Chen Xuan was also very surprised and looked at the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand.

However, when the Immortal-Slaying Sword appeared in the world of cultivation, it was as if a giant dragon had come to life, blooming with light in the sky. At the same time, the aura it released also surprised Chen Xuan.

Not only Chen Xuan, but also Zi Qiong across from him stared at the sword in Chen Xuan's hand with wide eyes.

The brilliance flowed on the sword, and the aura displayed alone was extraordinary.

At least, it must be at the level of the best spiritual weapon!

Thinking of this, Ziqiong also opened her mouth in surprise. It turned out to be a top-level spiritual weapon. Those who can cast such a level of magic weapon these days are all masters in the realm of integration. Otherwise, even if you can possess such a treasure, you will not be able to use it. It is difficult to protect it, and sooner or later someone will snatch it away from you.

Only monks in this integration stage can master such a magic weapon.

" this person..."

At this time, Tan Qing and the others came to Zi Qiong's side and looked at the young-looking Chen Xuan in front of them.

Although it is not difficult for cultivators to change this appearance, most people are accustomed to choosing to retain the appearance of their foundation building period. If your cultivation level is in the process of breakthrough, your mentality will also follow. Change, this state of mind will also change in such an environment.

Some people want to look older, while others want to look younger.

And this Chen Xuan looks so young.

Either he is a master in the world of cultivation, or he is just an ordinary monk.

But judging from the fact that this sword killed three strong men in the late stage of out-of-body experience just now, Chen Xuan could not be that ordinary monk, he must be a senior in the world of cultivation.

"The ultimate spiritual weapon!"

When the two people not far away saw this scene, their eyes suddenly lit up and they looked at each other. They also saw the lust and covet in their eyes.

If you can get a top-quality spiritual weapon.

In this world of cultivation, there will be many more opportunities for survival. When facing enemies that are stronger than you, you will also have the opportunity to kill them. This kind of life-saving good thing is naturally wanted by everyone.

As for the four monks who died in the out-of-body stage, they were nothing to the two of them, let alone four, even forty, it was nothing.

"Hand over that sword, and I can consider letting you go, how about that?"

The two men stepped forward, one to the left and the other to the right. Although they were negotiating, they had actually blocked Chen Xuan's path to the left and right.

Once Chen Xuan has the consciousness to escape, he will rush out directly and kill him. Take away this top-quality spiritual weapon, but now they don't know to what extent Chen Xuan has mastered this top-quality spiritual weapon in his hand.

And this spiritual weapon is also the type of top-grade spiritual weapon with the strongest attack power.

It would be bad if the boat capsized in the gutter.

Although in this world of cultivation, their dark clan can still be resurrected after death, but their cultivation after resurrection is not as good as before, and they will fall a lot.

At the same time, you will lose your reuse. Basically, if you die this time, you will not have a deep background, and it will be basically impossible to get ahead.

So even if they have immortal bodies, they are still very careful now. Now is no longer an era that needs warriors, but a strong and wise man. Only in this way can they defeat the enemy.

"You want my sword?"

Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment, then looked at the other party.

Nowadays, it is impossible to meet such people in Fengyun Continent, but in this world of cultivation, Chen Xuan has not met many people in total, and now he has met someone who wants to steal his things, so Chen Xuan can It's time to show off your strength.

"Come and get it."

Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and said calmly.

Come and get it!

Three simple words made these two people furious.

What do you mean, you dare to humiliate both of us.

A mere loser in the early stage of the out-of-body stage thinks that he can humiliate the two masters of the distraction stage with this top-quality spiritual weapon. It is simply ridiculous!

"You asked for this!"

"It seems you are seeking death!"

Boom boom!

The two of them directly stretched out their hands and waved, and suddenly a black energy surrounded them, and black poisonous gas puppets took shape on the spot. After taking shape, they roared and turned into fierce ghosts and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

And Chen Xuan swung the long sword in his hand.

It was a ray of light that shot out.

Directly chop the poisonous gas puppets into pieces one after another.

However, this sword energy roared out and continued to sweep towards the two people.

"court death!"

Seeing that Chen Xuan turned out to be a puppet they had set up, and coupled with the power of the sword energy whizzing out, and still having enough energy to chase them, the two of them also knew that Chen Xuan had a magic weapon in his hand. , it must be a top-quality spiritual weapon.


One of them turned into a black mist, and then rushed towards Chen Xuan quickly. The power instantly covered Chen Xuan's body, and at the same time, it also surrounded Ziqiong and others.

"It's the Black Mist Killing Formation. Heart, in this black mist, there are murderous intentions everywhere!"

Ziqiong suddenly exclaimed.

But Chen Xuan just jumped up and slashed out with his sword.


The huge sword energy roared out, instantly splitting the black mist in front of him.

Under the vibration of the sword energy, accompanied by a scream, the person from the dark clan just flew out directly.

Vomiting blood, he fell down on Lin.

"This can also be called a formation."

Chen Xuan swung his sword again, and this member of the dark clan, a monk in the early stage of distraction, was directly killed by Chen Xuan.

Another person saw that Chen Xuan was so fierce that his companion was killed in the blink of an eye.

His eyes were also widened.

"This, how is this possible?"

Even Ziqiong and the others opened their mouths in surprise. They couldn't believe their eyes. Chen Xuan was actually able to do this with just two moves, which couldn't even be counted as two moves. Just kill the person directly.

"Hey, you've gone so far, don't you want it anymore?"

As soon as Chen Xuan turned his head and saw the other person subconsciously taking a few steps back, he said, "Isn't it time to get his sword?" How could he keep his words?

"What, even people in the world of cultivation are like this?"

Chen Xuan thought that the people in the world of cultivation would have a different personality, but he didn't expect that they were all the same cowards.

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