Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 6673 The strong demon clan in the depths of the canyon

The demon dragon roared, with violent light flashing in its eyes. It felt the threat of life and death, and its demon power surged crazily, trying to resist Chen Xuan's attack. However, under Chen Xuan's powerful sword energy, the demon dragon's resistance seemed insignificant.

The sword energy penetrated the body of the demon dragon, making a sharp and harsh sound. The canyon was filled with the smell of burning. The demon dragon let out a desperate roar. The body collapsed in the sword energy, and finally turned into a pool of bloody liquid, completely disappearing in the In the canyon.

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the demon dragon disappear. He knew that this battle was over.

Chen Xuan knew in his heart that the destruction of the demon dragon was only a temporary victory. The strong men of the demon clan would definitely sense this change and rush to investigate. He knew that he must evacuate the scene quickly to avoid being attacked by the strong men of the demon clan. Chase.

He hurriedly activated the spiritual energy in his body and turned into a streak of sky fire that shuttled through the paths between the canyons. His body was flexible and agile, and every step was steady and steady, avoiding places that might attract attention. In the dense woods, he transformed into Make a shadow, shuttle skillfully, leaving no trace.

The powerful monsters in the depths of the canyon felt the destruction of the demon dragon. Their faces showed expressions of anger and sadness. They knew in their hearts that the demon dragon was the treasure of the demon clan and their hope. Now it was completely destroyed by Chen Xuan. , the power of the demon clan will be greatly weakened.

"Quick, let's catch up, capture that person, and use the blood of the demon dragon to honor our treasure!" A demon clan strongman roared, his body swayed, turned into a bolt of lightning, and flew quickly towards the exit of the canyon.

Other strong men from the demon race also followed up. They were extremely fast and caught up with Chen Xuan almost instantly. Chen Xuan felt the threat behind him. He speeded up and used all his strength to avoid the demon race's pursuit.

He passed through canyons, climbed over steep mountains, and avoided gurgling rivers. He kept his ears close to the earth, feeling the surrounding atmosphere, trying to find a place to hide. He knew that he could only find a safe place. Only in a place of refuge can one temporarily escape the pursuit of the demon clan.

Suddenly, he heard a noise in the distance. His heart tightened, and he immediately understood that it was the voice of the powerful demon clan. He quickly found a cave, sneaked into it, and carefully hid it.

The inside of the cave was dark and quiet. Chen Xuan took a deep breath and tried to calm his breathing. He knew that he must stay quiet now and not reveal any clues. He closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to sense the surrounding atmosphere in order to determine the identity of the demon clan. Location.

In the cave, Chen Xuan was immersed in meditation. His mind was connected to the earth, and he felt the vitality around him. He gradually entered a state of detachment, sensing every leaf, every drop of dew, and every drop of dew in the canyon. With the existence of an insect, his perception became extremely sharp, as if he had merged into the embrace of the world.

Time passed quietly, and the atmosphere in the cave became more solemn. Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He felt the atmosphere around him change. He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning, and he quickly noticed the strange movement outside the cave. .

At the entrance of the cave, several figures flashed quickly. The strong demon clan had already found the cave. Their eyes flashed with fierce light. They knew that Chen Xuan was nearby. They would not stop and would definitely kill Chen Xuan. Xuan found it.

Chen Xuan's heart sank. He knew that the current situation was very critical. He tried to find an opportunity to escape, but the cave was the only exit and was strictly restricted by the strong demon clan. He had to find a way to attract their attention. Look for opportunities to escape.

He quickly decided that he must make use of the terrain in the canyon in order to be able to escape the pursuit of the demon clan. He stared at the demon clan strongmen outside the cave, secretly calculating the distance and timing in his heart.

The strong men of the demon clan searched outside the cave for a moment, but found no trace of Chen Xuan. Their brows were furrowed, and they couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in their hearts. They knew that Chen Xuan's strength should not be underestimated, and they must be careful to avoid being killed by him. Counterattack.

Chen Xuan was hidden deep in the cave, almost isolated from the outside world. The cave was dark, with only a faint light shining through the cracks in the rock, reflecting Chen Xuan's slightly closed eyes. He huddled next to the stone wall, his body tensed, and he took a deep breath, trying to hold his breath.

The sounds outside gradually came closer, and Chen Xuan could tell that those powerful demon clan men were searching near the cave. His heartbeat accelerated, but he had to stay calm. He did not dare to relax at all, because he knew that once he was discovered, , will be a life and death struggle.

Time seemed to have frozen. Chen Xuan felt every second pass. Every second seemed to be as long as a year. He used his willpower to suppress his breathing and tried his best to integrate himself into the surrounding environment and make himself a person. part of this rock.

The sounds outside were getting closer and closer. Chen Xuan could hear the whispers of the strong demon clan members. They were looking for his traces. His body was shaking slightly, but he forced himself to stay calm. He closed his eyes. Try to concentrate and ignore the noise outside.

"Hurry, he must be nearby, search carefully and don't miss any corner!" The voice of a strong demon clan member reached Chen Xuan's ears, and his heart skipped a beat. He knew that the demon clan's powerful The attackers are very close, and if they don't make a decision, they may be discovered.

Chen Xuan made a quick decision. He decided to continue deep into the cave, trying to find a more secluded place to avoid pursuit. He crawled lightly on the rock wall, trying to find a suitable hiding place.

The demon dragon roared, with violent light flashing in its eyes. It felt the threat of life and death, and its demon power surged crazily, trying to resist Chen Xuan's attack. However, under Chen Xuan's powerful sword energy, the demon dragon's resistance seemed insignificant.

The sword energy penetrated the body of the demon dragon, making a sharp and harsh sound. The canyon was filled with the smell of burning. The demon dragon let out a desperate roar. The body collapsed in the sword energy, and finally turned into a pool of bloody liquid, completely disappearing in the In the canyon.

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the demon dragon disappear. He knew that this battle was over.

Chen Xuan knew in his heart that the destruction of the demon dragon was only a temporary victory. The strong men of the demon clan would definitely sense this change and rush to investigate. He knew that he must evacuate the scene quickly to avoid being attacked by the strong men of the demon clan. Chase.

He hurriedly activated the spiritual energy in his body and turned into a streak of sky fire that shuttled through the paths between the canyons. His body was flexible and agile, and every step was steady and steady, avoiding places that might attract attention. In the dense woods, he transformed into Make a shadow, shuttle skillfully, leaving no trace.

The powerful monsters in the depths of the canyon felt the destruction of the demon dragon. Their faces showed expressions of anger and sadness. They knew in their hearts that the demon dragon was the treasure of the demon clan and their hope. Now it was completely destroyed by Chen Xuan. , the power of the demon clan will be greatly weakened.

"Quick, let's catch up, capture that person, and use the blood of the demon dragon to honor our treasure!" A demon clan strongman roared, his body swayed, turned into a bolt of lightning, and flew quickly towards the exit of the canyon.

Other strong men from the demon race also followed up. They were extremely fast and caught up with Chen Xuan almost instantly. Chen Xuan felt the threat behind him. He speeded up and used all his strength to avoid the demon race's pursuit.

He passed through canyons, climbed over steep mountains, and avoided gurgling rivers. He kept his ears close to the earth, feeling the surrounding atmosphere, trying to find a place to hide. He knew that he could only find a safe place. Only in a place of refuge can one temporarily escape the pursuit of the demon clan.

Suddenly, he heard a noise in the distance. His heart tightened, and he immediately understood that it was the voice of the powerful demon clan. He quickly found a cave, sneaked into it, and carefully hid it.

The inside of the cave was dark and quiet. Chen Xuan took a deep breath and tried to calm his breathing. He knew that he must stay quiet now and not reveal any clues. He closed his eyes and concentrated, trying to sense the surrounding atmosphere in order to determine the identity of the demon clan. Location.

In the cave, Chen Xuan was immersed in meditation. His mind was connected to the earth, and he felt the vitality around him. He gradually entered a state of detachment, sensing every leaf, every drop of dew, and every drop of dew in the canyon. With the existence of an insect, his perception became extremely sharp, as if he had merged into the embrace of the world.

Time passed quietly, and the atmosphere in the cave became more solemn. Chen Xuan frowned slightly. He felt the atmosphere around him change. He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning, and he quickly noticed the strange movement outside the cave. .

At the entrance of the cave, several figures flashed quickly. The strong demon clan had already found the cave. Their eyes flashed with fierce light. They knew that Chen Xuan was nearby. They would not stop and would definitely kill Chen Xuan. Xuan found it.

Chen Xuan's heart sank. He knew that the current situation was very critical. He tried to find an opportunity to escape, but the cave was the only exit and was strictly restricted by the strong demon clan. He had to find a way to attract their attention. Look for opportunities to escape.

He quickly decided that he must make use of the terrain in the canyon in order to be able to escape the pursuit of the demon clan. He stared at the demon clan strongmen outside the cave, secretly calculating the distance and timing in his heart.

The strong men of the demon clan searched outside the cave for a moment, but found no trace of Chen Xuan. Their brows were furrowed, and they couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in their hearts. They knew that Chen Xuan's strength should not be underestimated, and they must be careful to avoid being killed by him. Counterattack.

Chen Xuan was hidden deep in the cave, almost isolated from the outside world. The cave was dark, with only a faint light shining through the cracks in the rock, reflecting Chen Xuan's slightly closed eyes. He huddled next to the stone wall, his body tensed, and he took a deep breath, trying to hold his breath.

The sounds outside gradually came closer, and Chen Xuan could hear that those powerful demon clan men were searching near the cave. His heartbeat accelerated, but he had to stay calm. He did not dare to relax at all, because he knew that once discovered, , it will be a life and death struggle.

Time seemed to have frozen. Chen Xuan felt every second pass. Every second seemed to be as long as a year. He used his willpower to suppress his breathing and tried his best to integrate himself into the surrounding environment and make himself a person. part of this rock.

The sounds outside were getting closer and closer. Chen Xuan could hear the whispers of the strong demon clan members. They were looking for his traces. His body was shaking slightly, but he forced himself to stay calm. He closed his eyes. Try to concentrate and ignore the noise outside.

"Hurry, he must be nearby, search carefully and don't miss any corner!" The voice of a strong demon clan member reached Chen Xuan's ears, and his heart skipped a beat. He knew that the demon clan's powerful The attackers are very close, and if they don't make a decision, they may be discovered.

Chen Xuan made a quick decision. He decided to continue deep into the cave, trying to find a more secluded place to avoid pursuit. He crawled lightly on the rock wall, trying to find a suitable hiding place.

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