When he saw the Immortal Killing Sword in Chen Xuan's hand, he even threw all dangers behind him. From life to death, these cultivators have long regarded it as a very ordinary thing. To these cultivators, , the most important thing is opportunity.

If given the opportunity, this would be a great opportunity.

If you don't have the opportunity, maybe you can only struggle in this world of cultivation, and eventually be eliminated helplessly.

"Tsk, tsk!"

It seems that he saw Chen Xuan's arrival just to save Qin.

The two of them immediately made up their mind to threaten Qin's life, so they pulled out their bone bayonets from Qin's body.

Qin also fell to the ground helplessly.

These righteous monks often have situations like this. They are indecisive and like to be dragged down by their companions. This seems to be an eternal setting.

Therefore, as long as Qin's life is in his hands, Chen Xuan will not dare to act recklessly.

"Son, hand over your sword and it will be automatically unbound. Otherwise, I will kill him."

The two men sneered, waiting for Chen Xuan to surrender. However, Chen Xuan glanced at these two guys. He must be mentally ill. I don't know you.

"Who is that, you, come here!"

Chen Xuan pointed at Zi Qiong.

Ziqiong was extremely excited when she saw Chen Xuan displaying his power. The senior finally took action and killed two of the four disciples of the White Bone Sect.

Even if the other two people rushed up now, it would only be a matter of a simple sword attack.

However, Chen Xuan did not continue to take action.

Instead, he called Zi Qiong over.

Although she didn't know what to do, Zi Qiong immediately came to Chen Xuan.


"Show me your rock."

Chen Xuan spread his hands.

Ziqiong was stunned for a moment. The enemy was right in front of her. What was so interesting about this stone? Moreover, there was nothing strange about the summoning stone. Why did the senior Ruci care about it?

However, Ziqiong still handed the summoning stone in her hand to Chen Xuan.

"Where did you get this stone?"

Chen Xuan saw that this summoning stone was the same one from before. He used some method to replenish the energy, and it was able to attract each other with his Star God Jade Pendant, so he directly summoned Chen Xuan. .

"It was distributed by the Righteous Alliance...:"

"Righteous Alliance? What is that?"

Chen Xuan frowned.

Just when Chen Xuan was about to have a good discussion with Zi Qiong about the stone, he heard an impatient voice coming from behind him.

"Son, if you don't hand over the things voluntarily, I will kill this person directly."

"Hurry up, we are really going to take action!"

Originally, Chen Xuan didn't have much patience, but he still had to encounter these two people chattering here. Chen Xuan simply inserted the Immortal Slayer Sword into the ground with a hiss, and then rushed towards the two people. Walk wherever you go.

"You're looking for death!"

Seeing Chen Xuan throw away his sword and then walking towards them, the two of them looked at each other. This guy seemed to be irritated.

How could he be angered? Why would this happen?

The two of them didn't know Chen Xuan's mental state, but now they saw that Chen Xuan had given up the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand and walked towards them.

I also realized that the opportunity had come.

"Flying Bone Blade!"

"Soldier Bone Spear Formation Battle!"

I saw these two people couldn't wait to release a move, and suddenly the terrifying power condensed, and white bones jumped out from under the ground. All these bones turned into bone soldiers, forming a long spear, aiming towards Chen Xuan came directly and quickly.

In addition, the flying bone blade was also thrown out of the hand.

call out!


The flying bone blade appeared, directly cut through the space, and struck Chen Xuan's head with a terrifying force.

The main function of this flying bone blade is not to kill, but to block.

A force was released from the flying bone blade, cutting off the connection between Chen Xuan and the Immortal Killing Sword. As a result, Chen Xuan could not summon the Immortal Killing Sword back to him. This was the price of showing off. .

If you want to show off, then let you fall completely here.


The terrifying power surged towards Chen Xuan instantly.

The formation of bone spears in front was densely packed, almost covering Chen Xuan from all directions. It seemed that he had no choice but to be stabbed to death.

In addition, there is also a revolving bone knife here that is whistling non-stop, waiting for an opportunity to act. Once Chen Xuan shows any flaw, then this bone knife will use a thunderous force to kill Chen Xuan directly.

Obviously, these two people have learned from previous mistakes and will not fight with Chen Xuan in close combat. Generally speaking, swordsmen who master this sword have very terrifying attack power and close combat capabilities, so they can do it without getting close. Then try not to get too close.

"The Immortal Cauldron!"

Facing this move, Chen Xuan also summoned the Immortal Cauldron.

With a loud clang, the Immortal Cauldron fell to the ground.

At the same time, he saw the terrifying bone spurs coming from the front, but under the defense of the immortal cauldron, there was no ripple.

Bang bang bang!

These bone spurs collided with the immortal cauldron and shattered immediately, as if an egg struck a stone.

As for the other bone knife that was constantly circling, Chen Xuan also swung the immortal cauldron and smashed the bone knife into pieces.


The bone knife turned into pieces.

"Go to me!"

Then Chen Xuan spun in a circle and threw out the immortal cauldron in his hand. It was like throwing a stone. The immortal cauldron whirled and roared in the air.

Carrying the power of breaking through the air, he rushed towards the two of them.

"Is there still such a trick?"

Even though these two people were disciples of the Demon Sect, they had never seen anyone throwing their weapons out as a means of attack.

This is not a flying sword or anything like that. Why it can be like this is simply shocking.

In the eyes of these two people, the thrown thing should have no power.

By operating his own true essence, his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage is released.

The two of them raised their hands to block the Immortal Cauldron at the same time, but when they got their hands on the Immortal Cauldron, their expressions suddenly changed. At this moment, it was too late to regret.


The bodies of these two people were directly crushed by the power of the Immortal Cauldron.

The Nascent Soul had no time to escape and was crushed by the Immortal Cauldron, falling heavily to the ground.

So far.

The four major disciples of the White Bone Sect had already been killed by Chen Xuan.

Qin, who was lying on the ground and finally recovered from his injuries, opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe that such a situation would happen.

Chen Xuan just threw a cauldron casually and crushed the two people directly. It was like throwing a 10,000-ton boulder to smash two eggs. It was that simple.

There is no reason at all!

"It's done. Now you and I are good friends. How do you use this thing?"

Chen Xuan asked while holding the summoning stone in his hand and looking at Ziqiong in front of him.

Zi Qiong was also startled.

He pursed his lips but said nothing.

Instead, he pointed behind Chen Xuan.

"It seems like it's not done yet..."

Behind him, the leader of the White Bone Sect, along with the sect's elders, deacons, and many disciples, directly surrounded Chen Xuan.

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