There was silence in the room. Suddenly, a huge shadow emerged from the darkness. It was a huge monster with green sky fire in its eyes, a vampire monster. Its roar shook the entire cave, and its momentum was extremely terrifying.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and clenched the sword in his hand. He knew that only by defeating the monster in front of him could he continue to move forward. The vampire monster let out a sharp roar, and the entire cave seemed to be shaking, and then it opened hugely. His mouth released a cloud of green poisonous mist.

Chen Xuan quickly dodged and avoided the poisonous mist. His eyes flashed with determination, and his sword technique was as fast as lightning. He performed the thirteenth form of the Suzaku Sword Technique. The sword energy was sharp and cut through the air. Go straight to the throat of the vampire demon.

The vampire demon laughed ferociously, and its body turned into a green phantom, quickly dodging Chen Xuan's attack. Then, it opened its huge mouth, and a green sky fire was released, filling the entire room instantly.

Chen Xuan was not afraid. His body flexibly avoided the attack of the sky fire, and at the same time he condensed a layer of Suzaku Sky Fire shield to resist the invasion of the sky fire. A trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and his swordsmanship became sharper, displaying the power of the Suzaku Sword. To the extreme.

The battle was in full swing, Chen Xuan continued to launch attacks, and the vampire demons did not show any weakness, always maintaining a high degree of vigilance, and their figures quickly shuttled through the room.

As time passed, the battle became more intense. Chen Xuan felt physically exhausted, but his inner fighting spirit remained firm. He knew that only by defeating this monster could he walk out of the cave alive.

Finally, he launched his ultimate move, the ultimate blow of the Suzaku sword technique. The sword light cut through the night sky and instantly penetrated the body of the vampire demon. The demon beast let out a miserable howl, and its body burned into a ball of green sky fire, and then turned into ashes. .

Chen Xuan gasped, and the sword at his waist gradually retracted.

The green mist condensed between heaven and earth filled the room, forming a strange scene. In this green mist, a demonic aura suddenly emerged, turning into a monster and huge snake shadow. This was an emerald-green snake. The poisonous snake has a green light shining in its eyes, as if it contains endless poison.

Chen Xuan felt the threat from the poisonous snake and was alert. He breathed steadily and stared at the poisonous snake sharply. In the green mist, the poisonous snake hissed and attacked Chen Xuan.

With a thought in Chen Xuan's mind, the power of Suzaku swordsmanship revived. He transformed into a bolt of lightning, and the sword light cut through the space, and he had a fierce confrontation with the poisonous snake. The sword and the snake's shadow intertwined in the green mist. Sometimes violent sky fire erupted, and sometimes the poisonous snake fiercely attacked. Bite attack.

In just a few rounds, Chen Xuan discovered that this poisonous snake was unusual. It was filled with a powerful poisonous gas, making it difficult for Chen Xuan to get close. He gathered his inner strength and used the defensive skills of the Suzaku Sword Art to resist the attack of the poisonous snake. , the sword's block and the poisonous snake's bite collided, sparking.

In the green mist, the venomous snake became more and more fierce. Its bite was as fast as lightning and was about to hit Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and used the secret method of time and space. His body instantly dodged the attack of the venomous snake, traveling through time and space like a ghost. between.

Chen Xuan appeared behind the poisonous snake again. With a flash of sword light, a ray of Suzaku Sky Fire cut through the green mist and penetrated the poisonous snake's head. The poisonous snake let out a scream, twisted its body violently, and tried to break free, but Chen Xuan was as steady as a mountain, and the sword in his hand penetrated the snake's head without any trace, defeating it.

The green mist gradually dissipated and the room became clear again. Chen Xuan's forehead was covered with sweat.

At this moment, he began to observe here.

The room was filled with a disgusting rotten smell, the air seemed to be solidified, and the thick stench made it difficult to breathe. The surrounding walls were eroded by cold and mold, exuding an unsettling green sheen, and the ground was littered with withered plants and rotting vines. They seemed to be the only life in this area, yet filled with a dead atmosphere.

In the middle of the room, there is an abandoned altar. The surface of the altar was covered with spider webs, and there were some ancient and weird magic artifacts placed on it, emitting a faint light. In the corner, there were some broken bones, which seemed to have been corrupted into mud and could collapse at any time.

An ancient oil lamp hung at the top of the room, its light dim and flickering. Under the oil lamp, there is a long table. On the table are ancient documents and shabby books. They have turned yellow and the words on them can hardly be seen clearly.

The windows were sealed with thick dust, and the sunlight coming through seemed dim, as if it had been swallowed up by the harsh environment of this room. The occasional gusts of wind only make people feel the desolation and silence of this place even more.

In the dark corner of the room, a pair of dark eyes stared at Chen Xuan, twinkling like cold stars in the night sky. These eyes were hidden deep in the darkness, and only a faint light revealed the existence of their owner. An aura of mystery surrounds these eyes, as if an invisible observer is quietly peeping at everything in the room.

Chen Xuan felt the gaze from behind. His body froze suddenly and his alert eyes scanned the surroundings. However, everything in the room seemed so silent. Except for those hidden eyes, there was no movement.

Chen Xuan, who was alert in his heart, decided to ignore this strange observation for the time being and continue to search for the secrets in the room. He stepped carefully and tried to keep his voice as low as possible, not wanting to disturb the lurkers deep in the room.

The silence in the room seemed to become heavier. Chen Xuan remained alert at all times. He walked to the altar and gently touched the magic artifacts on it with his hands. The ancient runes shimmered under his touch, exuding an ancient And a mysterious atmosphere.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew out and extinguished the oil lamp in the middle of the room. The room fell into darkness. Chen Xuan's heart tightened. His sword had been unsheathed and he looked around warily. His hidden eyes seemed to be brighter and twinkling in the darkness. Shining dangerously.

"Who?" Chen Xuan's voice spread throughout the room, and his eyes were locked on those eyes in the darkness, but what he answered was just a burst of cold ridicule, which echoed in the air, making people feel chilly.

There was silence in the room. Suddenly, a huge shadow emerged from the darkness. It was a huge monster with green sky fire in its eyes, a vampire monster. Its roar shook the entire cave, and its momentum was extremely terrifying.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and clenched the sword in his hand. He knew that only by defeating the monster in front of him could he continue to move forward. The vampire monster let out a sharp roar, and the entire cave seemed to be shaking, and then it opened hugely. His mouth released a cloud of green poisonous mist.

Chen Xuan quickly dodged and avoided the poisonous mist. His eyes flashed with determination, and his sword technique was as fast as lightning. He performed the thirteenth form of the Suzaku Sword Technique. The sword energy was sharp and cut through the air. Go straight to the throat of the vampire demon.

The vampire demon laughed ferociously, and its body turned into a green phantom, quickly dodging Chen Xuan's attack. Then, it opened its huge mouth, and a green sky fire was released, filling the entire room instantly.

Chen Xuan was not afraid. His body flexibly avoided the attack of the sky fire, and at the same time he condensed a layer of Suzaku Sky Fire shield to resist the invasion of the sky fire. A trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and his swordsmanship became sharper, displaying the power of the Suzaku Sword. To the extreme.

The battle was in full swing, Chen Xuan continued to launch attacks, and the vampire demons did not show any weakness, always maintaining a high degree of vigilance, and their figures quickly shuttled through the room.

As time passed, the battle became more intense. Chen Xuan felt physically exhausted, but his inner fighting spirit remained firm. He knew that only by defeating this monster could he walk out of the cave alive.

Finally, he launched his ultimate move, the ultimate blow of the Suzaku sword technique. The sword light cut through the night sky and instantly penetrated the body of the vampire demon. The demon beast let out a miserable howl, and its body burned into a ball of green sky fire, and then turned into ashes. .

Chen Xuan gasped, and the sword at his waist gradually retracted.

The green mist condensed between heaven and earth filled the room, forming a strange scene. In this green mist, a demonic aura suddenly emerged, turning into a monster and huge snake shadow. This was an emerald-green snake. The poisonous snake has a green light shining in its eyes, as if it contains endless poison.

Chen Xuan felt the threat from the poisonous snake and was alert. He breathed steadily and stared at the poisonous snake sharply. In the green mist, the poisonous snake hissed and attacked Chen Xuan.

With a thought in Chen Xuan's mind, the power of Suzaku swordsmanship revived. He transformed into a bolt of lightning, and the sword light cut through the space, and he had a fierce confrontation with the poisonous snake. The sword and the snake's shadow intertwined in the green mist. Sometimes violent sky fire erupted, and sometimes the poisonous snake fiercely attacked. Bite attack.

In just a few rounds, Chen Xuan discovered that this venomous snake was unusual. It was filled with a powerful poisonous gas, making it difficult for Chen Xuan to get close. He gathered his inner strength and used the defensive skills of Suzaku Sword Art to resist the attack of the venomous snake. , the sword's block and the poisonous snake's bite collided, sparking.

In the green mist, the venomous snake became more and more fierce. Its bite was as fast as lightning and was about to hit Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and used the secret method of time and space. His body instantly dodged the attack of the venomous snake, traveling through time and space like a ghost. between.

Chen Xuan appeared behind the poisonous snake again. With a flash of sword light, a ray of Suzaku Sky Fire cut through the green mist and penetrated the poisonous snake's head. The poisonous snake let out a scream, twisted its body violently, and tried to break free, but Chen Xuan was as steady as a mountain, and the sword in his hand penetrated the snake's head without any trace, defeating it.

The green mist gradually dissipated and the room became clear again. Chen Xuan's forehead was covered with sweat.

At this moment, he began to observe here.

The room was filled with a disgusting rotten smell, the air seemed to be solidified, and the thick stench made it difficult to breathe. The surrounding walls were eroded by cold and mold, exuding an unsettling green sheen, and the ground was littered with withered plants and rotting vines. They seemed to be the only life in this area, yet filled with a dead atmosphere.

In the middle of the room, there is an abandoned altar. The surface of the altar was covered with spider webs, and there were some ancient and weird magical artifacts placed on it, emitting a faint light. In the corner, there were some broken bones, which seemed to have been corrupted into mud and could collapse at any time.

An ancient oil lamp hung at the top of the room, its light dim and flickering. Under the oil lamp, there is a long table. On the table are ancient documents and shabby books. They have turned yellow and the words on them can hardly be seen clearly.

The windows were sealed with thick dust, and the sunlight coming through seemed dim, as if it had been swallowed up by the harsh environment of this room. The occasional gusts of wind only make people feel the desolation and silence of this place even more.

In the dark corner of the room, a pair of dark eyes stared at Chen Xuan, twinkling like cold stars in the night sky. These eyes were hidden deep in the darkness, and only a faint light revealed the existence of their owner. An aura of mystery surrounds these eyes, as if an invisible observer is quietly peeping at everything in the room.

Chen Xuan felt the gaze from behind. His body froze suddenly and his alert eyes scanned the surroundings. However, everything in the room seemed so silent. Except for those hidden eyes, there was no movement.

Chen Xuan, who was alert in his heart, decided to ignore this strange observation for the time being and continue to search for the secrets in the room. He stepped carefully and tried to keep his voice as low as possible, not wanting to disturb the lurkers deep in the room.

The silence in the room seemed to become heavier. Chen Xuan remained alert at all times. He walked to the altar and gently touched the magic artifacts on it with his hands. The ancient runes shimmered under his touch, exuding an ancient And a mysterious atmosphere.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew out and extinguished the oil lamp in the middle of the room. The room fell into darkness. Chen Xuan's heart tightened. His sword had been unsheathed and he looked around warily. His hidden eyes seemed to be brighter and twinkling in the darkness. Shining dangerously.

"Who?" Chen Xuan's voice spread throughout the room, and his eyes were locked on those eyes in the darkness, but what he answered was just a burst of cold ridicule, which echoed in the air, making people feel chilly.

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