This gorgeously dressed young lady with a large number of people under her is the eldest daughter of the president of the Chamber of Commerce. Her name is Xue Fei.

The name sounds literary.

But she is very sarcastic and mean. She even says that if Xue Fei can't get something, others can't get it.

What she can't get, she will destroy it.

With such a personality, she would have been beaten to death with bricks if she walked on the street, but there is no way. She is lucky to be the daughter of the president of the Chamber of Commerce. Every time she goes out, she can't be called shopping without a hundred people protecting her.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce doesn't like such a prodigal daughter.

But there is no way. Recently, this eldest daughter has wandered in front of Emperor Hao Yan. Now, Emperor Hao Yan has summoned this eldest daughter to the palace several times to play in the back garden. Isn't this meaning obvious?

And now the emperor seems to be willing to support the Chamber of Commerce.

In order to seize this opportunity, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, of course, loved his eldest daughter in every possible way. This is his daughter. This opportunity must not be wasted. However, before the eldest daughter came here, he also warned her well.

Don't provoke Chen Xuan.

At the beginning, he sent the elders to see how powerful Chen Xuan was.

Beishui City is Chen Xuan's territory. This is almost a well-known fact. If you make trouble in Beishui City, it is almost not giving Chen Xuan face. At that time, the foundation that has been built with great difficulty and the vitality that has been restored will be scattered again.

Who dares to provoke Chen Xuan at this time.

And Xue Fei knew and remembered it at first, but after experiencing it, she suddenly forgot it. No matter who is followed by hundreds of people, their hearts will float.

And these people also forcibly suppressed her prestige as the future mother of the country at the auction and snatched away her favorite things.

This is too much.

Xue Fei had never been so angry since she was a child.

So after Xue Fei stamped her feet in anger in her hotel, she brought people and rushed here angrily. She must catch these people and beat them up severely to eliminate her hatred.

Xue Fei shouted a few times, but did not hear any response from inside.

It was not known whether these people were not at home or pretended not to hear, but no matter which situation, Xue Fei was furious.

"No matter what, tear this place down for me!"

Xue Fei immediately ordered, and then the men began to knock on the door.

In the mansion.

An elder quickly came to the front of the Peacock Mother and reported.

"Mother, they started to knock on the door."

The door had the power of their peacock clan. It was impossible for these people to knock it open, so the peacock clan was not very worried.

"Don't be nervous, how long has it been?"

"It's almost three minutes."

Three minutes, this is the time it takes for the Hungry Wolf Army to take action in Beishui City. No matter where in Beishui City, once something happens, within three minutes, there must be a Hungry Wolf Army to appear and come to deal with these things, arrest those who should be arrested, and kill those who should be killed.

This time, facing this girl with a different identity, I don't know if it is possible to do the same.

And the final answer.


Before the three minutes were up, I saw Black Bear leading a group of Hungry Wolf Army rushing over from a distance.

"You are so tired of living, you dare to set up a dragon gate formation in Beishui City, catch them all and put them in jail!"

If this was a fight on the street, there would still be a distinction between who is right and who is wrong, after all, someone would start first, but in a situation like this, you directly brought people to forcefully break into his mansion, what is the difference between this and robbery.

When these people were swaggering through the city, the Hungry Wolf Army had already noticed it.

The reason why they took action now was that they saw these people taking substantial actions, so they ordered to arrest them.

If they just surrounded them here without taking any action, they would just watch here.

It was not illegal, but if they wanted to break in now, they would violate the law.

So when Black Bear and others took action, they were not ambiguous at all.

Bang bang!

Rows of people were knocked down directly.

"Are you civilians looking for death? These private soldiers should have been banned long ago. They dared to rebel and attack me!"

Xue Fei saw this and was furious. She almost wanted to say that all these people would be killed.

But the people led by Black Bear came out, which was quite fast and domineering.

In just a few blinks of an eye, all of Xue Fei's men were subdued.

"Do you know who I am? You dared to attack me. You want to die!" Xue Fei shouted at Black Bear.

However, the next second, a Hungry Wolf soldier hit Xue Fei on the head with a stick in his hand, and the whole person fell on Lin.

"You are so cruel to do this to such a beautiful girl!"

A comrade next to him said to the man who did it.

And the man also scratched his head.

"I was so angry at that time, I didn't see the face of this person clearly..." However, Xue Fei, the eldest sister of the Lower Chamber of Commerce, was eventually imprisoned in the prison under the City Lord's Mansion for disturbing public order and was subjected to labor reform. After the labor reform, she could be released. Such a thing is incredible for anyone. You must know that Xue Fei is a woman who is rumored to have a relationship with Emperor Hao Yan. After being slapped with a brick without mercy, she was directly imprisoned in this dungeon. It is estimated that even if Emperor Hao Yan came, the end would not be much different. Hearing the movement outside, the Peacock Mother also knew that the matter had been resolved. Then she ordered an elder to hurry up and contact Meng Qingwan of the Fuyuan Chamber of Commerce to buy the formula as soon as possible. As for how much money it was, it was not considered at all. Anyway, no matter how much money it was, it would be bought. If even the Peacock Clan couldn't afford it, then no one would be able to buy it. And Chen Xuan never paid attention to these things. Instead, he was contemplating the colorless divine light in his hand with all his heart and soul.

This kind of divine light power is exactly what Chen Xuan is looking for.

Because it belongs to the power of inheritance.

Hidden in the blood

And Chen Xuan knew that there must be his own power hidden in his blood. As long as Chen Xuan awakens this power, then Chen Xuan will definitely be able to run rampant stably even in this cultivation world.

Although Chen Xuan did not know much about his family in his previous life, after all, he had not grown up yet and the entire family had been destroyed.

Of course, there was no time to understand anything.

What Chen Xuan wanted was not the five-color divine light, but how the five-color divine light was exerted in An'er's body.

The replica pill in his hand was swallowed by Chen Xuan.

When the pill entered the body, it instantly condensed into a force.

According to the situation copied before, it entered Chen Xuan's body again and continued to flow into his meridians. Chen Xuan was feeling the movement of these forces in his body, and those forces were constantly drilling into Chen Xuan's body. After feeling the power. Chen Xuan also tried to awaken the power in his blood directly. But there was no movement. "Strange, I also did it in this way, why is there no movement." Chen Xuan thought in his heart. After the sword energy in the body was circulated again, there was still no movement. "Although it may not be all the same, there will be some reaction, but now there is no most basic movement, which is really strange." Chen Xuan frowned. In this case, Chen Xuan was not sure when the power in his body would be awakened. It was an unknown number. No one came to teach Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan could only try to solve it himself. "If not using this sword energy, then using my own blood? Blood essence?" Chen Xuan thought, and then mobilized a little of his own blood essence, mixed it with the blood essence, and replaced the use of sword energy. Still no movement. "It seems that it is not the right time yet!" After studying for several hours, Chen Xuan did not gain anything. At this time, Chen Xuan took out his Star God Jade Pendant. At this time, a ray of light appeared on the Star God Jade Pendant. The information revealed in this light seemed to be asking for help.

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