Chen Xuan showed his Immortal Sword, and the White Bone Sect Master naturally saw it.

Seeing Chen Xuan kill his four disciples with a wave of his hand, of course he couldn't sit still. Since the establishment of his White Bone Sect, he had never encountered such an arrogant person. However, the White Bone Sect Master was also observing what level of cultivation Chen Xuan was.

But no matter how you look at it, he is just a cultivator in the Out-of-Body Stage.

There is nothing extraordinary about him. With such a cultivation level, it is not difficult to kill him.

The dark clan cultivator who escaped earlier insisted that Chen Xuan had the strength to kill a cultivator in the Spirit Severing Stage in seconds, at least in the Fusion Stage, which also made the White Bone Sect Master a little suspicious.

Is Chen Xuan really that powerful?

"The reason why this person can kill people in the Spirit Severing Stage is probably because of this sword. The aura of this sword shocked even me. It is at least at the level of a top-grade spiritual weapon, and even at the level of an immortal weapon!"

The White Bone Sect leader was also nervous. If it was really an immortal weapon, then it would not be a problem to exchange the entire sect for it.

What is this White Bone Sect? It is not as exciting as the Immortal Severing Sword.

With a sect under his command, he feels like he is carrying his family wherever he goes. But if he can get this Immortal Severing Sword, he will directly break away from the control of the Dark Clan and live freely in the world of cultivation.

But the problem now is how to snatch the Immortal Severing Sword from Chen Xuan.

"Elder Lu, Elder Yin, you two take people to set up the White Bone Array and make sure to take this person down for me!"

The White Bone Sect leader said slowly.

The two White Bone Sect elders are also masters of the Spirit Severing Stage.

"If I kill this man, I will only take the sword and the tripod from his body, and the rest will be divided among you!"

Hearing the words of the sect master, the two elders were also shocked. They looked at each other and saw greed and excitement in each other's eyes.

Although it is unlikely that there is another treasure of the same level, but carrying such a treasure, there must be other magic weapons on the body. Taking any of these magic weapons is also very valuable.

But obviously, the greater the reward, the higher the risk.

But now if you don't go up, you will be killed directly by the sect master, so it is better to rush up now. If you are lucky, you can kill this person and take the things directly. This is the exciting moment!

Soon, Elder Lu and Elder Yin also took their disciples, split into two groups, and rushed towards Chen Xuan from left and right.

About twenty people surrounded Chen Xuan and the other two.

"Sacrifice the flag!"

With a bang.

Suddenly, a white flag appeared in the hand of Elder Yin, fluttering in the wind. A black aura was also lingering on the white flag.

The auras of the disciples under him were also connected to each other, forming a wall of air at this moment. ,

Continuously gushing out.


In addition, a black flag appeared in the hand of Elder Lu. On this black flag, a white aura emerged.

The power formed by the lingering white aura condensed here.


"The rotten bone formation led by the two of us is not an easy thing even for a master in the fusion stage to break out!"

"With your mere out-of-body stage, I want to see how long you can hold on!"

The auras between the two echoed from a distance, and the three people trapped in the formation became anxious at this moment.

To be precise, Ziqiong and Tan Qing were extremely nervous.

"This is the Corrupted Bone Array. These two flags are called the Black and White Corrupted Flags. With the power of devouring and corroding superimposed on each other, they can even easily refine the entire human city. The time required is only a few seconds!" Ziqiong's face was frightened pale. If this formation is successfully condensed, then the time they can live is only a few seconds. These two flags have also reached the level of lower-grade spiritual tools, with infinite power. I wonder if Senior Chen Xuan can lead them to kill. "This formation is quite interesting. Let me see." Chen Xuan stayed in the formation without panic. In this world of cultivation, the level of the formation can no longer be graded by one, two, three, four, or five. Whatever level of strong man can be trapped and killed, it is named accordingly. This Corrupted Bone Array is a fusion-level formation. Such strength is naturally quite terrifying. No wonder Chen Xuan has also become quite interested, watching this Corrupted Bone Array appear in front of him. "Senior, this rotten bone formation is extremely powerful!"

Even Tan Qing couldn't help but say that this senior was too powerful. Did he have to come to see these things at this time? If he couldn't handle it, the end would be very miserable.

Even if you are in the mood to study this formation, you should leave it for later.

Does it have to be now?

In Chen Xuan's eyes, the space in front of him seemed to be filled with white bones, forming a wall of white bones, trapping Chen Xuan and others in their Zheng

After this wall of bones, the terrible black gas was released from the gaps between the bones.

"Oh, it can even release poisonous gas!"

Chen Xuan was also shocked when he saw this. It was indeed quite unexpected.

When the bones piled up, the power formed had already released a barrier. Therefore, this power was exerted at this time and was already in a passive state.

"Junior sister!"

Seeing that the pair of bone formations blocked the sight, Qin was immediately horrified. Once sucked into the formation, the end would be certain death. There was no need to think about it at all. There was no luck at all.

When he saw that the bone formation was capped, he immediately knew that it was over. Even the junior sister and the others could not escape and were completely trapped inside.

Could it be that even that senior couldn't handle it?

"Huh? So simple?"

Even the leader of the White Bone Sect had never thought that Chen Xuan could handle it so easily.

It only takes a few minutes for Chen Xuan's body to turn into white bones and flow out, and then the things after that will be easily solved.

This rotten bone formation will only refine the existence of flesh and blood, so only the living will die, and those who are dead will not die again.

Elder Yin and Elder Lu also looked proud. If they were not worried before the formation was completed, it would be a lie. Now that the formation has been arranged, even if you are a strong man in the fusion stage, it is difficult to break out of it!

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