The surrounding thunder and lightning began to become more active, and the thunder and lightning in the sky kept flashing, as if providing him with spiritual energy. Chen Xuan felt a huge force pouring into his body. His aura gradually stabilized, and his injuries began to recover quickly.

His body was wrapped in the power of thunder and lightning, forming a layer of electric armor. His skin flashed with weak electric arcs, as if a god of thunder and lightning had descended into the world. His body was filled with powerful electricity inside and outside, making him feel Infinite power.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, closed his eyes to rest, and concentrated on his practice. He felt the vibration of thunder and lightning around him, as if he could hear the thunder echoing in his ears. This power made him feel the infinite possibilities, and he began to think about himself. The path of cultivation.

Under the baptism of thunder and lightning, Chen Xuan's aura became thicker and his perception became sharper. He began to think about the secret of Suzaku swordsmanship and tried to understand a higher level of swordsmanship.

He closed his eyes and meditated, and his sword intention became stronger. In his mind, countless sword shadows appeared, like a group of fiery red birds soaring in the sky. He tried to incorporate this artistic conception into his sword technique to make it more pure. , more fierce.

Time passed in the quiet bamboo forest, and Chen Xuan's practice continued for several days. During this period, he continued to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body to accelerate his body's recovery, and at the same time, he continued to understand the secrets of the Suzaku sword technique.

Finally, on a quiet night, Chen Xuan felt the opportunity for a breakthrough. The spiritual energy in his body fluctuated like a volcano about to erupt. He felt a powerful force pouring into his body. He knew that this was his cultivation. Breakthrough moment.

He detonated the power in his body without hesitation, and a powerful spiritual energy swept through his body. He felt that his cultivation had broken through to a new level. His spiritual energy became richer and his sword skills became more skillful.

Chen Xuan opened his eyes, with excitement shining in his eyes. He felt that his strength had become stronger and his swordsmanship had reached a new level. He knew that he still had a long way to go in his cultivation. To leave, but he has already taken a solid step.

He stood up and felt the aftermath of the thunder and lightning around him, as if he was integrated with the power of heaven and earth. His heart was filled with endless confidence, and he knew that he was getting closer and closer to a powerful state.

In the light of thunder and lightning around Chen Xuan, a pair of deep eyes stared at him quietly in the dark. These eyes had no emotion, were cold and profound, as if they were from the depths of the universe.

The owner of these eyes is hidden in the dark, seemingly invisible, but in control of everything. His presence makes Chen Xuan feel an invisible pressure, as if it is an insurmountable mountain that no one can escape from.

Chen Xuan's heart trembled. He felt the unusual power of these eyes. He tried to detect the owner of the eyes, but found that the other person's existence was like an insurmountable barrier, unfathomable.

"Who is there?" Chen Xuan shouted vigilantly, trying to scare the other party. However, his eyes did not move at all, as if he did not care about his threats.

A nameless fear surged in Chen Xuan's heart. He felt the breath of death. This fear made his body stiff. He felt as if he was frozen in place and unable to move.

At this moment, the eyes suddenly emitted a faint light, shining on Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan felt a strong suction force, and his body was drawn uncontrollably, as if it was about to be swallowed up.

He resisted desperately, but to no avail. The power of those eyes was so powerful that he felt as if he was going to be swallowed up and disappear into the thunder and lightning.

Just when Chen Xuan felt desperate, suddenly, a powerful will surged out of his body. This was the firm will deep in his heart, his desire for survival, and his confidence in the future.

This will was like a ball of heavenly fire, burning blazingly in his body. The power of the heavenly fire competed with the power of those eyes, forming a delicate balance. Chen Xuan felt the influx of power, and his body regained freedom.

He suddenly broke away from the attraction, took a few steps back, and stared in the direction of those eyes with a vigilant look on his face. There was a firm light in his eyes. He decided not to be afraid anymore and to fight with this unknown force. Fight to the end.

Those eyes seemed to sense Chen Xuan's determination, and dimmed, disappearing into the darkness. For a moment, the light of thunder and lightning gradually dissipated, and the atmosphere in the bamboo forest became calm.

Chen Xuan stood there, his heart still beating. He understood that what he had just encountered was an extremely powerful force. It was an innate mysterious force that was beyond his reach.

But he did not retreat. On the contrary, he became more determined to move forward. He knew that in this world, no matter how many difficulties or unknown forces he encountered, he must move forward bravely and meet the challenges.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and readjusted himself.

Deep in the distant mountains, a golden phoenix spreads its wings and flies. Its feathers shine with dazzling light, like a bright star cutting through the dark night. This is no ordinary phoenix. The golden phoenix soars in the sky, and its voice is clear and sweet. , like the sound of nature, its companion, a silver phoenix, is also flying beside it. Two phoenixes drew beautiful arcs in the sky.

Suddenly, the golden phoenix stopped flying, with a strange light shining in its eyes.

It turned to Silver Phoenix and said, "You know, I just saw a talented human warrior in a bamboo forest."

The silver phoenix also stopped flying, with curiosity in its eyes.

"Oh? What kind of person is he?" Silver Phoenix asked.

Golden Phoenix shook his head slightly and stared into the distance with his gifted eyes.

The surrounding thunder and lightning began to become more active, and the thunder and lightning in the sky kept flashing, as if providing him with spiritual energy. Chen Xuan felt a huge force pouring into his body. His aura gradually stabilized, and his injuries began to recover quickly.

His body was wrapped in the power of thunder and lightning, forming a layer of electric armor. His skin flashed with weak electric arcs, as if a god of thunder and lightning had descended into the world. His body was filled with powerful electricity inside and outside, making him feel Infinite power.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, closed his eyes to rest, and concentrated on his practice. He felt the vibration of thunder and lightning around him, as if he could hear the thunder echoing in his ears. This power made him feel the infinite possibilities, and he began to think about himself. The path of cultivation.

Under the baptism of thunder and lightning, Chen Xuan's aura became thicker and his perception became sharper. He began to think about the secret of Suzaku swordsmanship and tried to understand a higher level of swordsmanship.

He closed his eyes and meditated, and his sword intention became stronger. In his mind, countless sword shadows appeared, like a group of fiery red birds soaring in the sky. He tried to incorporate this artistic conception into his sword technique to make it more pure. , more fierce.

Time passed in the quiet bamboo forest, and Chen Xuan's practice continued for several days. During this period, he continued to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body to accelerate his body's recovery, and at the same time, he continued to understand the secrets of the Suzaku sword technique.

Finally, on a quiet night, Chen Xuan felt the opportunity for a breakthrough. The spiritual energy in his body fluctuated like a volcano about to erupt. He felt a powerful force pouring into his body. He knew that this was his cultivation. Breakthrough moment.

He detonated the power in his body without hesitation, and a powerful spiritual energy swept through his body. He felt that his cultivation had broken through to a new level. His spiritual energy became richer and his sword skills became more skillful.

Chen Xuan opened his eyes, with excitement shining in his eyes. He felt that his strength had become stronger and his swordsmanship had reached a new level. He knew that he still had a long way to go in his cultivation. To leave, but he has already taken a solid step.

He stood up and felt the aftermath of the thunder and lightning around him, as if he was integrated with the power of heaven and earth. His heart was filled with endless confidence, and he knew that he was getting closer and closer to a powerful state.

In the light of thunder and lightning around Chen Xuan, a pair of deep eyes stared at him quietly in the dark. These eyes had no emotion, were cold and profound, as if they were from the depths of the universe.

The owner of these eyes is hidden in the dark, seemingly invisible, but in control of everything. His presence makes Chen Xuan feel an invisible pressure, as if it is an insurmountable mountain that no one can escape from.

Chen Xuan's heart trembled. He felt the unusual power of these eyes. He tried to detect the owner of the eyes, but found that the other person's existence was like an insurmountable barrier, unfathomable.

"Who is there?" Chen Xuan shouted vigilantly, trying to scare the other party. However, his eyes did not move at all, as if he did not care about his threats.

A nameless fear surged in Chen Xuan's heart. He felt the breath of death. This fear made his body stiff. He felt as if he was frozen in place and unable to move.

At this moment, the eyes suddenly emitted a faint light, shining on Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan felt a strong suction force, and his body was drawn uncontrollably, as if it was about to be swallowed up.

He resisted desperately, but to no avail. The power of those eyes was so powerful that he felt as if he was going to be swallowed up and disappear into the thunder and lightning.

Just when Chen Xuan felt desperate, suddenly, a powerful will surged out of his body. This was the firm will deep in his heart, his desire for survival, and his confidence in the future.

This will was like a ball of heavenly fire, burning blazingly in his body. The power of the heavenly fire competed with the power of those eyes, forming a delicate balance. Chen Xuan felt the influx of power, and his body regained freedom.

He suddenly broke away from the attraction, took a few steps back, and stared in the direction of those eyes with a vigilant look on his face. There was a firm light in his eyes. He decided not to be afraid anymore and to fight with this unknown force. Fight to the end.

Those eyes seemed to sense Chen Xuan's determination, and dimmed, disappearing into the darkness. For a moment, the light of thunder and lightning gradually dissipated, and the atmosphere in the bamboo forest became calm.

Chen Xuan stood there, his heart still beating. He understood that what he had just encountered was an extremely powerful force. It was an innate mysterious force that was beyond his reach.

But he did not retreat. On the contrary, he became more determined to move forward. He knew that in this world, no matter how many difficulties or unknown forces he encountered, he must move forward bravely and meet the challenges.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and readjusted himself.

Deep in the distant mountains, a golden phoenix spreads its wings and flies. Its feathers shine with dazzling light, like a bright star cutting through the dark night. This is no ordinary phoenix. The golden phoenix soars in the sky, and its voice is clear and sweet. , like the sound of nature, its companion, a silver phoenix, is also flying beside it. Two phoenixes drew beautiful arcs in the sky.

Suddenly, the golden phoenix stopped flying, with a strange light shining in its eyes.

It turned to Silver Phoenix and said, "You know, I just saw a talented human warrior in a bamboo forest."

The silver phoenix also stopped flying, with curiosity in its eyes.

"Oh? What kind of person is he?" Silver Phoenix asked.

Golden Phoenix shook his head slightly and stared into the distance with his gifted eyes.

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