He swore that he would take revenge.

However, today, his self-confidence became as fragile as paper in front of Chen Xuan, which made him unacceptable, as if he was a person who could not tolerate failure, and the anger in his heart was burning.

"Who is this guy? How can he be so powerful?" Questions kept coming to Yan Wuhen's mind. He began to recall Chen Xuan's swordsmanship in the battle, trying to find a way to crack it.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind, as if it touched a secret in his heart. The legendary swordsmanship shadow decision may not be invincible, but has certain limitations.

"Maybe, I can find a way to deal with him." A shrewd light flashed in Yan Wuhen's mind, and he decided not to be reconciled to failure. The eyes under the black robe were firm again. He waved his sleeves in the direction of the deep snow, and his figure turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Yan Wuhen was determined to understand Chen Xuan more deeply, find out his weaknesses, and strive to regain his dignity in the next fight.

In the vast snowy area of ​​the Xuelun Mountains, Yan Wuhen's figure gradually disappeared.

Deep in the Xuelun Mountains, Yan Wuhen embarked on a dangerous journey of cultivation, with the only purpose of finding a way to defeat Chen Xuan.

He chose to practice in the extremely cold snowy area, using the cold environment to stimulate his potential. The body under the black robe occasionally flashed with a faint black light, as if absorbing the surrounding cold air. He knew that his strength needed to be improved to a higher level before he could have the upper hand in future duels.

"Chen Xuan, although your swordsmanship is magical, there are always flaws to be found." Yan Wuhen thought silently in his heart. He began to review Chen Xuan's swordsmanship, looking for the rules and weaknesses in it.

Soon after, he came to a preliminary conclusion.

Although Chen Xuan's swordsmanship was unpredictable, it seemed that there was a moment of emptiness, which was the weak link of his attack. This discovery made Yan Wuhen happy, and he decided to train for this point.

He found a cold cave and arranged the surroundings to be similar to Chen Xuan's swordsmanship. There was no warmth here, only the biting cold. Yan Wuhen took a deep breath of cold air, and his eyes flashed with sharp light.

He began to imitate Chen Xuan's attack method, swinging the sword at a faster and more flexible speed, while always keeping alert and looking for possible flaws of the opponent. His figure swam in the cave, shuttling quickly like a black shadow.

In this cold environment, his body gradually adapted, and each swing of the sword became more exquisite. He figured out a set of defensive swordsmanship to avoid possible attacks with quick reactions and clever movements.

However, the process of practice was not smooth sailing.

Yan Wuhen was sometimes attacked by the cold breath, and his whole body was almost frozen, but he persisted because he understood that only in suffering can he find a real breakthrough.

During the days of practice, he kept thinking about Chen Xuan's swordsmanship and constantly improving his defense methods.

As time went by, Yan Wuhen gradually realized some unprecedented sword principles. His swordsmanship became more agile and his body became more agile, as if he had integrated into this cold snowy area.

In the final stage of practice, he felt an unprecedented power, which was above the cold.

He seemed to stand at a new height and saw the direction of progress.

Yan Wuhen returned to Huanyao City, his figure under the black robe was more upright, and his eyes revealed a deeper sharpness.

In Huanyao City, an unexpected turmoil broke out. Yan Wuhen quickly showed his amazing strength with his soaring cultivation and insight into Chen Xuan's swordsmanship.

First, the Fox King, Leopard King, Tiger King and other major guardians took action in succession to stop Yan Wuhen's momentum. However, they soon discovered that the changes of this black-robed warrior were far beyond their expectations.

Yan Wuhen's swordsmanship became more agile, and the trajectory of each sword was like a black lightning, extremely fast, and his body movements became extremely flexible, like a ghost swimming between shadows.

He swore that he would take revenge.

However, today, his self-confidence became as fragile as paper in front of Chen Xuan, which made him unacceptable, as if he was a person who could not tolerate failure, and the anger in his heart was burning.

"Who is this guy? How can he have such a strong strength?" Questions kept emerging in Yan Wuhen's mind. He began to recall Chen Xuan's swordsmanship in the battle, trying to find a way to crack it.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind, as if it touched a secret in his heart. The legendary sword technique shadow decision may not be invincible, but has certain limitations.

"Maybe, I can find a way to deal with him." A shrewd light flashed through Yan Wuhen's mind, and he decided not to accept failure. The eyes under the black robe became firm again. He waved his sleeves in the direction of the deep snow, and his figure turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Yan Wuhen was determined to understand Chen Xuan more deeply, find out his weaknesses, and strive to regain his dignity in the next fight.

In the vast snowy area of ​​the Xuelun Mountains, Yan Wuhen's figure gradually disappeared.

In the depths of the Xuelun Mountains, Yan Wuhen embarked on a dangerous path of cultivation, with the only purpose of finding a way to defeat Chen Xuan.

He chose to practice in the extremely cold snowy area to stimulate his potential in the cold environment. The body under the black robe occasionally flashed with a faint black light, as if absorbing the surrounding cold air. He knew that his strength needed to be improved to a higher level before he could have the upper hand in future duels.

"Chen Xuan, although your swordsmanship is magical, there are always flaws." Yan Wuhen thought silently in his heart. He began to review Chen Xuan's swordsmanship, looking for the patterns and weaknesses in it.

Before long, he came to a tentative conclusion.

Although Chen Xuan's swordsmanship was unpredictable, there seemed to be a moment of emptiness that was the weak link in his attack. This discovery made Yan Wuhen feel happy, and he decided to start training on this point.

He found a cold cave and arranged the surrounding environment to resemble Chen Xuan's swordsmanship. There was no warmth here, only a biting cold. Yan Wuhen took a deep breath of cold air, his eyes flashing with sharp light.

He began to imitate Chen Xuan's attack method, swinging the sword at a faster and more flexible speed, while always remaining vigilant, looking for possible flaws in the opponent's attack. The figure swam in the cave, moving quickly like a dark shadow.

In this cold environment, his body gradually adapted, and each swing of his sword became more precise. He figured out a set of defensive swordsmanship, using quick reactions and clever movements to avoid possible attacks.

However, the process of spiritual practice is not always smooth sailing.

Yan Wuhen was attacked by the cold breath from time to time, and his whole body was almost frozen, but he persisted because he understood that only in suffering can he find a real breakthrough.

During his training days, he kept thinking about Chen Xuan's sword skills and constantly improving his defense methods.

As time went by, Yan Wuhen gradually understood some unprecedented sword principles. His sword skills became more agile and his body became stronger, as if he had blended into this cold snowy land.

In the final stage of his practice, he felt an unprecedented power, one that was above the cold.

He seemed to be standing at a new level and saw the way forward.

Yan Wuhen returned to the Illusory Demon City. His figure under the black robe was more upright, and his eyes revealed a deeper sharpness.

In the Illusory Demon City, an unexpected turmoil broke out. Yan Wuhen quickly showed amazing strength by virtue of his soaring cultivation and insight into Chen Xuan's swordsmanship.

First, the Fox King, Leopard King, Tiger King and other major guardians took action one after another to stop Yan Wuhen's momentum. However, they soon discovered that the changes in this black-robed warrior were far beyond their expectations.

Yan Wuhen's sword skills became more agile. The trajectory of each sword stroke was like a black lightning, extremely fast. His body skills also became extremely flexible, like a ghost swimming among the shadows.

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