Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 193: Zhao Feng: Let’s see how King Qin awards the reward!

Chapter 193 Zhao Feng: Next, it depends on how King Qin will award the reward!

Hangu Military Camp!

"Report to the general."

"After three days of attack, the Wei army stationed in Liyang City has been defeated by our army."

"But Pang Wu didn't like fighting and led his troops to withdraw into Qiusha City."

A general came to the camp to report.

"This Pang Wu has made it clear that he will risk everything to stop our army."

"Delay our army's attack on Wei Capital as long as possible. Judging from the current battle situation, it will take at least three months for our army to attack Daliang, and it is not even enough." Li Xin said with an angry look.

"The Wu'an camp has already reached the Wei capital. If Hangu and Wu'an are allowed to join forces again, the Wei capital will be besieged by the two Daqin camps."

"Wei Wuji naturally issued a death order and asked Pang Wu to hold him back." Huan Yi said in a deep voice, with a relatively calm expression.


"I wonder if the General knows about the movements in the Wu'an camp?"

"For more than a month, there has been no movement in the Wu'an camp. It seems that they have given up the attack on Wei Capital and will wait until they join forces with our army to attack again." Li Xin said in a low voice.

Huan Yi raised his eyes and glanced at Li Xin, then said: "Just say what you want to say."

"Since the Wu'an camp has not mobilized troops, why not send troops westward to deal with Pang Wu? In this way, our two camps can join forces to annihilate Pang Wu, and then join forces to attack the Wei capital." Li Xin. Said somewhat angrily.

Hear this.

Huan Yi frowned and stared at Li Xin, revealing a sense of displeasure: "When did you become so narrow-minded?"

"General..." Li Xin's expression changed.

"On the battlefield, what we compete for is military glory."

"This time, the king asked me to send troops to Hangu and Wu'an at the same time. In addition to joining forces to destroy Wei, he also wanted our two battalions to fight."

"What makes you think that Wu'an Camp will give up its victory to help us?"

"Why do you think it's so natural?"

"If it was my Hangu Camp that attacked Wei Capital this time, wouldn't you think of attacking Wei Capital with all your strength and instead divide your troops to support Wu'an Camp?"

Huan Yi said with a preaching tone.

Hear this.

Li Xin also had a look of embarrassment on his face, lowered his head and did not dare to say anything.

"Will be outside."

"Chapter changes based on the battlefield situation."

"Zhao Feng has been leading the army for several years. When did you ever see him give up halfway?"

"I want to come."

"He must have been planning a strategy to attack the capital of Wei during this month." Huan Yi said with certainty.

"But the intelligence says that the capital of Wei has been impregnably managed by Wei Wuji. Even people in the city have to go through hanging baskets to get in and out. The city wall is extremely thick and the city gate has been sealed. There is no other way but to attack by force. What else can Zhao Feng do to break through? City?" Li Xin said with disbelief.

"Only by being in the middle of a battle can you know how to break it."

"Li Xin."

"Although you are not much older than Zhao Feng, you are far inferior to Zhao Feng."

"I know your thoughts. I am higher than the sky, and I am stronger than Wang Ben and Meng Tian."

"But you lack their composure and have a bit more arrogance that they don't have."

"If this goes on for a long time, you will definitely make a mistake."

Huan Yi said to Li Xin very seriously, this is naturally his identity as a general, and he is teaching Li Xin as an elder.

"I will remember the general's teachings." Li Xin responded immediately, but judging from his expression, it was obvious that he did not really take Huan Yi's teachings to heart.

Perhaps this is also due to his personality.

"Alas." Huan Yi shook his head and said nothing more.

Li Xin.

He was indeed a capable general in the Great Qin Army, but he happened to be a capable general, and he came from a wealthy family, so he also developed a arrogant character.

Qiusha City!

On the tower.


"The Qin army's offensive is becoming more and more fierce, but our army has been retreating. Not only have we lost a lot of soldiers, but our morale has also been severely hit. There are also many deserters."

"In this case, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop Qin Hangu Camp for much longer."

One of the lieutenants faced Pang Wudao with a solemn expression.

"Your Majesty has an order."

"Our army is determined to stop the Qin army's eastward advance."

"Even if we fight to the last soldier, we will never retreat." Pang Wu looked serious, full of determination to coexist with the country.

"No." The deputy general bowed and said no more.

"How many troops do we have now?" Pang Wu asked in a deep voice.

It has been fighting with the Qin army for nearly half a year. Not only is the food and grass consumption huge every day, but so are the losses in troops.

The Qin army's Hangu camp has 300,000 troops. Naturally, it is impossible to attack together at the same time, but to attack separately.

And he originally had an army of 250,000, so naturally he was stationed separately.

"Come back, General."

"Our army originally had 250,000 troops, but after nearly half a year, we fought with the Qin army."

"Our troops died, were wounded, and fled."

"Today, our army has less than 150,000 men capable of fighting." A lieutenant general said sadly.

In less than half a year, nearly 100,000 troops were lost.

Moreover, his number of less than 150,000 may not have been calculated yet, but is only an estimate. He may only have 130,000 or 40,000 troops.

One can imagine how much the Wei army suffered.

"Pass my general's orders."

"Continue to garrison this city."

"Anyone who dares to leave his post without permission will be killed."

"If you dare to be a deserter, you will be killed."

Pang Wu immediately ordered and shouted.


All the Wei generals dared not disobey.

Just when they were ready to retreat.


"Report to the general."

"A Qin army appeared in the back city."

A scout ran over in panic and loudly reported.

"What did you say?"

"Qin army appears in the back city?"

Pang Wu frowned and his expression became panicked.

Although he was retreating steadily now, every time he retreated into a city, his entire army would set up a defensive line, still blocking the Qin army to the west, preventing them from getting close to the capital.


The Qin army actually came from the back city.

Then there is only one possibility.

This Qin army came from their capital.

"Quick, go to the back city."

"General Cao, you guard the front city and don't give the Qin army an opportunity to take advantage."

Pang Wu said with a serious face.

Then without any hesitation, he walked towards the back city of the city.

On top of the city tower in the back city.

A Qin army with no more than two thousand people was lined up in front of the city.

They lined up in a row and did not launch an attack on the city where the Wei army was stationed.

"It is indeed the Qin army."

"It's impossible for them to get over the defense line I deployed, so there is only one possibility. They came from the capital."

"Could it be that something happened in the capital?"

Looking at the Qin army displayed in front of the city, Pang Wu's face became very ugly.

If the capital is really captured, then he and his hundreds of thousands of troops will be surrounded by the Qin army. What's even more frightening is that if the capital is really captured by the Qin army, then they will become rootless. It is impossible for Zhimu to compete with Qin.

Their king?

Their lord?

What is the situation now?

They don't know any of this.


"Did something really happen to Daliang?" a deputy general asked worriedly.

"With your Majesty here, my capital city is like an iron barrel and will never be broken by the Qin army."

"This may be a Qin army that came to test."

After Pang Wu thought for a moment, he said with certainty.

Maybe he also had the idea of ​​emboldening himself.


He also believed in Wei Wuji very much.

He was also present when Wei Wuji ordered the city to be repaired that day. The defense was so advanced and the city walls were so thick that they could not be broken through by manpower.

And this time!

The Qin army on the city wall moved.

I saw a Qin Qi galloping towards his city quickly, seemingly holding something in his hand.


"What does this Qin Bing want to do?"

"Do you want to shoot an arrow?"

General Wei asked on the side.

The archers on the city tower were also watching eagerly, aiming their bows and arrows at Qin Qi, who was galloping below.

"No one is allowed to take action without the general's order."

Pang Wu waved his hand to stop the surrounding soldiers.

And his eyes were staring at the city.

When Qin Qi approached the city.

It was Zhao Feng's personal guard commander, Zhang Ming.

"I don't know."

"Where is General Pang Wu of Wei State?" Zhang Ming raised his head and shouted to the tower.

"I am."

Pang Wu frowned.

Looking at Qin Qi in front of him, Pang Wu also felt uneasy in his heart.

"I am the commander of the bodyguards under General Zhao Feng of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"By order of the general, I give something to General Pang Wu."

Zhang Ming laughed.

He directly raised his hand and threw the imperial edict written by King Wei himself onto the tower.

"General, be careful."

The surrounding Wei generals were shocked.

But the imperial edict fell in front of Pang Wu very easily.

"Back off."

Pang Wu shouted coldly.

The uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger, but he also picked up the Wang Zhao from the ground.

"I am the king of Wei Dynasty."

Looking at the style of the imperial edict, he, as the general of Wei, recognized it at a glance.

With a sense of uneasiness.

General Pang Wang Zhao slowly opened it.

Enter the eyes.

Pang Wu's face instantly turned pale, and then he closed Wang Zhao's words suddenly.


"You actually used such a despicable trick to forge the edict of the King of Wei."

After closing the Wang Zhao, Pang Wu scolded Zhang Ming with a cold face.

"If you could even forge the edict of King Wei, your Kingdom of Wei would have perished long ago."

"This is written in the handwriting of your King of Wei, and it is stamped with the seal of your King of Wei."

"Your Kingdom of Wei is dead."

"Your capital has been captured by our great Qin, and your king has surrendered." "General Pang Wu."

"A unnecessary sacrifice."

Zhang Ming said seriously.

The words fell.

Pang Wu's expression changed.

The faces of the many Wei generals and Wei soldiers around him all turned pale.


"Your Majesty is personally in charge of the capital, and we have an army of nearly 400,000 from the Wei Dynasty. No matter how strong your Qin army is, it will not be possible to defeat it in just one month."

"You are definitely deceiving us."

"We're not that stupid."

"The capital is stable and will never be broken by your Qin army."

"It is impossible for a king to lose because of his great strategy..."

Pang Wu hasn't spoken yet.

The Wei generals around him started to quarrel one after another, as if they couldn't believe it.

"Your king has died."

"Most of the hundreds of thousands of troops you guarded in the Wei capital have perished."

"Your Daliang City is gone." Zhang Ming said solemnly.


"In one month, even if each of your Qin troops has the power to block ten, you will never be able to break the city in one month."

"Daliang City cannot be opened without manpower." A Wei general shouted still in disbelief.

"If I tell you."

"What conquered your capital was not manpower, but the power of heaven and earth?" Zhang Ming sneered.


Zhang Ming took off a sword from his horse.

He picked it up directly and threw it towards the tower.

The sharp sword cuts through the void.

There was a pop.

The sword edge directly pierced the ground, pierced into it, and stood on the ground on the tower.

When I saw this sword.

Pang Wu's body was trembling, and he felt a sense of powerlessness all over his body.

Just a glance.

He recognized it naturally.

This is Wei Wuji's sword, and it is also a magical weapon inherited from the era of his royal family.

If you can't recognize this, then you are not a general of the Wei Dynasty.

"Your it really already?"

Saw this sword.

No matter how hard Pang Wu couldn't believe it, a pale white appeared on his face at this moment.

"Your lord, before he dies, invites my general to fight."

"Before inviting the war, he said that all the Wei troops would be sacrificed needlessly."

"Come here today."

"I am also under the command of the general, and with the edict of your King Wei, I order you to lead your army to surrender."

"This can also be considered as the friendship between the two Chinese clans to prevent hundreds of thousands of Wei soldiers and civilians from being killed again."

Zhang Ming said loudly to Pang Wu.

Naturally, the heat has been reached at this moment, so it is natural to strike while the iron is hot.

Hear this.

Convinced of Wei Wuji's death.

Pang Wu seemed to have lost the last of his strength, his body was swaying, and he was about to collapse to the ground. Fortunately, at the last moment, Pang Wu held on to the city wall, and was able to barely hold on without falling.

"What happened to your Majesty's body?" Pang Wu asked with a trembling voice.

"Don't worry, General Pang."

"My general will not treat a loyal and loyal king lightly."

"The general has buried Lord Xinling's body in Daliangshan Palace so that he can forever see his former homeland of Wei." Zhang Ming replied immediately.

Wei Wuji's prestige in Wei was extremely high.

If his body is humiliated, it will make it difficult for the Wei troops to surrender.


Zhao Feng would not allow others to insult Wei Wuji, a loyal man.

Even as an enemy.

Wei Wuji is also worthy of admiration.

"I wonder, where is General Zhao Feng?" Pang Wu asked again.

"My general is at the rear." Zhang Ming didn't hide anything.


Pang Wu sighed.


Looking at these Wei soldiers on the city tower, they are all real people. Originally, many of them were ordinary farmers, but they were forcibly recruited.

And now.

Their life and death are in their own hands.

"Your Majesty."

"A unnecessary sacrifice?"

"What kind of situation led you to say this."

"This sentence."

"You once said that when Chu was about to leave the capital." Pang Wu lamented in his heart.

If Zhang Ming hadn't said the words "useless sacrifice", maybe Pang Wu would still be lucky to Wei Du.

But it is these four words.

Pang Wu had to believe it.

Because when the Qin Dynasty first mobilized its troops, Wei Wuji once said that if one day, his country Wei really couldn't support it anymore, if one day, he, Wei Wuji, died in battle.

If you can't bear it.

He would say four words, meaningless sacrifice.

After hearing these four words, Pang Wu surrendered without thinking too much.

"Can you please send a message to the general?"

"Pang Wu wants to see General Zhao Feng."

Pang Wu sighed and then made up his mind.

"The general is behind and waiting for you at any time."

Zhang Ming said something to Pang Wu, turned around and rode away.

Looking at Zhang Ming's figure.

Pang Wu turned his head and his voice was flat and weak: "Open the city gate."


"Is it... is it really going to surrender?"

Several Wei generals looked at him with slightly changed expressions.

"The capital has been destroyed."

"Your Majesty has died."

"Our army has been surrounded by the Qin army. What will happen if we don't surrender?"

"Do we really want to lead these hundreds of thousands of soldiers to death?" Pang Wu said with a bitter smile.

"But General."

"Is this a trick by the Qin army? Is it a fraud?"

"This sword may have been forged by the Qin army."

"Perhaps the capital was not breached at all and the Qin army was trying to deceive us?"

A Wei general said doubtfully.

Others also nodded.

They really couldn't believe that the capital had been destroyed in this month.

"Four words: unnecessary sacrifice."

"Your Majesty told me secretly."

"Your Majesty once said."

"If I hear these four words, then I will surrender."

"Do you think that I, Pang Wu, am really a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?" Pang Wu said with a helpless smile.

Hear this.

Everyone shut up.


The city gate opens.

Pang Wu staggered towards the outside of the city.

Behind him were a group of generals in the city.

When they arrived in front of the Guards formation.

He saw Zhao Feng at a glance.

"Pang Wu of Wei State."

"I wish to surrender."

After arriving, Pang Wu knelt directly in front of Zhao Feng without any hesitation.

Seeing that Pang Wu was so knowledgeable, a smile appeared on Zhao Feng's cold face.

The battle of Wei!

Maybe it can be completely settled within a month.

"The Kingdom of Wei is dead."

"Next, it depends on how King Qin will reward me."

"You can at least be promoted to one level."

"The road leading to Guowei is also more stable."

Zhao Feng thought secretly in his heart.

At this level of official rank and rank, the only one with a higher official rank is the Imperial Lieutenant.

If we use the terminology of many dynasties in later generations, he is the marshal of a country's military and the well-deserved number one military minister.

But the resistance at this position is too great.

It requires a lot of military exploits, military exploits that can overwhelm all voices.

And qualifications.

As for the title.

Zhao Feng is already a fifteenth-level knight, second only to his father-in-law Wang Jian in the Manchu Dynasty. However, after this battle, Zhao Feng's title can be on par with his father-in-law.


Huan Yi may also be promoted to a noble rank.

But if you think about it carefully, if Huan Yi can be promoted to one rank, Zhao Feng still has the possibility of being promoted to two ranks.

The specific situation still depends on what happened to King Qin.


What Zhao Feng had to do was to dispatch troops to arrange the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Daliang City.

If you are not careful and a big epidemic comes, it will be a big deal.

Time flies!

Xianyang City!

"Good news."

"Wei's great victory."

"A great victory for the Wu'an camp."

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

"Great victory..."

A fast rider rushed straight into the city outside Xianyang City.

(End of chapter)

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