Although Beishui City experienced shocking scenes, it even experienced a storm outside the city.

But soon, in order to avoid panic among the people, Chu Xiu also directly ordered to block the news, and announced that what had just been done was actually a drill.

Even those black dragons are fantasy.

In comparison, they explained slowly, or told them directly that it was a lie, which was more convenient. If they were told that all the black dragons who died outside the city were real, these people would not Dare to believe it.

And Zhu, who was escaping all the way back, finally returned to his Dragon Saint Island.

But the outcome is also very bleak.

At this moment, the Dragon Saint Island was also surrounded by a layer of dark clouds.

The three people from the dark clan who came from the world of cultivation also stayed in the cluster very comfortably.

"In the world of cultivation, even if you drink a sip of wine or eat a sip of fruit, you have to worry about whether someone will poison you, but it's different here. With these abilities, it's still too early to plot against us. Here If you don’t have to worry about food and clothing, then don’t worry, just play here as much as you want.”

One of them burst out laughing.

There is a lot of food placed in front of them, and there are also fine wines and delicacies here. It seems that life here is very happy. This dark tribe is not lustful, but what they like more is eating. In terms of eating, It seems to be endless.

So you can keep eating under such circumstances.

For them, eating is the most important thing, and there is a lot of delicious food on Longsheng Island.

When eating this in this hall, these three dark demons also enjoyed themselves quite a lot.

Although their status in the world of cultivation is not low, they are often under pressure from the dark demons above. After all, there are countless existences at the level of earth demons in the lineup of the world of cultivation.

Only when you become a demon can you be considered a real big boss. Even if there are any benefits, they will be taken away by the demon first. When this mission came down, I thought this Fengyun Continent was nothing. There is nothing in this barbaric continent, only some poor grassroots and the like.

After all, there are still many things like this in this world.

Although there are countless continents in the Three Realms, the number of fertile continents is also very rare. For example, the Dark Continent where the Dark Clan lives is born from there, but the environment of this Dark Continent is very cruel. Surviving in the dark continent is already very difficult to talk about.

And this cruel environment also made this dark continent understand the invasion.

In the Three Realms, not all continents are as barren as this dark continent. There are still many rich places. Therefore, this dark clan continues to conquer the north and south, and constantly transforms into predators to devour, absorbing more things. They have also evolved to what they are today.

It has absorbed the advantages of human beings and constantly devoured them. The road it has taken along the way has also been very long.

They have even calculated that as long as they capture this world of cultivation, it will be enough for them to reproduce unscrupulously for a million years.

It can be seen that the continent of this cultivation world is huge.

As for Fengyun Continent, it was just an appetizer for them. At that time, they just thought of opening a road from here and then setting up an ambush from behind, but they didn't think of it.

Suddenly a troublemaker appeared, that was Chen Xuan!

Chen Xuan, who came from nowhere, directly broke the dark clan's thousands of years of layout.

The situation they had worked so hard to arrange was now directly destroyed by Chen Xuan.

Fortunately, in the past thousand years, the Dark Clan has established a firm foothold in the world of cultivation, so now they have the opportunity to directly bring the masters of the Fusion Stage here.

Otherwise, in the situation in this world of cultivation back then, if there was even a little bit of exposure, the world of cultivation would have been destroyed long ago.

The journey of the Dark Clan's invasion is also very difficult.

Not all invasions are smooth sailing.

Even the current situation with the Dark Clan in the world of cultivation is very critical. Once something happens, the Dark Clan will most likely be overturned in an instant.

Now that these three dark demons can enjoy such a comfortable life here, suddenly, they don't want to go back.

Anyway, life is so comfortable here. If I go back, I will have to face some very dangerous tasks. This is not cost-effective.

"No, if you don't go back, wouldn't it be troublesome if the devil comes down in person?"

"What are you afraid of? Chen Xuan is so cunning and treacherous that he can't be found for the time being. Then we are looking for some people to recover this continent. In this case, isn't there some explanation!"

At this point, the other two people also suddenly realized.

"Sure enough, eldest brother is still wise!"

"It's thanks to that guy that we got up. If this guy hadn't opened a passage, we wouldn't have been able to get here."

The three of them also nodded. The person they were referring to was the person who had taken away the body of the Black Dragon Ancestor from the Black Dragon Clan. However, this guy was also pitiful. His body was not strong enough when he was traveling here. , died directly in the turbulent flow of space, you are miserable, you can't even find the body, it is still a demon, how can you be so courageous.

While the three of them were drinking.

But there was a roar, and the candle flew in from outside.

Although all his subordinates were injured, Zhu Zhu suddenly fell into the hall with a smile on his face, and even a feeling of asking for credit.

"Master, good news, good news, I found that Chen Xuan, in Beishui City of Qifeng Empire!"

The smile on Zhu's face seemed to come back to take credit, and the three dark demons were also there. He simply forgot about Chen Xuan for the time being, and this guy suddenly came forward and found him.

We finally forgot about that guy here, and suddenly you found him!

What did you find you found.

Zhu Ye also saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and couldn't help but froze. What is going on?

However, soon, the three dark demons also snorted coldly.

"I'm looking for you, get out of here!"

After turning his palm, a black storm was set off, blowing the candle's body into a pile of powder.


Under this roar.

The body of this candle is also like yellow sand, being blown away bit by bit.

"Haha, it's clean now. Wait a minute while I put up the darkness barrier. The light is too bright. It's upsetting to look at it!"

At that moment, one of the dark demons also rushed into the sky.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, a barrier was arranged to cover the entire sky. The sky above the Dragon Island was completely covered, and the light was swallowed up bit by bit. If such a situation does not occur, it will be It is surprising that in the entire Dragon Saint Island, it is already difficult to see the figure of the White Dragon Clan.

When the battle started, the people of the White Dragon Clan had already left, or had been killed. There was no other way to do all kinds of helpless things.

Dragon Saint Island is temporarily closed at this time.

And those white dragons who were wandering outside were also summoned by the chief inscription of the white dragon tribe, and they were quickly turning around.

There are not many people.

In two days, less than six people returned in total.

The White Dragon Clan has thrived for so long, and there are hundreds of people in the clan, but now there are only less than ten people left, which is really disappointing.

"One day, I must kill this Dragon Holy Island and kill all the Black Dragons. This world does not need other dragons."

Being able to say such words, you can also see how angry Ming is in his heart, but now there is no chance. If there is a chance, he will definitely destroy the Black Dragon Clan directly and ignore the rest. The thing must be to ensure that the White Dragon Clan can continue.

Ming these are also staying in this city.

Huaiyuan and Huairou would also come to accompany Ming when they finished their work in the Chen family mansion.

This kind of racial hatred is indeed infuriating, but it needs to be considered in the long term.

Madonna Peacock and others also gained a lot in this city.

Even Meng Qingwan rushed to Beishui City and personally managed the perfume auction backstage.

In the last period of time, a lot of lively things happened, and several families even directly came into conflict with each other.

Even in this last auction, a high price of 60 million gold coins was auctioned.

It is truly amazing and shocking that just this bottle of perfume can be sold for such a high price.

The winner of this auction was naturally the Peacock Madonna.

The Peacock clan has accumulated wealth for tens of millions of years. To the Peacock clan, these 60 million gold coins are just a drop in the bucket.

However, one of the losers in the bidding was the granddaughter of Duke Silver Dragon.

This granddaughter is nothing, but the other person is the daughter of the Chamber of Commerce.

After all, the Lower Chamber of Commerce is deeply rooted. Although it suffered heavy losses due to the Kyushu Mei incident, it has not yet collapsed.

Recently, I have suddenly received the support of my current Majesty, Emperor Haoyan, which has directly caused these declining industries to develop at a very fast speed. Even the daughter of the Chamber of Commerce has even entered the palace several times. After meeting the emperor, his intentions were also endlessly guessing.

Obviously, Emperor Haoyan does not want the Fuyuan Chamber of Commerce to be the only one in power!

At this time, Beishui City was in an inn.

This inn has been completely bought by the Peacock Clan.

I directly decorated it myself and moved in. At the same time, together with several nearby plots of land, they were all taken over by the Peacock clan.

The price is very high, but the Peacock clan doesn't even frown. Any gem is already extremely precious, and it is easy to buy several pieces of land in Beishui City.

"This perfume actually has such a magical effect?"

There was also a hint of incredulity in the eyes of the Peacock Madonna. How could there be so many magical things happening in Beishui City? This also surprised the Peacock clan.

Because they found that the scent of this perfume sprayed on their bodies and permeated in the air could accelerate their cultivation, and even the power of essence and blood in An'er's body became more powerful.

"According to this level, if this perfume is worn on the body, our bloodline will be purified!"

There seems to be an inductive factor in this perfume, which can allow the bloodline of the Peacock clan to break through in such circumstances.

For example, the blood purity of a Peacock tribe member is only 50%.

But after wearing this perfume for a hundred years, the 50% purity will increase to 55%.

Don't look at the five percent. At any time, this five percent is also very critical.

The purity of An'er's bloodline has reached 90%.

If it can still increase by 5%, then it will not be a problem to lead the Peacock clan back to its peak state. How can it be like now? In the entire Peacock clan, only Peacock is still the Virgin. This A strong man in the distraction period.

During the peak period, there were no fewer than ten masters in this combined stage. The name of the peak was unambiguous. Later, after experiencing something, he fell directly into such an environment.

As a result of the current situation, it will be difficult for the Peacock clan to recover.

Nowadays, An'er's reversion to his ancestors has finally appeared, so of course he must take good control of it. Even when An'er went out to play, he brought many experts with him.

The lineup of experts around An'er back then, as long as they had not met Chen Xuan, nothing would have happened. In fact, nothing would have happened. But bad luck is bad luck, and what happened to him was Chen Xuan.

"Buy the formula for this perfume!"

Seemingly thinking of something, the Peacock Madonna suddenly said. After hearing the words of the Peacock Madonna, the eyes of the Huomen elders surrounding the circle also lit up. The Holy Mother was still smart. If she bought this perfume formula and mass-produced it, If so, it must be a very beneficial thing for the peacock family!

"Get those people out of here. If I don't see anyone today, I will send people to burn down your house!"

As soon as the scene turned, hundreds of guards were seen, tightly surrounding the Peacock Clan's mansion, known as Nestle Mansion.

People around him didn't dare to approach easily. They would even take a long way around and take a few more steps to avoid being seen by this aunt. Otherwise, they might hit the muzzle of the gun and be torn into pieces.

"What's going on outside?"

The Peacock Virgin couldn't help but frown. There are still people who dare to find trouble with the peacock clan. They are really still alive. I don't know how to write the word "death". When the peacock clan becomes angry, it will be a tragedy for you people. It's time.

"Back to Our Lady, it's the woman who competed with us at the auction."

An elder came to report.

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