Ma Wei and the leader sat down beside him.

Qiaochu also recounted the previous process with Chen Xuan, and he started to cry within two sentences.

Cultivators also have glass hearts.

Who stipulates that cultivators cannot cry? Not all of them grew up in blood, and many of them grew up in the greenhouse. The leaders themselves have good talents and their family background is not weak, so they have received Unfair treatment is also rare.

"This thing belongs to Wang An, junior sister, please come with me and let senior brother vent your anger!"

Ma Wei immediately stood up and slapped his hand. If he didn't show off such a good opportunity, wouldn't it be a waste of his reputation as a love saint? If he wants to capture the hearts of women, he has to win over them. Show up when you need it most.

"Junior sister, you don't have to say much, I will ask him to kneel down and kowtow to admit his mistake right now!"

Although the leader is worried, he also knows the strength of Senior Brother Ma Wei, and his recent contribution to this sect has been very good. If he has a few more months, he may be able to become the deacon of this sect, and in this same Among the senior brothers, he is considered to be relatively promising.

"Isn't this...wouldn't it be good...?"

Qiaochu couldn't help but ask.

Na Mawei also patted his chest.

"Do not worry!"

Then Ma Wei walked out, and Qiao Chu was worried and quickly chased after him to see what his senior brother wanted to do.

But if she really cares, the leader is still very worried about Chen Xuan. Deep down in his heart, the leader just hopes that this mawei will make Chen Xuan notice her.

Although Chen Xuan's attitude towards her was very bad, this leader couldn't help but admire Chen Xuan in his heart. This thing is not allowed, and it will come as it comes.

But if an old Jianghu is here, it can be seen at a glance. First of all, because Chen Xuan is rich, the chances of falling in love at first sight are more and greater.

If Chen Xuan could not produce these 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones at that time, he would probably have been thrown out by Qiao Chulian and the tiger.

Now when Chen Xuan takes out the spirit stone.

It was natural to transform into Prince Charming at that moment.

Chen Xuan spent half an hour reading through the nearly twenty messy books on the shelf, and absorbed a lot of knowledge about the world of cultivation.

Among them, I also saw the name of the Qingyang Sect. The Qingyang Sect seemed to be a sect under the Wuling Sect.

"This Qingyang Sect turns out to be nothing at all."

Chen Xuan's eyes also became a little solemn, this Qingyang Sect was nothing at all.

Even within the Wuling Sect, there is an existence that has transcended the tribulation stage.

Even in this late stage of the integration stage, there are many monks who are at the peak of the stage of integration.

This is indeed a very dangerous thing.

Today's Chen Xuan originally had reached the peak of the integration stage with his spiritual consciousness, but he divided half of it to fuse with the giant clone.

Therefore, Chen Xuan's current spiritual cultivation level is only at the middle stage of the integration stage.

Chen Xuan also understood in his heart.

At this time, a series of rapid steps came from the front, and a tall man was seen walking quickly towards Chen Xuan. People around him couldn't help but move aside. The man saw Chen Xuan. After that, the murderous look in his eyes was also remarkable.

With a low roar, he rushed forward.

"It's you who bullied my junior sister!"

When Ma Wei asked, he already flew up and kicked Chen Xuan. This speed was powerful and domineering. In this situation, Chen Xuan was surprised. This was a matter of disagreement. Take action, but this level of action is nothing to Chen Xuanlai.

After all, the speed of this mawei is too weak.

Chen Xuan directly threw the scroll in his hand out. What a coincidence, it happened to be in the face of Ma Wei. Ma Wei only felt that his vision went dark, and the next moment he saw Chen Xuan take action. He grabbed Ma Wei in an instant, and then threw him directly outside the Wuling Pharmacy with a bang!

He clapped his hands and sat down again.

Trying to attack me.

Chen Xuan also snorted coldly. The person who can attack him has not been born yet. I, Chen Xuan, have never been the only ones to attack others.

When he saw Chen Xuan take action.

He directly threw Senior Brother Ma Wei away.

The leader who followed up and saw this scene also widened his eyes. He stopped at the back and did not dare to move towards Chen Xuan. Suddenly he thought that the senior brother directly was left outside, and he exclaimed at the moment, .

"Brother, are you okay?"

"Good boy, there are still two more to come. If my mawei doesn't kill you today, I won't have the shame to return to the sect and resume my life, nor will I have the shame to be this deacon!"


This senior brother Ma Wei has already become the deacon of this sect.

If I go back this time, I will directly become the deacon!

Thinking of this, a look of surprise flashed through Qiaochu's eyes, and he couldn't believe Ma Wei's achievements. After all, such promotion speed was indeed quite fast, which really amazed these junior sisters.

"Senior Brother Ma Wei, are you okay?"

"Senior Brother Ma Wei, who took action!"

"You actually dare to hurt our senior brother Ma Wei and touch my Wuling Sect disciples. You really think that everyone in our Wuling Sect is incompetent!"

Immediately, some of the disciples who were in charge of the Wuling Pharmacy also surrounded Ma Wei.

If this mawei becomes the deacon, he will be an unattainable big shot for them. If they can catch up now, things will definitely be very good in the future. If they can have this mawei If you take care of him, then there will definitely be great opportunities in the future, and it is not impossible to be promoted elsewhere.

There is no need to stay in this Wuling Pharmacy all day long.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to fight him one on one!"

Ma Wei also roared angrily. Chen Xuan did not kill him just now. From Ma Wei's point of view, the other party seemed to be afraid of his identity, so he did not kill him. However, Ma Wei was also a person who was extremely concerned about face. When I rushed into the Wuling Pharmacy again.

He also pointed directly at Chen Xuan.

"Son, don't you want the recipe for the Divine Transformation and Guiyuan Pill? It's in my hand now. If you dare to fight with me and win, I'll give this recipe to you for free!"

Ma Wei held a roll of bamboo in his hand and said calmly.

Chen Xuan took a sip of tea, slowly put down the tea cup in his hand, glanced at the mawei, and then at the leader.

I bought this elixir myself, so why am I going to fight again now? The most important thing is that Chen Xuan asked Qiao Chu if this elixir was real.

"This is Senior Brother Ma Wei, who is responsible for the dispatch of items. The recipe for the Spirit Transformation Guiyuan Pill is in Senior Brother's hands."

Qiao Chu swallowed his saliva and said slowly.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan also stood up and took a look at the mawei.

Ma Wei was about to speak and continue to provoke Chen Xuan, but he saw that Chen Xuan's figure had disappeared with a whoosh.


This rushed in front of Ma Wei again, and Ma Wei only felt that his hand was empty.

Chen Xuan's figure actually appeared next to Ma Wei. The thing in his hand had been snatched away by Chen Xuan, and he opened the scroll right in front of Ma Wei.

Usually the originals of these things will be stored in this jade slip.

And when it is sold, it will also be engraved on this bamboo slip.

In this way, the integrity of the jade slip can be ensured, and when placed on this bamboo slip, it can also be guaranteed that it will not be recycled many times.

"It's really the God-Transforming Guiyuan Pill."

Chen Xuan glanced at it briefly and nodded. Chen Xuan was quite satisfied with this transaction.

"You dare to snatch it, you are seeking death!"

When Ma Wei saw Chen Xuan who was so close, if he didn't take action now, then when would he have reached out his hand and punched Chen Xuan directly on the head.

The powerful true energy gathered on this and the fist, almost mobilizing all the true energy in the body.

"Red Flame Fist Jue!"

Chen Xuan looked back at Ma Wei who took action, then slapped Ma Wei on the head, and the next second directly pushed Ma Wei's whole body to the ground.

Although Chen Xuan took action later, he was the last to strike.

With a loud bang, his head hit the ground, and his whole body turned over in a circle. The Red Flame Fist had no chance to be used, and the real energy was directly scattered.

Ma Wei's head hit Lin and he fainted instantly.

To outsiders, Ma Wei wanted to punch, but somehow he fell on Lin. He didn't even see Chen Xuan's move clearly, and Ma Wei had already failed.

The appearance of such a scene really made these people open their mouths in surprise.

It's really confusing, why did this old man fall to the ground?

Looking at Chen Xuan.

He was already taking the pill recipe and preparing to leave here, but he was stopped by the disciples of the Wuling Pill Sect.

"Stop, the Ma Wei Dharma Protector who attacked us, how could he let you leave so easily!"

Chen Xuan glanced at the people blocking the door.

About seven or eight of them sacrificed their flying swords one after another, suspended them above their heads, and stared at Chen Xuan in front of them.

If Chen Xuan makes any move, the flying sword will roar out and blast Chen Xuan in front of him to pieces.

Chen Xuan was already tired of this move.

He took out a chicken leg from the space ring and threw it directly towards these people.

Chen Xuan's move also made these disciples stunned. What did it mean? He threw the chicken legs over and thought they were dogs.

Or, there is actually a bomb hidden in this chicken leg.

But no matter what, the heart must come first.

"Everyone's heart!"

With a cry of surprise, they soon knew why Chen Xuan threw the chicken legs out.

The five-clawed golden-striped tiger that had been lying obediently on the side pounced directly on him.

The huge figure directly suppressed these seven or eight people, and grabbed the chicken leg in one bite.

With a flick of his tail, all these flying swords were directly blown away by the five-clawed golden tiger, and they all fell on Lin in pieces.


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