved. He knew that he could not hesitate at this time and immediately retreated. Dugu Lun withstood the Black Blood Crow's attack, gritted his teeth and persisted, not letting the Black Blood Crow Crow continues to approach Chen Xuan.

The Black Blood Crow roared angrily, its eyes flashing with fierce light. It was not satisfied with defeating Dugu Lun. Its target was Chen Xuan, because in its eyes, Chen Xuan was the biggest threat.

Chen Xuan looked at Dugu Lun's persistence and felt a sense of determination in his heart. He knew that only by fighting with all his strength could he defeat the Black Blood Crow. He took a deep breath and decided to launch the most powerful attack.

Chen Xuan's body suddenly burst into dazzling light, and a pair of golden dragon wings appeared behind him. His body rose into the air, turned into a golden stream of light, and rushed towards the Black Blood Crow.

"Suzaku Sword Technique, Jue Ying Sword!" Chen Xuan's voice echoed through the night sky. The sword in his hand glowed like a rainbow, turning into countless sword shadows and stabbing towards the Black Blood Crow.

Chen Xuan's eyes were full of anger and grief. He watched Dugu Lun being swallowed by the huge mouth of the Black Blood Crow. For a moment, his heart felt like being poured with ice water. Endless grief and helplessness surged into his heart. He could no longer do it. Endure it, you can no longer be swallowed by the darkness.

"Dugu Lun!" Chen Xuan roared angrily from his throat. His voice resounded throughout the world, like a loud noise. His body quickly grew in size and turned into a dragon. It had a huge body and its scales shone with gold. of light.

The divine dragon roared, shaking the heaven and the earth. Chen Xuan's body suddenly rose into the air, turned into a golden light, and crashed into the body of the black blood crow. He was determined to smash the black blood crow and let it avenge Dugu Lun.

The Black Blood Crow let out a loud scream and felt the terrifying aura erupting from Chen Xuan's body. It also felt the threat of death. It struggled and tried to escape, but Chen Xuan was as fast as lightning. In an instant, he was He rushed in front of the Black Blood Crow.

"Suzaku Sword Technique, Sky-Burning Slash!" Chen Xuan's voice resounded like thunder. The sword in his hand turned into the Suzaku Fire, burning with blazing heavenly fire. His sword was extremely powerful, like a sky-burning flame, moving towards The black blood crow chopped away.

The Black Blood Crow struggled and tried to resist, but its struggle seemed so insignificant in front of Chen Xuan's fiery sword energy.

The sword energy was like the fire of destruction, instantly devouring the Black Blood Crow's body and turning it into ashes.

However, the huge Black Blood Crow did not participate in the battle. It hovered high in the sky, staring coldly at Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. It seemed to be waiting for the opportunity, observing the two people's fighting methods and habits.

Suddenly, a hint of cunning flashed in the eyes of the Black Blood Crow, and it let out a scream. The other crows in the Black Blood Crow flock changed their directions and attacked Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun. This sudden change put the two people in a dilemma. Dilemma.

Chen Xuan frowned tightly. He knew that this was the plan of the leader of the Black Blood Crows. He waved his sword and tried to disperse these Black Blood Crows, but there were too many of them and it was difficult to resist them.

Dugu Lun was also constantly launching attacks, trying to protect Chen Xuan. His marksmanship was accurate and he could shoot down a black blood crow with every blow. However, they faced an endless swarm of black blood crows, which seemed to last forever. Nor can it be eliminated.

"We can't go on like this forever." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

Countless black blood crows were flying in the night sky, and they suddenly gathered together to form a huge black vortex. The black blood crows in the vortex began to merge and turned into a huge black blood crow. Its body was several times larger than the ordinary black blood crow, and its aura was even more terrifying.

This huge black blood crow spreads its wings and flies high. Its eyes are shining with the light of talent, and it seems to have a talent that is different from ordinary people. Its feathers are as black as ink, exuding a strange light, as if it is swallowing everything. They all converge on it.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun faced this huge black blood crow, and their hearts were full of pressure. The aura of this black blood crow was extremely powerful, making them feel a strong threat. However, they had no intention of retreating. On the contrary, They were more determined to face the battle.

"It seems that this is their leader." Chen Xuan frowned slightly, and he could feel the demonic aura emanating from this black blood crow. "We must go all out and not be careless in the slightest."

Dugu Lun nodded, his eyes showing determination. "Brother Chen, we will definitely defeat it."

The two stood together in tacit understanding, with fierce momentum. The huge black blood crow let out a sharp cry and rushed toward them. Its wings flapped, carrying the sound of violent wind, mixed with sharp black thorns, and attacked Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun.

Chen Xuan waved the sword in his hand, turning into a ray of light and shadow, passing by the huge black blood crow. His swordsmanship was sharp and swift, and each sword concentrated all his strength. Dugu Lun waved the spear in his hand, and used Stab the Black Blood Crow's vital parts at an extremely fast speed.

However, this huge black blood crow is extremely smart. It dodges the attacks of Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun, and at the same time releases powerful dark spiritual energy. Streams of black air flow out of its body, dyeing the surrounding space. black.

Chen Xuan and Dugu Lun felt the threat from the darkness. Their bodies were instantly restrained by the dark aura and could not move. At this time, the huge black blood crow pounced on Chen Xuan, its mouth opened, revealing its sharp beak, as if to Devour Chen Xuan.

At the critical moment, Dugu Lun let out a roar, his body emitted a dazzling light, and a golden spear suddenly appeared in his hand, exuding powerful sword intent. With his strong willpower, he broke through the darkness. Bound, stood up and blocked the Black Blood Crow's attack with his spear.

"Brother Chen, leave quickly!" Dugu Lun shouted loudly, putting all his strength into the spear.

Chen Xuan broke away from the shackles of darkness and saw Dugu Lun's actions. He moved in his heart and knew that he could not hesitate at this time and immediately stepped back. Dugu Lun withstood the Black Blood Crow's attack, gritted his teeth and persisted, not letting the Black Blood Crow Crow continues to approach Chen Xuan.

The Black Blood Crow roared angrily, its eyes flashing with fierce light. It was not satisfied with defeating Dugu Lun. Its target was Chen Xuan, because in its eyes, Chen Xuan was the biggest threat.

Chen Xuan looked at Dugu Lun's persistence and felt a sense of determination in his heart. He knew that only by fighting with all his strength could he defeat the Black Blood Crow. He took a deep breath and decided to launch the most powerful attack.

Chen Xuan's body suddenly burst into dazzling light, and a pair of golden dragon wings appeared behind him. His body rose into the air, turned into a golden stream of light, and rushed towards the Black Blood Crow.

"Suzaku Sword Technique, Jue Ying Sword!" Chen Xuan's voice resounded through the night sky. The sword in his hand was like a rainbow, turning into countless sword shadows and stabbing towards the Black Blood Crow.

Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with anger and grief. He watched Dugu Lun being swallowed by the huge mouth of the Black Blood Crow. For a moment, his heart felt like being poured with ice water. Endless grief and helplessness surged into his heart. He could no longer do anything. Endure it, you can no longer be swallowed by the darkness.

"Dugu Lun!" Chen Xuan roared angrily from his throat. His voice resounded throughout the world, like a loud noise. His body quickly grew in size and turned into a dragon, with a huge body and golden scales. of light.

The divine dragon roared, shaking the heaven and the earth. Chen Xuan's body suddenly rose into the air, turned into a golden light, and crashed into the body of the black blood crow. He was determined to smash the black blood crow and let it avenge Dugu Lun.

The Black Blood Crow let out a loud scream and felt the terrifying aura erupting from Chen Xuan's body. It also felt the threat of death. It struggled and tried to escape, but Chen Xuan was as fast as lightning. In an instant, he was He rushed in front of the Black Blood Crow.

"Suzaku Sword Technique, Sky-Burning Slash!" Chen Xuan's voice resounded like thunder. The sword in his hand turned into the Suzaku Fire, burning with blazing sky fire. His sword was extremely powerful, like a sky-burning flame, moving towards The black blood crow chopped away.

The Black Blood Crow struggled and tried to resist, but its struggle seemed so insignificant in front of Chen Xuan's fiery sword energy.

The sword energy was like the fire of destruction, instantly devouring the Black Blood Crow's body and turning it into ashes.

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