The thick Soul-Suppressing Tower is anchored by these three strands of true energy.

Then, under the control of these three true energies, the Spirit-Suppressing Pagoda was slowly placed on Lin.

People around saw three more figures on the Spirit-Suppressing Tower.

A person sits cross-legged on the top of the tower.

Holding a finger in his hand, Chen Xuan stared in front of him.

The other two people occupied the two towers, one holding a sword in his hand, and the other holding a golden wheel.

"It's Elder Jinlun and Elder Jinjian!"

"And Elder Wuzu!"

After seeing this scene, the disciples of Wuling Sect were all pleasantly surprised.


"Great, kill this devil!"

Chen Xuan raised his head and saw the three figures appearing in front of him. He waved with all his strength, and a flying sword whizzed out from his sleeves, killing all those who just shouted to kill Chen Xuan.


Bang bang bang!

These Wuling Sect disciples immediately exploded into a ball of blood mist on the spot.

Even when the flying sword roared and the Immortal Sword Master shuttled back and forth among so many disciples, it was like stringing these people together into a series of firecrackers. However, all those who had just spoken before were still in the same place. Exploded instantly.



The leader watched helplessly as the body of Brother Ma Wei, who was about to be promoted to deacon, exploded here in an instant, almost breaking into pieces and turning into a pile of minced meat.

Then when he saw the flying sword, it whizzed past his scalp, and even the hair on his head was brought down by the sharp sword energy.

At this moment, I felt the strong death threat.

But this threat disappeared very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, all these disciples were killed.

The only people who can stand here are those who didn't speak just now.

Leader is one of them.

The Immortal-Slaying Sword finally rushed towards the mountain-protecting elder.

In fact, these things only happened at that moment.

After Chen Xuan killed so many people, it only took less than a second to kill all these disciples. Since he insulted Chen Xuan, he must be prepared to be retaliated by Chen Xuan. .

Moreover, Chen Xuan's revenge was also very fast, without any delay.

Under this attack.

The three elders who had just been swept to Ci also came to their senses at this moment.

Seeing that Chen Xuan wanted to kill the elder who protected the mountain, the three of them also roared. The elder Wu Xu who was sitting in the middle took off a button from his clothes and threw it towards Chen Xuan.

As the button roared, it rushed towards the elder protecting the mountain and finally transformed into a human form.

Stand in front of the elder who protects the mountain.

The Immortal Killing Sword shuttled this figure directly past, and it exploded in an instant.

The Immortal Killing Sword also returned with a whoosh after completing its target.

Hovering next to Chen Xuan, helping Chen Xuan stare ahead.

Saw this scene happen.

Chen Xuan was also slightly surprised. The skirt came with some tricks that he had never seen before.

In Fengyun Continent, we must never see such a method in our lifetime.

This casual removal of a button actually blocked the Immortal Killing Sword and blinded it, causing the Immortal Killing Sword to give up its goal and return to Chen Xuan's side.


"Golden sword, golden wheel, you two, quickly take off this man's head!"

In Wuling Sect, they are divided into fighting elders and alchemy elders.

The alchemy elders of course focus on this alchemy.

However, this battle elder is of course good at this kind of battle. Among the battle elders, Elder Jinlun and Elder Jinjian can definitely enter the top three. With the addition of the two cultivators In order to complement each other, they have been working together for a long time.

Therefore, during this fight, they will definitely be able to exert more powerful power.

After receiving the order, the two elders also burst out with extremely powerful auras, which gradually filled the air.

boom! !

One person is holding a golden sword and has not yet drawn the sword, but the sword energy condensed behind him is already as high as ten thousand feet, and it is a momentum rising into the sky. It seems that at this moment, when he holds this golden sword in his hand, There is nothing in this world that can resist him.

Another person holds a golden wheel.

This golden wheel also displayed an unprecedented momentum, hovering around here. The constantly rotating cutting power also released a rainbow of light and a sharp aura that could almost cut off anything.

Nothing can stop his edge.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, had already blocked Chen Xuan's retreat.

In addition, Elder Wu Xu was also sitting on the Spirit-Suppressing Pagoda, staring down at Chen Xuan in front of him.

If there is any accident when these two elders take action, the needless elder can also provide assistance in an instant. And if Chen Xuan shows any signs of failure, then the needless elder can also take action and kill people instantly. Instant kill.

The elder who protected the mountain was able to escape the disaster and took a deep breath.

If it hadn't been like this just now, there would be no need for the elder to take action.

Then he had already been penetrated by Chen Xuan's sword. This broken hand can be recovered, but if the whole body was directly penetrated, what if a Nascent Soul was penetrated? Just dead.

Therefore, the elder who protected the mountain was able to save his life because Chen Xuan came to kill him in the end. If he had directly targeted the elder who protected the mountain from the beginning, the end would probably be the same.

But when the mountain guard elder took a step back, preparing to hide a little further away in this battle, he felt something stepped on his feet.

When he looked down, he saw a shiny bead at his feet.

"Huh? What is this?"

The mountain guarding elder immediately knelt down to take a look.

Just when the elder who protected the mountain came closer, he had a bad premonition.


The mountain-protecting elder was immediately engulfed by the cold air released by the vast sea pearl.

When the power of the Vast Sea Pearl invaded the elder's body, it continuously surged out and destroyed everything in the body.

As this power exploded.

The elder who protected the mountain had no resistance at all, and his life was directly taken away by the Hanhai Pearl!

Seeing this here is also shocking.

Not many people saw this scene, but among them was Lu Heran, the ancestor of the Lu family.

The deer suddenly saw that the terrifyingly powerful mountain guardian elder was swallowed up by Chen Xuan.

I was also extremely shocked, as if I had seen an ant open its bloody mouth and eat an elephant. I was so shocked.

So the deer quietly retreated, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

Fortunately, I didn't yell about the sword just now.

Otherwise, if Chen Xuan heard what he said, it would probably be the end of it.

At this moment, Lu Heran could only hope in his heart that the three elders of Wuling Sect would kill Chen Xuan. That would be the best outcome.

Seeing this battle situation again Zheng

Elder Wu Xu was extremely shocked and very angry when he saw Chen Xuan directly killing the mountain guardian elder by some unknown means.

At that moment, Elder Wu Wu also stretched out his hand.

Immediately, these five talismans flew out like rain.


The scene here has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Seeing the energy in Lucheng suddenly reversed, everyone became nervous when they saw this.

Chen Xuan also looked up and saw that the five spiritual talismans were condensed with each other, forming such an aura that they were like a scorching sun shining in the sky.

The surrounding temperature is also rising sharply.

The five talismans gradually formed like a fire wheel and hung directly in the sky.

"Reincarnation Golden Flame Formation, just sit and wait to die!"

Elder Jinlun also laughed out loud when he saw this scene. Now Elder Wuxu finally came up with his own method. He must have been angered by Chen Xuan.

This is clearly provoking the many elders of Wuling Sect.

In this state, of course, Chen Xuan must be dealt with, and he must be dealt with quickly.

Otherwise, this battle must have spread very quickly. If the Wuling Sect's mountain-guarding elders died in Li Rao's hands, and the Wuling Sect did not make any move, they would naturally be ridiculed by the lower realms of cultivation.

In this Baicao world, reputation cannot be lost!

"The Samsara Golden Flame Formation...that's it."

Chen Xuan felt that there seemed to be a hot force sweeping through the depths of his mind.

He also knew in his heart that the temperature of this formation was aimed at Chen Xuan's soul, but the other people in this formation also had an impact.

Playing with fire?

Chen Xuan couldn't help but laugh.

Although Chen Xuan has not seen this master of alchemy in the realm of cultivation, Chen Xuan is confident that in this realm of the same level, even now, as long as you are not a master in this realm of tribulation, if you want to play with fire, You must definitely call Chen Xuan your ancestor!

With Chen Xuansheng's understanding of flames, in this fiery state, Chen Xuan's combat effectiveness will not be affected at all, and even, in such an environment, it will increase Chen Xuan's strength.

"Golden Sword Tai Yanjue!"

The Golden Sword Elder showed off his special skills. When the sword in his hand turned, the spell formation seemed to give the Golden Sword Elder a certain degree of bonus!

Late stage of integration!

Chen Xuan felt the aura released from Elder Jinjian's body.

I also felt the elder's cultivation level very clearly in my heart.

The state of the late integration stage.

Moreover, the cultivation level of Elder Jinjian is obviously higher than that of Patriarch Qingyang. After devouring the true essence of the alchemy refining master, Patriarch Qingyang was forcibly promoted to the realm of the late integration stage.

However, it is still not as powerful as the elder Jin Jian in front of him, or the two are not at the same level at all.

Elder Jin Jian was a man of steady and steady practice, and he also had this advanced sword technique to complement each other.

Patriarch Qingyang's own talent was good, but the external conditions were not good, which led to such a tragedy.

The flaming sword energy from this sword attack also moved Chen Xuan's heart.

Then the immortal cauldron in his hand was lifted out.

Blocked in front of me.


The opponent's sword stood on top of the Immortal Cauldron.

The Immortal Cauldron was unscathed, and the flames on the opponent's sword energy were quickly absorbed by the Immortal Cauldron.


The Immortal Cauldron absorbed the power of the opponent's flames, and in the blink of an eye, the golden wheel fell towards Chen Xuan with the force of breaking mountains.


With this loud noise, Chen Xuan's immortal cauldron was almost knocked away. However, I don't know what material the immortal cauldron is made of. It seems that it has never suffered any damage since this battle. .

"What, it blocked my golden wheel!"

Elder Jinlun also had shock in his eyes, looking at the scene in front of him and couldn't believe it.

This must be to capture Chen Xuan, and then ask carefully what it is. This mere tripod actually blocked the attacks of their two elders.

"I think your flames seem to be a little petty, so why don't I add some fire to your flames!"

Although Chen Xuan only had cultivation in the distraction stage, he had no fear at all when facing these late-stage integration monks.

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