"There are not many people who can hurt me. Today, even if you die, I will bury you in the most honorable way!"

Aoyue Jiangshan said calmly.

As a peak powerhouse, everyone calmed down at this time. The previous fierce killing actually had a purpose, and that was to deliberately kill the Gusu Dragon.

Getting rid of a Gusu dragon would not be of any benefit to Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion, but my son is dead, why is your son still alive? Went out.

And this is also something that happens unexpectedly in this battle. Even if you kill him, you don't dare to do anything.

"Oh? The two of them were very confident just now, but then they both died."

Chen Xuan smiled lightly.

"The most honorable way for me is to bring your whole family, your relatives, your friends, and everyone you know to your funeral!"

Ao Yue Jiangshan shouted low. At this time, the murderous aura on his body was released like the tide. In the blink of an eye, a huge wave was set off. Under this huge wave, Chen Xuan was directly threatened. A flying feeling.

"The Immortal Cauldron!"

Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and waved it, and the immortal cauldron changed instantly.

"A map of mountains and seas!"

Ao Yue Jiangshan also waved his hand, and a huge picture scroll spread out immediately, rolling and surging like this, directly absorbing Chen Xuan and the immortal cauldron.

Chen Xuan's feet swayed, and he was actually included in the map of mountains and seas.

"What is this? It's so powerful!"

As soon as Chen Xuan's feet landed, the surrounding mountains, rivers and woods were suddenly violently blown by strong winds. The leaves turned into flying knives, and the river water turned into venom, which continued to gather towards Chen Xuan. In such an environment, Chen Xuan It can be inevitable.

"Break it for me!"

Boundless murderous aura bloomed between his fingers, surging crazily towards the surroundings.


The power that keeps erupting and gushing out spreads instantly.

One of the mountains was blown to pieces, but the mountain peak soon recovered again. Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan was also surprised.


Chen Xuan originally thought that the surroundings were caused by hallucinations, but the flying leaves and venom were real, and they fell on Chen Xuan's body. If it weren't for the armor of the God of War, Chenu County has long since become a hornet's nest.

"This is a pseudo-immortal-level magic weapon, a map of mountains and seas!"

Master Ya was particularly shocked when he saw Chen Xuan trapped in the mountain and sea map.

He had only heard of the existence of this mountain and sea map, but had never seen it before. Now he finally saw the true face of this mountain and sea map. Chen Xuan, who had been as arrogant and overlord before, was now included in this mountain and sea map. It is difficult to break free.

This scene is indeed surprising, what kind of end will this Chen Xuan end up with.

"It is rumored that everything in this mountain and sea map will be crushed, assimilated, and become part of this mountain and sea map!"

"Once you are involved in this mountain and sea map, you will never get ahead again!"

I will be trapped in this map of mountains and seas for the rest of my life.

This kind of domineering magic weapon is also the capital of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion that can be proud of the heroes.

This performance was also done deliberately, so that the people of the Gusu family could take a good look at the strength of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion.

"Master Aoyue, you should give an explanation for the death of my young master!"

When the masters of the Gusu family saw Chen Xuan being taken in, they immediately followed Aoyue Jiangshan.

Although Chen Xuan severely injured Gusu Long, the person who really killed Gusu Long was the Pavilion Master of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion in front of him. Even if he is your Pavilion Master, he has killed people from our Gusu family now. , then of course this matter will not be simply let go.

"Explain? My son's death has not yet been settled with you. You still dare to ask me for an explanation. I think you don't want to go back!"

Aoyue Jiangshan suddenly snorted coldly, and the mountain and sea map in his hand also made a loud noise, as if he wanted to absorb these five people.

As a deterrent.

However, after Aoyue Jiangshan waved the map of mountains and seas, the next second he saw the map of mountains and seas in his hand suddenly rumbled.

"what happened!"

Aoyue Jiangshan was furious, why was this mountain and sea map running around like crazy?

He immediately wanted to take action and control this mountain and sea map.

But a terrifying cold air came from the mountain and sea map. This cold air pierced into the body and made Aoyue Jiangshan's eyes widen.

"How can it be!"

Looking at the mountain and sea map, the original green mountains and dew have now changed into a pile of white. This change also surprised Aoyue Jiangshan.

Because the world of this mountain and sea map has become a land of ice and snow.

"Hanhai Pearl, break it for me!"

Chen Xuan laughed loudly, and the Vast Sea Pearl in his hand also released its power, instantly freezing the surrounding power. The soul-breaking ax in Chen Xuan's hand also fell at this moment, carrying the boundless surging momentum. .


When the soul-breaking ax in Chen Xuan's hand fell, the world of mountains and seas below was shattered at this moment, and Chen Xuan's figure rushed out of it again.

This time the soul-breaking ax in Chen Xuan's hand was put away.

"Pluto Curse!"

Chen Xuan's hands flew up, and a finger seal suddenly appeared in his hands. When Chen Xuan's hand seal was completed, a force was suddenly released from Chen Xuan's body.

The shocked Aoyue Jiangshan also felt the tightening of power around him at this moment.

The power Chen Xuan released instantly controlled Aoyue Jiangshan.

With the emergence of such power, even Aoyue Jiangshan felt a hint of threat.

A golden curse seal appeared above the head.

"What's this!"

Ao Yue Jiangshan himself had already eaten it, but when this force had not yet exploded, even Ao Yue Jiangshan had not felt what the effect of the curse seal floating above his head was.

"Is this..."

Aoyue Jiangshan's eyes suddenly widened.

Chen Xuan smiled evilly.


As soon as the words fell, Aoyue Jiangshan also felt a fatal threat coming. At this moment, he wanted to escape, but it was already too late.

The power of the Pluto Curse has already spread out.

It was instantly put on the head of Aoyue Jiangshan.


A violent explosion sounded, and the figure of Aoyue Jiangshan fell, and all the momentum disappeared directly. At this moment, the mountain and sea map lost the glory of Lin Kang and became an ownerless thing.

When Master Ya in the distance saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened.

Such a monk in the late stage of transcending the tribulation was killed by Chen Xuan like this!

The dignified master of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion was directly killed by Chen Xuan.

"This, this is definitely not a joke!"

No one could believe what they saw.

The dignified master of Aoyue Jiangshan Pavilion was killed by a golden curse seal like this!

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