This momentum is indeed that of the Pavilion Master of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion, Aoyue Jiangshan!

As the master of Jiangshan Pavilion, Ao Yuefeng has also put down the restrictions on Ao Yuefeng. Once any situation arises, Ao Yue Jiangshan will sense it in an instant, but this time, he didn't expect it to be too late!

This was the only time such a restriction was triggered, so that Aoyue Jiangshan arrived late.

The body of Ao Yuefeng must be completely cold now.

Chen Xuan saw a shocking sword energy striking towards him. This aura alone made Chen Xuan feel extremely strong pressure.

The opponent's strength far exceeds that of the tribulation-transcending monks present!

Ya Zhenrao's expression changed drastically. He never expected that this big shot would be alerted.

"Aoyue... Aoyue Jiangshan, overcoming the tribulation... the late stage, the strong one!"

Ya Zhenrao's cultivation has reached the middle stage of transcending tribulation.

Originally, the strength of this realm was quite good. Among the many monks in the Tribulation Stage, it was considered to be above average. However, this momentum was in front of the Aoyue Jiangshan, in front of such strong men in the late stage of the Tribulation Stage. , not worth mentioning at all.

Facing this powerful sword, Chen Xuan naturally threw the Gusu Long who had just woken up in his hand.


Seeing that Gusulong was about to hit the opponent's sword energy.

The five great tribulation stage monks of the Gusu family all panicked.

However, they were still one step slow.

boom! !

Gusulong's body was instantly torn to pieces!

The minced meat, internal organs, all fluttered to nowhere. Without saying a word, Aoyue Jiangshan showed his figure, pulled out a long black sword in his hand, and rushed towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

"Die to me!"

Aoyue Jiangshan let out a low roar, the sound was like thunder, directly detonating the aura within thousands of miles.

"Master of Jiangshan Pavilion!"

The people of the Gusu family were so angry about what Aoyue Jiangshan did. The other party obviously had a chance to save the Gusu dragon, but the other party refused to take action. Instead, he wanted to save the Gusu dragon. The dragon was killed. After all, the relationship between the two parties was not very friendly.

Now if everyone is blown up directly, there will be nothing good left.

"Send a signal to summon the head of the family!"

This matter cannot be delayed any longer. If it continues, this problem will only become more and more serious.

Chen Xuan, holding the Immortal Killing Sword, also rushed towards the opponent.

"Dao Zhan!"

Ao Yue Jiangshan let out a low roar, and the next moment the long sword in his hand fell.

Chen Xuan blocked the attack with the Immortal Sword, but the next moment there was a loud bang, and Chen Xuan's whole body was also blown away.

The other party did not give up, but continued to pursue.



"Crush the sword!"

A huge whirlwind enveloped Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was inside and felt a strong tearing and crashing feeling.

The next moment, Chen Xuan also summoned the Day War God Armor.

Clang, clang, clang!

In that whirlwind, there should be countless blades hidden, which were constantly bombarding Chen Xuan's armor of the God of War.

Master Ya looked at the emergence of this whirlwind of sword energy. Even if he was in the whirlwind, he would only end up becoming a pile of fragments. Chen Xuan didn't know if he could withstand it.

The next moment, Chen Xuan's figure flew out of it, instantly shattering the surrounding sword whirlwind.

The armor of the Day God of War is really overbearing in terms of defense and protection.

And as Chen Xuan's strength increased, the effects of the Day War God's armor were gradually developed by Chen Xuan.

"Daytime God of War armor, disguise!"

The next moment, the armor of the God of War instantly fit into Chen Xuan's body, directly helping Chen Xuan to form a feeling of armor fitting together. Chen Xuan also showed off his body speed at this moment.


The speed burst out instantly.

He even took the initiative and rushed towards Aoyue Jiangshan in front of him.

"You actually broke it? How dare you come to seek death!"

Ao Yue Jiangshan snorted coldly. He didn't expect that Chen Xuan could escape from his sword moves. This was enough to show Chen Xuan's strength, but his brain didn't seem to work very well. After all, this When you come out to fight, don't run away.

Instead, he took the initiative to come and die!

Then I’ll give you a ride!

Ao Yue Jiangshan turned the long sword in his hand, and suddenly a black sword energy storm enveloped Chen Xuan again. The world and sky in front of him seemed to turn into pitch black. Under such circumstances,

The Immortal Sword in Chen Xuan's hand left his hand with a whoosh.

There was something in his hands again. The moment the object was in Chen Xuan's hand, the whole place seemed to be shaken by it.


"Sea-splitting style!"

Hidden in this Pangu Kaijue is the Mountain-Opening Ax Jue.

Chen Xuan slashed out with this move and instantly blocked the surging momentum in front of him.

Not only did it split apart the proud moon's sword energy, but it also headed towards the proud moon with a domineering force.

Ao Yue Jiangshan immediately pinched the finger in his hand, and a thunderous palm print struck out, instantly shattering the forehead of the ax in front of him.

But the next moment, a ray of white light swept out from the front, and instantly swept towards the neck of Aoyue Jiangshan. Under such a fierce aura, even Aoyue Jiangshan had never thought of it.

"My mere sword control skills are trying to break my Qi defense!?"

However, Aoyue Jiangshan is also extremely confident. You must know that Aoyue Jiangshan is a monk in the late stage of transcending the tribulation. Once his own momentum is released, it will be easy to form this tens of thousands of meters of air wall.


The Immortal Killing Sword instantly blasted through the opponent's defensive energy wall and turned into a ray of light. It instantly left a mark on the face of Aoyue Jiangshan and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After the Immortal Killing Sword flew several hundred meters away, it turned back again and landed next to Chen Xuan.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Staring at the cheek of Aoyue Jiangshan, there was a bloody trace.

" is this possible..."

When Master Ya saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened and he couldn't believe it.

The dignified master of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion took action personally.

They were all injured by this mysterious young man. Who is he? Why is he so powerful? He can fight against the master of Jiangshan Pavilion and even injure him!

Being able to break through this late-stage monk in the Tribulation Stage is not something that ordinary people can achieve, so Chen Xuan is now considered very powerful.

This battle alone is enough to become famous all over the world, spread well among these hundreds of grasses and thousands of cities.

Such achievements are enough to be proud of.

Of course, reputation is one thing, but whether Chen Xuan can go back alive today is another matter.

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