Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 808 Coming to the world of cultivation

Suddenly, one of the four people rushed out. The big white bone stick in his hand hit Chen Xuan's head directly.



When the bone stick roared through the sky, it saw the terrifying light falling down.

If this bone stick hits Rao Hua, it will probably smash him into a puddle of meat without any hesitation.

Ziqiong was the first to see this person taking action, and immediately shouted out her heart.

When Chen Xuan heard this, he also turned his head. At this time, Chen Xuan was completely immersed in the summoning stone. Although he knew there was someone behind him, he didn't take it seriously. Even if there was someone, it could still be mine. The opponent cannot succeed.


The big bone club suddenly fell down, and Zi Qiong immediately turned her head away, not daring to look at the next scene. If Chen Xuan was directly smashed into meat paste, it would be really pitiful. .

Also, why is it that the stone given by the Righteous Alliance can only summon such a monk in the early stage of out-of-body stage? In such a situation, no matter how hard it is to send a combined stage, if it doesn't work, then a combined stage must be sent. Only a few monks can come.

You sent this guy to die, so why bother?

So when Ziqiong saw Chen Xuan, she felt happy and disappointed at the same time.


A strong wave of air filled the air. Zi Qiong immediately opened her eyes and looked forward. She felt the wave of air sweeping over her body. She also knew in her heart that it was over now and that guy would definitely die. After all, it looked like It's so big, and with this level of cultivation, even if you survive, you won't...


When Ziqiong opened her eyes and looked back, she saw Chen Xuan holding the opponent's big bone stick in his hand. Because the big bone stick was too big and blocked Chen Xuan's realization, Chen Xuan would He turned slightly sideways and looked at the other party.

"Why did you attack me while I was here?"

Chen Xuan asked.

The White Bone Sect monk was also startled when he saw this. He actually caught the bone club that I used with all my strength with one hand. How is this possible? This guy's body is made of some kind of steel.

How could it be so powerful!

After seeing it, I couldn't believe it at all.

" actually, you actually..."

But Chen Xuan didn't have time to listen to you stuttering here, so he directly stretched out his fist and punched it out.

There was a loud bang.

Chen Xuan's fist hit the bone stick, and instantly the bone stick began to shatter from the middle.

Click, click, click!

This series of shattering sounds made the White Bone Sect monk almost feel heartbroken after listening to it. This was a magic weapon that he had worked hard to refine, and it had been practiced with him for nearly a year. Eighty years have passed, but under Chen Xuan's fist, it was directly blown to pieces.

Such an end would be too tragic.

However, it was not over yet. Chen Xuan came to the front of the White Bone Sect monk, stretched out his hand and grabbed the person in front of him. With such force, the White Bone Sect monk was killed by Chen Xuan's hand. He grabbed his throat, his feet left Lin Mian, and he was kicking around.

"Wing bone-stimulating spell, open all bones!"

Although the White Bone Sect monk was strangled by the neck, his hands were still condensing curse seals. He seemed to know that if he didn't take action, he would definitely die, so this White Bone Sect monk also gave his unique secret book to Show it off.

Immediately, it was seen that the bones on the monk's body penetrated the body and poked out.

Just like pressing a spider, the bone that was originally one piece became two pieces.

After the sudden explosion, every bone pierced Chen Xuan like a sickle.

"Heart!" Ziqiong couldn't help shouting again.

However, at the next moment, Chen Xuan swung his hand and threw the attacking White Bone Sect monk hard on Lin. Then he raised his foot and kicked him down. Suddenly, he heard a clicking sound, and most of the bones It was smashed directly to the ground.

Those bones that were finally gathered together were all trampled under Chen Xuan's feet at this time.

Click, click.

Once the monk grew a bone, Chen Xuan stepped on it very cleanly. The bone also shattered on the ground, looking extremely miserable.


Every time he stepped on his foot, the monk had to scream, because this process was too painful. In the end, all the bones of this White Bone Sect monk were crushed by Chen Xuan, including the bones on his head. , was also kicked by Chen Xuan and chopped into a pile of bone powder.

"It's really, so rude."

After Chen Xuan reached out and waved his hand, he blew the pile of bones away.

The three people not far away watched Chen Xuan use such brutal methods to kill and trample their companions to death.

"It's interesting. It seems that we have a good opponent."

One of the distracted monks couldn't help but realize that he was obviously very interested in Chen Xuan.

"If you can kill this guy with your bare hands, he should be a physical practitioner. The three of you, come together and cut his body into eighteen pieces. I want to see it. It turned into a pile of minced meat." How can your body still be so bouncy?"

"Yes!" The monk in the distraction stage ordered, how could the rest of the people not take action.

These monks in the distraction stage are all genuine members of the dark clan, and these three are all White Bone Sect monks.

"My true heart, these three people are good at the Bone Trap Formation. They can trap people in it, as if they were buried in the sea of ​​bones. If they are deeply trapped, it will be difficult to escape!"

That Ziqiong couldn't help but say.

Chen Xuan frowned, but did not bother to pay attention to the three people rushing towards Chen Xuan. Instead, he looked at Zi Qiong and the two people behind him who had just gotten up.

"Let me ask you, where is this?"

"Ah? What?" Ziqiong was a little surprised and surprised, a little unexpected, what did Chen Xuan mean by asking, but seeing that Chen Xuan also fell from there just now, Ziqiong also said quickly.

"Here at Baigu Mountain, we are all disciples of the Qingyang Sect."

"White Bone Mountain, Qingyang Sect? Is this the world of cultivation?"

Chen Xuan asked.

At this time, the three people behind him had already used the White Bone Formation and threw it directly towards Chen Xuan. The White Bone Formation turned into a White Bone Spirit Ball and was thrown at Chen Xuan's feet. If this stone was When it comes out, once it is released, everything within this comfort will be swallowed up. There is no doubt about this.

Everything within the coverage area is finished.

At this time, Ziqiong wanted to escape very much, but seeing that Chen Xuan was not in a hurry here, she wanted to remind Chen Xuan that the danger was coming.

But Chen Xuan seemed not to notice it and didn't take it seriously at all.

It seemed as if he must get an answer from her.

"Yes, this is the world of cultivation. Please take action quickly. Once the formation is activated, we will all die here!" Zi Qiong suddenly shouted.

At this moment, Ziqiong's cultivation was obviously stronger than that of Chen Xuan, but she completely forgot to take action. Instead, she put all her hopes on Chen Xuan. She knew that even if she took action, it would be useless. Only Chen Xuan can take action to deal with these people.

Only then can this tension be eliminated

All hope lies in Chen Xuan.

"It is indeed the world of cultivation!"

Chen Xuan's eyes were burning with light, but at this time, the bone-white ball of light had already landed at the feet of Zi Qiong and Chen Xuan, and the three people who were rushing towards them also laughed.

"It's useless, you will all die within the Bone Formation!"

"Haha, make your strongest struggle. I like to see people struggling and dying under the bones of me waiting for them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Chen Xuan in front of him suddenly pulling out a long sword from his hand.

With this slight swing of the long sword, there was a bang, and a bright sword light burst out from the immortal sword.

The released sword energy rushed out like a ten thousand-foot wave.


Directly, the three figures were instantly turned into nothingness in the wave of sword energy that diffused out.

Chen Xuan took back the sword in his hand.

There was also a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Hey, now that this Immortal Killing Sword is here, it seems that its power has increased by several percent!"

Chen Xuan was also surprised to find that the power of the Immortal Killing Sword became stronger here.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to kill these three people with the sword just now, and at the same time, with one sword, it would have wiped out these three monks in the late stage of the out-of-body period.

There was silence.

The ball of white bone light wrapped in it also rolled down at Chen Xuan's feet, but it never had a chance to bloom.

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