Chapter 192 The King of Wei surrenders! Play Xianyang!

The boat gradually sailed towards Weidu, which had turned into a swamp.

Under a swamp of water, everything in the Wei Kingdom seemed to have been overturned.

Look around.

The once prosperous capital of Wei no longer had any good buildings, only a scene of ruins.

And in the palace of Wei State.

Even if it is the highest place in the capital of Wei.

But the flood also caused the palace to collapse countless times. The turbid river water had spread to the steps of the palace. There were countless struggling soldiers of the Wei imperial guards, servants and maids in the palace.

And on the stairs above the flood, in front of the palace hall.

Looking at the Hongze in front of me, and the Wei capital city that was destroyed by Hongze.

Wei Wuji's old face had a look of death and desolation, and there was no longer any life.

He lost.

A crushing defeat.

At this time!

in his gaze.

A huge ship, escorted by many rafts and boats, came towards the palace hall.


If an enemy wants to enter the city from outside the city, it will take a long time even if there is no obstruction, but now there is no obstacle. Under the flood of the river, everything in the Wei State is gone.

The big boat came from outside the city and sailed down the river without any obstruction. It took less than a stick of incense to arrive.

on board.

Zhao Feng stood upright, his eyes falling on Wei Wuji outside the Wei State Court Meeting Hall.

As the ship approaches.

These imperial guards, who were only a few thousand and surrounded the palace hall, did not dare to take action, because at this moment many rafts and boats from the Qin army were already approaching, and each one was holding a bow and arrow, locking the entire court meeting hall.

If they dare to take action.

What will usher in is bound to be a **** rain of arrows.


These remaining Wei troops did not seem to dare to take action. At this moment, they were all looking at the surrounding Qin troops in panic and did not dare to move.

"You finally came."

Wei Wuji raised his head with some struggle and looked at Zhao Fengdao on the boat.


"I am coming."

Zhao Feng replied very calmly.

Falling into his gaze, Wei Wuji at this moment has completely lost the energy and spirit he had when they met a month ago, and has lost the heroic spirit of dragging Qin into trouble even if he is willing to die.

"Jun Xinling."

"you lose."

"The Kingdom of Wei is going to die."

"And your plan to destroy my Wu'an camp has also failed."

"When we enter the city this time, we will set up a large camp in Wu'an, and our troops will be able to fight without bloodshed."

"Your Wei Kingdom's hundreds of thousands of elite troops have all been overthrown and have no fighting power left." Zhao Feng said coldly, with the attitude of a victor.

Treat Wei Wuji.

Although Zhao Feng was sarcastic and respectful, he could not be too polite.

After all, the two are enemies. Since they are enemies, they will not hold back.


"I lost."

"A complete failure."

Wei Wuji laughed miserably and looked at Zhao Feng with a somewhat lonely look.

"Qin General Zhao Feng."

"It's a worthy reputation."

"In the past battle in Weicheng, I lost."

"Now in the battle in the capital, I lost again."

"I am old." Wei Wuji sighed.

"At this moment, will Lord Xinling surrender or not?" Zhao Feng looked at him calmly and said in a deep voice.

Wei Wuji forced a smile, pulled out the sword from his waist, and pointed it at Zhao Feng: "Wei Wuji, Lord Xinling of Wei, please fight!"

Zhao Feng didn't hesitate at all.

He jumped directly and landed on the steps in front of the hall.

The Longquan sword was unsheathed.

"My Great Qin General, Zhao Feng, is ready to fight!"

Zhao Feng just said a word.

The Longquan Sword was pointed directly at Wei Wuji.


Seeing Zhao Feng draw his sword, Wei Wuji laughed.

It seemed like he was getting his last wish.

He stabbed Zhao Feng with his sword.


He is already old, and the power and speed of this sword are even weaker.

It is impossible to win in front of Zhao Cover.

Zhao Feng stepped forward and thrust out the Longquan Sword, just for a moment.


The sword edge instantly penetrated Wei Wuji's body.

Wei Wuji's body stiffened, and a touch of pain appeared on his old face, but more of it was a kind of relief.

"I...died...for my country."

"A worthy death."

"The past kings of the Wei Dynasty... Wei Wuji... I am not ashamed to see you." Wei Wuji roared with the last of his strength.

Eventually life flies away.

He fell directly to the ground.

"Kill Wei Wuji, Lord Xinling of Wei State, and collect 100 points of all attributes."

"Kill the character with the luck of the country and you will be rewarded with a second-level treasure box." A prompt appeared on the panel.

Zhao Feng didn't think much about the prompt.

He looked at the Wei Imperial Guards surrounding the palace hall.

"Wait, are you fighting or surrendering?"

Zhao Feng shouted coldly.

The words fell.

Behind them, the bows and arrows of many Qin army warriors were aimed at these imperial guards.

Just waiting for them to make any movement, they fired arrows in unison.

Facing Zhao Feng's intimidation.

"We are willing to surrender."

"We surrender..."

One after another, the imperial guards put down their weapons and knelt down.


Before Wei Wuji invited the battle, he may have already accounted for the unnecessary casualties of the remaining imperial guards.

Because for him, the demise of the Wei Kingdom was a foregone conclusion.

Even if they all rush forward, they will die.

Looking at the Wei troops who laid down their weapons and surrendered, Zhao Feng nodded, accepting their surrender.


Zhao Feng looked at the Wei State Court Meeting Hall in front of him and walked slowly.

After he took one step forward.

Many personal guards followed Zhao Feng directly, guarding him from left to right, and walked towards the main hall together.

In the main hall!

The King of Wei and his officials gathered in the hall in a panic.

Not only that.

There are also many concubines in the palace hiding in it. As the palace of Wei Palace is the highest, there are nearly a thousand people hiding in the palace at this moment.

When Zhang Ming led his guards to kick open the palace door.

Zhao Feng walked in slowly.

When I saw Zhao Feng.

The expressions of everyone in the palace changed drastically.

As the top people in the Wei Kingdom, few of them looked at Zhao Feng without fear, and almost everyone's eyes revealed the fear of death.

Zhao Feng took a step slowly, and they took a step back, full of fear.

Even the King of Wei who is on the throne is like this at this moment.

Zhao Feng glanced very coldly, and finally settled on the frightened King Wei on the throne.

"I only have one thing to say."

"Surender, kneel down."

"Those who won't surrender, stand still." Zhao Feng said coldly.

The sound echoed throughout the hall.

Just one sentence.

The deterrence it brings is like thunder.

"I surrender."

"Forgive me."

"I don't want to die."

"Please general, spare your life..."

Shouts of fear echoed in the hall.

Follow closely.

One by one, Wei ministers knelt down, including many royal families.

Although Wei Wuji knew that Qin would attack at any time and asked the royal family and Wei court officials to send their family members out of Wei, there were still many who stayed in the Wei capital.

Although Wei Wuji gave the order, not everyone has this opportunity.

Just in the blink of an eye.

Almost everyone in the hall fell to their knees.

Take a look.

Only a few dozen people were still standing.

"Although the Wei Dynasty is dead, as a minister of the Wei Dynasty, I will never surrender until I die."

"Zhao Feng, if you can kill me, I will never regret it."

"Just kill me."

"Even though we, the Wei Dynasty, are going to perish this time, I don't believe that your Qin Kingdom can continue to prosper."


"Zhao Feng, you are indeed great and have outstanding ability in commanding troops. But one day you will achieve great success and eventually be tolerated by the King of Qin. Even if the current King of Qin can tolerate you, his future successors will definitely not tolerate you. ”

"Now we just leave one step ahead of you, but one day, you will also die miserably."



"Kill us..."

The dozens of people who were still standing laughed crazily, full of fear of death.

Even though Wei Wuji made them sacrifice needlessly when he invited Zhao Feng to fight, he still had the same thoughts as Wei Wuji, coexisting with the country. Look at these people.

Zhao Feng didn't have much trouble.

In every country there will be loyal people, and there will also be people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

For these people, respect is also given as enemies.

To this.

Zhao Feng waved his hand.

The guards behind him immediately understood.

They walked directly towards these Wei Chen who refused to surrender, pulled out the sword blade, raised the sword and dropped it. In an instant, the heads of these dozens of Wei Zhongchen were missing.

Blood spilled and heads fell to the ground.

All the people kneeling in the hall were terrified.

"King Wei, will you surrender or die?" Zhao Feng said coldly.

Looking at Zhao Feng's cold eyes.

King Wei was trembling all over.


He seemed to be one of those loyal ministers who died for the country!

But thinking of this, King Wei trembled all over. He didn't dare, he was afraid of death.

Accustomed to living a life of fine clothes and fine food, enjoying the days surrounded by people, and indulging in luxury, I wonder how the King of Wei could have the ambition to coexist with his country.


King Wei hesitated and trembled all over.

"If you don't want to surrender."

"I will fulfill your desire to coexist with the country."

Zhao Feng said something and gave Zhang Ming a look.

Zhang Ming stepped forward immediately.

He threw his sword directly in front of King Wei.

"As a king."

"If you don't surrender."

"My general will grant you the dignity of a king."

"Kill yourself." Zhang Ming said coldly.

Look at the sword in front of you.

King Wei's face trembled.

But under the public gaze, there were still many Wei Chens with a look of recognition and expectation in their eyes.


As a king, it seems natural to commit suicide when the country is destroyed.

He struggled to pick up the sword from the ground, but looking at the sharp edge, his arms were shaking.

But he held on for a moment.

He put the sword directly on his neck and tried to slash it hard.

But several times he tried to use his expression, but he didn't dare.

"This is the king of a country."

"Wine bags and rice bags."

Zhao Feng said coldly, full of ridicule.


He directly snatched the sword from King Wei's hand.

"Kneel down and surrender now, offer the royal seal, and you will avoid death."

"If not, I will personally send you on your way." Zhao Feng shouted coldly.

The Longquan Sword was unsheathed without hesitation and pointed at King Wei.

This is obviously no joke.

See this.

King Wei was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and said in panic: "I surrender, I surrender."

"Spare your life, don't kill me."

this moment.

The majesty of the king was gone.

Seeing this, Zhao Feng showed a smile that was indeed true.


Zhao Feng had no intention of killing him. After all, no matter how unbearable he was, he was still a king. If he killed him, he would inevitably be impeached by those old guys again after returning to Xianyang.

"Write the royal edict of surrender and seal it with the royal seal."

"Order your Wei army to surrender to our great Qin."

"If you don't write it, you will die."

Zhao Feng said something to King Wei.

Turn around.

"Now that the capital of Wei is covered by floods, we cannot take them out for the time being, so we will keep them in custody in this palace."

"Just make sure they don't die."

"Wait until the flood recedes before we see him off." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

"No." Zhang Ming respectfully accepted the order.


After Zhao Feng glanced at it, he turned around and left the hall.

As Zhao Fengyi left.

The Wei ministers in the main hall breathed a sigh of relief.

When facing Zhao Feng.

They were like facing ferocious beasts, enduring unimaginable pressure, and the murderous aura in Zhao Feng's body seemed to be real.

As soon as he leaves.

The entire hall felt much more relaxed.


Even though Zhao Feng left, there were still many personal guards left in the palace, watching them with eager eyes. If they dared to make any move, they would surely die.

And outside the palace.

Tu Sui and Li You have already arrived.

"See General."

The two generals came to Zhao Biao to report.

"How is it?" Zhao Feng asked, looking at the two of them.

"The city is a vast ocean, and many people have died."

"However, most of them survived."

"After all, this city is so big, and there are so many wooden beams. Most of them can be saved by relying on them." Li You reported.

"Now the floods have gradually spread. As long as we add more force, the floods in this city can recede."

"Pass my order."

"Go to Daliang Houcheng and knock down the city wall."

"Under the surging water, the city wall can no longer be too strong."

"Besides, the general has already told us that after the beams overturn, we will use the diversion canal that has been cast long ago to block the river water." Tu Sui said respectfully.

When the dam started to burst.

Naturally, he thought of countermeasures, such as what to do after flooding, to block the water in the river and chasm.

to this end.

Zhao Feng also specially invited disciples of Zheng Guo, the master of canal opening in the Qin Dynasty, to come and give advice.

So there are no worries.

"That's good." Zhao Feng nodded.

"The beam has been broken, and what we need to guard against next is a major epidemic."

“There must be a great epidemic if there is a flood.”

"This matter must be guarded against." Li You respectfully informed.

I heard the word "pandemic".

Zhao Feng couldn't help but frown.

Perhaps there will be no major epidemics in later generations. After all, medical treatment and technology are advanced. But in this world, what can be called a pandemic is an epidemic that spreads very quickly and is difficult to cure in this era.

In this era, it is almost an incurable disease.

"Industry specializing in surgery."

"Epidemic prevention matters should be left to those who know the business."

"Sudden time."

"You go to the military medical camp and ask how to prevent and treat it."

"The greatest possibility is to avoid the occurrence of immune diseases." Zhao Feng said to Li You.

"The last general takes orders." Li You said immediately.

"Where is Kuai Pu Sima?"

Zhao Feng looked around and shouted loudly.

"My subordinate is here."

Kuai Pu ran over quickly, with a solemn look on his face.

"Send the battle situation back to Xianyang as quickly as possible."


"I am reporting to the king, asking the king to allocate enough food, grass, baggage, and enough tents."

"Hundreds of thousands of people in Daliang City need to be resettled."

"If the Wei Kingdom dies, they will all be my subjects of Great Qin and should be subsidized by them." Zhao Feng said in a deep voice.

"No." Kuai Pu respectfully accepted the order.

At this moment!

Zhang Ming walked out quickly.

He also held two royal edicts from King Wei in his hand.


"The King of Wei's surrender edict has been written."

"There is also a royal edict asking Wei General Pang Wu to surrender and those cities to surrender."

Zhang Ming came out, holding two royal edicts in his hand.

"very good."

Zhao Feng smiled: "Put it away."


"Are we going to go to the western border of Wei State now and hand these two edicts to Wei General Pang Wu?" Tu Sui asked respectfully.

"This time, I will go there myself."

"The personal guards will accompany us," Zhao Feng said to Zhang Ming.


Zhang Ming immediately took the order.

"The capital of Wei has been destroyed."

"The next battle situation is completely clear."

Zhao Feng also had a smile on his face.

Great contribution to the battle to destroy Wei.

He got it!

(End of chapter)

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