Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 196: Ying Zheng: Wang Qing, Zhao Feng is Gu’s son!

Chapter 196 Ying Zheng: Wang Qing, Zhao Feng is Gu’s son!

 At the Fusu Mansion!

Wang Wan, Wei Zhuang, and some ministers who supported Fusu gathered in the mansion.

"Today's business."

"Maybe it's a bit abrupt."

Looking at the crowd of supporters in front of him, Fusu sighed.


"Today's matter is neither abrupt nor abrupt, but something that must be done."

“If you don’t do it today, you will have to do it tomorrow.”

Wang Wan said in a deep voice, although he offended Wang Jian in the court today, he also completely offended Zhao Feng.

But in Wang Wan's view, this matter had to be done.

"Of course I understand this."

"But now not only has it not been done, but it has offended both families." Fusu sighed.

He naturally understood the meaning of Wang Wan's words.

The two families control half of the military power of the Qin Dynasty, which is indeed something to be afraid of. Thinking about being named a prince and becoming a king one day, this may be something to worry about.

"After all, I still underestimated the status of Wang Jian and Zhao Feng in the heart of the king."

"Never thought about it."

"This pair of father-in-law and son-in-law hold the power of two major battalions, and the king actually has no fear of them."

"These two families are the union of father-in-law and son-in-law. Although they cannot control the court, once there is a change, they can control the world of Qin." Wei Zhuang said in a deep voice, his old face full of solemnity.

"The king is so talented and has a great strategy, so he naturally thinks that he can control it. Now our Da Qin is the key to unifying the world, but the Wang family and the Zhao family are not in the present, but in the future."


"Wang Jian and Zhao Feng will gain a higher status by relying on their military exploits. The honor of the state captain and the commander of the Qin army will inevitably appear among them."

"If this is really the case, then who in our Great Qin can be as powerful as these two families?" Wang Wan then said.

"The king is indeed a man of great talent and strategy. He can subdue hundreds of officials. Naturally, Wang Jian and Zhao Feng can also suppress him."

"But what about the future?"

"If the eldest son becomes the crown prince, with his benevolence, it may be difficult to suppress the two of them."

"In the future, they are already in a strong position, and it may be impossible to suppress them or even cause a mutiny."

"I once heard that in the Lantian camp, hundreds of thousands of soldiers only respected Wang Jian."

"In the Wu'an camp, the prisoner soldiers regard Zhao Feng as their reborn parent, and they have higher authority in the army than the king."

"The king doesn't pay attention to such a serious problem."

"Alas." Chunyu Yue also sighed.

Fusu also fell silent.

The words of several supporting ministers fell into his heart, which naturally caused some waves.

"Isn't it possible to have both sides of the problem?"

"Both Wang Jian and Zhao Feng are loyal ministers."

"They will not betray Great Qin." Fusu said slowly.


"Now, the two of them are indeed loyal ministers of the Qin Dynasty, and they are the support of the imperial court."

"But what about the future?"

"Their reputation in the military is too great."

"If one day they are targeted, if one day they are suppressed by the royal power, can the young master ensure that they will not treason?"

"Wang Jian alone is nothing to worry about."

"Zhao Feng alone is nothing to worry about."

"But if you put the two of them together, it's a real concern."

"Their fault is not in the present, but in the future."

"On the day when the young master becomes king." Wang Wan said with a serious face.


"Now that they have broken up with the Wang family and the Zhao family, they will definitely target the young master in the future."

"We must strengthen our defenses against these two companies in the future."

"Also, secretly search these two families to see if there is anything that triggers the law, which may be used for future use."


"Although the court did not ask the king to remove Wang Jian's military power today, he must be afraid in his heart. Now that the world has not been unified, the king still needs to rely on the strength of the two people. But in the future, after the world is unified, he will unify the army. It’s useless now, it’s our home court.”

Wang Wan and others started talking one after another.


They all seemed to have one goal in mind, to be wary of the Wang family and the Zhao family.

As the eldest son, Fusu, even though he was a little reluctant at the moment, seemed to be riding a tiger.

It's reached the point where he is.

Even if he doesn't want to fight, his supporters will push him to fight.

Inside Zhangtai Palace!

"I see you, Your Majesty."

Wang Jian and Xia Wuji bowed to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng raised his head and smiled slightly: "No courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Wang Jian and Xia Wuji responded at the same time.

At this time!

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Gao, who was serving on the side, and the servants serving around him.

"Back off." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.


Zhao Gao bowed and immediately retreated with his servants.

Closed the palace door.

As the palace door closes.

A group of imperial guards stood ten feet away from Zhangtai Palace to protect them, not allowing anyone to get close.

Eyes turned.

"What Wang Qing did in court today."

"It surprised me." Ying Zheng said with a slight smile.

"Return to the king."

"The authority of Chen and Zhao Feng is actually too great."

"The voices in the court are not deliberately targeted."

"The words of Chen Chaotang are not false, but come from the bottom of my heart." Wang Jian replied immediately.

What happened in the court today.

In fact, Wang Jian has thought about it many times, and sooner or later such a day will come.

If Zhao Feng was still just a general as before, Wang Jian might not feel the crisis, but now Zhao Feng is already a general in charge of an army, with a military power of 300,000.

The two combined were too great a threat to the king.

Wang Jian knew it very well.

No king could tolerate the existence of such a consistent military power.

No matter how talented this king is, he will still take it back in the end.

That's the case.

Wang Jian might as well hand it over in advance, so that he can get a better future for the Wang family, at least it will not be liquidated later. Of course, the more important thing is to be able to preserve Zhao Feng's future.

"I understand what Wang Qing means."


"The marriage between two families with military power is indeed not conducive to Gu's authority."

"But you are different."

"Zhao Feng is even different." Ying Zheng smiled slightly and looked at Wang Jian with an exceptionally gentle look.

Xia Wuqie on the side also smiled and said nothing.

When Ying Zheng summoned Wang Jian to Zhangtai Palace today, Xia Wuji naturally guessed something.

Moreover, Wang Jian was even willing to give up his power and position in the court today in order to protect Zhao Feng, which is enough to prove his sincerity towards Zhao Feng.

Therefore, Xia Wuqi also completely recognized Wang Jian's in-laws.

And heard what Ying Zheng said.

Wang Jian looked puzzled, obviously not understanding what he meant.

"What's different about Chen? What's different about Zhao Feng?" Wang Jian asked in confusion.

Ying Zheng took a deep look at Wang Jian, and then said in a solemn voice, "Because Zhao Feng is Gu's son."

The words fell.


Wang Jian's mind felt like thunder at this moment.

His whole expression changed drastically.

He looked at Ying Zheng with wide eyes, as if he had heard wrongly.


He didn't expect this part at all.

"What did the king say?"

"I didn't understand." Wang Jian thought he heard wrongly.

With a serious look on his face, Ying Zheng walked slowly in front of Wang Jian, no more than one meter apart.

"Gu said."

"Zhao Feng is Gu's son."

Ying Zheng said almost word for word.

Wang Jian's eyes widened with disbelief in his eyes, and his heart was in turmoil.

"This this…"

"how come?"

Wang Jian, who had always been calm, started to tremble when he spoke.

"Do you still remember the massacre that swept through the palace when Gu Chu succeeded to the throne?"

"Do you still remember the woman who followed Gu Chu when he returned to Da Qin?" Ying Zheng laughed, with a bit of melancholy in his eyes.

"Is it possible...Is it possible that Zhao Feng was the child of that girl Dong'er and the king?"

"That Dong'er girl is still alive?"

Wang Jian said with a trembling voice, a kind of shock appeared on his face at this moment.

This expression also looks extremely scary.

Wang Jian has never looked like this before.

"Live, live well."

"Not only that."

"She also gave birth to a pair of children." Ying Zheng said gently.

"How can this be?"

"How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Your Majesty, this is not a mistake, is it?"

"This is about the royal family and the nobles, there can be no mistake about this."

Wang Jian's voice was trembling and frightened.

Deep down I'm even more afraid of making a mistake.

If this is wrong, something really bad will happen.

And now he heard it.

Not only Zhao Feng will be implicated.

His entire Wang family will also fall into ruin.

"A lonely woman."

"The orphaned children."

"Do you think Gu will admit his mistake?"

"Don't you think Zhao Feng's appearance is somewhat similar to Gu?" Ying Zheng smiled lightly.

Hear the words.

Wang Jian glanced at Ying Zheng in front of him anxiously, and then recalled Zhao Feng's appearance.

The appearance of the two people overlapped in their mind.

"It seems that they are really similar." Wang Jian was shocked in his heart.

And at this moment.

Wang Jian thought of something again in his heart. When I was in Zhao Handan in the past.

Da Qin had just conquered Handan City not long ago.

That was also the first time Zhao Feng met Ying Zheng.

At that moment.

Ying Zheng and Zhao Feng were walking side by side. At that time, Wang Ben suddenly said something, feeling that the king and Zhao Feng were like father and son, very similar.

At that time, Wang Jian even scolded Wang Ben.

And now it seems.

Wang Ben might have really seen it at a glance.

"Your Majesty, could it be... could it be true?"

Wang Jian couldn't help but asked again.

In fact, I couldn’t help but not ask.

This matter has too much to do with it.

What if Zhao Feng is really the king's son?

Judging from his age, wouldn't he be the eldest son?


The girl Dong'er who gave birth to Zhao Feng became the queen at the time.

If this counts.

Zhao Feng!

Doesn’t his son-in-law have the right to inherit the throne of Great Qin?


Zhao Feng's performance is definitely the best among the young masters.

Judging from what the king means, it seems that he really has an idea.

Isn't that right?

Think of this.

Wang Jian's heart was in panic, and no one could understand his current mood.

"Gu, is it necessary to lie to the general?" Ying Zheng smiled lightly.

Seeing Wang Jian's reaction, Ying Zheng also felt a little funny.

"relatives by marriage."

"It's all true."

"Feng'er and Ying'er are really the king's children."

Xia Wuqie on the side stroked his beard and smiled.

"Are the rumors true?"

"Is Doctor Xia really the father of that girl Dong'er?"

Wang Jian suddenly thought about it again.

Wang Jian actually didn't know much about what happened back then, because at that time Wang Jian was still serving as the commander-in-chief of Lantian Camp and was not in the capital.

He didn't even know as much as Wang Wan and the others.

As for the rumors about Xia Wuji, the king treated them with kindness.

There are also various rumors in the government and the opposition.

Some said that Xia Wuji saved the king, and others said that the king valued Xia Wuji's medical skills. There were many opinions, but no one dared to discuss it too much.


"If that incident hadn't happened, maybe I would have become the king's father-in-law." Xia Wuji replied with emotion.

"father in law."

"In my lonely heart, you will always be."

"Never changed."

Ying Zheng turned his head and said to Xia Wuji.

"Haha." Xia Wuji laughed and was very moved.

Ying Zheng's filial piety towards him has never changed over the years, how could Xia Wuqie not feel it.

But now I have more expectations and expectations.

"Why would your Majesty tell this secret to me?"

"This thing is too big."

"If anyone knew about it, wouldn't the Zhao Feng brothers and sisters be in danger?"

Wang Jian's expression changed and he suddenly spoke.

What kind of person he was, he understood the key in just a moment.


"These things will be revealed only after the Qin Dynasty is completely unified."

"But today in the court, the general let Gu see your friendship with Feng'er."

"To be willing to give up the position of general for Feng'er, this is not something ordinary father-in-law can do."

"Based on this alone, I can trust the general." Ying Zheng said with a smile, trusting Wang Jian in his eyes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust."

"There is no edict from the king."

"I will never leak anything about this matter."

Wang Jian immediately bowed.

Ying Zheng smiled: "General, there is no need to say more."

"Speak of it."

"Now you and Gu are not only a monarch and minister, but also an in-law."

"You gave birth to a good daughter and gave birth to a pair of good grandchildren."

Hear the words.

Wang Jian immediately smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you are exaggerating. It was your Majesty who gave birth to a good son."

"Zhao Feng rose from a young age and came out from the battlefield to kill."

"This is not something that a mortal can do, but he suddenly went from a soldier to what he is now. This must be because he is the son of the king and is born extraordinary." Wang Jian said with a somewhat flattering tone. .

Listen to this.

A smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face, but he said with emotion: "The general always shows his seriousness, but I didn't expect that he would say such kind words."

"But the general is wrong."

"Zhao Feng Bufan has nothing to do with him being an orphan's son."

"I have so many sons, but none of them is like him."

"And they were all taught by famous palace teachers, but none of them live up to their expectations."

"And Feng'er has been taught by his mother since he was a child, but he is much better than these so-called famous teachers." Ying Zheng said with a helpless tone.

"Your Majesty."

"A dragon gives birth to nine sons, all of whom are different."

"This is also a given." Wang Jian replied immediately.

"I called the general here today. One of the reasons is to tell the general that Zhao Feng is Gu's son."

"Secondly, it also makes the general feel relieved."

"I will doubt anyone, but I won't doubt you."

"Don't mention the so-called resigning from old age and returning to your hometown again."

"In the future, the honor of the country's captain."

"It's not that there is no chance." Ying Zheng said to Wang Jian again.

Hear this.

Wang Jian bowed excitedly: "I swear to be loyal to your Majesty to the death."


"General, go back and rest."

"The general is dead in his heart about what happened today, so he pretends he has never heard of it."

Ying Zheng stopped talking and waved his hand to Wang Jian.

"I accept the edict."

Wang Jian bowed and retreated out of the hall with an uneasy and complicated mood.

Open the palace door.

After Wang Jian walked out, his face was still dull.

Obviously, even though the whole story was clear at this moment, Wang Jian still couldn't come to his senses for a long time.

"Congratulations, General."

All the imperial guards on duty outside bowed to Wang Jian.

Zhao Gao secretly raised his head and saw Wang Jian, who had a dull look on his face and seemed to have lost his mind, but he was happy in his heart: "It seems that Wang Wan and the others' performance in the court today still made the king fearful of the Wang family and the Zhao family. , in this case, these two families are completely on the opposite side of Fusu. "


"As long as Mr. Hu Hai doesn't offend the two families, let them fight with Fusu and the others."

"We can reap the benefits."

Zhao Gao was naturally ecstatic when he saw Wang Jian's expression.

In his opinion.

Wang Jian must have been suppressed by the king's words in Zhangtai Palace, and he was feared by the king because of Wang Wan's words.


How could he have such a dull expression?

This has never happened to Wang Jian.

But at this moment.

No one knows.

Wang Jian was still immersed in what Ying Zheng said.

"Zhao Feng is actually a young master, or the eldest son."

"My son-in-law is actually the king's son, and I am the father-in-law of the young master."

"And judging from the king's intention, it seems that he intends to make Zhao Feng the prince."

"Doesn't that mean that I, Wang Jian, will be the future head of state?"

"This is really... I had the intention to avoid being involved in the royal family's fight for the heir apparent, and to prevent my royal family from being involved in the turmoil."

"But now I'm still involved."

"And...the king has great intentions to appoint Zhao Feng as his crown prince."

Wang Jian felt extremely complicated and surprised at the moment.

Inside Zhangtai Palace!

"Wang Jian is afraid that he won't be able to sleep when he goes back this time." Ying Zheng looked at Xia Wuji and smiled.


"What Wang Jian is good at is protecting oneself wisely, and he is well versed in the ways of a minister."

"When the court encouraged him to marry his daughter to Fusu, Wang Jian also avoided doing so."

"But now I still can't avoid marrying the real eldest son." Xia Wuji smiled while stroking his beard, feeling quite emotional.

"Wang Jian."

"This is the first step."

"Today I saw his friendship for Feng'er."

"If there are still people in the court in the future, Gu will truly accept them as Feng'er's people."

"In the future, if a crown prince is really appointed, Feng'er will naturally have someone who belongs to his team."

"After the world is unified."

"When Feng'er's identity is announced, it will definitely cause shock to the entire Qin Dynasty." Ying Zheng raised his head and looked outside the hall and said.


Xia Wuji nodded heavily.

"father in law."

"You must be careful when going to Wei this time."

"In my heart, the people in Daliang City are not as important as you."

"If you really can't suppress it, you don't need to take risks yourself."

Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

(End of chapter)

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