Chen Xuan saw the people in front of him getting ready to go, as if facing a formidable enemy, but he didn't care.

On the contrary, in this crowd, they immediately locked onto the one who took away his money just now.

But the one who doesn’t work.

Point with your hand.

"Give me back the money, and prepare these ten blue and purple rose flowers for me. Otherwise, I will make you regret taking my money!"

Chen Xuan said calmly.

However, the person who got the money smiled coldly.

He handed the money bag in his hand to the elder protecting the mountain next to him.

"Elder, this is the stolen money seized from the thief, 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones. Elder, please count it!"

When the mountain guard elder heard this number, his heart also thumped.

Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones, this is one hundred thousand mid-grade spiritual stones.

Even if he is the guardian elder.

After working for more than ten years, I still can't save so much money.

Now the money is considered privately seized, and with a little manipulation, the money can be swallowed directly.

"The thief is talking nonsense. Set up a sword formation to capture this person!"

At that moment, the elder who protected the mountain roared, and with an order, the monks around him also roared to their feet.

The flying sword in his hand flew directly towards Chen Xuan like streams of light.

This flying sword formation is often the most commonly used method when monks fight in groups.

Under the confrontation of this sword formation, it can be very obvious to compare the foundation and equipment of the two disciples.

If this strength is insufficient, it will be difficult to resist.

Even if the equipment is insufficient, it will be defeated very easily by the opponent.

This is the simplest and most comprehensive display of strength.

Now this sword array is coming, like a flying sword dragon.

"Not only did he steal my money, he also wanted to kill my people and seek death!"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly. Faced with the flying sword array, he immediately released his hand and punched forward.


In an instant, these hundreds of flying swords were flying around like an ant nest that was destroyed.

These flying swords were like broken pieces of paper, flying out directly, and many pieces of paper even landed directly on these Wuling Sect disciples.

Even the body-protecting Qi had no time to be released before it was directly penetrated through the body.

Puff puff!

The force reflected back was surprisingly strong, and many disciples were seriously injured directly.

"so smart!?"

The elder who protected the mountain never expected that Chen Xuan was so powerful. When he made the move, he already knew how powerful Chen Xuan was and could defeat him with just one punch. The flying sword formation of these hundreds of disciples.

If it were any elder, even if he could do it, it would never be so easy.


Chen Xuan's body swayed and he immediately rushed to the person who had taken away Chen Xuan's money bag.

"You, what do you want to do!"

When the man saw Chen Xuan approaching, he was stunned for a moment. There are so many masters here. You just kill him like this. Isn't that too disrespectful? Next to the staff of Wuling Pharmacy, this person As a monk in the integration stage, Elder Hushan also burst out with momentum at this time.

"Ice Soul Curse!"

Immediately holding the spell in his hand, Chen Xuan is so arrogant and wants to kill someone in front of him. How can I allow you to be so arrogant?

Therefore, this move of Ice Soul Curse was revealed.

Chen Xuan looked over.

The Hanhai Pearl in the body was also released involuntarily, and an extremely strong ice breath burst out, swallowing up the Ice Soul Curse in an instant. After that, the Hanhai Pearl also burst out with the power of ice. , instantly fell on the elder's shoulders.


This move instantly hit the arm of the mountain protector elder, and immediately a strong ice power spread up on the arm.



The power of ice filled the air, and the elder who had a keen sense of the mountain guard immediately slapped his arm with a palm. If the arm was not broken in time, it would be broken.

Then the power of ice will quickly spread into the body of the mountain guardian elder.

It doesn't take long to become an ice sculpture.

In the decades since he has been practicing, he has never encountered such domineering ice power.

It turned out to be ice essence that was stronger than him.

Just when he and the guardian elder were chopping off his arm, he saw Chen Xuan grabbing the throat of the man from Wuling Pharmacy, and then lifting the whole person up on the spot.

"Dare you hack my money?"

Without saying a word, Chen Xuan used his hands to squeeze the man's neck tightly.

At the same time, I saw this person's eyes and the tongue that was constantly spitting out. After watching this terrifying scene, I could clearly feel what kind of pain this person was suffering.

A series of clicking sounds came from the neck.

After hearing this, the surrounding elders who protected the mountain did not make any move, and the surrounding disciples also stared at this scene with their mouths open. This was almost an execution scene, and they couldn't believe it.

There are still such cruel people in this world.

"Okay, so cruel..."

"It's so bloody, it actually strangled a person to death!"

This sword pierced the heart, killing the person, and slowly broke a person's neck, and even the eyeballs and tongue were spit out directly.

This horrific way of death has a very different nature in the eyes of many people. Although everyone kills people, it seems extremely cruel and unfair for you to kill someone like this!

"The devil is the devil, and he kills people with such indifference!"

"If this person is not eliminated, it will definitely be a problem for our righteous monks. We must get rid of this person to rectify the power of our path!"

These righteous disciples also shouted loudly at this moment.

It seems to be a common criticism.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but twitch his ears when he heard this.

"Condemn me?"

He threw the body in his hand directly on a man. The man was suddenly shocked when he was holding the body, and he quickly threw the body out.

Chen Xuan walked towards a person.

This person just now was also the one who screamed extremely fiercely among those who criticized him.

"What do you want to do, Guiyuan Sword Jue!"

The Guiyuan Sword Technique was used, and the true energy in the body suddenly condensed. If he wanted to kill Chen Xuan with this move, a Guiyuan Sword Qi burst out from the opponent's palm.



Facing this sword energy, Che Nuxian also opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of phlegm, blowing out the opponent's sword energy.

"Fuck, it's so disgusting!"

When the disciple saw that Chen Xuan actually used a mouthful of phlegm to blow out his sword energy, he was even more panicked and felt deeply sick. At this moment, he wanted to run away directly, but Chen Shen With a flash of form, he landed in front of this person and grabbed his hand.

"You have a loud voice. It shouldn't be a problem if you eat your own fist!"

After that, Chen Xuan also stuffed his fist into his mouth under the shocked gaze of the other party.

The corners of his mouth were torn open by fists.


The hand was forced into his mouth, which instantly caused the disciple to scream in pain. However, no sound came out of the scream, and he could only scream.

"If you dare to hurt my senior brother, you are seeking death!" Those around him were fellow senior brothers with this person, and at this moment they were also rushing towards Chen Xuan to kill him.



Chen Xuan shattered the opponent's sword with one finger, then stretched out his hand, grabbed the broken sword that flew out, and then inserted it into the Zheng of Chongzi's Linggai.

Then put a pick up.

This Rao Ling Gai was directly blown away.

Most of this spirit cap's brain had been blown away, but the person was still alive, still panting on the spot.

"My head..."

The disciple touched his head, but it was absolutely impossible. Chen Xuan's attack was so ruthless that half of his head flew away.

Chen Xuan killed two people in a row.

These voices gradually died down, but when I saw Chen Xuan, I couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in my heart.

"Kill me, a disciple of the Wuling Sect, and I will definitely destroy you!"

The arm of the elder who protected the mountain had already been cut off, but after seeing his disciple die in his hands, and still using such cruel methods, how could he bear it?

The aura of the combined stage permeated the air.

Shrouded towards Chen Xuan.

However, the impact of this momentum had no impact on Chen Xuanlai. With a little movement of his feet and a flick of his finger, Ah Jin's momentum was directly broken. Then he reached out and raised a broken sword on the ground with a move.


A sword slashed at the opponent.

"Broken! Soul-Suppressing Tower!'

The mountain guardian elder threw a treasure towards Chen Xuan.

When it flew out of this hand, it was only a pagoda as big as a palm, but when it landed in front of me, it had already changed into a width of dozens of feet.


The moment the Spirit Suppressing Tower fell, it also shattered Chen Xuan's flying sword.

"The elder's magic weapon is so powerful that he can easily suppress this demon!"

"That is, if the elder's pagoda were not here, this demon would have harmed many people!"

Seeing Chen Xuan being pressed under the Spirit Suppression Tower, all the disciples became extremely excited.

Finally, this demon was eliminated.

"Although I lost a hand, with my cultivation, I was able to reshape my body with that spiritual lotus root in three months, which is nothing. After accepting this demonic path today, I, the Wuling Sect, , add another stroke to this list of merits!”

The elder who protected the mountain was also happy in his heart.

After hearing so many compliments, how could I not be happy?

It would be best to kill Chen Xuan directly.

And just when the elder was feeling proud, breathing a sigh of relief, and even accepting the congratulations and worship sounds from around him, suddenly the place was shaken.

The roofs of some houses were also directly shaken and collapsed.

A crack appeared on the ground, and then the crack continued to expand and spread to the feet, which immediately frightened the elders.

"what happened!"

"Elder, the Spirit-Suppressing Tower..."

A disciple quickly pointed to the Spirit-Suppressing Stairway in front of him. When he saw the Spirit-Suppressing Tower, even the mountain guarding elder was shocked, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"How can it be……"

Seeing that the Soul-Suppressing Tower actually began to shake constantly, and then with a bang, it was lifted up by someone. Holding it in his hand, Chen Xuan carried the huge Soul-Suppressing Tower on his shoulders. "Don't cry until you see the coffin!" Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and no longer said nonsense, swinging the huge Soul-Suppressing Tower towards the front. Boom! The Soul-Suppressing Tower fell down suddenly. Many disciples were directly killed by the Soul-Suppressing Tower, just like slapping a mosquito to death. Only some blood stains remained on it, which made people feel helpless. Such a situation actually occurred. "Elder, take back the Soul-Suppressing Tower!" Many disciples kept shouting, and they ran away while shouting. However, the mountain-protecting elder was shocked to find that he had no way to take back the Soul-Suppressing Tower. "If you want it, I'll give it back to you."

Chen Xuan threw the Soul-Suppressing Tower in his hand, and the huge Soul-Suppressing Tower immediately fell towards the mountain-protecting elder.

"What!" The mountain-protecting elder had no way to avoid it.

Just when the elder was about to be crushed to death by his own Soul-Suppressing Tower.

He felt several powerful auras bursting out.




Three rays of light descended, like three huge long ropes, tying up the Soul-Suppressing Tower.

At this time, the sharpest part of the Soul-Suppressing Tower had already touched the head of the mountain-protecting elder.

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