Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6667 Observing the situation of the altar

Chen Xuan's brows furrowed. He realized that the demonic power inside this city was extremely powerful and was getting stronger. He decided to conduct an in-depth investigation to find out the source of this demonic power.

Chen Xuan carefully shuttled through this city full of monsters. The surrounding atmosphere was full of weirdness and tension, but unlike what he expected, the demon warriors did not seem to attack him. He couldn't help but have doubts in his heart, but he still remained vigilant and continued to explore the depths of the city.

The demon warriors in the city did not express any hostility towards Chen Xuan. They were busy walking around the streets and alleys, engaging in various activities. Chen Xuan discovered that the culture, architecture and lifestyle of these demons were completely different from the human race he knew. But no less prosperous.

In the center of the city, Chen Xuan saw a tall palace. The walls of the palace were carved with various patterns of monsters, which were brilliant and magnificent. He decided to go to the palace to see if he could understand the situation in the city.

Entering the palace, he was stunned by the sight before him. The interior of the palace is gorgeously decorated, with splendid golden walls, luxurious carpets on the floor, and precious cultural relics placed around it. In the middle of the palace, there are solemn thrones, with many demon clan leaders sitting on them, and their auras are all Very powerful.

Chen Xuan stood at the entrance of the palace, with various questions in his mind. His presence did not attract the attention of the demon leaders. It seemed that they did not care about this human warrior. This made Chen Xuan feel very strange, but he He didn't show anything strange, but continued to observe the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, a demon leader discovered Chen Xuan's existence, and a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes. However, another demon leader stretched out his hand to signal him not to do anything. The demon leader smiled slightly at Chen Xuan, Said: "Human warrior, don't worry, we will not take action against you. You are the first human being to enter our city, and we are curious about you."

Chen Xuan's heart moved. He knew that this was an opportunity to talk to the leader of the demon clan. He bowed and said respectfully: "I am Chen Xuan, from the human race. I am really surprised to be able to enter this city. Excuse me Senior, where is this place? Why can humans enter?"

The leader of the demon clan smiled and nodded, and said: "I am the city lord. This city is called demon city. We demon clan, like the human race, are part of this land. The reason why the human race can enter is because we hope Able to communicate with human monks and discuss ways of practice together.”

Chen Xuan felt slightly relieved after hearing this, but he still had questions: "If this is the case, why are the monsters in the city not hostile to me?"

The city lord smiled and explained: "We do not regard all humans as enemies. There are good people and bad people in the world, as well as monsters and humans. We believe that human monks who can enter our city must have extraordinary cultivation and character. People, we hope that through exchanges, we can promote friendly relations between the two communities instead of hostility.”

When Chen Xuan heard this, he sighed in his heart.

The city lord invited Chen Xuan to an elegant hall in the palace, which was furnished with simple furniture and exuded a faint fragrance of flowers. After the city lord and Chen Xuan sat down, the city lord began to tell the history of this demon city.

"Chen Xuan, this city is called Illusory Demon City, and it is an ancient gathering place for our demon clan. Thousands of years ago, our demon clan established this city on this land and passed down our own culture and practice skills. Illusory Demon City has always been the foundation of our demon clan and the home where our people thrive.”

The city lord paused for a moment and continued: "In order to protect the city, our demon tribe has deployed a powerful protective formation around the Illusory Demon City. This formation was carefully arranged by our demon tribe's masters and has gathered the efforts of countless demon tribe monks. The formation contains the ancient demon talent and can resist various external threats. "

Chen Xuan listened with respect in his heart. He understood that being able to build such a huge city on this land and maintain it for thousands of years must require strong strength and talent. He asked: "What does this protective formation have?" How powerful?”

The city lord smiled and replied: "This formation is called the Phantom Demon Formation. It is a treasure passed down by our demon clan from generation to generation. It can withstand the attacks of most enemies. Even some powerful enemies cannot be easily broken. The formation is inside It contains the spiritual power of the demon clan and also absorbs the earth spirit energy of the Illusory Demon City, making the formation more powerful."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh that this Illusory Demon City was indeed an indestructible fortress. He continued to ask: "So, how do the demon monks in Illusory Demon City practice?"

The city lord smiled and explained: "We monster monks mainly practice magic and master various magical magic methods. Our cultivation path is different from that of human monks. We focus on the integration of spiritual energy and the power of nature, and master the laws of nature through magic. The monks are divided into different schools, some are good at controlling spiritual energy, some are proficient in illusions, and some are good at summoning monsters. "

Chen Xuan was fascinated by what he heard. He was full of curiosity about this cultivation method that was completely different from human cultivation. The city lord continued: "In our demon clan, cultivation is not only about improving personal strength, but also a state of normal symbiosis with nature. Our demon clan respects nature and respects all living things. This is also our original intention of practicing demon arts."

Chen Xuan was deeply inspired, and he began to seriously think about this practice concept that was different from the way the demons practiced. During the conversation, he felt the breadth and depth of the demons' culture.

At this moment, a demon maid came into the hall carrying a cup of fragrant tea, and placed it dancingly in front of Chen Xuan. Her eyes were bright, and she looked like an ordinary demon maid, but Chen Xuan's keen intuition told him , this maid seems to have an unusual aura hidden in her body.

Chen Xuan's brows furrowed. He realized that the demonic power inside this city was extremely powerful and was getting stronger. He decided to conduct an in-depth investigation to find out the source of this demonic power.

Chen Xuan carefully shuttled through this city full of monsters. The surrounding atmosphere was full of weirdness and tension, but unlike what he expected, the demon warriors did not seem to attack him. He couldn't help but have doubts in his heart, but he still remained vigilant and continued to explore the depths of the city.

The demon warriors in the city did not express any hostility towards Chen Xuan. They were busy walking around the streets and alleys, engaging in various activities. Chen Xuan discovered that the culture, architecture and lifestyle of these demons were completely different from the human race he knew. But no less prosperous.

In the center of the city, Chen Xuan saw a tall palace. The walls of the palace were carved with various patterns of monsters, which were brilliant and magnificent. He decided to go to the palace to see if he could understand the situation in the city.

Entering the palace, he was stunned by the sight before him. The interior of the palace is gorgeously decorated, with splendid golden walls, luxurious carpets on the floor, and precious cultural relics placed around it. In the middle of the palace, there are solemn thrones, with many demon clan leaders sitting on them, and their auras are all Very powerful.

Chen Xuan stood at the entrance of the palace, with various questions in his mind. His presence did not attract the attention of the demon leaders. It seemed that they did not care about this human warrior. This made Chen Xuan feel very strange, but he He didn't show anything strange, but continued to observe the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, a demon leader discovered Chen Xuan's existence, and a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes. However, another demon leader stretched out his hand to signal him not to do anything. The demon leader smiled slightly at Chen Xuan, Said: "Human warrior, don't worry, we will not take action against you. You are the first human being to enter our city, and we are curious about you."

Chen Xuan's heart moved. He knew that this was an opportunity to talk to the leader of the demon clan. He bowed and said respectfully: "I am Chen Xuan, from the human race. I am really surprised to be able to enter this city. Excuse me Senior, where is this place? Why can humans enter?"

The leader of the demon clan smiled and nodded, and said: "I am the city lord. This city is called demon city. We demon clan, like the human race, are part of this land. The reason why the human race can enter is because we hope Able to communicate with human monks and discuss ways of practice together.”

Chen Xuan felt slightly relieved after hearing this, but he still had questions: "If this is the case, why are the monsters in the city not hostile to me?"

The city lord smiled and explained: "We do not regard all humans as enemies. There are good people and bad people in the world, as well as monsters and humans. We believe that human monks who can enter our city must have extraordinary cultivation and character. People, we hope that through exchanges, we can promote friendly relations between the two communities instead of hostility.”

When Chen Xuan heard this, he sighed in his heart.

The city lord invited Chen Xuan to an elegant hall in the palace, which was furnished with simple furniture and exuded a faint fragrance of flowers. After the city lord and Chen Xuan sat down, the city lord began to tell the history of this demon city.

"Chen Xuan, this city is called Illusory Demon City, and it is an ancient gathering place for our demon clan. Thousands of years ago, our demon clan established this city on this land and passed down our own culture and practice skills. Illusory Demon City has always been the foundation of our demon clan and the home where our people thrive.”

The city lord paused for a moment and continued: "In order to protect the city, our demon tribe has deployed a powerful protective formation around the Illusory Demon City. This formation was carefully arranged by our demon tribe's masters and has gathered the efforts of countless demon tribe monks. The formation contains the ancient demon talent and can resist various external threats. "

Chen Xuan listened with respect in his heart. He understood that being able to build such a huge city on this land and maintain it for thousands of years must require strong strength and talent. He asked: "What does this protective formation have?" How powerful?”

The city lord smiled and replied: "This formation is called the Phantom Demon Formation. It is a treasure passed down by our demon clan from generation to generation. It can withstand the attacks of most enemies. Even some powerful enemies cannot be easily broken. The formation is inside It contains the spiritual power of the demon clan and also absorbs the earth spirit energy of the Illusory Demon City, making the formation more powerful."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh that this Illusory Demon City was indeed an indestructible fortress. He continued to ask: "So, how do the demon monks in Illusory Demon City practice?"

The city lord smiled and explained: "We monster monks mainly practice magic and master various magical magic methods. Our cultivation path is different from that of human monks. We focus on the integration of spiritual energy and the power of nature, and master the laws of nature through magic. The monks are divided into different schools, some are good at controlling spiritual energy, some are proficient in illusions, and some are good at summoning monsters. "

Chen Xuan was fascinated by what he heard. He was full of curiosity about this cultivation method that was completely different from human cultivation. The city lord continued: "In our demon clan, cultivation is not only about improving personal strength, but also a state of normal symbiosis with nature. Our demon clan respects nature and respects all living things. This is also our original intention of practicing demon arts."

Chen Xuan was deeply inspired, and he began to seriously think about this practice concept that was different from the way the demons practiced. During the conversation, he felt the breadth and depth of the demons' culture.

At this moment, a demon maid came into the hall carrying a cup of fragrant tea, and placed it dancingly in front of Chen Xuan. Her eyes were bright, and she looked like an ordinary demon maid, but Chen Xuan's keen intuition told him , this maid seems to have an unusual aura hidden in her body.

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