Violent demon power fluctuations spread in the hall, and then subsided. The demon strong man fell to the ground silently, a trace of blood flowing from his body. The whole process happened so quickly, like a ruthless punishment, which made The other powerful demon clan men present felt a chill.

Yan Wuhen put away the sword in his hand and glanced around coldly. His actions undoubtedly conveyed a clear message to everyone present.

No one can exceed his authority or face ruthless sanctions.

At this time, Chen Xuan was crossing the snowfield, looking particularly independent in the vast white snow. The ground was covered with pure white snow, and snowflakes were flying around him, as if opening a passage for him alone.

The cold wind howled, and Chen Xuan's figure looked lonely and firm in the wind and snow. The snow under your feet is soft and elastic, and every step you take will leave deep footprints. This snowfield seems to be a paradise, but it hides countless dangers.

The snow-capped mountains stand tall and towering, covered with white snow. There are some scattered stones and withered trees in the distance, which look quite desolate against the white snow.

Chen Xuan walked along the snowy field, always keeping alert and sensing the surrounding atmosphere. There are figures of warriors in the distance, some walking alone and some walking together. They are wearing various costumes and holding various weapons, all looking for opportunities and magic weapons in this snowy field.

The scent of monsters floats in the cold wind, hiding in the snowfields. Snow wolves, snow foxes and other monsters are flexible and ferocious, lurking quietly under the snow, waiting for the arrival of prey.

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the snowfield, and a group of snow-white shadows swam in the wind and snow, rushing toward Chen Xuan. They were a group of snow wolves. Their fur was as white as snowflakes, and their blue eyes revealed ferocity and ferocity. sly.

Chen Xuan was on alert, holding a long sword in his hand, preparing to deal with the coming monster attack. The snow wolves quickly approached, their whistling echoing in the cold wind.

The first snow wolf jumped up, its fangs fierce, and attacked Chen Xuan's throat. Chen Xuan responded calmly, his body flashed, and his long sword flashed a cold light, neutralizing the snow wolf's attack.

However, the rest of the snow wolves have arrived and formed an encirclement. They quickly shuttled across the snow, trying to find Chen Xuan's weaknesses. Chen Xuan was fully focused and always ready to fight.

A snow wolf suddenly pounced from the side. Chen Xuan was unable to dodge, and was scratched with a bloody mark by the wolf's claws. He took advantage of the situation and retreated, holding the sword tightly and his eyes became even sharper.

The snow wolves seemed to sense Chen Xuan's strength and began to adopt a more cautious strategy. They spread out and tried to surround Chen Xuan from multiple directions in an attempt to find a weakness.

Chen Xuan's whole body exuded a faint radiance. He circulated his true energy and condensed a layer of light blue body-protecting aura. The attacks of the snow wolves were like hitting a solid wall in front of this layer of aura, and it was difficult to cause any real impact. sexual harm.

He wielded his long sword with a sharp sword light and chopped down a snow wolf. However, other snow wolves took the opportunity to launch a more violent attack, causing Chen Xuan to fall into a fierce fight.

Facing the violent attack of the snow wolf, Chen Xuan felt a sense of determination in his heart. He took a deep breath, and the snow under his feet glowed with a faint cold light as he breathed. The long sword in his hand began to change, and the surface of the sword was covered with a layer of light blue light, like ice and snow condensation.

The snow wolves launched an offensive together, and their claws and fangs came in like snowflakes. Chen Xuan's sword skills suddenly changed, and the sword glow was like snow. In an instant, a snow-white sword flower bloomed around him.

Every time the sword falls, the snow-white sword flower emits a burst of ice-cold air, melting in the air like snowflakes. This is not an actual attack, but a wonderful sword intention, which transforms the Snow Wolf's offensive into the illusion of the sword intention. Melted into nothingness.

Chen Xuan danced his long sword, and his sword intent was concentrated, as if he was integrated with the snow. The sword skills he displayed had a faint sense of mystery. The snow wolves were confused by his sword skills and fell into chaos.

The power of ice and snow gradually emerged under Chen Xuan's control. The snow wolves felt an invisible resistance, and their movements became sluggish. Chen Xuan followed the trend, and his sword skills became more and more agile, like a snowflake floating in the wind and snow. And arrived.

A sword shadow shuttled among the snow wolves, neutralizing their attacks one by one. Chen Xuan's sword technique had been integrated into the spiritual power of the snow, making every sword carry an extremely cold power, and the cold air overflowed.

As Chen Xuan continued to perform, the snow wolves gradually lost their siege on him and were chopped down one after another. On the snowy field, amidst the white snow, Chen Xuan was like a dancing snowflake, and his sword light was like condensed snow.

The battle gradually subsided, and the snow wolves were restrained by Chen Xuan's sword skills. A silence filled the snowy field. Chen Xuan took a deep breath, and the sword skills gradually stopped, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

At the edge of the snowfield, snowflakes fell, forming a silvery dreamy stage. The cold wind howled by, blowing the snowflakes away, leaving behind a peaceful snowfield. In the distance, a group of warriors were gathering, preparing to explore this mysterious snowfield.

Suddenly, a shrill howl broke the silence, and a group of snow wolves rushed out of the snow forest like a shadow. Their hair was as white as snow, and their eyes shone with cunning light. They approached the warriors like ghosts in the snow field.

The warriors immediately prepared for the battle, holding weapons in hand and staring at the snow wolves in front of them. However, these snow wolves were extremely fast and suddenly separated from each other, forming a situation of outflanking the warriors. A dilemma.

The snow wolves launched a fierce attack, the sound of sharp bites of teeth and the whistling of wolf claws cutting through the air were intertwined. The warriors resisted bravely, but they seemed somewhat powerless in the face of this sudden attack.

Violent demon power fluctuations spread in the hall, and then subsided. The demon strong man fell to the ground silently, a trace of blood flowing from his body. The whole process happened so quickly, like a ruthless punishment, which made The other powerful demon clan men present felt a chill.

Yan Wuhen put away the sword in his hand and glanced around coldly. His actions undoubtedly conveyed a clear message to everyone present.

No one can exceed his authority or face ruthless sanctions.

At this time, Chen Xuan was crossing the snowfield, looking particularly independent in the vast white snow. The ground was covered with pure white snow, and snowflakes were flying around him, as if opening a passage for him alone.

The cold wind howled, and Chen Xuan's figure looked lonely and firm in the wind and snow. The snow under your feet is soft and elastic, and every step you take will leave deep footprints. This snowfield seems to be a paradise, but it hides countless dangers.

The snow-capped mountains stand tall and towering, covered with white snow. There are some scattered stones and withered trees in the distance, which look quite desolate against the white snow.

Chen Xuan walked along the snowfield, always keeping alert and sensing the surrounding atmosphere. There are figures of warriors in the distance, some walking alone and some walking together. They are wearing various costumes and holding various weapons, all looking for opportunities and magic weapons in this snowy field.

The scent of monsters floats in the cold wind, hiding in the snowfields. Snow wolves, snow foxes and other monsters are flexible and ferocious, lurking quietly under the snow, waiting for the arrival of prey.

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the snowfield, and a group of snow-white shadows swam in the wind and snow, rushing toward Chen Xuan. They were a group of snow wolves. Their fur was as white as snowflakes, and their blue eyes revealed ferocity and ferocity. sly.

Chen Xuan was on alert, holding a long sword in his hand, preparing to deal with the coming monster attack. The snow wolves quickly approached, their whistling echoing in the cold wind.

The first snow wolf jumped up, its fangs fierce, and attacked Chen Xuan's throat. Chen Xuan responded calmly, his body flashed, and his long sword flashed a cold light, neutralizing the snow wolf's attack.

However, the rest of the snow wolves have arrived and formed an encirclement. They quickly shuttled across the snow, trying to find Chen Xuan's weaknesses. Chen Xuan was fully focused and always ready to fight.

A snow wolf suddenly pounced from the side. Chen Xuan was unable to dodge, and was scratched with a bloody mark by the wolf's claws. He took advantage of the situation and retreated, holding the sword tightly and his eyes became even sharper.

The snow wolves seemed to sense Chen Xuan's strength and began to adopt a more cautious strategy. They spread out and tried to surround Chen Xuan from multiple directions in an attempt to find a weakness.

Chen Xuan's whole body exuded a faint radiance. He circulated his true energy and condensed a layer of light blue body-protecting aura. In front of this layer of aura, the attacks of the snow wolves were like hitting a solid wall, and it was difficult to cause any real impact. sexual harm.

He wielded his long sword with a sharp sword light and chopped down a snow wolf. However, other snow wolves took the opportunity to launch a more violent attack, causing Chen Xuan to fall into a fierce fight.

Facing the violent attack of the snow wolf, Chen Xuan felt a sense of determination in his heart. He took a deep breath, and the snow under his feet glowed with a faint cold light as he breathed. The long sword in his hand began to change, and the surface of the sword was covered with a layer of light blue light, like ice and snow condensation.

The snow wolves launched an offensive together, and their claws and fangs came in like snowflakes. Chen Xuan's sword skills suddenly changed, and the sword glow was like snow. In an instant, a snow-white sword flower bloomed around him.

Every time the sword falls, the snow-white sword flower emits a burst of ice-cold air, melting in the air like snowflakes. This is not an actual attack, but a wonderful sword intention, which transforms the Snow Wolf's offensive into the illusion of the sword intention. Melted into nothingness.

Chen Xuan danced his long sword, and his sword intent was concentrated, as if he was integrated with the snow. The sword skills he displayed had a faint sense of mystery. The snow wolves were confused by his sword skills and fell into chaos.

The power of ice and snow gradually emerged under Chen Xuan's control. The snow wolves felt an invisible resistance, and their movements became sluggish. Chen Xuan followed the trend, and his sword skills became more and more agile, like a snowflake floating in the wind and snow. And arrived.

A sword shadow shuttled among the snow wolves, neutralizing their attacks one by one. Chen Xuan's sword technique had been integrated into the spiritual power of the snow, making every sword carry an extremely cold power, and the cold air overflowed.

As Chen Xuan continued to perform, the snow wolves gradually lost their siege on him and were chopped down one after another. On the snowy field, amidst the white snow, Chen Xuan was like a dancing snowflake, and his sword light was like condensed snow.

The battle gradually subsided, and the snow wolves were restrained by Chen Xuan's sword skills. A silence filled the snowy field. Chen Xuan took a deep breath, and the sword skills gradually stopped, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

At the edge of the snowfield, snowflakes fell, forming a silvery dreamy stage. The cold wind howled by, blowing the snowflakes away, leaving behind a peaceful snowfield. In the distance, a group of warriors were gathering, preparing to explore this mysterious snowfield.

Suddenly, a shrill howl broke through the silence, and a group of snow wolves rushed out of the snow forest like a shadow. Their hair was as white as snow, and their eyes shone with cunning light. They approached the warriors like ghosts in the snow field.

The warriors immediately prepared for the battle, holding weapons in hand and staring closely at the group of snow wolves in front of them. However, these snow wolves were extremely fast and suddenly separated from each other, forming a situation of outflanking the warriors. A dilemma.

The snow wolves launched a fierce attack, the sound of sharp bites of teeth and the whistling of wolf claws cutting through the air were intertwined. The warriors resisted bravely, but they seemed somewhat powerless in the face of this sudden attack.

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