He tiptoed closer to the Golden Ring Viper, trying to avoid the slippery ground and making his footsteps smaller. Covered by the heavy rain and thunder, his movements became lighter and almost silent. He lifted the Suzaku Sword. Hold it tightly in your hands, waiting for the perfect moment.

The golden-ringed viper seemed to have noticed something. Its body trembled slightly, and its tongue kept spitting out, sniffing the surrounding smell. Its eyes flashed with vigilance, as if warning of nearby dangers, but Chen Xuan was not attracted by the golden snake. Frightened by the viper's vigilance, he knew that only by attacking decisively could he defeat this ferocious snake.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan rushed out quickly, and the Vermilion Bird Sword turned into a streak of sky fire, piercing the head of the golden-ringed viper. His movements were as fast as lightning, and he was unexpectedly victorious. Although the Golden Ring Viper reacted quickly, it still had no time to dodge and was stabbed by Chen Xuan's sword tip.

The severe pain caused the golden-ringed viper to scream, and its body quickly shrank into a ball, but Chen Xuan did not stop. He attacked with sword after sword, not giving the golden-ringed viper a chance to breathe. The Vermilion Bird Sword danced, and the sword energy was like heavenly fire, surrounding the golden-ringed poisonous snake.

The golden-ringed viper roared, curling up into a ball, trying to protect its vital parts. However, Chen Xuan's attack followed him like a shadow, and the sword energy penetrated the scales of the golden-ringed viper and penetrated deep into the skin. The venomous snake's body began to twist and its expression was painful, but it still resisted desperately and tried to bite Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan calmly avoided the attack of the golden-ringed venomous snake. Every dodge was like dancing on the edge of life and death. His eyes flashed with sharp light, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. He knew that this was a decisive battle, and the only way to win the golden battle was to Only by defeating the ringed viper can you save your life.

In the fierce battle, Chen Xuan gradually found the flaw in the Golden Ring Viper. He found that the chin of the poisonous snake was a relatively weak part without the protection of scales. He decided to target this flaw. Once hit, he could kill the Golden Ring Viper. Loss of attack ability.

Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and instantly launched a fierce attack. His sword energy penetrated the scales of the golden-ringed venomous snake and stabbed straight to its chin. The golden-ringed viper let out a shrill scream, and its body trembled violently. The severe pain greatly reduced its attack power.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan did not hesitate and continued to increase the intensity of his attacks. His swordsmanship became sharper. Each sword was a fatal blow, trying to completely defeat the Golden Ring Viper. The poisonous snake roared and struggled continuously, but it could no longer resist Chen Xuan's attack.

Finally, under a fierce attack, Chen Xuan's sword energy penetrated the Golden Ring Viper's head and hit its head. The viper let out a final shrill scream, its body trembled violently, and then fell to the ground, dead.

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he had finally defeated this ferocious snake. His body was covered with scars and his clothes were soaked by the heavy rain, but his eyes were filled with the joy of victory. This battle was not only against the golden-ringed snake. , it was a test of his own strength, and he successfully defeated his fear and anxiety.

Chen Xuan slowly sat on the ground and rested for a while. He felt that the spiritual energy in his body was lost in the fierce battle. He must find a safe place to recover as soon as possible. The heavy rain continued, with thunder and lightning, making the entire dense forest look even more mysterious and sinister.

He wiped the venom from the sword and carefully put away the Vermillion Bird Sword. Then, he stood up and continued to walk through the dense forest, looking for a place to take refuge. He knew that this dense forest was full of unknown dangers, and he must remain vigilant. Always be prepared for possible threats.

In the heavy rain, Chen Xuan kept walking through the dense trees, looking for a safe place to rest. His eyes scanned the surroundings, always alert to the dangers that might be lurking in the dense forest. His ears were close to the earth, trying to find any danger. Unusual sounds.

Finally, deep in the jungle, Chen Xuan found a relatively dry cave. He approached cautiously and observed carefully to confirm that there were no other creatures. Then, he walked into the cave and prepared to rest here for a while. , waiting for the heavy rain to pass.

The cave was dark and quiet. Chen Xuan sat in the corner, put the Suzaku Sword beside him, and began to practice and recover. He closed his eyes, calmly adjusted his breathing, and tried his best to restore his physical strength and spiritual energy to the best state.

Time passed quietly, and Chen Xuan's body gradually regained its strength. He felt the spiritual energy flowing in his body, and the wounds on his skin were slowly healing. He knew that only in the best condition could he be able to cope with what might happen next. challenges.

During his training, he kept thinking about the previous battle, summing up his experience, and looking for his own shortcomings. He knew that every battle was an exercise, and only by constantly improving himself could he survive in this harsh jungle.

The heavy rain continued outside, with thunder and lightning, but Chen Xuan didn't care. He focused all his attention on cultivation and worked hard to improve his strength. He knew that only with strong strength can he gain a foothold in this dense forest and be able to stay alive.

In the cave, Chen Xuan's practice lasted for several hours. He felt that his strength had been improved. He knew that this was not enough. He must continue to work hard and continuously improve his strength before he could survive in this dense forest. stay alive.

Suddenly, the heavy rain outside stopped, and the thunder and lightning gradually faded away. Chen Xuan felt a sense of security and knew that it was time to move on. He stood up, held the Suzaku Sword in his hand, and prepared to continue through this dangerous area. of dense forest.

In the cave, Chen Xuan's ears suddenly caught a faint sound of water drops, like the sound of rain dripping from the cracks in the rocks. He instantly became alert, because this kind of sound in this deep and dense forest often means that there are creatures nearby. The presence.

Chen Xuan quietly turned around, holding the Suzaku Sword in his hand, ready to deal with possible threats. His eyes flashed alertly in the dim cave, trying to find the source of the sound.

Suddenly, a pattering sound came from the corner of the cave, and then a drop of viscous liquid dropped to the ground, making a unique sound. Chen Xuan stared at the ground subconsciously and found that it was not a drop of water, but a drop of transparent saliva.

He tiptoed closer to the Golden Ring Viper, trying to avoid the slippery ground and making his footsteps smaller. Covered by the heavy rain and thunder, his movements became lighter and almost silent. He lifted the Suzaku Sword. Hold it tightly in your hands, waiting for the perfect moment.

The golden-ringed viper seemed to have noticed something. Its body trembled slightly, and its tongue kept spitting out, sniffing the surrounding smell. Its eyes flashed with vigilance, as if warning of nearby dangers, but Chen Xuan was not attracted by the golden snake. Frightened by the viper's vigilance, he knew that only by attacking decisively could he defeat this ferocious snake.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan rushed out quickly, and the Vermilion Bird Sword turned into a streak of sky fire, piercing the head of the Golden Ringed Viper. His movements were as fast as lightning, and he was unexpectedly successful. Although the Golden Ring Viper reacted quickly, it still had no time to dodge and was stabbed by Chen Xuan's sword tip.

The severe pain caused the golden-ringed viper to scream, and its body quickly shrank into a ball, but Chen Xuan did not stop. He attacked with sword after sword, not giving the golden-ringed viper a chance to breathe. The Vermilion Bird Sword danced, and the sword energy was like heavenly fire, surrounding the golden-ringed poisonous snake.

The golden-ringed viper roared, curling up into a ball, trying to protect its vital parts. However, Chen Xuan's attack followed him like a shadow, and the sword energy penetrated the scales of the golden-ringed viper and penetrated deep into the skin. The venomous snake's body began to twist and its expression was painful, but it still resisted desperately and tried to bite Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan calmly avoided the attack of the golden-ringed venomous snake. Every dodge was like dancing on the edge of life and death. His eyes flashed with sharp light, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit. He knew that this was a decisive battle, and the only way to win the golden battle was to Only by defeating the ringed viper can you save your life.

In the fierce battle, Chen Xuan gradually found the flaw in the Golden Ring Viper. He found that the chin of the poisonous snake was a relatively weak part without the protection of scales. He decided to target this flaw. Once hit, he could kill the Golden Ring Viper. Loss of attack ability.

Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and instantly launched a fierce attack. His sword energy penetrated the scales of the golden-ringed venomous snake and stabbed straight to its chin. The golden-ringed viper let out a shrill scream, and its body trembled violently. The severe pain greatly reduced its attack power.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan did not hesitate and continued to increase the intensity of his attacks. His swordsmanship became sharper. Each sword was a fatal blow, trying to completely defeat the Golden Ring Viper. The poisonous snake roared and struggled continuously, but it could no longer resist Chen Xuan's attack.

Finally, under a fierce attack, Chen Xuan's sword energy penetrated the Golden Ring Viper's head and hit its head. The viper let out a final shrill scream, its body trembled violently, and then fell to the ground, dead.

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he had finally defeated this ferocious snake. His body was covered with scars and his clothes were soaked by the heavy rain, but his eyes were filled with the joy of victory. This battle was not only against the golden-ringed snake. , it was a test of his own strength, and he successfully defeated his fear and anxiety.

Chen Xuan slowly sat on the ground and rested for a while. He felt that the spiritual energy in his body was lost in the fierce battle. He must find a safe place to recover as soon as possible. The heavy rain continued, with thunder and lightning, making the entire dense forest look even more mysterious and sinister.

He wiped the venom from the sword and carefully put away the Vermillion Bird Sword. Then, he stood up and continued to walk through the dense forest, looking for a place to take refuge. He knew that this dense forest was full of unknown dangers, and he must remain vigilant. Always be prepared for possible threats.

In the heavy rain, Chen Xuan kept walking through the dense trees, looking for a safe place to rest. His eyes scanned the surroundings, always alert to the dangers that might be lurking in the dense forest. His ears were close to the earth, trying to find any Unusual sounds.

Finally, deep in the jungle, Chen Xuan found a relatively dry cave. He approached cautiously and observed carefully to confirm that there were no other creatures. Then, he walked into the cave and prepared to rest here for a while. , waiting for the heavy rain to pass.

The cave was dark and quiet. Chen Xuan sat in the corner, put the Suzaku Sword beside him, and began to practice and recover. He closed his eyes, calmly adjusted his breathing, and tried his best to restore his physical strength and spiritual energy to the best state.

Time passed quietly, and Chen Xuan's body gradually regained its strength. He felt the spiritual energy flowing in his body, and the wounds on his skin were slowly healing. He knew that only in the best condition could he be able to cope with what might happen next. challenges.

During his training, he kept thinking about the previous battle, summing up his experience, and looking for his own shortcomings. He knew that every battle was an exercise, and only by constantly improving himself could he survive in this harsh jungle.

The heavy rain continued outside, with thunder and lightning, but Chen Xuan didn't care. He focused all his attention on cultivation and worked hard to improve his strength. He knew that only with strong strength can he gain a foothold in this dense forest and be able to stay alive.

In the cave, Chen Xuan's practice lasted for several hours. He felt that his strength had been improved. He knew that this was not enough. He must continue to work hard and continuously improve his strength before he could survive in this dense forest. stay alive.

Suddenly, the heavy rain outside stopped, and the thunder and lightning gradually faded away. Chen Xuan felt a sense of security and knew that it was time to move on. He stood up, held the Suzaku Sword in his hand, and prepared to continue through this dangerous area. of dense forest.

In the cave, Chen Xuan's ears suddenly caught a faint sound of water drops, like the sound of rain dripping from the cracks in the rocks. He instantly became alert, because this kind of sound in this deep and dense forest often means that there are creatures nearby. The presence.

Chen Xuan quietly turned around, holding the Suzaku Sword in his hand, ready to deal with possible threats. His eyes flashed alertly in the dim cave, trying to find the source of the sound.

Suddenly, a pattering sound came from the corner of the cave, and then a drop of viscous liquid dropped to the ground, making a unique sound. Chen Xuan stared at the ground subconsciously and found that it was not a drop of water, but a drop of transparent saliva.

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