What kind of big tiger can block the door of Wuling Pharmacy? It must be big.

After Chen Xuan heard this, he also knew that it must be the five-clawed golden tiger that was blocking the way. This guy knew that he was causing trouble.

"My, sorry."

Chen Xuan walked away from the crowd and finally moved the five-clawed golden tiger to the side. He found that there were already many people outside watching the five-clawed golden tiger, and many people were also pointing at it. Guidance, some people even took out this breath shadow stone specifically to record this moment.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan was helpless. After all, this five-clawed tiger with golden stripes looked extremely brave. Even if he didn't get up, just lying there, I believe countless fans would rush up to him.

"Wow, what a handsome tiger. I really want to hug his owner!"

"It's so cool. With this momentum, you must be a spiritual beast in the Nascent Soul stage."

"If you can ride on the back of such a spiritual beast, your life will be worth it."

Chen Xuan took the five-clawed golden-patterned tiger aside.

"I'm shopping, please stay calm here."

Afterwards, Chen Xuan also threw out a chicken drumstick again. Although this drumstick was a five-clawed golden-striped tiger, if you bite it in one bite, you can linger in your mouth for a long time.

When Chen Xuan came back again, the 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones were placed where they were, and no one dared to touch them.

Of course it’s not that I don’t want to move.

With so many high-grade spiritual stones, even if you take just one at random, it will be enough to go out for half a lifetime. One high-grade spiritual stone is equivalent to one hundred middle-grade spiritual stones.

The inner disciple of Wuling Sect only has ten middle-grade spiritual stones for his monthly training quota.

If it were an ordinary sect, this middle-grade spiritual stone would be even more precious.

But no one dared to steal or take advantage of this pile of spiritual stones.

First of all, the spirit stones that were taken out were placed in the Wuling Pharmacy. This Wuling Pharmacy is the territory of the Wuling Sect. Anyone who dares to mess around and offends the Wuling Sect here will basically not use it. Mixed up.

Secondly, although Chen Xuan looks like a monk who has just come into contact with the world of cultivation and is unsuspecting of everything around him, the more he looks like this, the more terrifying he is. The other person seems to be unsuspecting, but in fact , has already locked you up. If you dare to mess around, you will be wiped out in minutes.

The methods of these powerful men have always been mysterious and unpredictable, so they cannot be easily offended.

"All the spiritual stones are already here. I'll give you three hours to get the elixir."

Chen Xuandao.

When the female disciple saw Chen Xuan turn around, she walked to the table next to her, asked for a pot of tea, and started drinking it. The female disciple was extremely surprised, but she quickly came to her senses and asked people to put away all these things. He picked up a high-grade spirit stone, tidied his clothes, brewed a pot of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Tea, and walked towards Chen Xuan.

"I don't know what to call you, friend? I am the inner disciple of Wuling Sect, the leader."

"Chen Xuan."

There was a sweet smile on this leader's face. If Chen Xuan really came to buy these elixirs, then it is very likely that Chen Xuan could refine this distraction period elixir and he was a powerful alchemist. division!

You must know that there are only a few alchemists who can refine this distraction period elixir, even in their Wuling Sect. The Chen Xuan in front of him is generous, his origin is mysterious, and there is a faint hint of His powerful temperament is also what makes these girls in the world of cultivation extremely sought after, especially cultivators like Qiao Chu who have never been down the mountain.

At this time, seeing that Chen Xuan was waiting here, of course he wanted to come forward and have a chat.

"It turns out to be Master Chen Xuan. I wonder who his sect is?"

Normally, when introducing oneself, one would bring along the sect, unless it is some extremely low-key sect.

But looking at Chen Xuan's generous behavior, he doesn't look like a low-key sect at all.

"No one has any sect."

Chen Xuan replied, feeling a little impatient with the woman in front of him. Where is my prescription? Who wants to come over and talk to you?

When he heard that Chen Xuan himself had no sect, a trace of disappointment flashed in the leader's eyes, but he soon calmed down. Although he had no sect, he was able to obtain so many high-grade spiritual stones. There must be a powerful master.

"Then Master Chen Xuanzhenrao must be a very powerful monk."

"none of your business?"

Chen Xuan raised his head and glanced at the leader in front of him.

Does this guy really don't know what impatience is? Chen Xuan tried his best to be polite, but this woman is really annoyed.

"Huh? What..."

Qiao Chu had a smile on his face, but he also felt a little bit unbelievable when he heard Chen Xuan's words.

This, no matter how bad-tempered a person is,

That's not what he would say.

And in front of a beautiful woman!

Although Qingchu is not a top-notch beauty, with her temperament, she would have countless suitors within the Wuling Sect.

This is exactly what happens.

So when I heard Chen Xuan's words, I was stunned for a moment, wondering what was wrong with this guy. However, Qiao Chu was confused by Chen Xuan's words, and subconsciously stood up in embarrassment and left here.

Seeing the leader leaving, Chen Xuan couldn't help but shake his head, what a man.

It's just troublesome. In fact, this actually only requires you to use it skillfully. It's none of your business and none of my business.

Can save a lot of time.

If you give others too much face, they may bite you in the nose, and any situation may arise. It's better not to make peace with them and be polite.

One sentence directly scolded the leader away.

Chen Xuan, who had nothing to do, took down a booklet from the shelf next to him and was looking at it.

Most of the things written in this book are about the development history of the Wuling Sect. In addition, the last page of the book is also marked with a picture of Lin.

"Baicao Realm...it turns out that this place is divided into areas by mountains. This place is called Baicao Realm, but it's actually just the edge area between this and the cultivation world."

Chen Xuan was also extremely surprised when he saw it.

Because this map shows that the central limit of the cultivation world is the mountain. The mountain divides the cultivation continent into two halves, the north and the south.

The Baicao Realm where Chen Xuan is now is only an area of ​​the Northern Xiuzhen Realm. Above the Baicao Realm, there are seven star regions.

Within these seven star regions alone, there are dozens of territories similar to the Baicao Realm.

In the Northern Xiuzhen Realm, there are four major domains.

The rest of the places are just slightly marked.

However, at this time Chen Xuan noticed a black line on the map.

It directly spans the mountain. Although the area surrounded by the black line is not large, it directly spans nearly ten regions from the north and south of the cultivation world.

"The range marked by this black line is called the Dark Cultivation World!"


After reading it, Chen Xuan also gained some understanding of this dark world of cultivation.

This is truly a clan of darkness. It is actually able to open such a big mouth in this world of cultivation. It directly encompasses this area and eats up so much territory. I want to come to this world of cultivation at this time. It must be in a state of dire straits, just because the Baicao world is too big.

I don’t care at all!

"The world of cultivation is really big. I estimate that the scope of the three empires in Fengyun Continent is at most as big as the Seven Stars Region here."

Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

Then he changed to another album. This one was even more boring. There were still many portraits on it.


All of them are high-level officials of Wuling Sect,\u003e

At this moment, behind Wuling Pharmacy.

After being scolded by Chen Xuan, Qiaochu also felt aggrieved. When he recalled it, it was already too late. At the moment, he could only stop hiding in the backyard and cover his face and cry. After all, she was just a girl who had never experienced such dangers. After realizing that he had suffered a loss, he could only use crying to relieve his inner pressure.

"Junior Sister Qiaochu, what happened? What's wrong with you!"

"Who bullied you! Brother Ma Wei cut him up for you!"

Ma Wei, who looked majestic, also rushed in quickly.

This elite junior sister is someone he has been thinking about for a long time. How could he let go of such a good opportunity now!

"Senior brother...I, I'm fine, why are you here?"

Qiao Chu wiped her tears and stood up quickly. She looked so pitiful that someone could still bear to attack such a junior sister. After all, she did it with a beast.

"I received an order from the sect to mobilize resources. It just so happens that your store needs the recipe for the God Transformation Guiyuan Pill, so I brought it here by the way."

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