Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 810 I can’t afford to kneel down

Ziqiong on the side heard Chen Xuan's slightly pretentious words, and couldn't help but feel startled. At the same time, she also felt unfair for those people.

Who has ever seen you like this, killing a master in the distraction stage as soon as you come up?

There is no other right. Even if a monk from the late stage of distraction comes, there must be a process for killing someone.

Could it be that Chen Xuan's cultivation level has already reached the realm of this integration stage?

But now Chen Xuan has the biggest fist, so naturally he will listen to Chen Xuan, and you, Chen Xuan, can do whatever you want.

Finally, the dark monk also gave a low shout. A good man will not suffer the loss in front of him. The accumulated experience of so many years has also allowed this dark monk to know how to solve these things and how to choose when faced with these problems. .

Even though what is in front of me is very tempting.

But the prerequisite is that there is life.

The other person's strength was not weaker than his own, but he was still killed by this person with a sword.

the most important is.

After the person died just now, he did not fly back with the origin of darkness.

The reason why these people of the dark clan can come back from the dead is because the power of the dark origin still exists, so they will not die.

With such characteristics, this dark clan has conquered all directions in this vast world without ever failing.

But after coming to this world of cultivation, I was shocked to find that not only the righteous monks have the power to destroy the source of darkness, but even some demonic monks can directly devour the source of darkness, which is almost shocking. , the horror of this.

That's why the dark clan has been dormant for so long and only appeared now, daring to invade this world of cultivation. Although after so many years of adjustment and evolution, some of the dark origins have become stronger, and at the same time they have some. After death, , and can also ensure that the origin of your darkness returns to the altar of rebirth.

Nowadays, although the world of cultivation has some understanding of this dark clan, there are very few people in the world of cultivation who can overcome the power of this darkness. Those who can have such means are also very few.

I didn't expect to meet one so unexpectedly today.

You must not mess with this person!

At this time, seeing the dark monk from the White Bone Sect escaping, Chen Xuan did not continue to pursue him. He went to hunt down this person anyway. There was no real benefit to Chen Xuanlai, not to mention that those guys had no problem except for being a bit mean-mouthed, so they just didn't go.

"I finally came to the world of cultivation, I want to take a good stroll!"

Chen Xuan was also extremely happy in his heart. He turned around and was about to leave. He walked forward, but he heard Zi Qiong and others behind him exclaim in surprise, and then came to Chen Xuan.

"The real person stays!"

Ziqiong said quickly, I didn’t expect that such a master would be sent from this alliance, or maybe the master himself had such a character, and happened to meet him, so he took action to solve it at this time, but if he leaves now If so, wouldn't it be too wasteful? Of course, we must ask this real person to help save their Qingyang Sect.

The success or failure of the Qingyang Sect all depends on Chen Xuanzhenrao.

"Why, you also want to steal my sword?"

Chen Xuan glanced at these people and said that he probably didn't have the guts to talk like this.

"How dare you? We want to thank our seniors for saving our lives. We also implore our seniors to take action and save our Qingyang Sect! Save my mother!"

"No time."

Chen Xuan said without looking back.


"If the real person is unwilling to help, Ziqiong will be unable to kneel here. If the real person is willing to take action..."

"He seems to have left."

Tan Qing took a step forward and said, at this time, Chen Xuan had disappeared without a trace.

Ziqiong knelt down on the ground. After hearing Tan Qing's words, she raised her head and saw that there was no one in front of her. Chen Xuan didn't take her seriously at all.

Could it be that I really have no value or attraction at all in the eyes of this real person?

But, I still don’t even know this real person’s name.

"Now that I'm gone, I won't be able to kneel here forever!"

Ziqiong gritted her teeth and simply stayed on the ground without getting up. There was also a hint of stubbornness in her eyes. The senior had a high level of cultivation and boundless power. He must be able to sense that she was here. Maybe this was a test. With his sincerity, Come to impress this senior.

"Junior sister, this is useless. Let's find another way. Besides, we don't know the name of this real person. This real person has a weird personality that we can't guess."

The senior brother also came to persuade Zi Qiong, but at this time Zi Qiong did not listen.

Still kneeling here, the other two people didn't know how to persuade this determined girl.

Chen Xuan originally planned to explore the world of cultivation, find some treasures, spiritual beasts and the like, kill the spiritual beasts, and seize the material and land treasures.

At the same time, he also collected some things and got to know the masters of this world of cultivation. However, as soon as he turned around, his body had already left the world of cultivation. As soon as his figure flickered and the light in front of his eyes flashed, Chen Xuan felt like he was traveling through this world. The feeling of time and space opened my eyes and found that I was back in Beishui City again.

Still in his own bedroom

Wherever it disappeared from before, it is now back there again. ,

"What's going on? Why am I back!"

Chen Xuan took out his Star God Jade Pendant. The jade pendant lay in Chen Xuan's hand, like a stone without any spiritual energy.

No matter how Chen Xuan tried, he could not find and open the Star God Jade Pendant.

"What the hell! Could it be that this jade pendant can only last for such a short time!"

Chen Xuan was immediately angry and was about to smash the jade pendant to pieces, but he stopped when he reached it. If this thing broke, how could he explore the world of cultivation? ,

"Yes, when I go to the world of cultivation next time, I will lose this jade pendant."

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